DIRECTORY Atom, IO, Rope, TiogaAccess, UnparserBuffer; UnparserBufferImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Atom, IO, Rope, TiogaAccess EXPORTS UnparserBuffer = BEGIN OPEN UnparserBuffer; Privates: TYPE = REF PrivateParts; PrivateParts: PUBLIC TYPE = RECORD [ n: NAT _ 0, --size of queues and stack bl, cl, br, cr, sr, srx: NAT--[0 .. n)-- _ 0, buff: Seq _ NIL, bufferWidth: NAT _ 0, --sum of widths of chars in c hasAlways: BOOL _ FALSE, leftBroke: BOOL _ FALSE, indentation: NAT _ 0, depth: NAT _ 0, leftLooks: TiogaAccess.Looks _ ALL[FALSE], leftCharProps, leftNodeProps: PropList _ NIL, leftNodeFormat, leftNodeComment: ATOM _ NIL ]; Seq: TYPE = REF Sequence; Sequence: TYPE = RECORD [elts: SEQUENCE length: NAT OF Element]; Element: TYPE = RECORD [ c: CHAR, changes: Changes _ NIL, s: INTEGER, bs: BStuff ]; Changes: TYPE = REF ChangesPrivate; ChangesPrivate: TYPE = RECORD [ dlooks: ROPE _ NIL, charProps, nodeProps: PropList _ NIL, nodeFormat, nodeComment: ATOM _ NIL ]; clearProps: PropList = LIST[NIL]; BStuff: TYPE = RECORD [ type: {setb, breakpoint}, cond: BreakCondition, offset: INTEGER, sepChars, sepWidth: NAT, p: NAT --index in c of following buffer char ]; biggestN: CARDINAL = LAST[NAT]; NewInittedHandle: PUBLIC PROC [publics: PublicParts] RETURNS [h: Handle] = { h _ NEW [PublicParts _ publics]; IF h.spacers = NIL THEN h.spacers _ LIST[IO.SP]; _ CreatePrivates[h.margin]; }; CreatePrivates: PUBLIC PROC [margin: INTEGER _ 80] RETURNS [ps: Privates] = { ps _ NEW [PrivateParts _ [buff: NEW [Sequence[margin+3]] ]]; }; Init: PUBLIC PROC [h: Handle] = { _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0; Setb[h]}; BCount: PROC [h: Handle] RETURNS [nb: NAT] = { nb _ IF >= THEN - ELSE ( - +}; CCount: PROC [h: Handle] RETURNS [nc: NAT] = { nc _ IF >= THEN - ELSE ( - +}; Ensure: PROC [h: Handle, m: NAT] = INLINE { IF >= m THEN RETURN; IF = biggestN THEN ERROR; Enlarge[h, MIN[biggestN, CARDINAL[m]+m/2]]}; Enlarge: PROC [h: Handle, m: NAT] = { news: Seq = NEW [Sequence[m]]; oldCL: NAT =; nb, nc: NAT _ 0; FOR ci: NAT _, Right[h, ci] WHILE ci # DO news[nc].c _[ci].c; news[nc].changes _[ci].changes; nc _ nc + 1; ENDLOOP; _ 0; _ nc; FOR bi: NAT _, Right[h, bi] WHILE bi # DO news[nb].bs _[bi].bs; news[nb].bs.p _ IF[bi].bs.p >= oldCL THEN[bi].bs.p - oldCL ELSE ( - oldCL +[bi].bs.p); nb _ nb + 1; ENDLOOP; _ 0; _ nb; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. DO news[i].s _[i].s ENDLOOP; _ news; _ m; }; Right: PROC [h: Handle, m: NAT] RETURNS [NAT] = INLINE {RETURN [IF m + 1 # THEN m + 1 ELSE 0]}; RightL: PROC [h: Handle, m, l: NAT] RETURNS [NAT] = INLINE {cm2: CARDINAL _ CARDINAL[m] + l; IF cm2 >= THEN cm2 _ cm2 -; RETURN [cm2]}; Left: PROC [h: Handle, m: NAT] RETURNS [NAT] = INLINE {RETURN [(IF m = 0 THEN ELSE m) - 1]}; Setb: PUBLIC PROC [h: Handle] = {ps: Privates =; {OPEN ps, h; IF bl = br AND cl = cr THEN { Ensure[h, sr+2]; buff[sr].s _ indentation; sr _ sr + 1} ELSE { Ensure[h, BCount[h]+2]; buff[br].bs _ [setb, width, 0, 0, 0, cr]; br _ Right[h, br]} }}; Endb: PUBLIC PROC [h: Handle] = {ps: Privates =; {OPEN ps, h; brl: NAT; WHILE