file: PasPrivate.mesa
modified by Ramshaw, January 20, 1984 2:35 pm
written by McCreight, September 15, 1980 1:51 PM
Basics USING [LowHalf, LowByte],
ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; --short names for Cedar things
PascalInteger: TYPE = INT;
PascalReal: TYPE = REAL;
PascalMaxSetSize: NAT = 256;
PascalIdentLength: NAT = 8;
This many characters of each identifier must be correct. Characters beyond
this point are significant, but in a forgiving way.
Standards: TYPE = -- Pascal standard files/procedures/functions/constants
Input, Output, Tty, ExtraFile1, ExtraFile2,
Halt, Get, Put, Reset, Rewrite, Read, ReadLn, Write, WriteLn, Break, Pack,
Unpack, New, Dispose, Page, Release, Assign, Concat, PutChar, GetFileName,
Date, Time, ExtraProc1, ExtraProc2, ExtraProc3, ExtraProc4, ExtraProc5,
Clock, Abs, Sqr, Sin, Cos, Exp, Ln, Sqrt, Arctan, Odd, Ord, Chr, Pred, Succ,
EOF, EOLn, EOPage, Card, LowerBound, UpperBound, Min, Max, First, Last, Round,
Trunc, Length, GetChar, ExtraFn1, ExtraFn2, ExtraFn3, ExtraFn4, ExtraFn5,
MaxInteger, False, True, Nil, ExtraConst1, ExtraConst2};
StandardFiles: TYPE = Standards [Input..ExtraFile2];
StandardProcedures: TYPE = Standards [Halt..ExtraProc5];
StandardFunctions: TYPE = Standards [Clock..ExtraFn5];
StandardConstants: TYPE = Standards [False..ExtraConst2];
PascalStandardFileNames: ARRAY StandardFiles OF ROPE;
PascalStandardProcedureNames: ARRAY StandardProcedures OF ROPE;
PascalStandardFunctionNames: ARRAY StandardFunctions OF ROPE;
Symbol: TYPE = -- scanner tokens
identSy, intConstSy, realConstSy, stringConstSy, notSy, mulOpSy, addOpSy,
relOpSy, lParentSy, rParentSy, lBrackSy, rBrackSy, commaSy, semiColonSy,
periodSy, arrowSy, colonSy, becomesSy, labelSy, constSy, typeSy, varSy,
functionSy, procedureSy, packedSy, setSy, arraySy, recordSy, fileSy,
forwardSy, beginSy, ifSy, caseSy, repeatSy, whileSy, forSy, withSy, loopSy,
gotoSy, exitSy, endSy, elseSy, untilSy, ofSy, doSy, toSy, downToSy, externSy,
programSy, thenSy, otherSy, othersSy, eofSy, CRSy};
Operator: TYPE = -- Pascal operators
noOp, plusOp, minusOp, mulOp, rDivOp, iDivOp, modOp, andOp, orOp, ltOp, gtOp,
leOp, geOp, neOp, eqOp, inOp, notOp};
Errors: TYPE = -- various error types
MalformedProgram, MalformedBlock, MalformedStatement, MalformedAssignment,
MalformedParameterList, MalformedProcedureCall, MultipleTypeDefinition,
ShouldBeRecord, CantComputeConstant, MalformedVariable, MalformedArrayAccess,
MalformedRecordAccess, MalformedExpression, MalformedSimpleExpression,
MalformedTerm, MalformedFactor, MalformedConstant, MalformedSetConstructor,
IllegalOperation, IncompatibleOperands, IllegalOperand, UnknownType,
IllegalValue, IncompatibleTypes, CantExpressString, NotASet, Undefined,
MultipleDefinition, MalformedInstr, MalformedStandard, MalformedNewDispose,
ImproperType, MalformedPack, BadArgumentCount, MalformedIdList,
MalformedSimpleType, MalformedRangeType, MalformedType, MalformedScalar,
UnexpectedType, NotFiniteType, SetTooLarge, UndefinedType,
MultiplyDefinedLabel, MalformedNonLocalGoTo, MalformedProcArrayDeclaration,
MalformedComputedSeqArrayDeclaration, MalformedComputedSeqArrayAccess,
MalformedProcArrayAccess, IdentifierMismatch, MalformedExternalProc, Confusion};
Name: TYPE = ROPE;
LexLevel: TYPE = CARDINAL [0..31];
Position: TYPE = {outer, inner}; -- for generating the interfaces
TypeFlavor: TYPE =
{unknown, scalar, subRange, pointer, power, array, procArray, computedSeqArray, record, file, procedure};
