Copyright © 1984, 1985, 1986 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Created by Paxton, April 1, 1983 2:17 pm
Last edited by Bill Paxton, May 12, 1983 4:11 pm
Last edited by: Pausch, July 14, 1983 3:26 pm
Michael Plass, July 30, 1986 3:02:43 pm PDT
Doug Wyatt, September 6, 1985 2:43:38 pm PDT
Last Edited by: Gasbarro June 16, 1986 5:03:42 pm PDT
Pier, May 21, 1986 3:23:37 pm PDT
BasicTime USING [FromPupTime, GMT, Now, Unpack, Unpacked],
CedarProcess USING [SetPriority],
Convert USING [RopeFromUnpackedTime],
FS USING [Error, ExpandName, GetName, nullOpenFile, Open, OpenFile],
GVBasics USING [ItemHeader, ItemType, RName, Timestamp],
GVRetrieve USING [Accept, Close, Create, Failed, GetItem, Handle, MailboxState, MBXState, NewUser, NextItem, NextMessage, NextServer, ServerName, ServerState, StartMessage],
IO USING [GetBlock, int, PutFR, rope, STREAM, time],
MessageWindow USING [Append, Blink],
PeanutProfile USING [activeMailFile, automaticNewMail, workingDirectory],
PeanutRetrieve USING [],
PeanutSendMail USING [simpleUserName, userRName],
PeanutWindow USING [dirtyMessageSetIcon, messageSetIcon, OutputRope, SetNewMail],
Process USING [Detach],
PutGet USING [FromFileC, FromRope],
Rope USING [Cat, Concat, Equal, Fetch, Find, FromChar, FromRefText, Index, Length, ROPE, Size, Substr],
TEditDisplay USING [EstablishLine],
TEditDocument USING [TEditDocumentData],
TextEdit USING [DocFromNode, FromRope],
TextNode USING [Body, FirstChild, LastSibling],
TiogaFileOps USING [InsertNode, SetContents, SetFormat],
TiogaMenuOps USING [DefaultMenus, FirstLevelOnly],
TiogaOps USING [CancelSelection, GetSelection, LastChild, Location, Lock, LockSel, Next, Parent, PutProp, SelectBranches, SelectionGrain, SelectPoint, SetSelection, ToSecondary, Unlock, UnlockSel, ViewerDoc],
TiogaOpsDefs USING [],
UserCredentials USING [Get],
ViewerClasses USING [Lock, Viewer],
ViewerEvents USING [RegisterEventProc, ViewerEvent],
ViewerOps USING [AddProp, EnumerateViewers, EnumProc, FetchProp, OpenIcon, PaintViewer, SaveViewer, SetNewVersion],
ViewerTools USING [MakeNewTextViewer];
PeanutRetrieveImpl: CEDAR MONITOR
IMPORTS BasicTime, CedarProcess, Convert, FS, GVRetrieve, IO, MessageWindow, PeanutProfile, PeanutSendMail, PeanutWindow, Process, PutGet, Rope, TEditDisplay, TextEdit, TextNode, TiogaFileOps, TiogaMenuOps, TiogaOps, UserCredentials, ViewerEvents, ViewerOps, ViewerTools
EXPORTS PeanutRetrieve, TiogaFileOps, TiogaOpsDefs
Viewer: TYPE = ViewerClasses.Viewer;
RName: TYPE = GVBasics.RName;
RefTextNode: TYPE = REF NodeBody;
NodeBody: PUBLIC TYPE = TextNode.Body;
TiogaCTRL: GVBasics.ItemType = Tioga1; -- an item containing tioga formatting
ReportRope: PROCEDURE [r: ROPE] = { PeanutWindow.OutputRope[r] };
{ ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; [] ← InternalGetNewMsgs[open]; };
peanutProp: ATOM = $PeanutMailFileName;
SetMailFileName: PROC[v: Viewer, name: ROPE] = {
ViewerOps.AddProp[viewer: v, prop: peanutProp, val: name];
ViewerOps.AddProp[viewer: v, prop: $IconLabel, val: v.label];
GetMailFileName: PROC[v: Viewer] RETURNS[ROPE] = {
WITH ViewerOps.FetchProp[viewer: v, prop: peanutProp] SELECT FROM