bl # br AND buff[brl _ Left[h, br]].bs.type = breakpoint DO br _ brl ENDLOOP; IF bl # br THEN br _ Left[h, br] ELSE { WHILE cl # cr DO OutputChar[h] ENDLOOP; IF sr = 0 THEN ERROR -- Endb with no matching Setb ELSE { IF srx = sr THEN { srx _ srx - 1; leftBroke _ TRUE}; sr _ sr - 1}; }}}; OutputChar: PROC [h: Handle] = {ps: Privates =; {OPEN ps, h; IF buff[cl].changes # NIL THEN OutputChanges[h, buff[cl].changes]; WITH h.output SELECT FROM so: => { IO.PutChar[, buff[cl].c]}; ao: BufferOutput.access => { TiogaAccess.Put[ao.access, [ charSet: 0, char: buff[cl].c, looks: leftLooks, comment: FALSE, endOfNode: FALSE, deltaLevel: 0, propList: leftCharProps ]]}; ENDCASE => ERROR; indentation _ indentation + width[buff[cl].c]; bufferWidth _ bufferWidth - width[buff[cl].c]; cl _ Right[h, cl]; IF cl = cr AND buff[cr].changes # NIL THEN {OutputChanges[h, buff[cr].changes]; buff[cr].changes _ NIL}}}; OutputChanges: PROC [h: Handle, changes: Changes] = { ps: Privates =; {OPEN ps, h; WITH h.output SELECT FROM so: => { IF changes.dlooks # NIL THEN IO.PutF[, "%l", [rope[changes.dlooks]]]; IF changes.charProps # NIL THEN IO.PutF[, "%p", [refAny[Newize[changes.charProps]]]]; IF changes.nodeProps # NIL THEN IO.PutF[, "%n", [refAny[Newize[changes.nodeProps]]]]; IF changes.nodeFormat # NIL THEN IO.PutF[, "%n", [atom[changes.nodeFormat]]]; IF changes.nodeComment # NIL THEN IO.PutF[, "%n", [boolean[changes.nodeComment = $TRUE]]]; }; ao: BufferOutput.access => { IF changes.dlooks # NIL THEN leftLooks _ ChangeLooks[leftLooks, changes.dlooks]; IF changes.charProps # NIL THEN leftCharProps _ Newize[changes.charProps]; IF changes.nodeProps # NIL THEN leftNodeProps _ Newize[changes.nodeProps]; IF changes.nodeFormat # NIL THEN leftNodeFormat _ changes.nodeFormat; IF changes.nodeComment # NIL THEN leftNodeComment _ changes.nodeComment; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }}; Newize: PROC [props: PropList] RETURNS [new: PropList] = INLINE { new _ IF props # clearProps THEN props ELSE NIL}; Oldize: PROC [props: PropList] RETURNS [new: PropList] = INLINE { new _ IF props # NIL THEN props ELSE clearProps}; OutputLooks: PROC [h: Handle, looks: Rope.ROPE] = { WITH h.output SELECT FROM so: => IO.PutF[, "%l", [rope[looks]]]; ao: BufferOutput.access => _ ChangeLooks[, looks]; ENDCASE => ERROR}; ChangeLooks: PROC [old: TiogaAccess.Looks, delta: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [new: TiogaAccess.Looks] = {new _ old; FOR i: INT IN [0 .. delta.Length[]) DO c: CHAR = delta.Fetch[i]; look: TiogaAccess.Look = SELECT c FROM IN ['a .. 'a + 32) => c, IN ['A .. 'A + 32) => c - 'A + 'a, ' => FIRST[TiogaAccess.Look], ENDCASE => ERROR; SELECT TRUE FROM c = ' => new _ ALL[FALSE]; c = look => new[look] _ TRUE; ENDCASE => new[look] _ FALSE; ENDLOOP}; Bp: PUBLIC PROC [h: Handle, cond: BreakCondition, offset: INTEGER, sep: ROPE] = { ps: Privates =; {OPEN ps, h; sepChars, sepWidth: NAT _ 0; bp: NAT = cr; IF cond = always THEN hasAlways _ TRUE ELSE { Ensure[h, CCount[h] + (sepChars _ sep.Length[])]; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. sepChars) DO