SELECT form: TypeFlavor FROM
unknown => NULL,
scalar => -- integer, real, char, and boolean are instances of this
firstId: ConstantIdentifierPtr, -- for boolean or user-defined type
size: CARDINAL -- for boolean, char, and user-defined type
subRange => [
hostType: GeneralTypePtr, -- host type: non-real scalar
lower, upper: PascalInteger],
pointer => [elType: GeneralTypePtr], -- pointed-to element type: any
power => [baseType: GeneralTypePtr],
set element type: scalar (except real and integer), or subrange
array => [
aIsDynamic: BOOLEANFALSE, -- represented as pointer
aElType: GeneralTypePtr, -- element type: any type
aIxType: GeneralTypePtr
index type: scalar (except real and integer), or subrange
procArray => [
aElType: GeneralTypePtr, -- any type
indices: IdentifierSetPtr],
computedSeqArray => [
aElType: GeneralTypePtr], -- any type
record => [recIsPacked: BOOLEANFALSE, fieldList: FieldListPtr],
file => [
fileType: GeneralTypePtr -- file element type: any type
procedure => [
result: GeneralTypePtr, -- = nilGeneralTypePtr if non-function
formals: IdentifierSetPtr],
ENDCASE] ← [unknown[]]; -- Type
TypePtr: TYPE = REF Type;
ScalarTypePtr: TYPE = REF scalar Type;
SubRangeTypePtr: TYPE = REF subRange Type;
PointerTypePtr: TYPE = REF pointer Type;
PowerTypePtr: TYPE = REF power Type;
ArrayTypePtr: TYPE = REF array Type;
ProcArrayTypePtr: TYPE = REF procArray Type;
ComputedSeqArrayTypePtr: TYPE = REF computedSeqArray Type;
RecordTypePtr: TYPE = REF record Type;
FileTypePtr: TYPE = REF file Type;
ProcedureTypePtr: TYPE = REF procedure Type;
FieldList: TYPE = RECORD [
fieldSet: IdentifierSetPtr, -- set of fields
firstVariant: VariantPtr ← NIL, -- NIL if no variants
SELECT tagStatus: * FROM
identified => [tagId: VariableIdentifierPtr],
identified tag field rules variant part
unidentified => [tagType: GeneralTypePtr],
unidentified tag field rules variant part
tag type: scalar (except real and integer), or subrange
ENDCASE] ← nilFieldList;
nilFieldList: FieldList =
[fieldSet: NIL, firstVariant: NIL,
tagSpecific: unidentified[tagType: nilGeneralTypePtr]];
FieldListPtr: TYPE = REF FieldList;
Variant: TYPE = RECORD [
nextVariant: VariantPtr, -- to next variant in this record
tagValue: PascalInteger, -- that activates this variant
fieldList: FieldListPtr];
VariantPtr: TYPE = REF Variant;
IdentifierFlavor: TYPE = --possible tag fields for Identifier variant record
{unknown, type, constant, realConstant, charArrayConstant, variable, procedure, label,
config, defsModule, implModule, outerItem, compileDifferently, programSegment};
Identifier: TYPE = RECORD [
name: Name, -- the actual name
hash: INTEGER ← , -- a hash code, to make searching lists of identifiers faster
type: GeneralTypePtr, -- the type descriptor
class: IdentifierTailPtr];
IdentifierTail: TYPE = RECORD [
t: SELECT idClass: IdentifierFlavor FROM
unknown, type => NULL,
constant => [scalarLink: ConstantIdentifierPtr, value: PascalInteger],
realConstant => NULL,
charArrayConstant => NULL,
variable => [kind: {normal, var} ← normal],
procedure => [
SELECT declKind: * FROM
standard => [key: Standards],
std may need unusual parsing, type returned by ParseStandardFunction
parameter => NULL,
declared => [
defining: BOOLEANFALSE, -- now within definition
inline: BOOLEANFALSE, -- translate as an INLINE
headerQ: OutputQueuePtr -- translation of header
label => [
nonLocal: BOOLFALSE, -- NonLocal goto's are implemented with Signals.
