Copyright © 1985, 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Frank Crow, September 27, 1986 2:04:13 pm PDT
Fancy operations on two-dimensional arrays of pixels.
Basics      USING [BITOR, BYTE],
Atom      USING [PutPropOnList, GetPropFromList, PropList],
Terminal     USING [Virtual, FrameBuffer, GetColorBitmapState,
         GetColorFrameBufferA, GetColorFrameBufferB,
         GetBWFrameBuffer, Current, ModifyColorFrame],
Imager     USING [Context],
ImagerRasterPrivate  USING [Data],
ImagerPixelMap   USING [DeviceRectangle],
SampleMapOps   USING [Create, SampleMap, SubMap, Transfer, GetSample, PutSample,
         Fill, FromVM, FromSubMap, Get, Put, Function,
         Buffer, ObtainBuffer, SampleMapRep],
ImagerColor    USING [RGB],
Pixels      USING [ErrorDesc, Extent, PixelBuffer, SampleSet,
         SampleSetSequence, SubMap, SubMapSequence ];
IMPORTS Basics, Atom, SampleMapOps, Terminal
~ BEGIN OPEN Pixels;
Type Definitions
RGB: TYPE ~ ImagerColor.RGB;
SampleSet: TYPE ~ Pixels.SampleSet;
SampleSetSequence: TYPE ~ Pixels.SampleSetSequence;
SubMapSequence: TYPE ~ Pixels.SubMapSequence;
PixelBuffer: TYPE ~ Pixels.PixelBuffer;
Extent: TYPE ~ Pixels.Extent;
PixelsError: PUBLIC SIGNAL [reason: Pixels.ErrorDesc] = CODE;
SubMap: TYPE ~ Pixels.SubMap;
subMap: RECORD[sampleMap: SampleMap, start: CVEC ← [0,0], size: CVEC ← lastCVEC] ],
df: NAT ← 1
SampleMap: TYPE ~ SampleMapOps.SampleMap;
REF SampleMapRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [
It is unsafe for clients to alter these fields.
sSize: NAT, -- number of scan lines
fSize: NAT, -- number of samples per scan line
bitsPerSample: [0..bitsPerWord], -- number of bits per sample
base: PrincOps.BitAddress, -- starting bit address
bitsPerLine: NAT, -- bits per scan line
ref: REF -- for garbage collection
Utility Procedures
XfmMapPlace: PUBLIC PROC [ map: SubMap, x, y: INTEGER ]
      RETURNS [newX, newY: INTEGER] ~ {
x ← map.df * (x + map.subMap.start.f);
y ← MAX[0, INTEGER[map.subMap.size.s]-1 - y + map.subMap.start.s];
RETURN [ newX: x, newY: y ];
ByteAvrgWgtd: PUBLIC PROC[ b1, b2, wgt: BYTE ] RETURNS[ bOut: BYTE ] ~ {
bOut ← ( CARDINAL[b1]*256 + CARDINAL[wgt]*CARDINAL[b2 - b1] ) / 256;
bOut ← Basics.BITOR[ bOut, 1 ];   -- Von Neumann rounding
SumLessProd: PUBLIC PROC[ b1, b2: BYTE ] RETURNS[ bOut: BYTE ] ~ {
bOut ← ( CARDINAL[b1]*256 + CARDINAL[b2]*256 - CARDINAL[b2]*CARDINAL[b1] ) / 256;
bOut ← Basics.BITOR[ bOut, 1 ];   -- Von Neumann rounding
GetSampleSet: PUBLIC PROC[size: NAT] RETURNS[SampleSet] ~ {
RETURN[ SampleMapOps.ObtainBuffer[size] ];
GetTerminalYOffset: PUBLIC PROC[buf: PixelBuffer] RETURNS[NAT] ~ {
size: Extent ← NARROW[Atom.GetPropFromList[buf.props, $MaxSize], REF Extent]^;
GetExtent: PUBLIC PROC[buf: PixelBuffer] RETURNS[Extent] ~ {
bounds: Extent;
bounds.x ← buf.pixels[0].subMap.start.f;
bounds.y ← buf.pixels[0].subMap.start.s;
bounds.w ← buf.pixels[0].subMap.size.f;
bounds.h ← buf.pixels[0].subMap.size.s;
SubMapFromFrameBuffer: PROC [frameBuffer: Terminal.FrameBuffer] RETURNS [SubMap] ~ {
map: SubMap;
map.subMap.sampleMap ← SampleMapOps.FromVM[
fSize:    frameBuffer.width,
sSize:    frameBuffer.height,
bitsPerSample: frameBuffer.bitsPerPixel,
vm:    frameBuffer.vm
map.subMap.size ← [f: frameBuffer.width, s: frameBuffer.height];
PositionFromProps: PROCEDURE [props: Atom.PropList] RETURNS [NAT] = {
position: REF NATNARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[props, $Alpha] ];
IF position = NIL
THEN ERROR PixelsError[[$MisMatch, "Expected alpha buffer"]]
ELSE RETURN[position^];
RETURN [second, first];
IF number >= 0 THEN RETURN[1] ELSE RETURN[-1];
Creation Operations
Create: PUBLIC PROC [width, height: NAT, pixelSizes: SampleSet] RETURNS[ PixelBuffer ] ~ {
Allocates bits and builds PixelBuffer record.