ch: CHAR = sep.Fetch[i]; buff[cr].c _ ch; cr _ Right[h, cr]; buff[cr].changes _ NIL; sepWidth _ sepWidth + width[ch]; ENDLOOP; bufferWidth _ bufferWidth + sepWidth; }; Ensure[h, BCount[h]+2]; buff[br].bs _ [breakpoint, cond, offset, sepChars, sepWidth, bp]; br _ Right[h, br]; LeftLoop[h]}}; Charb: PUBLIC PROC [h: Handle, ch: CHAR] = {ps: Privates =; {OPEN ps, h; Ensure[h, CCount[h]+2]; buff[cr].c _ ch; cr _ Right[h, cr]; buff[cr].changes _ NIL; bufferWidth _ bufferWidth + width[ch]; LeftLoop[h]}}; Looksb: PUBLIC PROC [h: Handle, looks: Rope.ROPE] = { ps: Privates =; {OPEN ps, h; SELECT TRUE FROM cl = cr => OutputChanges[h, NEW [ChangesPrivate _ [looks]]]; ENDCASE => { IF buff[cr].changes = NIL THEN buff[cr].changes _ NEW [ChangesPrivate _ []]; buff[cr].changes.dlooks _ Rope.Concat[buff[cr].changes.dlooks, looks]; }; }}; CharPropsb: PUBLIC PROC [h: Handle, props: PropList] = { ps: Privates =; {OPEN ps, h; op: PropList = Oldize[props]; SELECT TRUE FROM cl = cr => OutputChanges[h, NEW [ChangesPrivate _ [charProps: op]]]; ENDCASE => { IF buff[cr].changes = NIL THEN buff[cr].changes _ NEW [ChangesPrivate _ []]; buff[cr].changes.charProps _ op; }; }}; NodeFormatb: PUBLIC PROC [h: Handle, format: ATOM] = { ps: Privates =; {OPEN ps, h; SELECT TRUE FROM cl = cr => OutputChanges[h, NEW[ChangesPrivate _ [nodeFormat: format]]]; ENDCASE => { IF buff[cr].changes = NIL THEN buff[cr].changes _ NEW [ChangesPrivate _ []]; buff[cr].changes.nodeFormat _ format; }; }}; NodePropsb: PUBLIC PROC [h: Handle, props: PropList] = { ps: Privates =; {OPEN ps, h; op: PropList = Oldize[props]; SELECT TRUE FROM cl = cr => OutputChanges[h, NEW [ChangesPrivate _ [nodeProps: op]]]; ENDCASE => { IF buff[cr].changes = NIL THEN buff[cr].changes _ NEW [ChangesPrivate _ []]; buff[cr].changes.nodeProps _ op; }; }}; NodeCommentb: PUBLIC PROC [h: Handle, comment: BOOL] = { ps: Privates =; {OPEN ps, h; atom: ATOM = IF comment THEN $TRUE ELSE $FALSE; SELECT TRUE FROM cl=cr => OutputChanges[h, NEW[ChangesPrivate _ [nodeComment: atom]]]; ENDCASE => { IF buff[cr].changes = NIL THEN buff[cr].changes _ NEW [ChangesPrivate _ []]; buff[cr].changes.nodeComment _ atom; }; }}; Ropeb: PUBLIC PROC [h: Handle, r: Rope.ROPE] = { FOR i: INT IN [0 .. Rope.Length[r]) DO Charb[h, Rope.Fetch[r, i]] ENDLOOP}; Atomb: PUBLIC PROC [h: Handle, a: ATOM] = {Ropeb[h, Atom.GetPName[a]]}; LeftLoop: PROC [h: Handle] = {ps: Privates =; {OPEN ps, h; DO IF cl # cr AND (bl = br OR buff[bl].bs.p # cl) THEN OutputChar[h] ELSE IF NOT (bl # br AND (cl = cr OR buff[bl].bs.p = cl)) THEN EXIT ELSE IF buff[bl].bs.type = setb THEN { Ensure[h, sr+2]; buff[sr].s _ indentation; sr _ sr + 1; bl _ Right[h, bl]; leftBroke _ FALSE} ELSE IF indentation + bufferWidth > margin OR (SELECT buff[bl].bs.cond FROM width => FALSE, united => srx = sr OR hasAlways, lookLeft => leftBroke, always => TRUE, ENDCASE => ERROR) THEN { Breakline[h, buff[sr-1].s + buff[bl].bs.offset]; srx _ sr; bufferWidth _ bufferWidth - buff[bl].bs.sepWidth; cl _ RightL[h, cl, buff[bl].bs.sepChars]; IF br = (bl _ Right[h, bl]) THEN hasAlways _ FALSE; leftBroke _ FALSE} ELSE