-- Copyright (C) 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. -- Stub file was translated on April 18, 1986 12:26:10 pm PST by Lupine of May 23, 1985 8:38:08 am PDT -- Source interface ComputeServerCallbacks came from file ComputeServerCallbacks.bcd, which was created on April 18, 1986 12:25:46 pm PST with version stamp 30#377#27632646066 from source of April 18, 1986 12:25:33 pm PST. -- The RPC stub modules for ComputeServerCallbacks are: -- ComputeServerCallbacksRpcControl.mesa; -- ComputeServerCallbacksRpcClientImpl.mesa; -- ComputeServerCallbacksRpcBinderImpl.mesa; -- ComputeServerCallbacksRpcServerImpl.mesa. -- The parameters for this translation are: -- Target language = Cedar -- Default parameter passing = VALUE -- Deallocate server heap arguments = TRUE -- Inline RpcServerImpl dispatcher stubs = FALSE -- Declare signals = FALSE -- Warn about short POINTER ("MDS") allocations = TRUE -- Maximum number of dynamic heap NEWs = 50, MDS NEWs = 50 -- Acceptable parameter protocols = VersionRange[1..1]. -- NOTE: Discard this module unless you use dynamic client binding. DIRECTORY ComputeServerCallbacks, ComputeServerCallbacksRpcControl USING [ImportInterface, InterfaceRecord, InterfaceRecordObject], RPC USING [InterfaceName, Zones]; ComputeServerCallbacksRpcBinderImpl: MONITOR IMPORTS ComputeServerCallbacks, RpcControl: ComputeServerCallbacksRpcControl EXPORTS ComputeServerCallbacksRpcControl SHARES ComputeServerCallbacks, ComputeServerCallbacksRpcControl = BEGIN OPEN RpcPublic: RPC; -- Dynamic instantiation and binding routines. ImportNewInterface: PUBLIC SAFE PROCEDURE [ interfaceName: RpcPublic.InterfaceName, parameterStorage: RpcPublic.Zones ] RETURNS [interfaceRecord: RpcControl.InterfaceRecord] = TRUSTED BEGIN interfaceRecord _ NewInterfaceRecord[]; RpcControl.ImportInterface[ interface: interfaceRecord, interfaceName: interfaceName, parameterStorage: parameterStorage]; END; -- Utility routines for interface instantiation and caching. NewInterfaceRecord: PUBLIC SAFE PROCEDURE RETURNS [interfaceRecord: RpcControl.InterfaceRecord] = TRUSTED BEGIN interfaceRecord _ NEW[RpcControl.InterfaceRecordObject]; END; -- No module initialization. END. -- ComputeServerCallbacksRpcBinderImpl.