DIRECTORY Commander USING [CommandProc, Handle, Register], IO USING [GetChar, PutChar, PutRope], List USING [DRemove, Memb, Nconc], PasPrivate, PasPrivateVars; PasBlock: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS Commander, IO, List, PasPrivate, PasPrivateVars EXPORTS PasPrivate = BEGIN OPEN PasPrivate, PasPrivateVars; LORA: TYPE = LIST OF REF ANY; TranslateProgram: PUBLIC PROCEDURE = BEGIN ParseIdentOptStar: PROCEDURE = BEGIN MustBe[identSy, "", MalformedProgram]; IF sy = mulOpSy AND op = mulOp THEN InSymbol[]; END; mainId: IdentifierPtr _ defaultDest[main].implModule; mainTail: REF implModule IdentifierTail _ NARROW[mainId.class]; PushOut[mainTail.q]; -- from now on the main module queue will InSymbol[]; MustBe[programSy, "", MalformedProgram]; IF sy # identSy THEN Error[MalformedProgram]; InSymbol[]; IF CouldBe[lParentSy, ""] THEN { SequenceOf[ParseIdentOptStar, commaSy, ""]; MustBe[rParentSy, "", MalformedProgram]}; MustBe[semiColonSy, "", MalformedProgram]; TranslateBlock[IF modularize THEN outer ELSE inner]; MustBe[periodSy, "", MalformedProgram]; IF sy # eofSy THEN Error[MalformedProgram]; mainTail.q _ CopyAndPopOut[]; END; -- of TranslateProgram TranslateBlock: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [position: Position] = BEGIN preambleQ: OutputQueuePtr; TranslateLabelDeclaration: PROCEDURE = BEGIN id: IdentifierPtr; IF sy # intConstSy THEN Error[MalformedStatement]; id _ NewIdent[]; id.class _ Z.NEW[IdentifierTail _ [label[]]]; InSymbol[]; END; EmitSignalDefinition: PROCEDURE [id: IdentifierPtr] = BEGIN WITH id.class SELECT FROM lid: REF label IdentifierTail => IF lid.nonLocal THEN BEGIN IF position = outer THEN BEGIN defsId: IdentifierPtr _ defaultDest[globalLabel].defsModule; implId: IdentifierPtr _ defaultDest[globalLabel].implModule; defsTail: REF defsModule IdentifierTail _ NARROW[defsId.class]; implTail: REF implModule IdentifierTail _ NARROW[implId.class]; PushOut[defsTail.q]; SayLine[""]; Say["Error"]; Say[]; SayLine[": ERROR;"]; defsTail.q _ CopyAndPopOut[]; PushOut[implTail.q]; SayLine[""]; Say["Error"]; Say[]; SayLine[": ERROR = CODE;"]; implTail.q _ CopyAndPopOut[]; END ELSE {Say["Error"]; Say[]; SayLine[": ERROR = CODE;"]}; END; ENDCASE; END; PreambleOf: PROCEDURE [p: PROCEDURE [position: Position] RETURNS [saySemiColon: BOOL]] = BEGIN InSymbol[]; DO IF p[position] THEN MustBe[semiColonSy, ";", MalformedStatement] ELSE MustBe[semiColonSy, "", MalformedStatement]; SELECT sy FROM labelSy, constSy, typeSy, varSy, procedureSy, functionSy, beginSy => EXIT; ENDCASE => NULL; ENDLOOP; END; -- of PreambleOf PushOut[]; -- extra queue on stack during preamble DO SELECT sy FROM labelSy => BEGIN InSymbol[]; SequenceOf[TranslateLabelDeclaration, commaSy, ""]; IF sy # semiColonSy THEN Error[MalformedStatement]; InSymbol[stopAtCR: