Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Michael Plass, April 25, 1985 1:22:42 pm PST
Rick Beach, June 3, 1985 2:11:22 pm PDT
Bob Hagmann November 22, 1985 11:53:46 am PST
Ascii USING [CR, SP, TAB],
Buttons USING [ButtonProc, Create],
Commander USING [CommandProc, Handle, Register],
CommandTool USING [DoCommand],
Containers USING [ChildXBound],
Convert USING [Error, IntFromRope, RopeFromInt],
FileNames USING [CurrentWorkingDirectory],
FS USING [ComponentPositions, Delete, EnumerateForNames, Error, ExpandName, NameProc],
Icons USING [DrawIcon, IconFlavor, NewIconFromFile],
Imager USING [DoSaveAll, MaskRectangleI, SetColor],
ImagerBackdoor USING [invert],
IO USING [CharClass, EndOf, EndOfStream, GetLineRope, GetTokenRope, IDProc, PutChar, PutRope, RIS, STREAM],
Labels USING [Create, Set],
Menus USING [CreateEntry, CreateMenu, GetNumberOfLines, InsertMenuEntry, Menu, MenuEntry, MenuProc],
PieViewers USING [Create, Set],
PressPrinter USING [Abort, CurrentProgress, CurrentState, CurrentStateMessage, Handle, IsAPressFile, ProgressProc, SendPressFile, State],
PressScreen USING [NewPressName, PressScreen, Side],
PrincOps USING [],
PrincOpsUtils USING [],
Process USING [CheckForAbort, Detach, Pause, priorityBackground, SecondsToTicks, SetPriority, Ticks],
PseudoCursors USING [Create],
Rope USING [Cat, Concat, Equal, Fetch, Find, IsEmpty, Length, ROPE, Substr],
RuntimeError USING [UNCAUGHT],
SafeStorage USING [ReclaimCollectibleObjects],
TSFormat USING [FormatOneOutputFile],
TSGlue USING [],
TSOutput USING [Handle],
TSViewer USING [RemoteOrLocalState, Tool, ToolRec],
UserCredentials USING [Get],
UserProfile USING [Boolean, Token],
ViewerClasses USING [AdjustProc, PaintProc, Viewer, ViewerClass, ViewerClassRec],
ViewerOps USING [AddProp, CreateViewer, DestroyViewer, EnumerateViewers, EnumProc, EstablishViewerPosition, FetchProp, FetchViewerClass, PaintViewer, RegisterViewerClass, SetMenu, SetOpenHeight],
ViewerPrivate USING [selectedIcon],
ViewerSpecs USING [captionHeight, iconHeight, iconWidth, menuHeight, scrollBarW, windowBorderSize],
ViewerTools USING [GetContents, GetSelectedViewer, InhibitUserEdits, MakeNewTextViewer, SetContents, SetSelection];
IMPORTS Buttons, Commander, CommandTool, Containers, Convert, FileNames, FS, Imager, ImagerBackdoor, Icons, IO, Labels, Menus, PieViewers, PressPrinter, PressScreen, Process, PseudoCursors, Rope, RuntimeError, SafeStorage, TSFormat, UserCredentials, UserProfile, ViewerOps, ViewerPrivate, ViewerSpecs, ViewerTools
indent: INTEGER = 4;
longIndent: INTEGER = 128;
baseline: INTEGER = 16;
rightIcon: Icons.IconFlavor ← Icons.NewIconFromFile["TSetter.icons", 0];
leftIcon: Icons.IconFlavor ← Icons.NewIconFromFile["TSetter.icons", 2];
NewButton: Menus.MenuProc = {
IF mouseButton=yellow THEN ShowMessage[NARROW[clientData], doc[New]]
selectedViewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← ViewerTools.GetSelectedViewer[];
server: ROPENIL;
server ← IF selectedViewer = NIL OR selectedViewer.class.get = NIL THEN NIL
ELSE NARROW[selectedViewer.class.get[selectedViewer, $SelChars !