rope: ROPE => RETURN[rope];
FindMailViewer: PUBLIC PROC[name: ROPE] RETURNS[viewer: Viewer ← NIL] = {
Enumerate top level viewers, looking for one with a matching $PeanutMailFile property
Test: ViewerOps.EnumProc -- PROC[v: Viewer] RETURNS[continue: BOOL ← TRUE] -- = {
rope: ROPE = GetMailFileName[v];
IF rope#NIL AND Rope.Equal[rope, name, FALSE] THEN { viewer ← v; RETURN[FALSE] };
GetMailViewer: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[name: ROPE] RETURNS [mailViewer: Viewer] = {
Make this an entry so don't have two Get's at once for same mail file
mailViewer ← InternalGetMailViewer[name];
MakeMailDoc: PROC[fileName: ROPE] RETURNS [mailDoc: RefTextNode] = {
styleProp: ROPE = "(mail) style";
mailDoc ← TextEdit.DocFromNode[TextEdit.FromRope[fileName]];
TiogaOps.PutProp[mailDoc, $Prefix, styleProp];
InternalGetMailViewer: INTERNAL PROC[name: ROPE] RETURNS[mailViewer: Viewer] = {
mailViewer ← FindMailViewer[name];
IF mailViewer=NIL THEN {
wDir: ROPE ← PeanutProfile.workingDirectory;
shortName: ROPE ← name.Concat[".mail"];
longName: ROPEFS.ExpandName[name: shortName, wDir: wDir].fullFName;
fileName: ROPE ← longName;
mailDoc: RefTextNode ← NIL;
file: FS.OpenFile ← FS.nullOpenFile;
file ← FS.Open[longName ! FS.Error => IF error.code=$unknownFile THEN CONTINUE];
IF file=FS.nullOpenFile THEN {
styleProp: ROPE = "(mail) style";
mailDoc ← TextEdit.DocFromNode[TextEdit.FromRope[shortName]];
TiogaOps.PutProp[mailDoc, $Prefix, styleProp];
mailDoc ← PutGet.FromFileC[file];
fileName ← FS.GetName[file].fullFName;
mailViewer ← ViewerTools.MakeNewTextViewer[info: [
name: longName, file: fileName, label: name, data: mailDoc,
icon: PeanutWindow.messageSetIcon, iconic: TRUE],
paint: FALSE];
SetMailFileName[mailViewer, name];
ViewerOps.PaintViewer[mailViewer, all];
[] ← ViewerEvents.RegisterEventProc[proc: MessageSetHasBeenEdited,
event: edit, filter: mailViewer, before: TRUE];
[] ← ViewerEvents.RegisterEventProc[proc: MessageSetHasBeenSaved,
event: save, filter: mailViewer, before: FALSE];
InternalGetNewMsgs: INTERNAL PROC [open: BOOLTRUE] RETURNS [numRetrieved: INT] =
reads any new mail
mailViewer: Viewer;
firstHeader: RefTextNode;
StashNewMessages: PROC [retrieveOK: BOOL] RETURNS[doRemoteFlush: BOOL] =
allOK ← allOK AND retrieveOK;
ViewerOps.SaveViewer[mailViewer]; -- doesn't return until the save is complete
don't do remote flush if NOT retrieveOK
RETURN[retrieveOK AND flushRemoteMail AND mailViewer#NIL AND NOT mailViewer.destroyed];
mailViewer ← InternalGetMailViewer[PeanutProfile.activeMailFile];
[numRetrieved, firstHeader] ← AddNewMessages[StashNewMessages, mailViewer];
IF numRetrieved = 0 THEN {
ReportRope["\nNo messages were retrieved"]; RETURN};
IF mailViewer.iconic AND PeanutProfile.automaticNewMail THEN NULL
tdd: TEditDocument.TEditDocumentData => {
TEditDisplay.EstablishLine[tdd, [firstHeader,0]];
ViewerOps.PaintViewer[mailViewer, client];
IF NOT allOK THEN ReportRope["\nSome messages may not have been retrieved"];
IF open AND mailViewer.iconic THEN ViewerOps.OpenIcon[mailViewer];
MessageSetHasBeenEdited: PROC[viewer: Viewer,
