immProcFont: VFonts.Font ← NIL, --NIL means use Viewers default
preProcFont: VFonts.Font ← NIL, --font for prepared procedure names
doitFont: VFonts.Font ← NIL, --for the Doit button in Proc's args rec
stateFont: VFonts.Font ← NIL, --for the State label in Proc's args rec
nameFont: VFonts.Font ← NIL, --for first half of name:value pairs
labelFont: VFonts.Font ← NIL, --for the label of the RecordViewer
bordElts: BOOL ← FALSE, --draw border around every Name-Value pair
bordRecs: BOOL ← TRUE, --border a Value if it is a RECORD
bordImmProcs: BOOL ← TRUE, --border immediate PROCEDUREs
bordPreProcs: BOOL ← TRUE, --border prepared PROCEDUREs
bordDoit: BOOL ← TRUE, --border the Doit button in a Proc's args rec
bordState: BOOL ← FALSE, --border the State label in a Proc's args
vSep: CARDINAL ← 2, --spacing between lines of stuff
hSep: CARDINAL ← 5, --spacing between things on a line
vPad: CARDINAL ← 3, --height of Value boxes, beyond font height
hPad: CARDINAL ← 1, --width of Value boxes, beyond string width
nvSep: CARDINAL ← 3, --seperation between Name and Value
vStilts: INTEGER ← 1, --artificially lower the Name Label this much
feedBackHeight: CARDINAL ← 40, --how high the FeedBack Window is
minFeedBackWidth: CARDINAL ← 100, --unless height is 0, of course
minRecordWidth: CARDINAL ← 100, --lower bound for RECORDs
defaultTargetWidth: CARDINAL ← 400,
relayoutable: BOOL ← TRUE,
mayInitiateRelayout: BOOL ← TRUE,
maxEltsHeight: CARDINAL ← 290, --limits display for elements
maxArgsHeight: CARDINAL ← 310, --limits PROC arg display height
doAllRecords: BOOL ← FALSE, --if TRUE, every record is judged simple enough to attempt to display; components will still be judged individually
exclusiveProcs: BOOL ← TRUE, --makes procs mutually exclusive
holdOff: BOOL ← FALSE, --prevents actually calling PROCs
highlightSelectedProc: BOOL ← TRUE, --causes current Proc Button to display Black on Grey
other: List.AList ← NIL --for expansion