buf: PixelBuffer;
IF pixelSizes = NIL THEN SIGNAL PixelsError[[$Mismatch, "Pixel sizes needed"]];
buf.pixels ← NEW[SubMapSequence[pixelSizes.length] ];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..pixelSizes.length) DO
IF pixelSizes[i] > 0 THEN buf.pixels[i].subMap.sampleMap ← SampleMapOps.Create[
fSize:    width,
sSize:    height,
bitsPerSample:  pixelSizes[i]
buf.pixels[i].df ← 1;
buf.pixels[i].subMap.start ← [0, 0];
buf.pixels[i].subMap.size ← [f: width, s: height];
buf.height ← height;
buf.width ← width;
buf.samplesPerPixel ← pixelSizes.length;
buf.props ← Atom.PutPropOnList[ buf.props, $MaxSize,     -- store storage limits
          NEW[Extent ← [0, 0, buf.width, buf.height]] ];
RETURN [buf];
GetFromImagerContext: PUBLIC PROC [imagerCtx: Imager.Context] RETURNS[PixelBuffer] ~ {
Forces pixel buffer onto Imager context in those circumstances where it is possible
buf: PixelBuffer;
renderMode: ATOM;
vt: Terminal.Virtual ← Terminal.Current[];
raster: ImagerRasterPrivate.Data ← NARROW[imagerCtx.data];
viewClipBox: ImagerPixelMap.DeviceRectangle ← raster.viewClipBox;
SELECT raster.device.class.type FROM
$Bitmap   =>    { onColor ← FALSE; renderMode ← $Bitmap; };
$GrayDisplay =>    { onColor ← TRUE; renderMode ← $Grey; };
$DitheredColorDisplay => { onColor ← TRUE; renderMode ← $Dithered; };
$FullColorDisplay =>  { onColor ← TRUE; renderMode ← $Dorado24; };
ENDCASE  => PixelsError[[$Unimplemented, "Unknown device type"]];
IF onColor
THEN buf ← GetFromColorDisplay[vt]
ELSE buf ← GetFromLFDisplay[vt];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..buf.samplesPerPixel) DO    -- limit sample map to viewer area
buf.pixels[i].subMap.size ← [
f: raster.viewClipBox.fSize * buf.pixels[i].df,
s: raster.viewClipBox.sSize
buf.pixels[i].subMap.sampleMap ← SampleMapOps.FromSubMap[ [
sampleMap: buf.pixels[i].subMap.sampleMap,
start: [f: raster.viewClipBox.fMin, s: raster.viewClipBox.sMin],
size: buf.pixels[i].subMap.size
] ];
buf.props ← Atom.PutPropOnList[ buf.props, $ImagerContext, imagerCtx ]; -- store context
buf.props ← Atom.PutPropOnList[ buf.props, $VirtualTerminal, vt ];   -- store terminal
buf.props ← Atom.PutPropOnList[ buf.props, $RenderMode, renderMode ]; -- store mode
buf.height ← raster.viewClipBox.sSize;
buf.width ← raster.viewClipBox.fSize;
buf.props ← Atom.PutPropOnList[     -- store storage limits
buf.props, $MaxSize,
NEW[Extent ← [raster.viewClipBox.fMin, raster.viewClipBox.sMin, buf.width, buf.height]]
RETURN [buf];
GetFromTerminal: PUBLIC PROC [vt: Terminal.Virtual]
[PixelBuffer] ~ {
IF Terminal.GetColorBitmapState[vt] = none
THEN RETURN[GetFromLFDisplay[vt]]
ELSE RETURN[GetFromColorDisplay[vt]];
Interleave: PUBLIC PROC [pixels: REF SubMapSequence] ~ {  
Makes rg interleaved maps from 1st 2 maps of sequence, a 16-bit map and a second map
pixels[0].subMap.sampleMap.bitsPerSample ← 8;  -- adjust red map to byte width samples
pixels[0].subMap.sampleMap.fSize ← pixels[0].subMap.sampleMap.fSize * 2;
pixels[0].df ← 2;
pixels[0].subMap.size.f ← pixels[0].subMap.size.f * 2;
pixels[1] ← pixels[0];           -- copy to get green map
