Install WalnutKernel Run NewWalnutUser -- Four commands have been registered -- InitWalnutFiles, InitOtherWalnutFiles, JustDoFiles -- The first three will manufacture an appropriate root file from a template, -- store it on a specified alpine server, and initialize the other -- walnut files -- InitWalnutFiles "Some rope" alpine-server -- creates the root and other files on the server -- "some rope" is an arbitrary rope (in quotes) -- (it is stored in the database and log files) -- alpine-server is a name, such as Luther or Ebbetts -- NewWalnutUser userRName alpine-server -- creates the root and other files on the server for someone else -- only an alpineWheel can do this -- alpine-server is a name, such as Luther or Ebbetts -- InitOtherWalnutFiles "[server.alpine]subdir>subdir>..." "some rope" -- creates a non-mail walnut database using the above as a base name -- "some rope" is an arbitrary rope (in quotes) -- JustDoFiles fullPathNameforaWalnut.RootFile -- re-initializes an existing set of walnut files -- if any log file is not empty, you have to confirm to continue ŠNewWalnutUser.load Copyright c 1985, 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Willie-Sue Orr, June 4, 1986 10:10:21 am PDT ΚΨ˜šΟn Οb™Icodešœ Οmœ7™BJ™,—J˜J˜Jšœ˜J˜Jšœ%˜%JšœΟo2˜6J˜NJ˜DJ˜J˜šœ œ ˜-Jšœ1˜1˜0J˜/—Jšœ5˜5—J˜šœ  œ ˜)JšœB˜BJ˜#Jšœ5˜5—J˜šœ N˜RJ˜DJšœ1˜1—J˜šœ +˜.J˜1J˜@—J˜—…—\Ύ