Copyright © 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Doug Terry, January 27, 1987 5:14:46 pm PST
This should really be part of LoganBerry.mesa. It'll get folded in at a convenient time, perhaps in the conversion to Cedar 7.0.
LoganBerry USING [AttributeType, Conv, LogID, OpenDB, ROPE];
Conv: TYPE ~ LoganBerry.Conv;
OpenDB: TYPE ~ LoganBerry.OpenDB;
LogID: TYPE ~ LoganBerry.LogID;
AttributeType: TYPE ~ LoganBerry.AttributeType;
ROPE: TYPE ~ LoganBerry.ROPE;
LogInfo: TYPE ~ REF LogInfoRec;
LogInfoRec: TYPE ~ RECORD[
id: LogID, -- log number
file: ROPE -- name of log file
IndexInfo: TYPE ~ REF IndexInfoRec;
IndexInfoRec: TYPE ~ RECORD[
key: AttributeType, -- index key
file: ROPE, -- name of index file
order: ATOM ← $lex -- ordering of index, e.g. $lex, $ascii, $gmt, $int
SchemaInfo: TYPE = REF SchemaInfoRec;
SchemaInfoRec: TYPE = RECORD[
dbName: ROPE, -- name of database schema file
logs: LIST OF LogInfo, -- logs comprising the database
indices: LIST OF IndexInfo -- available indices, the primary key is listed first
Describe2: PROC [conv: Conv ← NIL, db: OpenDB] RETURNS [info: SchemaInfo];
Returns schema information about the database.
Errors: BadDBHandle
Doug Terry, January 27, 1987 5:14:46 pm PST
changes to: DIRECTORY, LoganBerryExtras, ~