pixels[1].subMap.sampleMap ← SampleMapOps.FromSubMap[ [
sampleMap: pixels[1].subMap.sampleMap,
start: [f: 1, s: 0]       -- offset green map by one to get lower bytes
] ];
GetFromColorDisplay: PROC [vt: Terminal.Virtual]
      RETURNS[PixelBuffer] ~ {
Makes pixel buffer out of terminal color display, if there is one
fbA: Terminal.FrameBuffer ← vt.GetColorFrameBufferA[];
fbB: Terminal.FrameBuffer ← vt.GetColorFrameBufferB[];
buf: PixelBuffer;
IF fbA = NIL THEN SIGNAL PixelsError[[$Mismatch, "No color display"]];
IF fbA.bitsPerPixel > 8
THEN { -- rg interleaved buffer from a-channel, replicate sample map offset by one byte
buf.pixels ← NEW[ SubMapSequence[3] ];
buf.samplesPerPixel ← 3;
buf.pixels[0] ← SubMapFromFrameBuffer[fbA];       -- get red map
buf.pixels[2] ← SubMapFromFrameBuffer[fbB];      -- get Blue map
Interleave[buf.pixels];     -- make interleaved RG maps from red map
buf.pixels ← NEW[ SubMapSequence[1] ];    -- pseudocolor or grey
buf.samplesPerPixel ← 1;
buf.pixels[0] ← SubMapFromFrameBuffer[fbA];      -- get map
buf.height ← fbA.height;
buf.width ← fbA.width;
buf.props ← Atom.PutPropOnList[ buf.props, $MaxSize,     -- store storage limits
          NEW[Extent ← [0, 0, buf.width, buf.height]] ];
buf.props ← Atom.PutPropOnList[ buf.props, $VirtualTerminal, vt ];   -- store terminal
RETURN [buf];
GetFromLFDisplay: PROC [vt: Terminal.Virtual]
[PixelBuffer] ~ {
fb: Terminal.FrameBuffer ← vt.GetBWFrameBuffer[];
buf: PixelBuffer;
buf.pixels ← NEW[ SubMapSequence[1] ];
buf.samplesPerPixel ← 1;
buf.pixels[0] ← SubMapFromFrameBuffer[fb];
buf.height ← fb.height;
buf.width ← fb.width;
buf.props ← Atom.PutPropOnList[ buf.props, $MaxSize,     -- store storage limits
          NEW[Extent ← [0, 0, buf.width, buf.height]] ];
buf.props ← Atom.PutPropOnList[ buf.props, $VirtualTerminal, vt ];   -- store terminal
RETURN [buf];
AddToBuffer: PUBLIC PROC [buf: PixelBuffer, pixelSizes: SampleSet] RETURNS[PixelBuffer] ~ {
newpixels: REF SubMapSequence;
IF pixelSizes = NIL THEN SIGNAL PixelsError[[$Mismatch, "Pixel sizes needed"]];
newpixels ← NEW[SubMapSequence[buf.samplesPerPixel + pixelSizes.length] ];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..buf.samplesPerPixel) DO
newpixels[i] ← buf.pixels[i];
FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. pixelSizes.length) DO
j: NAT ← buf.samplesPerPixel + i;
IF pixelSizes[i] > 0 THEN newpixels[j].subMap.sampleMap ← SampleMapOps.Create[
fSize:    buf.width,
sSize:    buf.height,
bitsPerSample:  pixelSizes[i]
newpixels[j].df ← 1;
newpixels[j].subMap.start ← [0, 0];
newpixels[j].subMap.size ← [f: buf.width, s: buf.height];
buf.pixels ← newpixels;
buf.samplesPerPixel ← buf.samplesPerPixel + pixelSizes.length;
RETURN [buf];
PixelBuffer Operations
TerminalFromBuffer: PUBLIC PROC [buf: PixelBuffer] RETURNS[vt: Terminal.Virtual] ~ {
RETURN[ NARROW[Atom.GetPropFromList[buf.props, $VirtualTerminal], Terminal.Virtual] ];
ImagerContextFromBuffer: PUBLIC PROC [buf: PixelBuffer, type: ATOMNIL]
[ctx: Imager.Context] ~ {
Allows imager calls to act on your pixels  Not yet implemented!!
