File: MonitorToolButtonsImpl.mesa
Author: Pier on July 30, 1985 5:28:14 pm PDT
Buttons USING [ButtonProc],
MonitorToolButtons USING [Handle, MTViewerRec],
ViewerTools USING [SetSelection];
MonitorToolButtonsImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM
IMPORTS ViewerTools EXPORTS MonitorToolButtons = {
Handle: TYPE = MonitorToolButtons.Handle;
MTViewerRec: TYPE = MonitorToolButtons.MTViewerRec;
ButtonProc: TYPE = PROC [parent: REF ANY, clientData: REF ANY ← NIL,
mouseButton: MouseButton ← red, shift, control: BOOL ← FALSE] ;
For menus, the parent field will contain the parent Viewer; for buttons, parent will be the button Viewer itself. Use NARROW to convert a REF ANY to a Viewer. mouseButton indicates how the user invoked the button or menu. shift and control indicate the state of the shift and control keys when the menu or button was invoked.
ScreenWidth: PUBLIC Buttons.ButtonProc = CHECKED {
force the selection into the user input field
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData]; -- get our data
ViewerTools.SetSelection[handle.screenWidth.input]; -- force the selection
ScreenHeight: PUBLIC Buttons.ButtonProc = CHECKED {
force the selection into the user input field
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData]; -- get our data
ViewerTools.SetSelection[handle.screenHeight.input]; -- force the selection
Refresh: PUBLIC Buttons.ButtonProc = CHECKED {
force the selection into the user input field
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData]; -- get our data
ViewerTools.SetSelection[handle.refresh.input]; -- force the selection
HBlank: PUBLIC Buttons.ButtonProc = CHECKED {
force the selection into the user input field
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData]; -- get our data
ViewerTools.SetSelection[handle.hBlank.input]; -- force the selection
VBlank: PUBLIC Buttons.ButtonProc = CHECKED {
force the selection into the user input field
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData]; -- get our data
ViewerTools.SetSelection[handle.vBlank.input]; -- force the selection
BitsPerPixel: PUBLIC Buttons.ButtonProc = CHECKED {
force the selection into the user input field
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData]; -- get our data
ViewerTools.SetSelection[handle.bpp.input]; -- force the selection
Position: PUBLIC Buttons.ButtonProc = CHECKED {
force the selection into the user input field
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData]; -- get our data
ViewerTools.SetSelection[handle.position.input]; -- force the selection