event: ViewerEvents.ViewerEvent, before: BOOL] RETURNS[abort: BOOLFALSE] = {
IF before THEN {
viewer.icon ← PeanutWindow.dirtyMessageSetIcon;
IF viewer.iconic THEN ViewerOps.PaintViewer[viewer: viewer, hint: all]; };
MessageSetHasBeenSaved: PROC [viewer: Viewer,
event: ViewerEvents.ViewerEvent, before: BOOL] RETURNS[abort: BOOLFALSE] = {
IF NOT before THEN {
viewer.icon ← PeanutWindow.messageSetIcon;
IF viewer.iconic THEN ViewerOps.PaintViewer[viewer: viewer, hint: all]; };
CopyMessages: PUBLIC PROC [to: ROPE, delete: BOOL] = {
sourceViewer, destViewer: Viewer;
destDoc, sourceDoc, destLast, sourceLast, afterSource: RefTextNode;
start, end: TiogaOps.Location;
level: TiogaOps.SelectionGrain;
caretBefore, pendingDelete: BOOL;
lockedPrimary, lockedSecondary, lockedDest, lockedSource: BOOLFALSE;
TopParent: PROC [node, root: RefTextNode] RETURNS [parent: RefTextNode] = {
parent ← TiogaOps.Parent[node];
IF parent=root THEN RETURN [node];
node ← parent;
Cleanup: PROC = {
IF lockedPrimary THEN TiogaOps.UnlockSel[primary];
IF lockedSecondary THEN TiogaOps.UnlockSel[secondary];
IF lockedDest THEN TiogaOps.Unlock[destDoc];
IF lockedSource THEN TiogaOps.Unlock[sourceDoc];
destViewer ← GetMailViewer[to];
TiogaOps.LockSel[primary]; lockedPrimary ← TRUE;
[sourceViewer, start, end, level, caretBefore, pendingDelete] ← TiogaOps.GetSelection[];
IF sourceViewer=NIL OR sourceViewer.class.flavor#$Text THEN {
TiogaOps.UnlockSel[primary]; ReportRope["\nSelect message(s)."]; RETURN };
TiogaOps.LockSel[secondary]; lockedSecondary ← TRUE;
destDoc ← TiogaOps.ViewerDoc[destViewer];
TiogaOps.Lock[destDoc]; lockedDest ← TRUE;
sourceDoc ← TiogaOps.ViewerDoc[sourceViewer];
IF sourceDoc#destDoc THEN { TiogaOps.Lock[sourceDoc]; lockedSource ← TRUE };
destLast ← TiogaOps.LastChild[destDoc];
sourceLast ← TopParent[end.node, sourceDoc];
afterSource ← TiogaOps.Next[sourceLast];
TiogaOps.SelectBranches[ -- source
viewer: sourceViewer, level: branch, caretBefore: FALSE,
pendingDelete: delete, which: primary,
start: TopParent[start.node, sourceDoc], end: sourceLast];
TiogaOps.SelectBranches[ -- destination
viewer: destViewer, start: destLast, end: destLast,
level: branch, caretBefore: FALSE, pendingDelete: FALSE, which: secondary];
IF NOT delete THEN -- restore original selection
TiogaOps.SetSelection[sourceViewer, start, end, level, caretBefore, pendingDelete, primary]
ELSE IF afterSource # NIL THEN TiogaOps.SelectPoint[sourceViewer, [afterSource,0], primary]
ELSE TiogaOps.CancelSelection[primary];
ReportRope[IF delete THEN "\nMoved to " ELSE "\nCopied to "];
msgPollingInterval: INT← 300;  -- Number of seconds between mailbox polling.
flushRemoteMail: BOOLEANTRUE;
gvRetrieveHandle: GVRetrieve.Handle← NIL; -- cookie for receiving messages.
OpenConnection: PUBLIC PROC[user: RName] = {
This establishes a retrieve connection, and sets up a Mail Polling proc
NewUser[user] ;
CloseConnection: PUBLIC PROC[] = {
This closes the connection, and invalidates the connection handle.
IF gvRetrieveHandle # NIL THEN{
GVRetrieve.Close[gvRetrieveHandle]; gvRetrieveHandle← NIL};
NewUser: PUBLIC PROC[user: RName] = {
Establish a new user on this connection.