Convert sample maps to pixel map
ImagerSmooth.Create: PROC [pixelMap: PixelMap, component: ATOM,
viewToPixel: Transformation ← NIL, initialScale: REAL ← 1.0,
change: PROC[changeData: REF, d: DeviceRectangle, action: PROC] ← NIL,
changeData: REFNIL, cacheFonts: BOOLTRUE, surfaceUnitsPerPixel: NAT ← 5]
ImagerRaster.NewBitmapDevice[frame: ImagerPixelMap.PixelMap, pixelsPerInch: REAL ← 72]
RETURNS [Device];
ImagerRaster.NewGrayDevice[terminal: Terminal.Virtual] RETURNS [Device];
ImagerRaster.NewColorMapDevice[terminal: Terminal.Virtual, bpp: NAT ← 8] RETURNS [Device];
ImagerRaster.NewColor24Device[terminal: Terminal.Virtual] RETURNS [Device];
ImagerRaster.Create[device: Device, pixelUnits: BOOLFALSE, fontCache: ImagerCache.Ref ← NIL, rastWeight: REAL ← 1.0, fontTuner: FontTuner ← NIL, class: REF Imager.ClassRep ← NIL
] RETURNS [Context];
ref: REF ANY ← Atom.GetPropFromList[buf.props, $ImagerContext];
IF ref # NIL
THEN ctx ← NARROW[ref, Imager.Context]
kind: ATOM;
mapList: LIST OF SampleMap ← NIL;
ctx ← NIL;
IF type # NIL
THEN kind ← type
ELSE SELECT buf.samplesPerPixel FROM
1, 2  => kind ← $Mapped;
ENDCASE => kind ← $Color24;
$Gray   => SIGNAL PixelsError[[$UnImplemented, "Grey display unsupported"]];
$Dithered => ctx ← ImagerDitheredDevice.ContextFromSampleMap[
frame: buf.pixels[0],
displayHeight: buf.height,
pixelUnits: TRUE
$Mapped  => ctx ← ImagerMappedDevice.ContextFromSampleMap[
frame: buf.pixels[0],
displayHeight: buf.height,
pixelUnits: TRUE
$Color24  => SIGNAL PixelsError[[$UnImplemented, "no 24-bit color"]];
ENDCASE  => SIGNAL PixelsError[[$UnImplemented, "Unknown device type"]];
FOR i: NAT DECREASING IN [0..buf.pixels.length) DO
mapList ← CONS[buf.pixels[i], mapList];
ImagerOps.ContextFromPixelMaps[mapList, NIL, kind]; -- unimplemented since doesn't return anything!!!
