% TeX.Style % last written by Plass, July 14, 1982 9:44 am % last written by Ramshaw, February 2, 1984 9:18 am % Last Changed by Pavel, October 2, 1984 11:26:40 am PDT BeginStyle (BasicLooks) AttachStyle (BasicPrint) AttachStyle (sp) "width of spaces in screen font" { screensp } ScreenRule (sp) "width of spaces in printing font" { printsp } PrintRule % Rules (indent) % Indent two more spaces for each level of node structure {0.194 in} .cvx .def (FontFamily) "print and screen font" { "AMTEX" family } StyleRule (default) "default type for nodes" { FontFamily isComment {italic face "Tioga" family} {regular face} .ifelse .cvx .exec caps+lowercase alphabets 10 bp size 10 pt topIndent 14 pt topLeading 12 pt leading indent bigger leftIndent flushLeft lineFormatting 8 sp tabStops } StyleRule EndStyle ΚΗ– "cedar" style˜Iheader˜©K˜Iruledef˜ ˜IitemšΟb œ ˜Mš œ ˜L˜šœœ$˜'M˜M˜ —šœœ&˜)M˜M˜ ——K˜˜šœ:˜BM˜—š œ˜$Mšœ˜M˜—š œ˜$Mšœς˜ς——Lšœ ˜ —…—.ϋ