RuntimeError.UNCAUGHT => CONTINUE]];
IF server.Length < 2 THEN server ← NIL;
[] ← NewTool[server];
doc: REF ARRAY MenuCode OF ROPE ← InitDoc[];
MenuCode: TYPE = {New, RightScreen, Screen, LeftScreen, All, Print, Get, StopSending, Stop, Pause};
d ← NEW[ARRAY MenuCode OF ROPE];
d[New] ← "New: Create a new typesetter tool for selected server.";
d[RightScreen] ← ">: Print the right side of the screen.";
d[Screen] ← "Screen: Print the whole screen.";
d[LeftScreen] ← "<: Print the left side of the screen.";
d[All] ← "All: Print all the documents in one press file.";
d[Print] ← "Print: Print the documents named above.";
d[Get] ← "Get: Add selected documents to the document queue.";
d[StopSending] ← "StopSending: Abort transmission to the printer.";
d[Stop] ← "Stop: Stop typesetting as soon as possible.";
d[Pause] ← "Pause: Stop typesetting at end of current document.";
RETURNS [Tool] = {
data: Tool ← NEW[ToolRec ← [stop: FALSE, feedBack: feedBack]];
curY: INTEGER ← indent/2;
NextY: PROCEDURE RETURNS [y:NAT] = {y ← curY ← curY+baseline};
container: ViewerClasses.Viewer ←
flavor: $TSetter,
info: [name: IF server.Length = 0 THEN "TSetter" ELSE server,
column: right, scrollable: FALSE
paint: FALSE
menu: Menus.Menu ← Menus.CreateMenu[];
InsertMenuEntry: PROCEDURE [name: ROPE,
proc: Menus.MenuProc, fork: BOOLFALSE, row: INTEGER ← 0,
copy: BOOLFALSE, documentation: ROPENIL, guarded: BOOLFALSE] = {
menuEntry: Menus.MenuEntry ~ Menus.CreateEntry[name: name, proc: proc, clientData: data, documentation: documentation, fork: fork, guarded: guarded];
Menus.InsertMenuEntry[menu, menuEntry];
InsertMenuEntry[name: "New", proc: NewButton, fork: FALSE, documentation: doc[New]];
InsertMenuEntry[name: ">", proc: RightScreenButton, fork: TRUE,
documentation: doc[RightScreen]];
InsertMenuEntry[name: "Screen", proc: ScreenButton, fork: TRUE,
documentation: doc[Screen]];
InsertMenuEntry[name: "<", proc: LeftScreenButton, fork: TRUE,
documentation: doc[LeftScreen]];
InsertMenuEntry[name: "All", proc: AllButton, fork: FALSE, documentation: doc[All]];
InsertMenuEntry[name: "Print", proc: PrintButton, fork: FALSE, documentation: doc[Print]];
InsertMenuEntry[name: "Get", proc: GetSelectionButton, fork: FALSE,
documentation: doc[Get]];
InsertMenuEntry[name: "StopSending", proc: StopSendingButton, fork: FALSE, documentation: doc[StopSending]];
InsertMenuEntry[name: "Stop", proc: StopButton, fork: FALSE, documentation: doc[Stop] ];
InsertMenuEntry[name: "Pause", proc: PauseButton, fork: FALSE, documentation: doc[Pause]];
ViewerOps.SetMenu[container, menu];
data.nameButton ← Buttons.Create[
info:[name: "Documents: ", wx: indent, wy: curY, parent: container, border: FALSE],
clientData: data,
proc: NameButton,
fork: FALSE,
paint: FALSE,
documentation: "Select the document name window. The right button empties it first."
PlaceChild[data.nameButton, 0, 0, TRUE];
data.nameBox ← ViewerTools.MakeNewTextViewer[
info:[wx: data.nameButton.wx + data.nameButton.ww, wy: curY+1, ww: 4*72, wh: data.nameButton.wh,
parent: container, scrollable: TRUE, border: FALSE],
paint: FALSE
PlaceChild[data.nameBox, 0, 0, FALSE];
Containers.ChildXBound[container, data.nameBox]; -- Let the text box grow to the right
data.pie ← PieViewers.Create[parent: container, x: indent, y: NextY[]];
PlaceChild[data.pie, 1, 0, TRUE];
data.miniDisplay ← PseudoCursors.Create[parent: container, x: indent+20, y: curY];
PlaceChild[data.miniDisplay, 1, 0, TRUE];
data.messageBox ← ViewerTools.MakeNewTextViewer[
info: [wx: indent + 40, wy: curY, ww: 350, wh: 16, parent: container, scrollable: TRUE, border: TRUE],
paint: FALSE
PlaceChild[data.messageBox, 1, 0, FALSE];
data.serverName ← server;
data.serverPie ← PieViewers.Create[parent: container, x: indent, y: NextY[], total: 1.0];
PlaceChild[data.serverPie, 2, 0, TRUE];
data.serverMsg ← ViewerTools.MakeNewTextViewer[
info: [wx: indent + 40, wy: curY, ww: 350, wh: 16, parent: container, scrollable: TRUE, border: TRUE],
paint: FALSE
PlaceChild[data.serverMsg, 2, 0, FALSE];
data.copiesBox ← Buttons.Create[
info:[name: "Copies: ", wx: indent, wy: NextY[], parent: container, border: FALSE],
clientData: data,
proc: CopiesButton,
fork: FALSE,
paint: FALSE,
documentation: "Set the number of copies. Gets reset to 1 after each file is sent."