At present, non-local goto's may only go forward.
forwardTarget: BOOLFALSE,
backwardTarget: BOOLFALSE,
alreadyDefined: BOOLFALSE
defsModule => [
openees: IdentifierSetPtr, -- these go into the directory and open clause of this defs
importees: IdentifierSetPtr, -- these go into the imports clause
compileMe: BOOLTRUE, -- false for either a trash or an external defs
exportMe: BOOLTRUE, --false for a trash defs
q: OutputQueuePtr
implModule => [
openedDefs: IdentifierSetPtr, -- these go into the directory and open clause of this impl
importedDefs: IdentifierSetPtr, -- these go into the imports clause
openedAndImportedImpls: IdentifierSetPtr, -- these too, in case of importing pointer to frame
exportees: IdentifierSetPtr, -- and these are the exports
compileMe: BOOLTRUE, -- false for either a trash or an external impl
bindMe: BOOLTRUE, -- false for a trash impl
q: OutputQueuePtr
compileDifferently =>
arrayHow: ArrayDifferentlyMethod ← notAtAll,
procHow: ProcDifferentlyMethod ← notAtAll
programSegment => -- constructed from command file
mentionedProcedures: IdentifierSetPtr, -- consisting of programSegments
mentionedVariables: IdentifierSetPtr -- consisting of compileDifferently's
config => -- constructed from command files that ask for modularization
mentionedIdents: IdentifierSetPtr -- consisting of outerItem's
outerItem => -- something in the outer block
dest: DestinationPtr -- says where the item should go
ENDCASE ← unknown[]]; -- Identifier
ArrayDifferentlyMethod: TYPE = {notAtAll, specialArray, procArray, computedSeqArray};
For cedar, the default array is allocated in the heap, and a specialArray goes
into the frame. For mesa and longMesa, the default is frame and specialArrays
come from the heap. A procArray is implemented as a procedure call. A
computedSeqArray is for arrays bigger than 64K 16-bit words, which cannot be
allocated by our current allocators. PasMesa makes no attempt to allocate such an array.
And it uses a SEQUENCE COMPUTED CARDINAL to convince the compiler not to
try and do bounds checking.
ProcDifferentlyMethod: TYPE = {notAtAll, inlineProc};
An inlineProc turns into an INLINE, as you might expect.
IdentifierPtr: TYPE = REF Identifier;
IdentifierTailPtr: TYPE = REF IdentifierTail;
Although the following won't be checked by the compiler, they indicate
our intentions:
ConstantIdentifierPtr: TYPE = IdentifierPtr;
VariableIdentifierPtr: TYPE = IdentifierPtr;
ProcedureIdentifierPtr: TYPE = IdentifierPtr;
DeclaredProcedureIdentifierPtr: TYPE = IdentifierPtr;
SegmentIdentifierPtr: TYPE = IdentifierPtr;
These, the compiler can check:
ConstantIdentifierTailPtr: TYPE = REF constant IdentifierTail;
VariableIdentifierTailPtr: TYPE = REF variable IdentifierTail;
ProcedureIdentifierTailPtr: TYPE = REF procedure IdentifierTail;
DeclaredProcedureIdentifierTailPtr: TYPE = REF declared procedure IdentifierTail;
SegmentIdentifierTailPtr: TYPE = REF programSegment IdentifierTail;
An IdentifierSet must support both alphabetic string equality searches
and enumeration in insertion order. The initial implementation of this
set is as a linked list.
