Russ Atkinson, October 17, 1983 4:13 pm
Satterthwaite March 11, 1986 9:14:39 am PST
This file has been shamelessly ripped off from SymbolOps.mesa of July 6, 1983 1:36 pm. It is meant as an eventual replacement, which would permit symbol tables to exist without the use of global frames or excessive MDS (hooray!). There is NO provision for table movement!
ConvertUnsafe: TYPE USING [LS, SubString],
FS: TYPE USING [nullOpenFile, OpenFile],
Symbols: TYPE,
SymbolSegment: TYPE,
TimeStamp: TYPE USING [Stamp],
Tree: TYPE USING [Link],
VM: TYPE USING [Interval, nullInterval];
SymbolOperations: DEFINITIONS
Base: TYPE = Symbols.Base;
BitAddress: TYPE = Symbols.BitAddress;
BitCount: TYPE = Symbols.BitCount;
BTIndex: TYPE = Symbols.BTIndex;
CSEIndex: TYPE = Symbols.CSEIndex;
CTXIndex: TYPE = Symbols.CTXIndex;
CTXNull: CTXIndex = Symbols.CTXNull;
ExtIndex: TYPE = SymbolSegment.ExtIndex;
ExtNull: ExtIndex = SymbolSegment.ExtNull;
ExtensionType: TYPE = Symbols.ExtensionType;
FGTEntry: TYPE = SymbolSegment.FGTEntry;
FieldBitCount: TYPE = Symbols.FieldBitCount;
ISEIndex: TYPE = Symbols.ISEIndex;
ISENull: ISEIndex = Symbols.ISENull;
HashVector: TYPE = Symbols.HashVector;
HTRecord: TYPE = Symbols.HTRecord;
HVIndex: TYPE = Symbols.HVIndex;
Linkage: TYPE = Symbols.Linkage;
LongString: TYPE = ConvertUnsafe.LS;
MDIndex: TYPE = Symbols.MDIndex;
MDNull: MDIndex = Symbols.MDNull;
Name: TYPE = Symbols.Name;
nullName: Name = Symbols.nullName;
RecordSEIndex: TYPE = Symbols.RecordSEIndex;
RefClass: TYPE = Symbols.RefClass;
STHeader: TYPE = SymbolSegment.STHeader;
SubString: TYPE = ConvertUnsafe.SubString;
TransferMode: TYPE = Symbols.TransferMode;
Type: TYPE = Symbols.Type;
TypeClass: TYPE = Symbols.TypeClass;
WordCount: TYPE = Symbols.WordCount;
SymbolTableBase: TYPE = REF SymbolTableBaseRep;
SymbolTableBaseRep: TYPE = RECORD[
the basis for our symbols
interval: VM.Interval←VM.nullInterval,
file: FS.OpenFile←FS.nullOpenFile,
tables defining the current symbol table
hashVec: LONG POINTER TO HashVector←NIL, -- hash index
ht: LONG DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY Name OF HTRecord←NIL, -- hash table
ssb: LongString←NIL, -- id string
seb: Base←NIL, -- se table
ctxb: Base←NIL, -- context table
mdb: Base←NIL, -- module directory base
bb: Base←NIL, -- body table
tb: Base←NIL, -- tree area
ltb: Base←NIL, -- literal area
extb: Base←NIL, -- extension map
mdLimit: MDIndex←MDNull, -- module directory size
extLimit: ExtIndex𡤎xtNull, -- extension size
mainCtx: CTXIndex𡤌TXNull,
stHandle: STHeaderPtr←NIL,
info defining the source file links
sourceFile: LongString←NIL,
Acquire: PROC[file: FS.OpenFile, startPage: CARDINAL, pages: CARDINAL]
RETURNS[stb: SymbolTableBase ← NIL];
Release: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase];
hash manipulation
FindString: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, s: SubString] RETURNS[name: Name];
HashValue: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, s: SubString] RETURNS[HVIndex];
SubStringForName: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, name: Name] RETURNS[s: SubString];
context management
CtxEntries: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, ctx: CTXIndex] RETURNS[n: CARDINAL];
FirstCtxSe: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, ctx: CTXIndex] RETURNS[ISEIndex];
NextSe: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, sei: ISEIndex] RETURNS[ISEIndex];
SearchContext: PROC
[stb: SymbolTableBase, name: Name, ctx: CTXIndex] RETURNS[ISEIndex];
SeiForValue: PROC
[stb: SymbolTableBase, value: CARDINAL, ctx: CTXIndex] RETURNS[ISEIndex];
module management
FindMdi: PROC
[stb: SymbolTableBase, stamp: TimeStamp.Stamp] RETURNS[MDIndex];
type manipulation
ArgCtx: PROC [stb: SymbolTableBase, type: CSEIndex] RETURNS[CTXIndex];
ArgRecord: PROC
[stb: SymbolTableBase, type: CSEIndex] RETURNS[RecordSEIndex];
ClusterSe: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, type: Type] RETURNS[Type];
NormalType: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, type: CSEIndex] RETURNS[CSEIndex];
RecordLink: PROC
[stb: SymbolTableBase, type: RecordSEIndex] RETURNS[RecordSEIndex];
RecordRoot: PROC
[stb: SymbolTableBase, type: RecordSEIndex] RETURNS[root: RecordSEIndex];
ReferentType: PROC
[stb: SymbolTableBase, type: CSEIndex] RETURNS[CSEIndex];
TransferTypes: PROC
[stb: SymbolTableBase, type: Type] RETURNS[typeIn, typeOut: RecordSEIndex];
TypeForm: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, type: Type] RETURNS[TypeClass];
TypeLink: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, type: Type] RETURNS[Type];
TypeRoot: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, type: Type] RETURNS[root: Type];
UnderType: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, type: Type] RETURNS[CSEIndex];
XferMode: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, type: Type] RETURNS[TransferMode];
information returning procedures
BitsForRange: PROC
[stb: SymbolTableBase, maxValue: CARDINAL] RETURNS[nBits: CARDINAL ← 1];
BitsForType: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, type: Type] RETURNS[BitCount ← 0];
BitsPerElement: PROC
[stb: SymbolTableBase, type: Type, packed: BOOL] RETURNS[BitCount];
Cardinality: PROC [stb: SymbolTableBase, type: Type] RETURNS[LONG CARDINAL];
FindExtension: PROC
[stb: SymbolTableBase, sei: ISEIndex] RETURNS[type: ExtensionType, tree: Tree.Link];
FnField: PROC
[stb: SymbolTableBase, field: ISEIndex] RETURNS[offset: BitAddress, size: FieldBitCount];
NameForSe: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, sei: ISEIndex] RETURNS[Name];
LinkMode: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, sei: ISEIndex] RETURNS[Linkage];
RecField: PROC
[stb: SymbolTableBase, field: ISEIndex] RETURNS[offset: BitAddress, size: FieldBitCount];
RCType: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, type: CSEIndex] RETURNS[RefClass];
VariantField: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, type: CSEIndex] RETURNS[ISEIndex];
WordsForType: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, type: Type] RETURNS[WordCount];
body table management
ParentBti: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, bti: BTIndex] RETURNS[BTIndex];
SiblingBti: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, bti: BTIndex] RETURNS[BTIndex];
SonBti: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, bti: BTIndex] RETURNS[BTIndex];
EnumerateBodies: PROC
[stb: SymbolTableBase, root: BTIndex, proc: PROC[BTIndex] RETURNS[stop: BOOL]]
RETURNS[bti: BTIndex];