IF Right[h, bl] # br AND buff[Right[h, bl]].bs.type = breakpoint AND buff[bl].bs.cond # united THEN {bl _ Right[h, bl]; leftBroke _ FALSE} ELSE EXIT; ENDLOOP; IF hasAlways THEN ERROR; }}; Breakline: PROC [h: Handle, indent: INTEGER] = { ps: Privates =; {OPEN ps, h; goalIndent: INTEGER = indent; WITH h.output SELECT FROM so: => {IO.PutChar[, IO.CR]; FOR sl: LIST OF CHAR _ h.spacers, WHILE indent # 0 DO rep: INTEGER _ indent/h.width[sl.first]; THROUGH [0 .. rep) DO IO.PutChar[, sl.first] ENDLOOP; indent _ indent - rep * h.width[sl.first]; ENDLOOP; }; ao: BufferOutput.access => { deltaLevel: INTEGER = MIN[1, indent/ao.nestWidth - depth]; TiogaAccess.Put[ao.access, [ charSet: 0, char: FIRST[CHAR], looks: ALL[FALSE], format: leftNodeFormat, comment: leftNodeComment = $TRUE, endOfNode: TRUE, deltaLevel: deltaLevel, propList: leftNodeProps ]]; depth _ depth + deltaLevel; indent _ indent - depth * ao.nestWidth; FOR sl: LIST OF CHAR _ h.spacers, WHILE indent # 0 DO rep: INTEGER _ indent/h.width[sl.first]; THROUGH [0 .. rep) DO TiogaAccess.Put[ao.access, [ charSet: 0, char: sl.first, looks: leftLooks, format: NIL, comment: FALSE, endOfNode: FALSE, deltaLevel: 0, propList: leftCharProps ]]; ENDLOOP; indent _ indent - rep * h.width[sl.first]; ENDLOOP; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; indentation _ goalIndent}}; END. τUnparserBufferImpl.mesa Gnelson, December 6, 1983 2:05 am Mike Spreitzer July 30, 1986 9:11:52 pm PDT buff.c & buff.changes is circular buffer with pointers [cl .. cr). changes[i] is the tioga changes between c[i-1] and c[i]. is circular buffer with pointers [bl .. br). buff.s is stack with sr elts in it. TRUE iff an object has (recursively) broken since last setb removed from buffer or its latest breakpoint removed from buffer, whichever is later. Used only when output is a TiogaAccess.Writer; this tracks the depth of the current node in the Writer. 0 corresponds to no indentation. The indentations of the setbs that have been removed from the buffer but whose matching endbs have not yet been processed are stored in s[0], s[1], ... s[sr-1]. Furthermore, for i < srx, the setb whose indentation is stored in s[i] has been broken; for srx <= i < sr, s[i] is the indentation of a setb on the "current line" that may or may not be broken. The following are only relevent for breakpoints: Κ6˜codešœ™Kšœ!™!K™+—K˜KšΟk œœ%˜7K˜šΠbxœœ˜!Kšœœ˜#Kšœ˜Kšœœœ˜K˜Kšœ œœ˜"šœœœœ˜$KšœœΟc˜&KšœŸ œ˜-šœ œ˜KšœB™BKšœ8™8K™4K™#—Kšœ œŸ˜3Kšœ œœ˜šœ œœ˜K™‘—Kšœ œ˜šœœ˜K™‰—Kšœœœ˜*Kšœ)œ˜-Kšœ!œ˜+K˜—K˜Kšœœœ ˜Kš œ œœœ œœ ˜@K˜šœ œœ˜Kšœœ˜Kšœœ˜šœ˜ Kšœγ™γ—K˜ Kšœ˜—K˜Kšœ œœ˜#šœœœ˜KšΟgœœœ˜Kšœ!œ˜%Kšœœ˜#K˜—K˜Kšœœœ˜!K˜šœœœ˜K˜™0Kšœ˜Kšœœ˜Kšœœ˜—KšœœŸ%˜,Kšœ˜—K˜Kšœ œœœ˜K˜šΟnœœœœ˜LKšœœ˜ Kš œ œœ œœœ˜0K˜ K˜K˜—š ‘œœœ œœ˜MJšœœœ˜Kšœ*˜*Kšœ˜—K˜—Kšœ˜˜Kšœ œœ!˜:˜K˜ Kšœœœ˜Kšœœœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ!˜!Kšœ œ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜K˜—Kšœ˜Kšœ'˜'š œœœœœ ˜=Kšœœ˜(šœ ˜˜K˜ Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœœ˜ Kšœ œ˜Kšœ œ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜K˜—Kšœ˜—Kšœ*˜*Kšœ˜—K˜—Kšœœ˜—šœ˜K˜——Kšœ˜——…—+Š?΄