Clip: PUBLIC PROC [buf: PixelBuffer, bounds: Extent] ~ {
size: Extent ← NARROW[Atom.GetPropFromList[buf.props, $MaxSize], REF Extent]^;
bounds.x ← MIN[ size.w, bounds.x ];      -- keep within limits
bounds.y ← MIN[ size.h, bounds.y ];
bounds.w ← MIN[ size.w - bounds.x, bounds.w ];
bounds.h ← MIN[ size.h - bounds.y, bounds.h ];
bounds.y ← size.h - (bounds.y + bounds.h);   -- invert for upside-down sampleMap
FOR i: NAT IN [0..buf.pixels.length) DO
buf.pixels[i].subMap.start ← [ f: bounds.x, s: bounds.y ]; -- upper left corner, on display
buf.pixels[i].subMap.size ← [f: bounds.w, s: bounds.h];      -- dimensions
Fill: PUBLIC PROC [buf: PixelBuffer, pixel: SampleSet] ~ {
Clear pixels to specified pixel value
DoIt: PROC[] ~ {
Write[buf, [0, 0, buf.width, buf.height], pixel];
vt : Terminal.Virtual ← TerminalFromBuffer[buf];
IF pixel = NIL THEN {
pixel ← GetSampleSet[buf.pixels.length];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..pixel.length) DO pixel[i] ← 0; ENDLOOP;
IF vt # NIL
Terminal.ModifyColorFrame[vt, DoIt,
buf.pixels[0].subMap.start.f + buf.pixels[0].subMap.size.f,
buf.pixels[0].subMap.start.s + buf.pixels[0].subMap.size.s
ELSE DoIt[];
Transfer: PUBLIC PROC [dstBuf, srcBuf: PixelBuffer] ~ {
numMaps: NATMIN[ dstBuf.samplesPerPixel, srcBuf.samplesPerPixel+1 ];
DoIt: PROC[] ~ {
FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. numMaps) DO
heightDif: NATMAX[ 0,
- INTEGER[srcBuf.pixels[i].subMap.size.s]
IF dstBuf.pixels[i].df = 1  -- write only the first of a set of interleaved maps
OR dstBuf.pixels[i].subMap.sampleMap.base.bit = 0
THEN SampleMapOps.Transfer[
dest: dstBuf.pixels[i].subMap.sampleMap,
destStart: [
f: dstBuf.pixels[i].subMap.start.f * dstBuf.pixels[i].df,
s: dstBuf.pixels[i].subMap.start.s + heightDif
source: srcBuf.pixels[i].subMap
vt : Terminal.Virtual ← TerminalFromBuffer[dstBuf];
IF vt # NIL
yOffset: NAT ← GetTerminalYOffset[dstBuf];
Terminal.ModifyColorFrame[vt, DoIt,
dstBuf.pixels[0].subMap.start.s + yOffset,
dstBuf.pixels[0].subMap.start.f + dstBuf.pixels[0].subMap.size.f,
dstBuf.pixels[0].subMap.start.s + dstBuf.pixels[0].subMap.size.s + yOffset
ELSE DoIt[];
Copy: PUBLIC PROC [ destination, source: PixelBuffer, destArea, srcArea: Extent,
      op: ATOM ← $Write ] ~ {
DoIt: PROC[] ~ {
func: SampleMapOps.Function;
$AND  => func ← [ and, null];
$OR  => func ← [ or, null];
$XOR  => func ← [ xor, null];
ENDCASE => func ← [null, null];
IF destination.pixels = NIL OR source.pixels = NIL
THEN SIGNAL PixelsError[[$Mismatch, "Buffer is nil"]];
$AND, $OR, $XOR, $Write  => {
 Ensure that result fills the lower left corner of the destination area
srcArea.w ← MIN[ destArea.w, srcArea.w]; srcArea.h ← MIN[ destArea.h, srcArea.h];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..source.pixels.length) DO
srcX, srcY, dstX, dstY: NAT;
[srcX, srcY] ← XfmMapPlace[source.pixels[i],
        srcArea.x, srcArea.y + srcArea.h - 1];
[dstX, dstY] ← XfmMapPlace[destination.pixels[i],
         destArea.x, destArea.y + srcArea.h - 1];
IF destination.pixels[i].df = 1  -- copy only one from interleaved set
OR destination.pixels[i].subMap.sampleMap.base.bit = 0
THEN SampleMapOps.Transfer[
dest: destination.pixels[i].subMap.sampleMap,
destStart: [f: dstX, s: dstY],