TRUE]; preambleQ _ CopyAndPopOut[]; MergeQueue[from: preambleQ]; PushOut[]; END; constSy => PreambleOf[TranslateConstantDeclaration]; typeSy => PreambleOf[TranslateTypeDeclaration]; varSy => PreambleOf[TranslateVariableDeclaration]; procedureSy, functionSy => TranslateProcedureDeclaration[ position: position, isFunction: sy = functionSy]; ENDCASE => EXIT; IF sy = CRSy THEN InSymbol[]; ENDLOOP; preambleQ _ CopyAndPopOut[]; MergeQueue[from: preambleQ]; -- dump it into lower queue EnumerateIdentifierSet[display[lexLevel].locals, EmitSignalDefinition]; MustBe[beginSy, "", MalformedBlock]; IF lexLevel=2 THEN MergeQueue[from: initCodeQPtr]; [] _ TranslateStatementSequence[]; MustBe[endSy, "", MalformedBlock]; BalanceQueue[]; -- keep ropes in reasonably good shape commandHandle.out.PutChar['.]; END; -- of TranslateBlock TranslateStatementSequence: PROCEDURE RETURNS [newLabels: LORA _ NIL] = BEGIN BlockEntry: TYPE = RECORD[ prev: BlockEntryPtr, --pointer to previous entry in this block me: SELECT type: * FROM label => [ q: OutputQueuePtr, --a comment associated with this label, if any l: IdentifierPtr ], --the label itself statement => [ q: OutputQueuePtr, --the translation of the statement labs: LORA], --a list of labels that are first gone forward to from here ENDCASE]; BlockEntryPtr: TYPE = REF BlockEntry; CollapseThrough: PROC [id: IdentifierPtr _ NIL]= BEGIN combinedQ: OutputQueuePtr _ Z.NEW[OutputQueue]; outLabels: LORA _ NIL; DO IF soFar = NIL THEN GOTO NotFound; WITH soFar SELECT FROM lbe: REF label BlockEntry => BEGIN targTail: REF label IdentifierTail _ NARROW[lbe.l.class]; MergeQueueStart[to: combinedQ, from: lbe.q]; --don't forget the comment, if any IF targTail.backwardTarget THEN BEGIN leaderQ: OutputQueuePtr _ Z.NEW[OutputQueue]; StringToQueue["DO {--Label", leaderQ]; StringToQueue[, leaderQ]; StringToQueue[":--", leaderQ]; MergeQueueStart[from: leaderQ, to: combinedQ]; StringToQueue["EXIT; EXITS Label", combinedQ]; StringToQueue[, combinedQ]; StringToQueue[" => NULL} ENDLOOP;", combinedQ]; END; soFar _ soFar.prev; END; sbe: REF statement BlockEntry => BEGIN IF List.Memb[id, sbe.labs] THEN BEGIN outLabels _ List.Nconc[outLabels, List.DRemove[id, sbe.labs]]; MergeQueueStart[to: combinedQ, from: sbe.q]; StringToQueueStart["{", combinedQ]; StringToQueue["EXITS Label", combinedQ]; StringToQueue[, combinedQ]; StringToQueue[" => NULL};", combinedQ]; soFar _ soFar.prev; GOTO Found; END ELSE BEGIN outLabels _ List.Nconc[outLabels, sbe.labs]; MergeQueueStart[to: combinedQ, from: sbe.q]; soFar _ soFar.prev; END; END; ENDCASE; REPEAT NotFound => IF id # NIL THEN BEGIN -- Why didn't we find the first statement that went to this label? idTail: REF label IdentifierTail _ NARROW[id.class]; enableQ: OutputQueuePtr _ Z.NEW[OutputQueue]; IF NOT