IdentifierSet: TYPE = LIST OF IdentifierPtr ← NIL; -- default is empty
IdentifierSetPtr: TYPE = REF IdentifierSet;
A Destination is where our output should be going if we are modularizing
Destination: TYPE = RECORD [
defsModule: IdentifierPtr,
implModule: IdentifierPtr];
DestinationPtr: TYPE = REF Destination;
GeneralTypePtr: TYPE = REF ANY;
two possibilities will actually occur:
REF Identifier means "like the id's type"
REF Type means "a concrete type"
nilGeneralTypePtr: GeneralTypePtr = NIL;
Value: TYPE = RECORD [
type: GeneralTypePtr,
value: ValueTailPtr];
ValueTail: TYPE = RECORD [
SELECT binding: * FROM
unknown => NULL,
variable, nonConstant, otherConstant => [
translation: OutputQueuePtr ← NIL],
scalarConstant => [v: ScalarConstant],
stringConstant => [v: ROPE], -- turns into otherConstant on translation
setConstructor => [v: SetIntervalPtr], -- a chain of SetIntervals
ENDCASE] ← [unknown[]];
ValuePtr: TYPE = REF Value;
ValueTailPtr: TYPE = REF ValueTail;
ScalarConstantValueTailPtr: TYPE = REF scalarConstant ValueTail; -- can be checked
ScalarConstantValuePtr: TYPE = REF Value; -- but this one just indicates our intentions
ScalarConstant: TYPE = RECORD [
value: PascalInteger ← 0, -- used only for non-real scalars, or subranges
translation: OutputQueuePtr ← NIL];
SetInterval: TYPE = RECORD [
next: SetIntervalPtr,
lower: ValuePtr,
SELECT case: * FROM singleton => NULL, interval => [upper: ValuePtr], ENDCASE];
SetIntervalPtr: TYPE = REF SetInterval;
DisplayEntry: TYPE = RECORD [
locals: IdentifierSetPtr,
SELECT formalSource: * FROM
call => [
programSegment: SegmentIdentifierPtr ← NIL, isp: IdentifierSetPtr],
with => [flp: FieldListPtr],
[locals: NIL, formals: call[isp: NIL]];
DisplayEntryPtr: TYPE = REF DisplayEntry;
OutputQueue: TYPE = RECORD [
contents: ROPENIL,
fileName: ROPENIL -- NIL means that this Queue is purely temporary
OutputQueuePtr: TYPE = REF OutputQueue;
SourceFileSeqPtr: TYPE = REF SourceFileSeq;
SourceFileSeq: TYPE = RECORD [
next: SourceFileSeqPtr,
name: ROPE
TargetLanguage: TYPE = {mesa, longMesa, cedar};
ItemType: TYPE = {globalLabel, type, const, var, proc, main};
** Implemented in PasBlock
TranslateProgram: PROCEDURE;
TranslateBlock: PROCEDURE [position: Position];
** Implemented in PasDecl
TranslateConstantDeclaration: PROCEDURE [position: Position]
TranslateTypeDeclaration: PROCEDURE [position: Position]
TranslateVariableDeclaration: PROCEDURE [position: Position]
TranslateProcedureDeclaration: PROCEDURE [position: Position, isFunction: BOOL];
TranslateProcedureCall: PROCEDURE [id: IdentifierPtr] RETURNS [ValuePtr];
ExtractResultType: PROCEDURE [id: IdentifierPtr] RETURNS [GeneralTypePtr];
** Implemented in PasErrs
Error: PROCEDURE [reason: Errors];
Warning: PROCEDURE [reason: Errors, extraInfo: ROPENIL];
PasMesaError: ERROR [reason: ROPE];
** Implemented in PasExpr
TranslateVariable: PROCEDURE [isLHS: BOOLFALSE] RETURNS [ValuePtr];
Parsing something leaves the translated code in the Value
Translating it puts it in the output queue stack top
TranslateExpression: PROCEDURE [st: GeneralTypePtr ← nilGeneralTypePtr] RETURNS [ValuePtr];
ParseExpression: PROCEDURE [st: GeneralTypePtr ← nilGeneralTypePtr] RETURNS [ValuePtr];