PlaceChild[data.copiesBox, 3, 0, TRUE];
data.copiesBox ← ViewerTools.MakeNewTextViewer[
info:[wx: data.copiesBox.wx + data.copiesBox.ww, wy: curY+1, ww: 72, wh: data.nameButton.wh,
parent: container, scrollable: FALSE, border: FALSE],
paint: FALSE
PlaceChild[data.copiesBox, 3, 0, TRUE];
data.remoteBox ← Buttons.Create[
info:[name: "Remote or Local: ", wx: longIndent , wy: curY, parent: container, border: FALSE],
clientData: data,
proc: RemoteOrLocalButton,
fork: FALSE,
paint: FALSE
PlaceChild[data.remoteBox, 3, 0, TRUE];
data.remoteBox ← Labels.Create[
info:[name: "best performance", wx: data.remoteBox.wx+data.remoteBox.ww , wy: curY, parent: container, border: FALSE],
paint: FALSE
data.remoteState ← bestPerformance;
PlaceChild[data.remoteBox, 3, 0, TRUE];
data.tempPressLabel ← Buttons.Create[
info:[name: "Temporary Press Files: ", wx: indent , wy: NextY[], parent: container, border: FALSE],
clientData: data,
proc: TempPressButton,
fork: FALSE,
paint: FALSE
PlaceChild[data.tempPressLabel, 3, 1, TRUE];
data.tempPressLabel ← Labels.Create[
info:[name: "FALSE", wx: data.tempPressLabel.wx+data.tempPressLabel.ww , wy: curY, parent: container, border: FALSE],
paint: FALSE
PlaceChild[data.tempPressLabel, 3, 1, TRUE];
TempPress[data, UserProfile.Boolean["Hardcopy.TemporaryPressFiles"]];
Containers.ChildXBound[container, data.copiesBox];
ViewerTools.SetContents[data.copiesBox, "1"];
ViewerOps.SetOpenHeight[container, curY+indent/2+baseline];
ViewerOps.PaintViewer[container, all];
ShowMessage[data, "Ready"];
RETURN [data]
PositionInfoRec: TYPE = RECORD [
nVar: NAT, -- number of stretchy children above this one
nFixed: NAT, -- number of fixed-height children above this one
fixed: BOOLEAN -- true if this child is fixed in height
PlaceChild: PROCEDURE [viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer, nVar, nFixed: NAT,
fixed: BOOLEANTRUE] = {
ViewerOps.AddProp[viewer, $TSViewerPositionInfo, NEW[PositionInfoRec ←
[nVar, nFixed, fixed]]];
SetViewerPosition: PROCEDURE [viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer, x,y,w,h: INTEGER] = {
OPEN viewer;
vbs: INTEGER = IF border THEN ViewerSpecs.windowBorderSize ELSE 0;
wx ← x; wy ← y; ww ← w; wh ← h;
ch ← wh - (vbs+vbs) - (IF column=static OR parent#NIL THEN 0 ELSE ViewerSpecs.captionHeight);
IF menu#NIL THEN ch ← ch - (Menus.GetNumberOfLines[menu]*ViewerSpecs.menuHeight);
cx ← wx + vbs + (IF scrollable THEN ViewerSpecs.scrollBarW ELSE 0);
cy ← wy + vbs;
cw ← ww - (cx-wx) - vbs;
TSViewerAdjust: ViewerClasses.AdjustProc = {
varbaseline: NATMAX[baseline, (self.ch-indent-2*baseline)/3];
FOR v: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← self.child, v.sibling UNTIL v=NIL DO
WITH ViewerOps.FetchProp[v, $TSViewerPositionInfo] SELECT FROM
positionInfo: REF PositionInfoRec => {
ViewerOps.EstablishViewerPosition[viewer: v, x: v.wx,
y: varbaseline*positionInfo.nVar + baseline*positionInfo.nFixed + indent/2,
w: v.ww,
h: IF positionInfo.fixed THEN baseline ELSE varbaseline
TSViewerPaint: ViewerClasses.PaintProc = {
drawIcon: PROC ~ {
Icons.DrawIcon[flavor: IF self.column = left THEN leftIcon ELSE rightIcon,
context: context, x: 0, y: 0,
label: self.name];
IF self.iconic THEN {
Imager.DoSaveAll[context, drawIcon];
IF ViewerPrivate.selectedIcon=self THEN {
Imager.SetColor[context, ImagerBackdoor.invert];
Imager.MaskRectangleI[context, 0, 0, ViewerSpecs.iconWidth, ViewerSpecs.iconHeight];
ShowMessage: PROCEDURE [tool: Tool, msg: ROPE] = {
tool.messageLog ← msg ← tool.messageLog.Cat["\n", msg];
ViewerTools.SetContents[tool.messageBox, msg];
[] ← tool.messageBox.class.scroll[tool.messageBox, thumb, 100];
StopButton: Menus.MenuProc = {
tool: Tool ← NARROW[clientData];
tool.selfDestruct ← FALSE;
IF mouseButton=yellow THEN ShowMessage[tool, doc[Stop]]
ELSE Stop[tool]
tool.stop ← TRUE;
PauseButton: Menus.MenuProc = {
tool: Tool ← NARROW[clientData];
tool.selfDestruct ← FALSE;