IF gvRetrieveHandle = NIL THEN
gvRetrieveHandle ← GVRetrieve.Create[ msgPollingInterval, WatchMailBox ];
GVRetrieve.NewUser[gvRetrieveHandle, user, UserCredentials.Get[].password ] ;
} ;
lastStateReported: GVRetrieve.MBXState ← unknown;
WatchMailBox: PROC[newState: GVRetrieve.MBXState] = {
This is called when the condition of the mailbox changes
status: ROPENIL;
IF newState = unknown THEN RETURN;
badName => status ← "Your user name is invalid, please log in";
badPwd => status ← "Your password is invalid";
cantAuth => status ← "Can't check your credentials at this time";
userOK => status ← "Your credentials are OK";
allDown, someEmpty, allEmpty, notEmpty => NULL;
ENDCASE => status ← "Bad MBXState!";
IF status#NIL THEN {
IF newState=notEmpty AND lastStateReported#notEmpty
AND PeanutProfile.automaticNewMail THEN {
mailViewer: Viewer = FindMailViewer[PeanutProfile.activeMailFile];
IF mailViewer=NIL OR mailViewer.iconic THEN TRUSTED{Process.Detach[FORK ReadMail[]]};
OldWatchMailBox: PROC[newState: GVRetrieve.MBXState] = {
This is called when the condition of the mailbox changes
ActiveMailFileNotOpen: PROC RETURNS [BOOL] = {
mailViewer: Viewer = FindMailViewer[PeanutProfile.activeMailFile];
RETURN [mailViewer=NIL OR mailViewer.iconic]
showTime: BOOLTRUE;
status: ROPE;
IF newState = unknown THEN RETURN;
IF (lastStateReported = notEmpty) AND (newState = someEmpty OR newState = allEmpty) THEN
{ status← NIL; PeanutWindow.SetNewMail[FALSE] }
badName => {status← "\nYour user name is invalid, please log in"; showTime← FALSE};
badPwd => {status← "\nYour password is invalid"; showTime← FALSE};
cantAuth => {status← "\nCan't check your credentials at this time"; showTime← FALSE};
userOK => {status← "\nYour credentials are OK"; showTime← FALSE};
allDown => status← "\nAll of the mail servers are down";
someEmpty => status← "\nAll of the mail servers checked are empty";
allEmpty => {status← NIL; PeanutWindow.SetNewMail[FALSE]};
notEmpty => {status← NIL; PeanutWindow.SetNewMail[TRUE];
IF lastStateReported#notEmpty AND PeanutProfile.automaticNewMail
AND ActiveMailFileNotOpen[] THEN TRUSTED {Process.Detach[FORK ReadMail[]]}
ENDCASE => status← "\nBad State!";
lastStateReported ← newState;
IF status # NIL THEN {
IF showTime THEN ReportRope[IO.PutFR[" at %g", IO.time[]]];
ReadMail: ENTRY PROC = {
numRetrieved: INT;
IF (numRetrieved ← InternalGetNewMsgs[FALSE])=0 THEN RETURN;
MessageWindow.Append[IO.PutFR["New mail retrieved: %g", IO.time[]], TRUE];
MessageWindow.Blink[] };
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
MessageState: TYPE = { noMore, wasArchived, wasDeleted, OK, retrieveFailed } ;
AddNewMessages: PUBLIC PROC[
FinishedWithServer: PROC[BOOL] RETURNS[BOOL], mailViewer: Viewer]
RETURNS[numRetrieved: INT, firstHeader: RefTextNode] = {
This is the routine that actually reads the mail & makes the log entry.
It calls FinishedWithServer to commit the log before it flushes any particular mail server.
serverKnown: BOOLEANFALSE;
mailDoc: RefTextNode ← TiogaOps.ViewerDoc[mailViewer];
IF gvRetrieveHandle = NIL THEN {   -- Open the connection if it's closed.
gvRetrieveHandle ← GVRetrieve.Create[ msgPollingInterval, WatchMailBox ] ;
GVRetrieve.NewUser[gvRetrieveHandle, PeanutSendMail.userRName,
} ;
SELECT gvRetrieveHandle.MailboxState[] FROM
badName, badPwd => GOTO credentialsError;
cantAuth => GOTO noServers;
ENDCASE; --ok to try
numRetrieved← 0;
ReportRope[IO.PutFR["\nCheck for new mail for %g: %g", IO.rope[PeanutSendMail.userRName], IO.time[]]];
DO       -- Loops over servers.
m, formatting: ROPE;
messageState: MessageState;
timeStamp: GVBasics.Timestamp;
gvSender: RName;
messages: CARDINAL ← 0;   -- the number of messages read from server.
archivedReported: BOOLEANFALSE;  -- seen an archived message?