ParseConstant: PROCEDURE RETURNS [ValuePtr];
ParseConstantExpression: PROCEDURE RETURNS [ValuePtr];
ParseCountableConstant: PROCEDURE RETURNS [ScalarConstantValuePtr];
ParseFiniteConstant: PROCEDURE RETURNS [ScalarConstantValuePtr];
CoerceToReal: PROCEDURE [vp: ValuePtr];
CoerceToLong: PROCEDURE [vp: ValuePtr];
ExpressStringConstant: PROCEDURE [v: ValuePtr, st: GeneralTypePtr];
ExtractTranslation: PROCEDURE [
v: ValuePtr, st: GeneralTypePtr ← nilGeneralTypePtr] RETURNS [OutputQueuePtr];
SayTranslation: PROCEDURE [v: ValuePtr, st: GeneralTypePtr ← nilGeneralTypePtr];
** Implemented in PasIdent
CreateIdentifierSet: PROCEDURE RETURNS [pset: IdentifierSetPtr];
InitIdentifierSet: PROCEDURE [pset: IdentifierSetPtr];
DisposeIdentifierSet: PROCEDURE [pset: IdentifierSetPtr];
EmptyIdentifierSet: PROCEDURE [pset: IdentifierSetPtr] RETURNS [BOOL];
EnumerateIdentifierSet: PROCEDURE [
pset: IdentifierSetPtr, p: PROCEDURE [IdentifierPtr]]; -- in insertion order
MergeIdentifierSets: PROCEDURE [
into: IdentifierSetPtr ← NIL, from: IdentifierSetPtr];
puts the "from" identifiers after the "into" identifiers
AssignTypeToIdSet: PROCEDURE [pset: IdentifierSetPtr, type: GeneralTypePtr];
puts "like" types in all but the last-inserted identifier in the set
name: Name ← NIL,
pset: IdentifierSetPtr ← NIL] RETURNS [IdentifierPtr];
pset default is display[lexLevel].lid, the current local variables
InsertOldIdent: PROCEDURE [
id: IdentifierPtr,
pset: IdentifierSetPtr];
inserts id at the end of pset
IdentLookup: PROCEDURE [
name: Name ← NIL, pset: IdentifierSetPtr ← NIL, pfl: FieldListPtr ← NIL,
couldFail: BOOLEANFALSE] RETURNS [IdentifierPtr];
default is the entire display
** Implemented in PasInit
InitializeStandards: PROCEDURE;
InitializeModules: PROCEDURE;
FinishModules: PROCEDURE;
** Implemented in PasOut
CharToQueue: PROCEDURE [c: CHARACTER, q: OutputQueuePtr ← NIL];
CharToQueueStart: PROCEDURE [c: CHARACTER, q: OutputQueuePtr ← NIL];
StringToQueue: PROCEDURE [s: ROPE, q: OutputQueuePtr ← NIL];
StringToQueueStart: PROCEDURE [s: ROPE, q: OutputQueuePtr ← NIL];
MergeQueue: PROCEDURE [from: OutputQueuePtr, to: OutputQueuePtr ← NIL];
MergeQueueStart: PROCEDURE [from: OutputQueuePtr, to: OutputQueuePtr ← NIL];
CopyQueue: PROCEDURE [from: OutputQueuePtr, to: OutputQueuePtr ← NIL];
ClearQueue: PROCEDURE [q: OutputQueuePtr ← NIL];
BalanceQueue: PROCEDURE [q: OutputQueuePtr ← NIL];
PushOut: PROCEDURE [q: OutputQueuePtr ← NIL];
CopyAndPopOut: PROCEDURE RETURNS [OutputQueuePtr];
** Implemented in PasScanner
SourceFromStream: PROCEDURE [stream: STREAM, name: ROPE];
SourceFromNextStream: PROCEDURE; -- uses sourceFileSeq
results in, PasVars.op, and PasVars.ident
StringToPascalInteger: PROCEDURE [s: ROPE] RETURNS [PascalInteger];
SayPascalInteger: PROCEDURE [i: PascalInteger];
NarrowPascalInteger: PROCEDURE [i: PascalInteger] RETURNS [NAT] =
PascalIntegerToCh: PROCEDURE [i: PascalInteger] RETURNS [CHARACTER] = INLINE {
CouldBe: PROCEDURE [testSy: Symbol, string: ROPENIL] RETURNS [BOOLEAN];
MustBe: PROCEDURE [testSy: Symbol, string: ROPENIL, e: Errors];
SequenceOf: PROCEDURE [
p: PROCEDURE, separatorSy: Symbol ← semiColonSy,
separatorString: ROPENIL];