idTail.nonLocal THEN Error[Confusion]; StringToQueue["{ENABLE Error", enableQ]; StringToQueue[, enableQ]; StringToQueue[" => GOTO Label", enableQ]; StringToQueue[, enableQ]; StringToQueue[";", enableQ]; MergeQueueStart[from: enableQ, to: combinedQ]; StringToQueue["EXITS Label", combinedQ]; StringToQueue[, combinedQ]; StringToQueue[" => NULL};", combinedQ]; END; Found => NULL; ENDLOOP; soFar _ Z.NEW[BlockEntry _ [prev: soFar, me: statement[q: combinedQ, labs: outLabels]]]; END; -- of CollapseThrough soFar: BlockEntryPtr _ NIL; DO SELECT sy FROM endSy, untilSy => GOTO endOfBlock; semiColonSy => { InSymbol[]; Say[" "]; LOOP }; --flush empty statement intConstSy => BEGIN --the definition of a label label: Name _ ident; id: IdentifierPtr _ IdentLookup[]; idTail: REF label IdentifierTail _ NARROW[id.class]; IF idTail.alreadyDefined THEN Error[MultiplyDefinedLabel] ELSE idTail.alreadyDefined _ TRUE; SELECT TRUE FROM idTail.nonLocal => CollapseThrough[id]; idTail.forwardTarget => CollapseThrough[id]; ENDCASE => NULL; PushOut[]; InSymbol[]; MustBe[colonSy, "", MalformedStatement]; soFar _ Z.NEW[BlockEntry _ [prev: soFar, me: label[l:id, q:CopyAndPopOut[]]]]; END; ENDCASE => BEGIN --just a statement thisStmt: OutputQueuePtr _ NIL; nl: LORA _ NIL; PushOut[]; nl _ TranslateUnlabeledStatement[]; SELECT sy FROM endSy, untilSy, semiColonSy => IF NOT CouldBe[semiColonSy, ";"] THEN Say[";"]; ENDCASE => Error[MalformedStatement]; thisStmt _ CopyAndPopOut[]; soFar _ Z.NEW[BlockEntry _ [prev: soFar, me: statement[q: thisStmt, labs: nl]]]; END; REPEAT endOfBlock => CollapseThrough[NIL]; ENDLOOP; IF soFar = NIL OR soFar.prev # NIL THEN Error[Confusion]; WITH soFar SELECT FROM qsf: REF statement BlockEntry => {MergeQueue[from: qsf.q]; RETURN[qsf.labs]}; ENDCASE => Error[Confusion]; END; -- of TranslateStatementSequence TranslateCompoundStatement: PROCEDURE RETURNS [newLabels: LORA _ NIL] = BEGIN MustBe[beginSy, "BEGIN", MalformedBlock]; newLabels _ TranslateStatementSequence[]; MustBe[endSy, " END", MalformedBlock]; RETURN[newLabels]; END; -- of TranslateCompoundStatement TranslateStatement: PROCEDURE RETURNS [newLabels: LORA _ NIL] = BEGIN IF sy = intConstSy THEN BEGIN -- Weird! This is singleton statement that is labeled! label: Name _ ident; id: IdentifierPtr _ IdentLookup[]; idTail: REF label IdentifierTail _ NARROW[id.class]; IF idTail.nonLocal THEN Error[MalformedNonLocalGoTo]; IF idTail.alreadyDefined THEN Error[MultiplyDefinedLabel]; idTail.alreadyDefined _ TRUE; InSymbol; MustBe[colonSy, "", MalformedStatement]; PushOut[]; newLabels _ TranslateUnlabeledStatement[]; IF idTail.backwardTarget THEN BEGIN statementBody: OutputQueuePtr _ CopyAndPopOut[]; StringToQueueStart["DO {", statementBody]; StringToQueue["; EXIT; EXITS