Copyright © 1985, 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Much of this taken from ImagerViewer, thanks to TimDiebert and Mike Plass
Last Edited by: Crow, October 1, 1986 11:59:53 am PDT
Rick Beach, June 13, 1986 5:06:45 pm PDT
Makes viewer (Init)
Sets up menu and buttons (BuildViewer)
Handles screen updates (PaintProc)
Handles graphic input (NotifyProc)
Imager    USING [Context],
CedarProcess  USING [Abort, CheckAbort, Fork, ForkableProc],
Containers  USING [Container, Create, ChildXBound, ChildYBound],
Menus   USING [AppendMenuEntry, CreateMenu, Menu, MenuEntry, MenuProc],
ActionQueue  USING [Create, CreateMenuEntry],
ViewerClasses  USING [AdjustProc, Viewer, ViewerRec, ViewerClass, ViewerClassRec,
       NotifyProc, PaintProc, DestroyProc, ScrollProc],
ViewerOps  USING [CreateViewer, PaintViewer, RegisterViewerClass],
TIPUser   USING [InstantiateNewTIPTable ,TIPScreenCoords],
Convert   USING [AtomFromRope],
Rope    USING [Find, Replace, ROPE],
Terminal   USING [Virtual, Current],
QuickViewerImpl: CEDAR MONITOR
IMPORTS CedarProcess, Containers, Convert, ActionQueue, Menus, Rope, Terminal, TIPUser, ViewerOps
EXPORTS QuickViewer
Viewer: TYPE ~ ViewerClasses.Viewer;
QuickView: TYPE ~ QuickViewer.QuickView;
QuickView: TYPE ~ RECORD
[ outer: ViewerClasses.Viewer,       -- enclosing container
 viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer,      -- graphics area within
 terminal: Terminal.Virtual,       -- virtual terminal
 imagerCtx: Imager.Context,       -- associated graphics context
 newEvent: CountedCondition,     -- prevents pile-up of actions
 eventProcess: CedarProcess.Process,    -- event action process
 inputEvent: ATOM,         -- Action from tip table
 choice: ATOM,          -- from pop-up menu or ctrl-shift
 x, y: REAL ← 0,          -- mouse coordinates
 drawProc: PROC[Imager.Context, REF ANY],  -- procedure for redrawing window
 buttProc: PROC[ATOM, ATOM, REAL, REAL], -- procedure for button actions
 exitProc: PROC[]         -- procedure for cleaning up on exit
CountedCondition: TYPE ~ QuickViewer.CountedCondition;
CountedCondition: TYPE ~ RECORD [ count: NAT, condition: CONDITION ];
Init: PROC ~ {
Start up tool (make icon)
quickPictureClass: ViewerClasses.ViewerClass; -- Declare type
quickPictureClass ← NEW        -- Get record and fill it with procedure names
[ ViewerClasses.ViewerClassRec ←
[ paint: PaintProc,   -- procedure called when viewer contents must be repainted
adjust: AdjustProc,  -- called when viewer size is changed
notify: NotifyProc,  -- procedure to respond to input events (from TIP table)
destroy: DestroyProc, -- procedure to clean up when done
       -- Tip table (translates mouse events to commands)
tipTable: TIPUser.InstantiateNewTIPTable["QuickViewer.TIP"],
icon: document
ViewerOps.RegisterViewerClass[$QuickViewer, quickPictureClass]; -- Register with viewers
BuildViewer: PUBLIC PROC[ viewerTitle: Rope.ROPE,   -- build viewer as prescribed herein
         menuLabels: LIST OF Rope.ROPE,
         reDrawProc: PROC[imagerCtx: Imager.Context, toDo: REF ANY],
         buttonProc: PROC[bttn, choice: ATOM, x, y: REAL],
         quitProc: PROC[]
     RETURNS [quickView: REF QuickView] ~ {
menu: Menus.Menu ← Menus.CreateMenu[];
quickView ← NEW[QuickViewer.QuickView];     -- allocate space and fill it
quickView.terminal ← Terminal.Current[];
quickView.menuQueue ← ActionQueue.Create[];
quickView.drawProc ← reDrawProc;
quickView.buttProc ← buttonProc;
quickView.exitProc ← quitProc;
FOR labels: LIST OF Rope.ROPE ← menuLabels, labels.rest UNTIL labels = NIL DO
pos: INTEGER ← Rope.Find[labels.first, "!"];
IF pos >= 0 THEN labels.first ← Rope.Replace[labels.first, pos, 1];
Menus.AppendMenuEntry[        -- enter menu buttons
menu: menu,
entry: ActionQueue.CreateMenuEntry[
q: quickView.menuQueue,
name: labels.first,
proc: MenuProc,
clientData: Convert.AtomFromRope[labels.first],
panic: pos >= 0
quickView.outer ← Containers.Create[ [ name: viewerTitle, menu: menu, scrollable: FALSE ] ];
quickView.viewer ← ViewerOps.CreateViewer[       -- define graphics area
flavor: $QuickViewer,
info: [
parent: quickView.outer,
ww: quickView.outer.ww, -- CHildXBound below
wh: quickView.outer.wh, -- CHildXBound below
scrollable: FALSE,
data: quickView
Constrain graphics area to lie in viewer space left over after menu, etc. are drawn    
Containers.ChildXBound[quickView.outer, quickView.viewer];
Containers.ChildYBound[quickView.outer, quickView.viewer];