IF mouseButton=yellow THEN ShowMessage[tool, doc[Pause]]
ELSE Pause[tool]
tool.pause ← TRUE;
StopSendingButton: Menus.MenuProc = {
tool: Tool ← NARROW[clientData];
tool.selfDestruct ← FALSE;
IF mouseButton=yellow THEN ShowMessage[tool, doc[StopSending]]
ELSE StopSending[tool]
tool.stopSending ← TRUE;
NameButton: ENTRY Buttons.ButtonProc = {ENABLE UNWIND => NULL;
tool: Tool ← NARROW[clientData];
tool.selfDestruct ← FALSE;
IF mouseButton = blue THEN ViewerTools.SetContents[tool.nameBox, ""];
Copies: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [tool: Tool, copies: NAT] = {
ViewerTools.SetContents[tool.copiesBox, Convert.RopeFromInt[copies]];
CopiesButton: Buttons.ButtonProc = {
tool: Tool ← NARROW[clientData];
tool.selfDestruct ← FALSE;
IF mouseButton = blue THEN ViewerTools.SetContents[tool.copiesBox, ""];
TempPress: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [tool: Tool, temporaryPressFiles: BOOLEAN] = {
tool.tempPress ← temporaryPressFiles;
Labels.Set[tool.tempPressLabel, IF tool.tempPress THEN "TRUE" ELSE "FALSE"];
TempPressButton: Buttons.ButtonProc = {
tool: Tool ← NARROW[clientData];
tool.tempPress ← NOT tool.tempPress;
tool.selfDestruct ← FALSE;
Labels.Set[tool.tempPressLabel, IF tool.tempPress THEN "TRUE" ELSE "FALSE"];
RemoteOrLocalButton: Buttons.ButtonProc = {
tool: Tool ← NARROW[clientData];
currentOption: ROPE;
tool.selfDestruct ← FALSE;
currentOption ← ViewerTools.GetContents[tool.remoteBox];
tool.remoteState ← IF tool.remoteState = TSViewer.RemoteOrLocalState.LAST THEN TSViewer.RemoteOrLocalState.FIRST ELSE tool.remoteState.SUCC;
Labels.Set[tool.remoteBox, SELECT tool.remoteState FROM
bestPerformance => "best performance",
localOnly => "local only",
remoteOnly => "remote only"
ENDCASE => "???"];
GetNames: ENTRY PROCEDURE [tool: Tool] RETURNS [gotIt: BOOLEANTRUE, names: LIST OF ROPE ← NIL] = {
rope: ROPE ~ ViewerTools.GetContents[tool.nameBox];
length: NAT ~ rope.Length;
i, start: NAT ← 0;
c: CHAR;
currentName: LIST OF ROPE;
IF tool.pause OR tool.stop THEN
{tool.process ← NIL; NOTIFY tool.idle; RETURN[FALSE, NIL]};
names ← CONS[NIL, NIL];
currentName ← names;
WHILE i<length AND ((c ← rope.Fetch[i]) = Ascii.SP OR c=Ascii.CR OR c=Ascii.TAB OR c=', OR c=';)
DO i ← i+1 ENDLOOP;
start ← i;
UNTIL i>=length OR (c ← rope.Fetch[i]) = Ascii.SP OR c=Ascii.CR OR c=Ascii.TAB OR c=', OR c=';
DO i ← i+1 ENDLOOP;
IF i-start <= 0 THEN EXIT;
currentName.rest ← CONS[rope.Substr[start: start, len: i-start], NIL];
currentName ← currentName.rest;
WHILE i<length AND ((c ← rope.Fetch[i]) = Ascii.SP OR c=Ascii.CR OR c=Ascii.TAB OR c=', OR c=';)
DO i ← i+1 ENDLOOP;
IF i >= length OR ~tool.singleOutputFile THEN EXIT;
ViewerTools.SetContents[tool.nameBox, rope.Substr[start: i]];
names ← names.rest;
IF names = NIL OR names.first.IsEmpty[] THEN {
tool.process ← NIL;
NOTIFY tool.idle;
FindFileViewer: PROC[file: Rope.ROPE]
RETURNS[viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer] = {
FindViewer: ViewerOps.EnumProc = {
IF Rope.Find[v.file, file, 0, FALSE] = 0
THEN {viewer ← v; RETURN[FALSE]}
WaitUntilSaved: PROC [fileName: Rope.ROPE, tool: Tool] = {
viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL;
viewer ← FindFileViewer[fileName];
IF viewer # NIL AND viewer.newVersion THEN {
v: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← viewer;
IF viewer.saveInProgress THEN RETURN[TRUE];
WHILE (v ← v.link) # NIL AND (v # viewer) DO
IF v.saveInProgress THEN RETURN[TRUE];
IF NOT SomeSaveInProgress[] THEN {
IF tool.feedBack = NIL THEN {
ShowMessage[tool, Rope.Cat["***Please save ", viewer.name, ". . . \n"]];
tool.feedBack.PutRope[Rope.Cat["***Please save ", viewer.name, ". . . \n"]];
UNTIL SomeSaveInProgress[]
IF SomeSaveInProgress[] THEN {
IF tool.feedBack = NIL THEN {
ShowMessage[tool, Rope.Cat["***Waiting for ", viewer.name, " to finish being saved. . . "]];
tool.feedBack.PutRope[Rope.Cat["***Waiting for ", viewer.name, " to finish being saved. . . "]];