Label", statementBody]; StringToQueue[label, statementBody]; StringToQueue[" => NULL} ENDLOOP", statementBody]; MergeQueue[from: statementBody]; END ELSE MergeQueue[from: CopyAndPopOut[]]; END ELSE RETURN[TranslateUnlabeledStatement[]]; END; TranslateUnlabeledStatement: PROCEDURE RETURNS [newLabels: LORA _ NIL] = BEGIN SELECT sy FROM beginSy => newLabels _ TranslateCompoundStatement[]; loopSy => BEGIN Respond["DO"]; newLabels _ TranslateStatementSequence[]; MustBe[endSy, " ENDLOOP", MalformedStatement]; END; exitSy => BEGIN InSymbol[]; IF CouldBe[ifSy, "IF"] THEN BEGIN [] _ TranslateExpression[booleanId]; Say[" THEN EXIT"]; END ELSE BEGIN MustBe[lParentSy, "", MalformedStatement]; MustBe[identSy, "", MalformedStatement]; -- Should check that this is local but I don't know how. DN MustBe[rParentSy, "", MalformedStatement]; Say["RETURN"]; END; END; ifSy => BEGIN Respond["IF"]; [] _ TranslateExpression[booleanId]; MustBe[thenSy, " THEN", MalformedStatement]; newLabels _ TranslateStatement[]; IF CouldBe[elseSy, " ELSE"] THEN newLabels _ List.Nconc[newLabels, TranslateStatement[]]; END; caseSy => BEGIN TranslateCase: PROCEDURE = BEGIN TranslateCaseLabel: PROCEDURE = BEGIN v: ValuePtr _ ParseCountableConstant[]; SayTranslation[v]; END; IF sy = semiColonSy THEN RETURN; -- empty case branches are OK SequenceOf[TranslateCaseLabel, commaSy, ","]; MustBe[colonSy, " =>", MalformedStatement]; newLabels _ List.Nconc[newLabels, TranslateStatement[]]; Say[";"]; END; -- of TranslateCase Respond["SELECT"]; [] _ TranslateExpression[]; MustBe[ofSy, "FROM", MalformedStatement]; SequenceOf[TranslateCase, semiColonSy, ""]; IF CouldBe[othersSy, " ENDCASE"] THEN BEGIN MustBe[colonSy, " =>", MalformedStatement]; newLabels _ List.Nconc[newLabels, TranslateStatement[]]; WHILE CouldBe[semiColonSy, ""] DO ENDLOOP; MustBe[endSy, "", MalformedStatement] END ELSE MustBe[endSy, " ENDCASE", MalformedStatement]; END; whileSy => BEGIN Respond["WHILE"]; [] _ TranslateExpression[booleanId]; MustBe[doSy, "DO", MalformedStatement]; newLabels _ TranslateStatement[]; Say[" ENDLOOP "] END; repeatSy => BEGIN Respond["DO"]; newLabels _ TranslateStatementSequence[]; MustBe[untilSy, " IF", MalformedStatement]; [] _ TranslateExpression[booleanId]; Say[" THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP"] END; forSy => BEGIN upward: BOOLEAN; vControl, v1, v2: ValuePtr; SELECT targetLanguage FROM cedar => Respond["FOR i:INT "]; mesa, longMesa => Respond["FOR i:INTEGER "]; ENDCASE => ERROR; vControl _ ParseVariable[isLHS: TRUE]; MustBe[becomesSy, , MalformedStatement]; v1 _ ParseExpression[]; upward _ CouldBe[toSy]; IF NOT upward THEN MustBe[downToSy, , MalformedStatement]; Say[IF upward THEN " IN [" ELSE " DECREASING IN ["]; v2 _ ParseExpression[]; CoerceToLong[v1]; CoerceToLong[v2]; IF upward THEN {SayTranslation[v1]; Say[".."]; SayTranslation[v2]} ELSE {SayTranslation[v2]; Say[".."]; SayTranslation[v1]}; MustBe[doSy, "] DO ", MalformedStatement]; SayTranslation[vControl]; Say[" _ i; "]; IF CouldBe[beginSy, ""] THEN -- remove redundant BEGIN-END { newLabels _ TranslateStatementSequence[]; MustBe[endSy, "", MalformedBlock]} ELSE newLabels _ TranslateStatement[]; Say[" ENDLOOP"]; END; withSy => BEGIN withDepth: CARDINAL _ 0; LocalizeRecord: PROCEDURE = BEGIN t: TypePtr _ GetConcreteTypeOfValue[TranslateVariable[isLHS: TRUE]]; WITH t SELECT FROM rt: RecordTypePtr => BEGIN withDepth _ withDepth + 1; lexLevel _ lexLevel + 1; display[lexLevel] _ Z.NEW[DisplayEntry_[formals: with[flp: rt.fieldList], locals: CreateIdentifierSet[]]]; END; ENDCASE => Error[ShouldBeRecord]; END; -- of LocalizeRecord Respond["BEGIN OPEN"]; SequenceOf[LocalizeRecord, commaSy, ","]; MustBe[doSy, ";", MalformedStatement]; newLabels _ TranslateStatement[]; WHILE withDepth > 0 DO lexLevel _ lexLevel - 1; withDepth _ withDepth - 1; ENDLOOP; Say[" END"]; END; gotoSy => BEGIN id: IdentifierPtr; idTail: REF label IdentifierTail; tLexLevel: LexLevel; iAmNonLocal: BOOL _ FALSE; InSymbol[]; IF sy # intConstSy THEN Error[MalformedStatement]; FOR tLexLevel DECREASING IN [FIRST[LexLevel]..lexLevel] DO WITH display[tLexLevel] SELECT FROM cde: REF call DisplayEntry => EXIT; wde: REF with DisplayEntry => NULL; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; id _ IdentLookup[pset: display[tLexLevel].locals, couldFail: TRUE]; IF id = NIL THEN BEGIN -- Aha! The corresponding label is gone to nonlocally. id _ IdentLookup[]; iAmNonLocal _ TRUE; END; idTail _ NARROW[id.class]; IF iAmNonLocal THEN BEGIN -- We GOTO a nonlocal label by raising an ERROR idTail.nonLocal _ TRUE; Say["ERROR Error"]; Say[]; END ELSE BEGIN -- But if the label is local, we can just use mesa GOTO. Say["GOTO Label"]; Say[]; SELECT TRUE FROM idTail.alreadyDefined => idTail.backwardTarget _ TRUE; idTail.nonLocal => NULL; idTail.forwardTarget => NULL; ENDCASE => BEGIN -- We are inside the first statement that goes to the label id. idTail.forwardTarget _ TRUE; newLabels _ CONS[id, NIL]; END; END; InSymbol[]; END; identSy => BEGIN TranslateExprOfProperType: PROCEDURE [t: GeneralTypePtr] = BEGIN -- Mesa doesn't coerce reals to integers v: ValuePtr _ ParseExpression[t]; IF GetConcreteType[v.type] = real AND IsCountableType[t] THEN { Say["PascalROUND["]; SayTranslation[v]; SayCh[']]} ELSE SayTranslation[v, t]; END; -- of TranslateExprOfProperType id: IdentifierPtr _ IdentLookup[]; IF id = NIL THEN Error[MalformedStatement]; WITH id.class SELECT FROM pidt: ProcedureIdentifierTailPtr => IF pidt.declKind = standard THEN [] _ TranslateProcedureCall[id] ELSE BEGIN resultType: GeneralTypePtr _ ExtractResultType[id]; IF resultType = nilGeneralTypePtr THEN [] _ TranslateProcedureCall[id] ELSE BEGIN -- it's a function result assignment SayIdent[ident]; Say["Result"]; InSymbol; MustBe[becomesSy, "_", MalformedAssignment]; [] _ TranslateExprOfProperType[resultType]; END; END; vidt: VariableIdentifierTailPtr => BEGIN vVar: ValuePtr _ TranslateVariable[isLHS: TRUE]; MustBe[becomesSy, "_", MalformedAssignment]; [] _ TranslateExprOfProperType[vVar.type]; END; ENDCASE => Error[MalformedStatement]; END; ENDCASE => Say[" NULL"]; RETURN[newLabels]; END; -- of TranslateStatement DoIt: ENTRY Commander.CommandProc = BEGIN ENABLE {PasMesaError => {commandHandle.out.PutRope["\nDo you want to examine PasMesa's internal state? "]; SELECT[] FROM 'Y, 'y => REJECT; -- Pop up the debugger on this process. ENDCASE => GOTO EndItAll}; UNWIND => GOTO EndItAll}; commandHandle _ cmd; --make the commandObject globally known commandHandle.out.PutRope["TranslatingBlocks"]; lexLevel _ outLevel _ 0; display[lexLevel] _ Z.NEW[DisplayEntry_[formals: call[isp: CreateIdentifierSet[]], locals: CreateIdentifierSet[]]]; InitializeStandards[]; lexLevel _ 1; display[lexLevel] _ Z.NEW[DisplayEntry_[formals: call[isp: CreateIdentifierSet[]], locals: CreateIdentifierSet[]]]; InitializeModules[]; lexLevel _ 2; display[lexLevel] _ Z.NEW[DisplayEntry_[formals: call[programSegment: segments, isp: CreateIdentifierSet[]], locals: CreateIdentifierSet[]]]; TranslateProgram[]; commandHandle.out.PutRope["WritingFiles"]; FinishModules[]; commandHandle.out.PutRope["Done.\n"]; RETURN[result: $Success] EXITS EndItAll => RETURN[result: $Failure]; END; -- of DoIt Commander.Register[key:"PasMesa", proc:DoIt, doc:"Pascal to Mesa translation"]; END. -- of PasBlock -- bfile: PasBlock.mesa modified by Ramshaw, January 20, 1984 2:15 pm written by McCreight, October 10, 1980 1:20 PM Last Edited by: Nichols, July 25, 1983 1:16 pm Last changed by Pavel on September 16, 1985 3:24:44 pm PDT May 8, 1985: Pavel changed TranslateUnlabeledStatement to Say[" NULL"] as the default case, when it sees a token it doesn't understand. Before, it was sounding an alarm on such cases except when the symbol was either END or ";". This left out (at least) ELSE and UNTIL. The current approach is safer, since it lets the next-higher level in the syntax worry about whether or not the next token is strange. May 9, 1985: Pavel updated to Cedar6.0 by changing List.Cons to CONS and by making this module a MONITOR and DoIt the only ENTRY. This latter was to achieve the mutual exclusion previously hacked using Resource.Acquire[$PasMesa]. Resource went away in 6.0. September 16, 1985: Pavel changed TranslateStatementSequence to check the current token after calling TranslateUnlabeledStatement. If that token isn't something that can end a sequence of statements (i.e., one of END, UNTIL or a semicolon), something's