-- file: GFtoPressVars1.mesa
-- Pascal-to-Mesa translator output, translated at October 25, 1985 5:07:13 pm PDT


BEGIN OPEN PascalBasic, PascalWizardFiles, GFtoPressPrivate;
Xord: LONG POINTER TO ARRAY PascalChar OF  AsciiCode;
Xchr: LONG POINTER TO ARRAY PascalInteger[0..255] OF  PascalChar;
Buffer: LONG POINTER TO ARRAY PascalInteger[0..TerminalLineLength] OF  PascalInteger[0..255];

TermIn: TextFile;

LineLength: PascalInteger[0..TerminalLineLength];

BufPtr: PascalInteger[0..TerminalLineLength];

Lf: PascalInteger[0..32767];

Lh: PascalInteger[0..32767];

Bc: PascalInteger[0..32767];

Ec: PascalInteger[0..32767];

Nw: PascalInteger[0..32767];

Nh: PascalInteger[0..32767];

Nd: PascalInteger[0..32767];

Ni: PascalInteger[0..32767];

Nl: PascalInteger[0..32767];

Nk: PascalInteger[0..32767];

Ne: PascalInteger[0..32767];

Np: PascalInteger[0..32767];

GfFile: ByteFile;

TfmFile: ByteFile;

CurLoc: PascalInteger;
NameOfFile: LONG POINTER TO  PACKED ARRAY PascalInteger[1..FileNameSize] OF  PascalChar;

B0: EightBits;

B1: EightBits;

B2: EightBits;

B3: EightBits;
FontInfo: LONG POINTER TO ARRAY PascalInteger[0..FontMemSize] OF  MemoryWord;

FmemPtr: PascalInteger[0..FontMemSize];
FontCheck: LONG POINTER TO ARRAY InternalFontNumber OF  FourQuarters;
FontSize: LONG POINTER TO ARRAY InternalFontNumber OF  Scaled;
FontDsize: LONG POINTER TO ARRAY InternalFontNumber OF  Scaled;
FontBc: LONG POINTER TO ARRAY InternalFontNumber OF  EightBits;
FontEc: LONG POINTER TO ARRAY InternalFontNumber OF  EightBits;
FontFamily: LONG POINTER TO ARRAY InternalFontNumber OF  StrNumber;
FontFace: LONG POINTER TO ARRAY InternalFontNumber OF  EightBits;
FontPressCode: LONG POINTER TO ARRAY InternalFontNumber OF  CedarNat;

CommandLineAlreadyGotten: PascalBoolean;