WHILE SomeSaveInProgress[] DO
IF tool.feedBack = NIL THEN ShowMessage[tool, "ok\n"]
ELSE tool.feedBack.PutRope["ok\n"];
InsureSaved: PROC [tool: Tool, names: LIST OF ROPE] = {
wDir: ROPE = FileNames.CurrentWorkingDirectory[];
FOR loopNames: LIST OF ROPE ← names, loopNames.rest UNTIL loopNames = NIL DO
currentName: ROPE = loopNames.first;
IF Rope.Find[currentName, ">"] < 0 AND Rope.Find[currentName, "/"] < 0
THEN FS.ExpandName[currentName, wDir].fullFName
ELSE currentName,
GetPressName: PROCEDURE [tool: Tool] RETURNS [pressName: ROPE] = {
nameLen: INT ← 0;
cp: FS.ComponentPositions; dirOmitted: BOOLEAN;
[tool.currentName, cp, dirOmitted] ← FS.ExpandName[tool.currentName];
IF tool.currentName.Substr[cp.ext.start, cp.ext.length].Equal["Tioga", FALSE] THEN
pressName ← tool.currentName.Substr[cp.base.start, cp.base.length]
ELSE pressName ← tool.currentName.Substr[cp.base.start, cp.ext.start+cp.ext.length-cp.base.start];
IF tool.singleOutputFile THEN pressName ← pressName.Concat[".etc"];
pressName ← pressName.Concat[".press"];
IF cp.server.length = 0 THEN {
pressName ← tool.currentName.Substr[0, cp.base.start].Concat[pressName];
IF tool.tempPress THEN pressName ← pressName.Concat["$"];
IF pressName.Equal[tool.pressName] THEN {
ViewerTools.SetContents[tool.serverMsg, ""]
PrintButton: Menus.MenuProc = {
tool: Tool ← NARROW[clientData];
tool.selfDestruct ← FALSE;
IF mouseButton=yellow THEN ShowMessage[tool, doc[Print]]
ELSE Print[tool]
Print: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE [tool: Tool] = {
tool.pause ← tool.stop ← tool.stopSending ← FALSE;
IF tool.process=NIL THEN TRUSTED {Process.Detach[tool.process ← FORK TypesetProcess[tool]]};
AllButton: Menus.MenuProc = {
tool: Tool ← NARROW[clientData];
tool.selfDestruct ← FALSE;
IF mouseButton=yellow THEN ShowMessage[tool, doc[All]]
ELSE PrintAll[tool]};
PrintAll: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [tool: Tool] = {
tool.singleOutputFile ← TRUE;
LeftScreenButton: Menus.MenuProc = {
tool: Tool ← NARROW[clientData];
tool.selfDestruct ← FALSE;
IF mouseButton=yellow THEN ShowMessage[tool, doc[LeftScreen]]
ELSE Screen[tool, leftSide]
ScreenButton: Menus.MenuProc = {
tool: Tool ← NARROW[clientData];
tool.selfDestruct ← FALSE;
IF mouseButton=yellow THEN ShowMessage[tool, doc[Screen]]
ELSE Screen[tool, bothSides]
RightScreenButton: Menus.MenuProc = {
tool: Tool ← NARROW[clientData];
tool.selfDestruct ← FALSE;
IF mouseButton=yellow THEN ShowMessage[tool, doc[RightScreen]]
ELSE Screen[tool, rightSide]
Screen: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [tool: Tool, side: PressScreen.Side] = {
pressName: ROPE;
TRUSTED {pressName ← PressScreen.NewPressName[]};
IF tool.tempPress THEN pressName ← pressName.Concat["$"];
TRUSTED {PressScreen.PressScreen[pressName, side]};
ShowMessage[tool, pressName.Concat[" completed"]];
IF NOT tool.debug AND NOT tool.stop AND tool.serverName.Length # 0 THEN {
tool.pressName ← pressName;
TypesetProcess: PROCEDURE [tool: Tool] = {
didNothing: BOOLEANTRUE;
names: LIST OF ROPE;
outputHandle: TSOutput.Handle ← NIL;
TRUSTED {Process.SetPriority[Process.priorityBackground]};
WHILE ([gotIt: gotIt, names: names] ← GetNames[tool]).gotIt DO
didNothing ← FALSE;
IF tool.singleOutputFile THEN {
tool.currentName ← names.first;
ShowMessage[tool, tool.currentName];
tool.pressName ← GetPressName[tool];
IF PressPrinter.IsAPressFile[tool.currentName] THEN {
tool.pressName ← tool.currentName;
IF NOT tool.debug AND NOT tool.stop AND tool.serverName.Length # 0 THEN
InsureSaved[tool, names];
TSFormat.FormatOneOutputFile[tool, names ! ABORTED => CONTINUE];
IF NOT tool.debug AND NOT tool.stop AND tool.serverName.Length # 0 THEN StartSending[tool];
ELSE { -- the "All" button means to format to one output file
currentListTail: LIST OF ROPE ← currentList;
tool.pressName ← NIL ;
FOR n: LIST OF ROPE ← names, n.rest UNTIL n = NIL DO