wrong. live on the output queue stack dump it into lower queue A statement sequence is a list of statements and labels. We translate them in turn, putting each statement into a separate output queue, and chaining these queues together. Collapse prior statements in this block into a single clump whose first member is the first statement in the block that goes to the label id; if id=NIL, collapse the whole block so far into a clump. Better be that id is a nonLocal label. result is a list of local label identifiers that are first gone to from this statement result is a list of local label identifiers that are first gone to from this statement of TranslateCaseLabel We must warn this label that it has been gone to. The main event Ê·˜Jšœ™Jšœ-™-Jšœ/™/Jšœ.™.J™:J™JšÏz œÏnœá™—J™Jš œ÷™‚J™Jšœžœ*žœƒ™„J˜šÏk ˜ Jšœ Ÿœ!˜0JšŸœŸœ˜%JšœŸœ˜"J˜ Jšœ˜J˜—šœ ŸœŸ˜šŸœ Ÿœ#Ÿœ ˜LJ˜—JšŸ˜J˜JšŸœ˜ J˜Jš ŸœŸœŸœŸœŸœŸœ˜J˜šžœŸœŸ œ˜$JšŸ˜J˜šžœŸ œ˜JšŸ˜J˜&JšŸœŸœ Ÿœ ˜/JšŸœ˜J˜—J˜5Jšœ ŸœŸœ˜?JšœÏc)˜>Jšœ™J˜ J˜(JšŸœŸœ˜-J˜ šŸœŸœ˜ J˜+J˜)—J˜*JšœŸœ ŸœŸœ˜4J˜'JšŸœ Ÿœ˜+J˜JšŸœ ˜J˜J˜J˜—šžœŸœŸ œ˜7JšŸ˜J˜J˜šžœŸ œ˜'JšŸ˜J˜JšŸœŸœ˜2J˜Jšœ ŸœŸœ˜-J˜ JšŸœ˜J˜—šžœŸ œ˜6JšŸ˜šŸœ ŸœŸ˜šœŸœŸœŸ˜5JšŸ˜šŸœŸ˜JšŸ˜J˜JšŸœ˜—JšŸœ˜—JšŸœ˜J˜—šž œŸ œŸ œ˜8JšŸœŸœ˜JšŸ˜J˜ šŸ˜šŸœ Ÿœ-˜@JšŸœ-˜1šŸœŸ˜JšœEŸœ˜JJšŸœŸœ˜—JšŸœ˜——JšŸœ ˜J˜J˜—Jšœ  '˜2J˜šŸ˜šŸœŸ˜˜ JšŸ˜J˜ J˜3JšŸœŸœ˜3JšœŸœ˜J˜J˜Jšœ™J˜ JšŸœ˜—J˜4J˜/J˜2˜˜J˜1——JšŸœŸœ˜J˜—JšŸœ Ÿœ ˜JšŸœ˜J˜—J˜Jšœ ˜8J˜GJ˜$JšŸœ Ÿœ ˜2J˜"J˜"Jšœ &˜7J˜JšŸœ ˜J˜J˜—š žœŸ œŸœ ŸœŸœ˜GJšŸ˜JšœK™KJšœJ™JJšœ™šœ ŸœŸœ˜Jšœ )˜>šœŸœ Ÿ˜šœ .˜MJšœ ˜'—šœ# "˜EJšœŸœ ;˜I—JšŸœ˜ ——JšœŸœŸœ ˜%J˜šžœŸœŸœ˜0JšŸ˜JšœQ™QJšœT™TJšœ ™ JšœŸœŸœ˜/Jšœ ŸœŸœ˜šŸ˜JšŸœ ŸœŸœŸœ ˜"šŸœŸœŸ˜šœŸœ˜JšŸ˜Jšœ ŸœŸœ˜9Jšœ. "˜PšŸœŸ˜JšŸ˜JšœŸœŸœ˜-J˜&J˜#J˜J˜.J˜.J˜%J˜/JšŸœ˜—J˜JšŸœ˜—šœŸœ˜ JšŸ˜šŸœŸ˜JšŸ˜J˜>J˜,J˜#J˜(J˜"J˜'J˜JšŸœ˜ JšŸ˜—šŸœ˜JšŸ˜J˜,J˜,J˜JšŸœ˜—JšŸœ˜—JšŸœ˜—JšŸ˜šœ ŸœŸœŸœ˜JšŸœ B˜HJšœ&™&JšœŸœŸœ ˜4JšœŸœŸœ˜-JšŸœŸœŸœ˜-J˜(J˜ J˜)J˜ J˜J˜.J˜(J˜"J˜'JšŸœ˜—Jšœ Ÿœ˜JšŸœ˜—JšœŸœŸœK˜XJšŸœ ˜J˜—JšœŸœ˜šŸ˜šŸœŸ˜JšœŸœ ˜"Jšœ'Ÿœ ˜G˜ JšŸœ ˜"J˜J˜"JšœŸœŸœ ˜4šŸœŸœ˜9JšŸœŸœ˜"—šŸœŸœŸ˜J˜'J˜,JšŸœŸœ˜—J˜ J˜ J˜(JšœŸœŸœA˜NJšŸœ˜—šŸœ˜ JšŸœ ˜JšœŸœ˜JšœŸœŸœ˜J˜ J˜#šŸœŸ˜šœ˜šŸœŸœŸ˜%Jšœ ˜ ——šŸœ˜ Jšœ˜——J˜JšœŸœŸœC˜PJšŸœ˜——šŸ˜JšœŸœ˜#—JšŸœ˜—Jš Ÿœ ŸœŸœŸœŸœ˜:šŸœŸœŸ˜JšœŸœ3Ÿœ ˜MJšŸœ˜—JšŸœ  ˜%J˜J˜—š žœŸ œŸœ ŸœŸœ˜GJšŸ˜J˜)J˜)J˜&JšŸœ ˜JšŸœ  ˜%J˜J˜—Jš žœŸ œŸœ ŸœŸœ˜?šœV™VJšŸ˜šŸœŸ˜JšŸœ 6˜J˜JšœŸœ˜JšŸœ˜—Jšœ Ÿœ ˜šŸœ Ÿœ˜JšŸœ /˜5JšœŸœ˜J˜J˜ JšŸ˜—šŸ˜JšŸœ 8˜>J˜J˜ Jšœ1™1šŸœŸœŸœ˜Jšœ1Ÿœ˜6JšœŸœ˜JšœŸœ˜šŸœ˜ JšŸœ ?˜EJšœŸœ˜Jšœ ŸœŸœ˜JšŸœ˜——JšŸœ˜—J˜ JšŸœ˜J˜—˜ JšŸ˜šžœŸ œ˜:JšŸœ (˜.J˜!šŸœ ŸœŸœ˜?J˜2—JšŸœ˜JšŸœ ˜$J˜—J˜"JšŸœŸœŸœ˜+šŸœ ŸœŸ˜˜#JšŸœŸœ ˜@šŸ˜JšŸ˜J˜3šŸœ Ÿ˜&J˜—šŸ˜JšŸœ $˜*J˜J˜J˜ J˜,J˜+JšŸœ˜—JšŸœ˜——˜"JšŸ˜Jšœ*Ÿœ˜0J˜,J˜*JšŸœ˜—JšŸœ˜%—JšŸœ˜—JšŸœ˜—JšŸœ ˜JšŸœ ˜J˜J˜—šœŸœ˜$šŸ˜šŸ˜˜JšœR˜RšŸœŸ˜&Jšœ Ÿœ '˜9JšŸœŸœ ˜——JšŸœŸœ ˜——J˜Jšœ '˜=Jšœ/˜/J˜šœŸœŸœ9˜RJ˜ —J˜J˜ šœŸœŸœ9˜RJ˜ —J˜J˜ ˜šŸœŸœS˜XJ˜ ——J˜Jšœ*˜*J˜Jšœ%˜%J˜JšŸœ˜J˜šŸ˜˜ JšŸœ˜——JšŸœ  ˜J˜J˜—Jšœ™J˜˜OJ˜—JšŸœ ˜J˜J˜J˜J˜J˜—J˜—…—=hV