DIRECTORY GVRetrieve USING [MBXState], IO USING [STREAM], Rope USING [ROPE]; WalnutNewMail: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; EnableMailRetrieval: PROC[ reportProc, progressProc: PROC[ROPE], getMailLog: PROC RETURNS[IO.STREAM], recordMailInfo: PROC[logLen: INT, server: ROPE, num: INT] RETURNS[BOOL], notifyWhenMailRetrieved: PROC[ok: BOOL, someMail: BOOL] _ NIL ]; DisableMailRetrieval: PROC; GetLastMailBoxStatus: PROC RETURNS[mbxState: GVRetrieve.MBXState, status: ROPE]; CheckGrapevine: PROC; END. ˘WalnutNewMail.mesa Willie-Sue, July 8, 1985 1:03:55 pm PDT Walnut Mail Reading Copyright c 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Last Edited by: Willie-Sue, January 9, 1985 10:01:17 am PST -- enables mail retrieval for the currently logged-in user; if the newMailLog is unavailable, nothing is done - it will be tried again later -- turns off mail retrieval goes out to poke grapevine for new mail Ę^˜šĎb™J™'—J™Jšœ™J™Jšœ Ďmœ1™