source: [
sampleMap: source.pixels[i].subMap.sampleMap,
start: [f: srcX, s: srcY],
size: [f: srcArea.w*source.pixels[i].df, s: srcArea.h]
function: func
$WriteOver, $WriteUnder  => {
srcSeg: REF SampleSetSequence ← NIL;
FOR j: NAT IN [0 .. srcArea.h) DO
srcSeg ← GetScanSeg[source, srcArea.x, j + srcArea.y, srcArea.w, srcSeg];
PutScanSeg[destination, destArea.x, j + destArea.y, destArea.w, srcSeg, op];
ENDCASE => SIGNAL PixelsError[[$UnImplemented, "Unknown operation"]];
vt : Terminal.Virtual ← TerminalFromBuffer[destination];
IF vt # NIL
yOffset: NAT ← GetTerminalYOffset[destination];
Terminal.ModifyColorFrame[vt, DoIt, destArea.x, destArea.y+yOffset,
        destArea.x+destArea.w, destArea.y+destArea.h+yOffset]
ELSE DoIt[];
ShowOnImagerContext: PUBLIC PROC [context: Imager.Context, buf: PixelBuffer] ~ {
Puts pixels from displayMemory onto supplied context using Imager calls
SIGNAL PixelsError[[$Unimplemented, "Hasn't been written yet"]];
Pixel operations
GetPixel: PUBLIC PROC [buf: PixelBuffer, x, y: NAT, pixel: SampleSet ← NIL]
   RETURNS[ SampleSet ] ~ {
IF pixel = NIL OR pixel.maxLength < buf.samplesPerPixel
THEN pixel ← GetSampleSet[buf.samplesPerPixel];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..buf.pixels.length) DO
nx, ny: NAT;
[nx, ny] ← XfmMapPlace[buf.pixels[i], x, y];  -- has to be here for interleaved rg
pixel[i] ← SampleMapOps.GetSample[ buf.pixels[i].subMap.sampleMap, [f: nx, s: ny] ]
pixel.length ← buf.pixels.length;   -- make sure length field is up to date
RETURN [pixel];
PutPixel: PUBLIC PROC [ buf: PixelBuffer, x, y: NAT, pixel: SampleSet ] ~ {
IF pixel = NIL OR pixel.length > buf.samplesPerPixel
THEN SIGNAL PixelsError[[$Mismatch, "Pixel and buffer don't match"]];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..pixel.length) DO
nx, ny: NAT;
[nx, ny] ← XfmMapPlace[buf.pixels[i], x, y];  -- has to be here for interleaved rg
SampleMapOps.PutSample[ buf.pixels[i].subMap.sampleMap, [f: nx, s: ny], pixel[i] ]
GetScanSeg: PUBLIC PROC [ buf: PixelBuffer, x, y, length: NAT,
         pixels: REF SampleSetSequence ← NIL ]
    RETURNS[ REF SampleSetSequence ] ~ {
IF pixels = NIL OR pixels.length # buf.samplesPerPixel
THEN pixels ← NEW[ SampleSetSequence[buf.samplesPerPixel] ];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..buf.samplesPerPixel) DO
nx, ny: NAT;
IF pixels[i] = NIL OR pixels[i].length < length THEN pixels[i] ← GetSampleSet[length];
[nx, ny] ← XfmMapPlace[buf.pixels[i], x, y];
buffer: pixels[i],
count: pixels[i].length,
sampleMap: buf.pixels[i].subMap.sampleMap,
f: nx,
s: ny,
df: buf.pixels[i].df
PutScanSeg: PUBLIC PROC [ buf: PixelBuffer, x, y, length: NAT,
         pixels: REF SampleSetSequence, op: ATOM ← $Write ] ~ {
DoIt: PROC[] ~ {
func: SampleMapOps.Function;
$AND  => func ← [ and, null];
$OR  => func ← [ or, null];
$XOR  => func ← [ xor, null];
ENDCASE => func ← [null, null];
IF pixels = NIL OR pixels.length # buf.samplesPerPixel
THEN SIGNAL PixelsError[[$Mismatch, "Pixel and buffer don't match"]];
$AND, $OR, $XOR, $Write  => {
FOR i: NAT IN [0..buf.samplesPerPixel) DO
nx, ny: NAT;
IF pixels[i] = NIL OR pixels[i].length < length
THEN SIGNAL PixelsError[[$Mismatch, "Buffer has insufficient pixels"]];