tool.currentName ← n.first;
IF tool.pressName = NIL THEN tool.pressName ← GetPressName[tool];
ShowMessage[tool, tool.currentName];
IF PressPrinter.IsAPressFile[tool.currentName] THEN {
IF currentList.rest # NIL THEN {
currentList ← currentList.rest;
TSFormat.FormatOneOutputFile[tool, currentList ! ABORTED => CONTINUE];
IF NOT tool.debug AND NOT tool.stop AND tool.serverName.Length # 0 THEN StartSending[tool];
currentList ← CONS[NIL, NIL];
currentListTail ← currentList;
ShowMessage[tool, tool.currentName];
tool.pressName ← tool.currentName;
IF NOT tool.debug AND NOT tool.stop AND tool.serverName.Length # 0 THEN
tool.pressName ← NIL;
ShowMessage[tool, tool.currentName];
InsureSaved[tool, names];
currentListTail.rest ← CONS[n.first, NIL];
currentListTail ← currentListTail.rest;
IF currentList.rest # NIL THEN {
currentList ← currentList.rest;
TSFormat.FormatOneOutputFile[tool, currentList ! ABORTED => CONTINUE];
IF NOT tool.debug AND NOT tool.stop AND tool.serverName.Length # 0 THEN StartSending[tool];
tool.singleOutputFile ← FALSE;
IF didNothing THEN ShowMessage[tool, "Ready"];
IF tool.selfDestruct THEN WaitForSendIdle[tool];
IF tool.stop OR tool.stopSending THEN tool.selfDestruct ← FALSE;
IF tool.selfDestruct THEN ViewerOps.DestroyViewer[tool.messageBox.parent];
QueueRequest: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE [tool: Tool, documentName: ROPE] = {
queue: ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetContents[tool.nameBox];
IF queue.Length = 0 THEN queue ← documentName
ELSE queue ← queue.Cat[" ", documentName];
ViewerTools.SetContents[tool.nameBox, queue];
GetSelectionButton: Menus.MenuProc = {
tool: Tool ← NARROW[clientData, Tool];
tool.selfDestruct ← FALSE;
IF mouseButton=yellow THEN ShowMessage[tool, doc[Get]]
selectedViewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← ViewerTools.GetSelectedViewer[];
sourceName: ROPENIL;
sourceName ← IF selectedViewer = NIL OR selectedViewer.class.get = NIL THEN NIL
ELSE NARROW[selectedViewer.class.get[selectedViewer, $SelChars !
RuntimeError.UNCAUGHT => CONTINUE]];
IF sourceName.Length <=1 THEN {
IF (selectedViewer = NIL) THEN
{ShowMessage[tool, "Selection not in text viewer"]; sourceName ← NIL}
ELSE sourceName ← selectedViewer.name;
QueueRequest[tool, sourceName];
WaitForIdle: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE [tool: Tool] = {
WHILE tool.process # NIL DO WAIT tool.idle ENDLOOP;
WHILE tool.serverProcess # NIL DO WAIT tool.serverIdle ENDLOOP;
WaitForSendIdle: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE [tool: Tool] = {
WHILE tool.serverProcess # NIL DO WAIT tool.serverIdle ENDLOOP;
StartSending: PROCEDURE [tool: Tool] = {
IF tool.serverName.Equal["*"] THEN DoShowPress[tool.pressName]
ELSE MonitoredStartSending[tool];
MonitoredStartSending: ENTRY PROCEDURE [tool: Tool] = {
UNTIL tool.serverProcess = NIL DO WAIT tool.serverIdle ENDLOOP;
TRUSTED {Process.Detach[tool.serverProcess ← FORK SendingProcess[tool, tool.pressName]]};
FinishSending: ENTRY PROCEDURE [tool: Tool] = {
tool.serverProcess ← NIL;
BROADCAST tool.serverIdle;
ViewerTools.SetContents[tool.copiesBox, "1"]; -- should set it to one here only if there is nothing more to print, but I didn't figure out how to determine that yet...
SendingProcess: PROCEDURE [tool: Tool, pressName: ROPE] = {
ENABLE ABORTED => {FinishSending[tool]; GOTO Quit};
prevMsg: ROPENIL;
AbortablePause: PROC [seconds: CARDINAL] ~ {
oneSecond: Process.Ticks ~ Process.SecondsToTicks[1];
THROUGH [0..seconds] DO
IF tool.stopSending THEN GO TO Aborted;
Aborted => DisplayMsg["Transmission aborted"];
DisplayMsg: PROC [rope: ROPE] ~ {
IF prevMsg # rope THEN {
ViewerTools.SetContents[tool.serverMsg, ViewerTools.GetContents[tool.serverMsg].Cat["\n",rope]];
[] ← tool.serverMsg.class.scroll[tool.serverMsg, thumb, 100];
The line cache in Tioga 1 is global and used by both scrolling and selection.