quickView.eventProcess ← CedarProcess.Fork[ActOnButton, quickView]; -- Start event monitor
ViewerOps.PaintViewer[quickView.outer, all];  -- load up the viewer (paint it)
BuildFancyViewer: PUBLIC PROC[ viewerTitle: Rope.ROPE, -- build viewer as prescribed herein
         menuLabels: LIST OF Rope.ROPE,
         ReDrawProc: PROC[ctx: Imager.Context, toDo: REF ANY],
         QuitProc: PROC[],
         ButtonProc: PROC[bttn, choice: ATOM, x, y: REAL],
     RETURNS [quickView: REF QuickView] ~ {
PaintProc: ViewerClasses.PaintProc ~ {       -- repaint screen for updates
PROC [self: Viewer, context: Imager.Context, whatChanged: REF ANY, clear: BOOL]
view: REF QuickView ← NARROW[self.data];
IF whatChanged = NIL
THEN view.drawProc[context, NIL]  -- if whatChanged = NIL THEN window resized
ELSE NARROW[ whatChanged, REF PROC[Imager.Context] ]^[context]; -- call back passed proc
AdjustProc: ViewerClasses.AdjustProc ~ {       -- repaint screen for updates
PROC [self: Viewer] RETURNS [adjusted: BOOLFALSE];
view: REF QuickView ← NARROW[self.data];
view.changed ← TRUE;
DrawInViewer: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [view: REF QuickView, proc: PROC[Imager.Context]] ~ {
Pass procedure to PaintProc
drawProc: REF PROC[Imager.Context] ← NEW[PROC[Imager.Context] ← proc];
IF view # NIL THEN ViewerOps.PaintViewer[
viewer: view.viewer,  -- pass record to viewer painter
hint: client,
whatChanged: drawProc,
clearClient: FALSE
MenuProc: Menus.MenuProc ~ {
MenuProc ~ PROCEDURE [ parent: REF ANY, clientData: REF ANYNIL,
        mouseButton: MouseButton ← red, shift, control: BOOLFALSE ]
menuButton: ATOMNARROW[clientData];
view: REF QuickView ← NIL;
viewer: Viewer ← NARROW[parent, Viewer].child;    -- get first child of container
WHILE viewer # NIL AND viewer.class.flavor # $QuickViewer DO-- get quickViewer
viewer ← viewer.sibling;
view ← NARROW[viewer.data];  -- narrow fault here means screwed up viewer structure
view.inputEvent ← NARROW[clientData];    -- load menu button name
view.x ← view.y ← 0;     -- load mouse coordinates
view.choice ← IF shift AND control THEN $ControlShift  -- load ctrl and shift key state
ELSE IF shift THEN $Shift
ELSE IF control THEN $Control
view.newEvent.count ← view.newEvent.count + 1;     
view.inputEvent, view.choice, view.x, view.y
view.newEvent.count ← view.newEvent.count - 1;     
ActOnButton: ENTRY CedarProcess.ForkableProc ~ { -- does action while NotifyProc continues
ForkableProc ~ PROC [data: REF] RETURNS [results: REFNIL];
view: REF QuickView ← NARROW[data];
ENABLE UNWIND => view.newEvent.count ← MAX[0, INTEGER[view.newEvent.count] - 1];
WAIT view.newEvent.condition;   -- initial condition waits until notified
CedarProcess.CheckAbort[];   -- exit if aborted
view.inputEvent, view.choice, view.x, view.y
view.newEvent.count ← view.newEvent.count - 1; -- decrement queue
ReleaseButton: ENTRY PROC[view: REF QuickView] ~ {
NOTIFY must be buffered through here to avoid monitor lock on NotifyProc which would be caused if NotifyProc had to be an ENTRY proc because of containing a NOTIFY
NOTIFY view.newEvent.condition;
NotifyProc: ViewerClasses.NotifyProc ~ {    -- collect inputs and act on them
NotifyProc ~ PROC[self: Viewer, input: LIST OF REF ANY]
IF ISTYPE[input.first, TIPUser.TIPScreenCoords] THEN {    -- If input is coords from mouse
mousePlace: TIPUser.TIPScreenCoords ← NARROW[input.first];   -- get mouse coordinates
view: REF QuickView ← NARROW[self.data];
IF ISTYPE[input.rest.first, ATOM] AND view.newEvent.count = 0 THEN {
buttonName: ATOMNARROW[input.rest.first];
shft, ctrl: BOOLEANFALSE;  
restOfInput: LIST OF REF ANY ← input.rest.rest;
WHILE restOfInput # NIL DO
$Shift  => shft ← TRUE;
$Ctrl => ctrl ← TRUE;
ENDCASE;  -- ignore anything else
restOfInput ← restOfInput.rest;
view.newEvent.count ← view.newEvent.count + 1;  -- discard events until count = 0
view.inputEvent ← buttonName;    -- load action name
view.x ← mousePlace.mouseX;     -- load mouse coordinates
view.y ← mousePlace.mouseY;
view.choice ← IF shft AND ctrl THEN $ControlShift  -- load ctrl and shift key state
ELSE IF shft THEN $Shift
ELSE IF ctrl THEN $Control
ReleaseButton[ view ];    -- release ActOnButton from WAIT
DestroyProc: ENTRY ViewerClasses.DestroyProc ~ {
DestroyProc ~ PROC [self: Viewer]  - Clean up on exit (viewer destroyed)
view: REF QuickView ← NARROW[self.data];
CedarProcess.Abort[ view.eventProcess ];    -- abort event monitor
NOTIFY view.newEvent.condition;     -- wake it up so it can die