[nx, ny] ← XfmMapPlace[buf.pixels[i], x, y];
buffer: pixels[i],
count: length,
sampleMap: buf.pixels[i].subMap.sampleMap,
f: nx,
s: ny,
df: buf.pixels[i].df,
function: func
$WriteOver, $WriteUnder  => {
alpha: NAT ← PositionFromProps[buf.props];
dstSeg: REF SampleSetSequence ← GetScanSeg[buf, x, y, length];
FOR j: NAT IN [0 .. length) DO
IF op = $WriteOver THEN {
dstSeg[alpha][j] ← SumLessProd[ dstSeg[alpha][j], pixels[alpha][j] ];
FOR k: NAT IN [0..buf.samplesPerPixel) DO IF k # alpha THEN
dstSeg[k][j] ← ByteAvrgWgtd[ b1: dstSeg[k][j], b2: pixels[k][j],
         wgt: pixels[alpha][j] ];
ELSE IF op = $WriteUnder THEN {
cvrge: NATMIN[ pixels[alpha][j], 255 - dstSeg[alpha][j] ];
dstSeg[alpha][j] ← dstSeg[alpha][j] + cvrge;
FOR k: NAT IN [0..buf.samplesPerPixel) DO IF k # alpha THEN
dstSeg[k][j] ← dstSeg[k][j]      -- add Von Neumann rounding
    + Basics.BITOR[ CARDINAL[cvrge * pixels[k][j]] / 256, 1];
PutScanSeg[buf, x, y, length, dstSeg];
ENDCASE => SIGNAL PixelsError[[$UnImplemented, "Unknown operation"]];
DoIt[];   -- no color display locking, clients are assumed to have done it themselves
dstPxl: SampleSet ← GetSampleSet[4];
srcPxl: SampleSet ← GetSampleSet[4]; -- for read-mod-write ops
Write: PROC[ buf: PixelBuffer, area: Extent, pixel: SampleSet,
      func: SampleMapOps.Function ← [null, null] ] ~ {
FOR i: NAT IN [0..buf.samplesPerPixel) DO
x, y, w, h: NAT;
[x, y] ← XfmMapPlace[ buf.pixels[i], area.x, area.y + area.h - 1 ]; -- upper left corner
w ← MIN[ buf.pixels[i].subMap.sampleMap.fSize - x, area.w];  -- clip to map limits
h ← MIN[ buf.pixels[i].subMap.sampleMap.sSize - y, area.h];
IF buf.pixels[i].df = 2          -- kludge for Dorado 24-bit color
THEN IF buf.pixels[i].subMap.sampleMap.base.bit = 0
value: CARDINAL ← pixel[i] * 256 + pixel[i+1];
sampleMap: SampleMapOps.SampleMap ← NEW[SampleMapOps.SampleMapRep];
sampleMap^ ← buf.pixels[i].subMap.sampleMap^;
sampleMap.bitsPerSample ← 16; sampleMap.fSize ← sampleMap.fSize / 2;
x ← x / buf.pixels[i].df; -- correct for pixel size change
SampleMapOps.Fill[ [sampleMap, [f: x, s: y], [f: w, s: h] ], value, func ];
ELSE SampleMapOps.Fill[        -- case for continuous pixels
dest: [ buf.pixels[i].subMap.sampleMap, [f: x, s: y], [f: w, s: h] ],
value: pixel[i],
function: func
WriteOver: PROC[ buf: PixelBuffer, area: Extent, pixel: SampleSet, alpha: NAT] ~ {
scanSeg: REF SampleSetSequence ← NIL;
FOR j: NAT IN [area.y..area.y+area.h) DO
scanSeg ← GetScanSeg[buf, area.x, j, area.w, scanSeg];
FOR i: NAT IN [area.x..area.x+area.w) DO
sum alphas minus overlap estimate
scanSeg[alpha][i] ← SumLessProd[ scanSeg[alpha][i], pixel[alpha] ];
FOR k: NAT IN [0..pixel.length) DO IF k # alpha THEN
scanSeg[k][i] ← ByteAvrgWgtd[ b1: scanSeg[k][i], b2: pixel[k], wgt: pixel[alpha] ];
PutScanSeg[buf, area.x, j, area.w, scanSeg];
WriteUnder: PROC[ buf: PixelBuffer, area: Extent, pixel: SampleSet, alpha: NAT] ~ {
scanSeg: REF SampleSetSequence ← NIL;
FOR j: NAT IN [area.y..area.y+area.h) DO
scanSeg ← GetScanSeg[buf, area.x, j, area.w, scanSeg];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..area.w) DO
IF scanSeg[alpha][i] = 0
THEN {          -- untouched pixel
scanSeg[alpha][i] ← pixel[alpha];
FOR k: NAT IN [0..pixel.length) DO IF k # alpha THEN
