<> <> <> <> <> DIRECTORY BasicTime, Commander, ComputeServerClient, ComputeServerCallbacksRpcControl, ComputeServerControllerRpcControl, InterpreterToolPrivate, IO, PrincOps, Pup USING [Address], Rope, RPC, RuntimeError, SymTab; ComputeClientInternal: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; STREAM: TYPE = IO.STREAM; ClientMachineName: RPC.ShortROPE ; StreamPupAddress: Pup.Address; myNetAddressRope: ROPE; CachePrefixesOKToRead: LIST OF ROPE; serviceState: TYPE = REF serviceStateObject; serviceStateObject: TYPE; ControllerGVName: ROPE; ControllerInterface: ComputeServerControllerRpcControl.InterfaceRecord; TristateBool: TYPE = {true, halftrue, false}; Enabled: TristateBool; TryToImportController: PROC; PokeTheController: PROC; GetControllerInterfaceProcess: PROC [forceImport: BOOL _ FALSE]; MatchPupAddress: PROC [serverPupAddress: Pup.Address] RETURNS [found: BOOL, item: serviceState]; ServiceListObject: TYPE = RECORD [ listenerPupAddress: Pup.Address, serverInstance: ROPE _ NIL, command: ROPE _ NIL, process: PROCESS ]; GetCurrentServices: PROC RETURNS [serviceList: LIST OF REF ServiceListObject _ NIL]; END. <> <> <<>>