RespondCh: PROCEDURE [c: CHARACTER] = INLINE {SayCh[c]; InSymbol[]};
SayCh: PROCEDURE [c: CHARACTER] = INLINE {CharToQueue[c]};
copies the character to the current output queue
Respond: PROCEDURE [s: ROPE] = INLINE {Say[s]; InSymbol[]};
Say: PROCEDURE [s: ROPE] = INLINE {StringToQueue[s]};
copies the string to the current output queue
says it, but avoids all Mesa reserved words by using lower case
just like SayIdent, except returns Rope instead of saying it
SayLine: PROCEDURE [s: ROPENIL] = INLINE {Say[s]; SayCh['\n]};
copies the string to the current output queue
** Implemented in PasStd
TranslateStandardProcedure: PROCEDURE [key: Standards];
TranslateStandardFunction: PROCEDURE [key: Standards] RETURNS [ValuePtr];
** Implemented in PasType
SayScalar: PROCEDURE [t: GeneralTypePtr, i: PascalInteger];
SayScalarAsInteger: PROCEDURE [t: GeneralTypePtr, i: PascalInteger];
SayType: PROCEDURE [gtp: GeneralTypePtr]; -- elaborates a type translation
SaySetType: PROCEDURE [t: TypePtr];
SaySetOriginOffset: PROCEDURE [baseType: GeneralTypePtr];
IsScalarType: PROCEDURE [gtp: GeneralTypePtr] RETURNS [BOOLEAN];
IsCountableType: PROCEDURE [gtp: GeneralTypePtr] RETURNS [BOOLEAN];
IsCountableHostType: PROCEDURE [gtp: GeneralTypePtr] RETURNS [BOOLEAN];
IsFiniteType: PROCEDURE [gtp: GeneralTypePtr] RETURNS [BOOLEAN];
GenScalarType: PROCEDURE [gtp: GeneralTypePtr] RETURNS [GeneralTypePtr];
GenCountableType: PROCEDURE [gtp: GeneralTypePtr] RETURNS [GeneralTypePtr];
GenCountableHostType: PROCEDURE [gtp: GeneralTypePtr] RETURNS [GeneralTypePtr];
GenFiniteType: PROCEDURE [gtp: GeneralTypePtr]
RETURNS [t: GeneralTypePtr, lower, upper: PascalInteger];
GetConcreteType: PROCEDURE [gtp: GeneralTypePtr] RETURNS [TypePtr];
GetScalarType: PROCEDURE [gtp: GeneralTypePtr] RETURNS [TypePtr] = INLINE {
GetCountableType: PROCEDURE [gtp: GeneralTypePtr] RETURNS [TypePtr] = INLINE {
GetCountableHostType: PROCEDURE [gtp: GeneralTypePtr] RETURNS [TypePtr] = INLINE
GetFiniteType: PROCEDURE [gtp: GeneralTypePtr]
RETURNS [t: TypePtr, lower, upper: PascalInteger] = INLINE {
g: GeneralTypePtr;
[g, lower, upper] ← GenFiniteType[gtp];
t ← GetConcreteType[g]};
GetConcreteTypeOfValue: PROCEDURE [v: ValuePtr] RETURNS [TypePtr] = INLINE {
RETURN[GetConcreteType[gtp: v.type]]};
ConcreteValue: PROCEDURE [
t: TypePtr, translation: OutputQueuePtr ← NIL] RETURNS [ValuePtr] =
RETURN[NEW[Value←[type: t,
value: NEW[ValueTail ←[nonConstant[translation: translation]]]]]]};
LikeValue: PROCEDURE [
id: IdentifierPtr, translation: OutputQueuePtr ← NIL]
RETURN[NEW[Value←[type: id,
value: NEW[ValueTail ←[nonConstant[translation: translation]]]]]]};
CheckForPascalString: PROCEDURE [t: GeneralTypePtr]
RETURNS [is: BOOLEAN, length: PascalInteger];
PowerSetOf: PROCEDURE [t: GeneralTypePtr] RETURNS [GeneralTypePtr];
IsTextFile: PROCEDURE [t: GeneralTypePtr] RETURNS [BOOLEAN];
TranslateIdList: PROCEDURE [pset: IdentifierSetPtr ← NIL];
TranslateVariableList: PROCEDURE [
pset: IdentifierSetPtr ← NIL, fwdOK: BOOLEANFALSE];
TranslateType: PROCEDURE [id: IdentifierPtr ← NIL, fwdOK: BOOLEANFALSE,
outerArrayIsFunny: ArrayDifferentlyMethodnotAtAll] RETURNS [GeneralTypePtr];
DisposeType: PROCEDURE [gtp: GeneralTypePtr];
END. -- Pas