scanSeg[k][i] ← CARDINAL[pixel[alpha] * pixel[k]] / 255; -- alpha*new
ELSE IF scanSeg[alpha][i] < 255 THEN {  -- used but not completely covered pixel
cvrge: NATMIN[ pixel[alpha], 255 - scanSeg[alpha][i] ]; -- < unused old alpha
scanSeg[alpha][i] ← scanSeg[alpha][i] + cvrge;  -- sum alphas (always < 256)
FOR k: NAT IN [0..pixel.length) DO IF k # alpha THEN
scanSeg[k][i] ← scanSeg[k][i] + CARDINAL[cvrge * pixel[k]] / 255;
ENDLOOP;              -- old + alpha*new
PutScanSeg[buf, area.x, j, area.w, scanSeg];
PixelOp: PUBLIC PROC [ buf: PixelBuffer, area: Extent, pixel: SampleSet,
       op: ATOM ← $Write ] ~ {
DoIt: PROC[] ~ {
func: SampleMapOps.Function;
$AND  => func ← [ and, null];
$OR  => func ← [ or, null];
$XOR  => func ← [ xor, null];
ENDCASE => func ← [null, null];
IF pixel = NIL OR pixel.length # buf.samplesPerPixel
THEN SIGNAL PixelsError[[$Mismatch, "Pixel and buffer don't match"]];
$AND, $OR, $XOR, $Write  => Write[buf, area, pixel, func];
$WriteOver       => {
alpha: NAT ← PositionFromProps[buf.props];
SELECT pixel[alpha] FROM -- pixel[alpha] is coverage (alpha)
255  => Write[buf, area, pixel, func];  -- replacement if alpha saturated
0   => {};           -- no effect if alpha is zero
ENDCASE => WriteOver[buf, area, pixel, alpha];  -- blend otherwise
$WriteUnder      => {
alpha: NAT ← PositionFromProps[buf.props];
IF pixel[alpha] > 0 THEN WriteUnder[buf, area, pixel, alpha]; -- no-op if alpha zero
ENDCASE => SIGNAL PixelsError[[$UnImplemented, "Unknown operation"]];
vt : Terminal.Virtual ← TerminalFromBuffer[buf];
IF vt # NIL
yOffset: NAT ← GetTerminalYOffset[buf];
Terminal.ModifyColorFrame[vt, DoIt,
        area.x, area.y+yOffset, area.x+area.w, area.y+area.h+yOffset];
ELSE DoIt[];
Visible value operations
GetValue: PUBLIC PROC [buf: PixelBuffer, x, y: NAT, map: NAT ← 0]
[ value: CARDINAL ] ~ {
[x, y] ← XfmMapPlace[buf.pixels[map], x, y];
value ← SampleMapOps.GetSample[ buf.pixels[map].subMap.sampleMap, [f: x, s: y] ];
PutValue: PUBLIC PROC [ buf: PixelBuffer, x, y: NAT, value: CARDINAL, map: NAT ← 0 ] ~ {
[x, y] ← XfmMapPlace[buf.pixels[map], x, y];
SampleMapOps.PutSample[ buf.pixels[map].subMap.sampleMap, [f: x, s: y] , value ];
ValueOp: PUBLIC PROC [ buf: PixelBuffer, area: Extent, value: CARDINAL, map: NAT ← 0,
        op: ATOM ← $Write ] ~ {
func: SampleMapOps.Function;
$AND  => func ← [ and, null];
$OR  => func ← [ or, null];
$XOR  => func ← [ xor, null];
ENDCASE => func ← [null, null];
[area.x, area.y] ← XfmMapPlace[ buf.pixels[map], area.x, area.y + area.h - 1 ];
IF buf.pixels[map].df > 1 THEN area.x ← area.x / buf.pixels[map].df;
$AND, $OR, $XOR, $Write  =>
IF buf.pixels[map].df > 1
THEN {        -- kludge for Dorado 24-bit color
scanSeg: SampleSet ← GetSampleSet[area.w];
FOR x: NAT IN [0 .. area.w) DO scanSeg[x] ← value; ENDLOOP;
FOR y: NAT IN [area.y.. area.y + area.h) DO
buffer: scanSeg,
count: area.w,
sampleMap: buf.pixels[map].subMap.sampleMap,
f: area.x,
s: y,
df: buf.pixels[map].df,
function: func
ELSE SampleMapOps.Fill[
dest: [buf.pixels[map].subMap.sampleMap, [f: area.x, s: area.y],[f: area.w, s: area.h]],
value: value,
function: func
ENDCASE => SIGNAL PixelsError[[$UnImplemented, "Operation not for single value"]];