Invalidate it as a good citizen (guess scrolling was never expected to be asynchronous)
prevMsg ← rope;
tryAgain: BOOLFALSE;
progressProc: PressPrinter.ProgressProc = {
state: PressPrinter.State ~ handle.CurrentState;
PieViewers.Set[tool.serverPie, 1.0-handle.CurrentProgress];
IF tryAgain=FALSE OR state#aborted THEN DisplayMsg[handle.CurrentStateMessage];
IF state=serverBusy OR state=serverTimeout THEN {tryAgain ← TRUE; handle.Abort};
IF tool.stopSending THEN {tryAgain ← FALSE; handle.Abort};
copies: INT ← 1;
copies ← MAX[0, Convert.IntFromRope[ViewerTools.GetContents[tool.copiesBox] ! Convert.Error => CONTINUE]];
IF copies > 0 THEN {
printedBy: ROPE ← UserProfile.Token["Hardcopy.PrintedBy", ""];
tryAgain ← FALSE;
[] ← PressPrinter.SendPressFile[
fileName: pressName,
server: tool.serverName,
progressProc: progressProc,
copies: copies,
userName: IF printedBy.Length = 0 THEN UserCredentials.Get[].name ELSE printedBy
IF TemporaryName[pressName] THEN {
FS.Delete[pressName ! FS.Error => {
EXITS Quit => {}
TemporaryName: PROC [rope: ROPE] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ {
fullFName: ROPE;
cp: FS.ComponentPositions;
[fullFName, cp] ← FS.ExpandName[rope];
RETURN [fullFName.Fetch[cp.ext.start+cp.ext.length-1] = '$]
GetName: PROC [stream: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [name: ROPE] ~ {
name ← NIL;
name ← IO.GetTokenRope[stream, IO.IDProc ! IO.EndOfStream => CONTINUE].token;
FileNameBreakProc: PROC [char: CHAR] RETURNS [IO.CharClass] = {
IF char = ' OR char = '  OR char = ', OR char = '; OR char = '\n THEN RETURN [sepr];
RETURN [other];
GetFileName: PROC [stream: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [name: ROPE] ~ {
name ← NIL;
name ← IO.GetTokenRope[stream, FileNameBreakProc ! IO.EndOfStream => CONTINUE].token;
GetLine: PROC [stream: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [line: ROPE] ~ {
line ← NIL;
line ← IO.GetLineRope[stream ! IO.EndOfStream => CONTINUE];
DoShowPress: PROC [pressFileName: ROPE] ~ {
[] ← CommandTool.DoCommand[Rope.Concat["ShowPress ", pressFileName], NIL];
TSetterExecCommand: Commander.CommandProc = {
tool: Tool;
stream: IO.STREAMIO.RIS[cmd.commandLine];
serverName: ROPE ← GetName[stream];
files: ROPENIL;
WHILE NOT IO.EndOf[stream] DO
token: ROPE ← GetFileName[stream];
IF token # NIL THEN {
ENABLE FS.Error => {IF error.group=user THEN {cmd.out.PutRope[error.explanation]; cmd.out.PutChar['\n]; CONTINUE} ELSE REJECT};
CatProc: FS.NameProc = {
files ← files.Cat[" ", fullFName];
IF token.Find["*"] = -1 THEN [] ← CatProc[FS.ExpandName[token].fullFName]
IF token.Find["!"] = -1 THEN token ← token.Concat["!H"];
FS.EnumerateForNames[pattern: token, proc: CatProc];
IF serverName.Length=0 THEN serverName ← UserProfile.Token["Hardcopy.PressPrinter", ""];
tool ← NewTool[serverName];
IF files.Length > 0 THEN {tool.selfDestruct ← TRUE; QueueRequest[tool, files]};
tSViewerClass: ViewerClasses.ViewerClass =
NEW[ViewerClasses.ViewerClassRec ← ViewerOps.FetchViewerClass[$Container]^];
tSViewerClass.paint ← TSViewerPaint;
tSViewerClass.adjust ← TSViewerAdjust;
tSViewerClass.icon ← private;
tSViewerClass.bltH ← none;
tSViewerClass.bltV ← none;
ViewerOps.RegisterViewerClass[$TSetter, tSViewerClass];
key: "TSetter",
proc: TSetterExecCommand,
doc: "Create a typesetter viewer for specified server, and use it to print listed documents"
Michael Plass, September 15, 1982 9:53 am. ENABLE UNWIND => NULL.
Michael Plass, September 15, 1982 10:51 am. Changed Rope.SP, etc, to refer to Ascii.
Michael Plass, September 15, 1982 10:51 am. Removed "Clover" default.
Michael Plass, September 15, 1982 11:54 am. Fixed it so unknown font message is not obliterated.
Michael Plass, September 15, 1982 12:07 pm. Revised calculation of press file names.
Michael Plass, September 15, 1982 12:13 pm. Replaced ! ANY with ! SafeStorage.NarrowFault.
Michael Plass, September 16, 1982 1:01 pm. Revised creation of press files.
Michael Plass, November 1, 1982 11:30 am. Converted to Tioga fomatting, made cursorProc and progressProc SAFE
Michael Plass, November 12, 1982 3:22 pm. Made some of the windows scrollable and growable.