Cycle through the servers, until you find one that has mail.
If it has mail, then go for it.
noMore: BOOLEAN;    -- TRUE if no more servers.
serverState: GVRetrieve.ServerState; -- The state of the server.
headerNode: RefTextNode;
serverName: ROPE ;
headerNode ← TiogaOps.LastChild[mailDoc];
Step through the servers.
[noMore, serverState] ← gvRetrieveHandle.NextServer[];
IF noMore THEN EXIT;   -- Last server? Then done.
serverKnown ← TRUE;
serverName ← gvRetrieveHandle.ServerName[];
ReportRope["\n"]; ReportRope[serverName]; ReportRope[": "];
IF serverState # notEmpty THEN {
IF serverState = empty THEN ReportRope["empty"]
ELSE ReportRope["didn't respond"] ;
LOOP;      -- Skip to the next server.
[messageState, m, formatting, timeStamp, gvSender] ← ReadMessageRecord[] ;
SELECT messageState FROM
noMore => EXIT ;
wasArchived => IF NOT archivedReported THEN
{ archivedReported ← TRUE; ReportRope["(archived messages exist)"]};
wasDeleted => NULL;
retrieveFailed => EXIT;
IF NOT (messageState = wasDeleted) THEN {
DeleteTrailingCRs: PROC [m: ROPE] RETURNS [ROPE] = {
len: INT ← Rope.Size[m];
WHILE len > 0 AND Rope.Fetch[m, len-1] = '\n DO len ← len-1; ENDLOOP;
RETURN [Rope.Substr[m,0,len]] };
GetField: PROC[message, fieldName: ROPE] RETURNS[contents: ROPE] = {
start: INT ← 0;
DO cr: INT ~ Rope.Index[s1: message, pos1: start, s2: "\n"];
IF cr=start THEN EXIT;
IF Rope.Find[s1: message, s2: fieldName, pos1: start, case: FALSE]=start THEN {
i: INT ← start+Rope.Length[fieldName];
IF Rope.Fetch[message, i]=': THEN {
i ← i+1;
IF Rope.Fetch[message, i]=' THEN i ← i+1;
RETURN[Rope.Substr[message, i, cr-i]];
start ← cr+1;
GetFieldContents: PROC [name: ROPE, maxLen: INT] RETURNS [ROPE] = {
contents: ROPE ~ GetField[m, name];
len: INT ~ Rope.Length[contents];
IF len=0 THEN RETURN["?"]
ELSE IF len<=maxLen THEN RETURN[contents]
ELSE RETURN[Rope.Concat[Rope.Substr[base: contents, len: maxLen-3], "..."]]
GetDateFromGMT: PROC[time: BasicTime.GMT] RETURNS[ROPE] = {
Returns a string of the form dd-mmm-yy (for example, 17-Nov-83)
unpacked: BasicTime.Unpacked = BasicTime.Unpack[time];
day: NAT =;
month: ROPE = Convert.RopeFromUnpackedTime[unpacked, months, months];
year: NAT = unpacked.year;
RETURN[IO.PutFR["%2g-%g-%02g",[day], IO.rope[month.Substr[len: 3]],[year MOD 100]]];
AppendNextMessage: PROC = {
headerDate, headerName, headerSubject, header: ROPE;
messageNode: RefTextNode;
headerNode ← TiogaFileOps.InsertNode[headerNode, FALSE];
IF firstHeader=NIL THEN firstHeader ← headerNode;
TiogaFileOps.SetFormat[headerNode, "header"];
headerDate ← GetDateFromGMT[BasicTime.FromPupTime[timeStamp.time]];
IF Rope.Equal[gvSender, PeanutSendMail.userRName, FALSE] OR
Rope.Equal[gvSender, PeanutSendMail.simpleUserName, FALSE] THEN
headerName ← Rope.Concat["To: ", GetFieldContents["To", 15]]
ELSE headerName ← GetFieldContents["From", 32];
headerSubject ← GetFieldContents["Subject", 45];
header ← Rope.Cat[
Rope.Concat["\t", headerDate],
Rope.Concat["\t", headerName],
Rope.Concat["\t", headerSubject]
TiogaFileOps.SetContents[headerNode, header];
IF formatting=NIL THEN {
messageNode ← TiogaFileOps.InsertNode[headerNode, TRUE];
TiogaFileOps.SetContents[messageNode, DeleteTrailingCRs[m]] }
messageRoot, messageFirst, messageLast, headerN: RefTextNode;
messageRoot ← PutGet.FromRope[Rope.Cat[Rope.FromChar['\n],m,formatting]];
Restore leading CR. Get back a root node.
