<> <> <> <> <<>> <> <<>> DIRECTORY Rope USING [ROPE], ImagerFont USING [Font], Imager USING [Transformation], SilFile, SilUserInput, ViewRec USING [RecordViewer] ; SilDisplayInternal: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; <> <<>> SilDisplayDataRec: TYPE = MONITORED RECORD [ <> needRebuild: BOOL _ FALSE, inRebuild: BOOL _ FALSE, selectedOnly: BOOL _ FALSE, rebuildMinX, rebuildMinY: INTEGER, rebuildMaxX, rebuildMaxY: INTEGER, rebuildStage: RebuildStage, currentFgndObj: SilFile.SilObject _ NIL, --current foreground object currentBkgndObj: SilFile.SilObject _ NIL, --current background object <> ticSpacing: INTEGER _ defaultTicSpacing, ticsOn: BOOL _ FALSE, framesOn: BOOL _ FALSE, <> <> <> <> xOffset, yOffset: REAL _ 0.0, magnificationOn: BOOL _ FALSE, trans: Imager.Transformation, <> lastBoxLeftToRight: BOOL _ FALSE, lastBoxTopToBottom: BOOL _ FALSE, lastBoxPointX: INTEGER, lastBoxPointY: INTEGER, <> mode: InputCharMode _ WaitingToInputRope, collectingObject: SilFile.SilObjectRec, collectingText: REF TEXT, collectingFileName: REF TEXT, clipOutputFile: BOOL _ TRUE, -- after collecting an output file name, clip to alto size? largeFormat: BOOL _ FALSE, -- us standard AltoSil file format or new large file format? relativeInput: BOOL _ FALSE, -- put objects at (0,0) origin or at (MarkX, MarkY) origin oldText: ROPE, <> macroDefName: CHAR, <> pdDev: DeviceType _ raven300, currentFontRef: ImagerFont.Font, <
> currentGridSpacing: NAT _ SilUserInput.defaultGridSpacing, currentBoxWidth: NAT _ defaultBoxWidth, currentMagnification: NAT _ defaultMagnification, currentFont: SilFile.UserFonts _ defaultFont, currentBoldState: BOOL _ defaultBoldState, currentItalicState: BOOL _ defaultItalicState, currentOneLevel: BOOL _ FALSE, yLock: BOOL _ defaultYLock, currentColor: SilFile.Color _ defaultColor, currentNumObjectsSelected: NAT _ 0, yInc: INTEGER _ defaultYInc, viewRec: ViewRec.RecordViewer, commandLine: REF ANY, edited: BOOL _ FALSE --TRUE if display edited since file read in ]; CommandChange: TYPE = {Grid, LineWidth, Mag, Font, Bold, Italic, Color, MacExpand, Ylock, Selections, Pos, PosX, PosY}; <> defaultTicSpacing: NAT = 16; defaultGrid: NAT = 4; defaultBoxWidth: NAT = 1; defaultMagnification: NAT = 1; defaultColor: NAT = 0; defaultFont: NAT = 0; defaultItalicState: BOOL = FALSE; defaultBoldState: BOOL = FALSE; defaultOneLevel: BOOL = FALSE; defaultYLock: BOOL = FALSE; defaultYInc: NAT = 0; <> AltoScreenWidth: INTEGER = 606; AltoScreenLength: INTEGER = 808; maxMagnification: INTEGER = 9; RebuildStage: TYPE = {Background, SelectedBackground, Foreground, SelectedForeground}; DeviceType: TYPE = {nil, raven300, raven384, plateMaker, reticleMaker, puffin, versatec, colorVersatec, spare1, spare2, spare3}; --copy of ImagerPD.DeviceType, but we don't want "clients" to use ImagerPD interface <> InputCharMode: TYPE = { WaitingToInputRope, InputingRope, EditingExistingRope, InputingInputFileName, EditingExistingInputFileName, InputingOutputFileName, EditingExistingOutputFileName, InputingHardFileName, EditingExistingHardFileName, -- HardFile means HardcopyFile, not DifficultFile WaitingForKillConfirmation, WaitingForMacroDefConfirmation, WaitingForMacroDeleteConfirmation}; END.