Michael Plass, November 15, 1982 3:08 pm. Added StopSending and Screen buttons.
Michael Plass, November 17, 1982 9:28 am. Fixed screen buttons to reset the stopSending bit.
Michael Plass, November 17, 1982 11:35 am. Added calls to SafeStorage.
Michael Plass, November 18, 1982 10:45 am. Added yellow-button documentation.
Michael Plass, December 10, 1982 4:19 pm. Added clientData to New menu item.
Michael Plass, December 10, 1982 4:18 pm. Added ExecCommand.
Michael Plass, December 10, 1982 5:33 pm. Added selfDestuct
changes to: ToolRec, StopButton, PauseButton, StopSendingButton, NameButton, CopiesButton, TempPress, TempPressButton, GetFirstName, PrintButton, AllButton, LeftScreenButton, ScreenButton, RightScreenButton, TypesetProcess, GetSelectionButton, ExecCommand
Michael Plass, December 10, 1982 6:17 pm. Bug fix in TypesetProcess
John Maxwell, January 20, 1983 1:54 pm.
changes to: TSViewerImpl, Print, Screen, TypesetProcess, FormatOneFile, StartSending, ExecCommand
Michael Plass, March 10, 1983 8:30 am. changes to: rightIcon, leftIcon, InitDoc, NewTool
Michael Plass, May 2, 1983 9:05 am. Removed uses of UserExec, fixed bug in GetFirstName.
Michael Plass, May 27, 1983 11:15 am. Changed so foo.tioga produces foo.press., IMPORTS
Edited on May 27, 1983 11:11 am, by Beach
changes to: TSViewerPaint to force a clear viewer when adjusting the viewer sizes.
Edited on June 1, 1983 9:40 am, by Beach
changes to: tSViewerClass, TSViewerPaint, TSViewerPaint
Edited on June 20, 1983 3:56 pm, by Beach
changes to: SendingProcess to use Hardcopy.PrintedBy if its defined in the user profile.
Edited on August 10, 1983 5:24 pm, by Beach
changes to: DIRECTORY, IMPORTS, TSViewerPaint
Edited on August 12, 1983 2:39 pm, by Beach
changes to: ToolRec, NewTool, TSetterExecCommand, PressScreenTool, PressScreenToolRec, NewPressScreenTool, NextY (local of NewPressScreenTool), FlashImageButton, SelectedImageButton, WholeScreenButton, RightColumnButton, LeftColumnButton, MagnificationFactorButton, SetCornersButton, BlackBorder, PageMarginButton, PressScreenExecCommand, Commander, Commander, mode, BoxAdjustNotify, Clip (local of BoxAdjustNotify), BlackBorder
Edited on August 15, 1983 2:52 pm, by Beach
changes to: DIRECTORY, IMPORTS, InsertMenuEntry, FlashImageButton, SelectedImageButton, WholeScreenButton, RightColumnButton, LeftColumnButton, ReadScreenCorners, ConvertRopeToReal, vaTIP, NewPressScreenTool, TSetterExecCommand, Commander, }, Screen, MenuCode, NewTool, NewTool, ToolRec, InsertMenuEntry (local of NewTool), ToolRec, GetPressName
Edited on August 18, 1983 12:46 pm, by Beach
changes to: TSViewerPaint
Edited on August 19, 1983 12:56 pm, by Beach
changes to: NewTool, InsertMenuEntry (local of NewTool)
Edited on October 26, 1983 9:08 am, by Beach
changes to: DIRECTORY, IMPORTS, progressProc (local of SendingProcess)
Michael Plass, December 7, 1983 12:36 pm: Cedar 5 conversion (FS, Convert, UserCredentials, IO.GetTokenRope, IO.GetLineRope)
Michael Plass, December 12, 1983 2:11 pm: Carried local directory name from input file to output file.
Michael Plass, February 21, 1984 9:46:50 am PST: Fixed file-name-on-header bug.
Rick Beach, May 3, 1985 2:04:22 pm PDT
changes to: SendingProcess increased pause before retrying to send to a busy or timed-out server from 2 seconds to 60 seconds, moved the code to reset the copies box from FinishSending to the end of the TypesetProcess loop.
Rick Beach, May 3, 1985 8:30:33 pm PDT
changes to: progressProc (local of SendingProcess), SendingProcess, AbortablePause (local of SendingProcess), DisplayMsg (local of SendingProcess), DIRECTORY, =, FinishSending
Bob Hagmann May 20, 1985 1:31:57 pm PDT
changes to: NewTool, cursorProc, =, DIRECTORY, IMPORTS, WaitUntilSaved, InsureSaved, WaitUntilSaved, GetNames, GetFirstName, Screen
Bob Hagmann November 21, 1985 4:40:47 pm PST
added RemoteOrLocalButton to handle Summoner options
changes to: NewTool, RemoteOrLocalButton
Bob Hagmann November 22, 1985 11:53:46 am PST
changes to: NewTool