messageFirst ← TextNode.FirstChild[messageRoot];
headerN ← headerNode;
headerN.child ← messageFirst;
messageLast ← TextNode.LastSibling[messageFirst];
messageLast.last ← TRUE; ← headerN;
messageRoot.child ← NIL; messageRoot.props ← NIL;
Clear out the links from the messageRoot to help garbage collection.
messages ← messages + 1;
AppendNextMessage[ ! UNWIND => TiogaOps.Unlock[mailDoc] ];
ENDLOOP ; -- Finished reading messages from this server.
Flush the mailbox if desired, we've stashed the messages.
IF FinishedWithServer[messageState#retrieveFailed] THEN
gvRetrieveHandle.Accept[ ! GVRetrieve.Failed =>
{ReportRope["\nFlush of remote messages failed; you may get these messages again"];
IF messageState#retrieveFailed THEN ReportRope[
IO.PutFR[": retrieved %g messages.",[messages] ]];
numRetrieved← numRetrieved + messages;
ENDLOOP ; -- End of servers loop, exit.
IF NOT serverKnown THEN GOTO noMailboxes;
EXITS  -- The error reporter for this routine.
noMailboxes => ReportRope[" No mail boxes"];
credentialsError => ReportRope[" Credentials error"];
noServers => ReportRope[" No servers responding"];
bogusItems: INT ← 0;
ReadMessageRecord: PROC RETURNS
[messageState: MessageState, m, formatting: ROPE,
timeStamp: GVBasics.Timestamp, gvSender: RName] = {
This routine reads the messages on this connection, returning messageState = noMore
when there aren't any more.
ENABLE GVRetrieve.Failed --[why: FailureReason, text: ROPE]-- => {
ReportRope[SELECT why FROM
communicationFailure => "Communication failure",
noSuchServer => "No such server",
connectionRejected => "Connection rejected",
badCredentials => "Bad credentials",
unknownFailure => "Unknown failure",
ENDCASE => "Undefined error"];
IF text.Size[]>0 THEN { ReportRope[" -- "]; ReportRope[text] };
GOTO gvFailed;
msgExists, archived, deleted: BOOLEAN;
item: GVBasics.ItemHeader;
blockSize: NAT = 500;
m ← NIL;
[msgExists, archived, deleted] ← GVRetrieve.NextMessage[ gvRetrieveHandle ];
IF archived THEN messageState ← wasArchived ELSE messageState← OK;
IF deleted THEN { messageState ← wasDeleted; RETURN};
IF NOT msgExists THEN { messageState ← noMore; RETURN};
Now read all the items in the message, terminating on the LastItem, and
skipping the ones that we're not yet interested in.
[timeStamp, gvSender, ] ← GVRetrieve.StartMessage[ gvRetrieveHandle ] ;
ReadItem: PROC[h: GVRetrieve.Handle] RETURNS[rope: ROPENIL] = {
stream: IO.STREAM = GVRetrieve.GetItem[h];
IF block=NIL THEN block ← NEW[TEXT[blockSize]];
WHILE stream.GetBlock[block]>0 DO
rope ← rope.Concat[Rope.FromRefText[block]];
item ← GVRetrieve.NextItem[gvRetrieveHandle];
SELECT item.type FROM
PostMark, Sender, ReturnTo => bogusItems ← bogusItems+1;
Recipients => NULL;
Text => m ← ReadItem[gvRetrieveHandle];
TiogaCTRL => formatting ← ReadItem[gvRetrieveHandle];
Capability => NULL;
Audio => NULL;
updateItem => NULL;
reMail => NULL;
LastItem => EXIT;
gvFailed => messageState← retrieveFailed;
} ;