Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Bloomenthal, February 26, 1987 7:06:29 pm PST
DIRECTORY IO, Matrix3d, Polynomial, Real, RealFns, Rope, Spline3d, Vector3d;
IMPORTS Matrix3d, Polynomial, Real, RealFns, Vector3d
EXPORTS Spline3d
OPEN Spline3d;
Interpolation Procedures
InterpolateCyclic: PUBLIC PROC [knots: TripleSequence, tension: REAL ← 1.0]
RETURNS [coeffs: CoeffsSequence] ~ {
From /Cedar/CedarChest6.1/CubicSplinePackage/RegularALSplineImpl.mesa by Baudelaire
and Stone, in which coeffs.t3, .t2, .t1, and .t0 refer to the 3rd, 2nd and 1st derivatives,
and position of the curve. In Spline3d, these correspond to coeffs[0], [1], [2], and [3].
IF NOT Vector3d.Equal[knots[0], knots[knots.length-1], 0.0] THEN {
old: TripleSequence ← knots;
knots ← NEW[TripleSequenceRep[old.length+1]];
knots.length ← old.length+1;
FOR n: NAT IN [0..old.length) DO knots[n] ← old[n]; ENDLOOP;
knots[knots.length-1] ← knots[0];
coeffs ← NEW[CoeffsSequenceRep[knots.length]];
coeffs.length ← knots.length;
FOR n: NAT IN [0..coeffs.length) DO coeffs[n] ← NEW[CoeffsRep]; ENDLOOP;
SELECT knots.length FROM
< 1 => coeffs ← NIL;
< 3 => {
coeffs[0][3] ← [knots[0].x, knots[0].y, knots[0].z, 1.0];
IF knots.length = 2 THEN {
dif: Triple ~ Vector3d.Sub[knots[1], knots[0]];
coeffs[0][2] ← [dif.x, dif.y, dif.z, 0.0];
lastKnot: NAT ← knots.length-1;      -- last knot index
lastK:  NAT ← lastKnot-1;       -- max k for intervals h,a,b,c,d,r,s
h: RealSequence ← NEW[RealSequenceRep[lastKnot]];
a: RealSequence ← NEW[RealSequenceRep[lastKnot]];
b: RealSequence ← NEW[RealSequenceRep[lastKnot]];
d: RealSequence ← NEW[RealSequenceRep[lastKnot]];
c: RealSequence ← NEW[RealSequenceRep[lastKnot]];
r: RealSequence ← NEW[RealSequenceRep[lastKnot]];
s: RealSequence ← NEW[RealSequenceRep[lastKnot]];
set cubic constants:
FOR i: NAT IN [0..knots.length) DO
coeffs[i][3] ← [knots[i].x, knots[i].y, knots[i].z, 1.0];
compute parametrization (chord length approximation):
h ← ComputeChords[knots, h];
cyclic end conditions: precompute coefficients a and c:
a[0] ← 2.0*(h[0]+h[lastK]);
FOR k: NAT IN [1..lastK) DO a[k] ← 2.0*(h[k-1]+h[k])-h[k-1]*h[k-1]/a[k-1]; ENDLOOP;
c[0] ← h[lastK];
FOR k: NAT IN [1..lastK) DO c[k] ← -h[k-1]*c[k-1]/a[k-1]; ENDLOOP;
compute each dimension separately:
FOR i: NAT IN [0..3) DO
p2: REAL;
compute constant coefficient:
FOR k: NAT IN [0..lastK] DO
d[k] ← SELECT i FROM
0   => (knots[k+1].x-knots[k].x)/h[k],
1   => (knots[k+1].y-knots[k].y)/h[k],
ENDCASE => (knots[k+1].z-knots[k].z)/h[k];
cyclic end conditions: compute coefficients b, r, & s:
b[0] ← 6.0*(d[0]-d[lastK]);
FOR k: NAT IN [1..lastK) DO b[k] ← 6.0*(d[k]-d[k-1]); ENDLOOP;
FOR k: NAT IN [1..lastK) DO b[k] ← b[k]-h[k-1]*b[k-1]/a[k-1]; ENDLOOP;
r[lastK] ← 1.0;
s[lastK] ← 0.0;
r[k] ← -(h[k]*r[k+1]+c[k])/a[k];
s[k] ← (b[k]-h[k]*s[k+1])/a[k];
compute coefficient t2 (second derivative/2):
p2 ← 6.0*(d[lastK]-d[lastK-1])-h[lastK]*s[0]-h[lastK-1]*s[lastK-1];
p2 ← p2/(h[lastK]*r[0]+h[lastK-1]*r[lastK-1]+2.0*(h[lastK]+h[lastK-1]));
note: coeffs[lastK+1].t2.[i] = coeffs[0].t2[i]
coeffs[lastK][1][i] ← 0.5*p2;
FOR k: NAT IN [0..lastK) DO coeffs[k][1][i] ← 0.5*(r[k]*p2+s[k]); ENDLOOP;
compute coefficients t3 (third derivative/6) & and t1 (first derivative):
FOR k: NAT IN [0..lastK) DO
coeffs[k][0][i] ← (coeffs[k+1][1][i]-coeffs[k][1][i])/3.0;
coeffs[k][2][i] ← d[k]-h[k]*(2.0*coeffs[k][1][i]+coeffs[k+1][1][i])/3.0;
note again: coeffs[lastK+1].t2[i] = coeffs[0].t2[i] (0 for natural end conditions)
coeffs[lastK][0][i] ← (coeffs[0][1][i]-coeffs[lastK][1][i])/3.0;
coeffs[lastK][2][i] ← d[lastK]-h[lastK]*(2.0*coeffs[lastK][1][i]+coeffs[0][1][i])/3.0;
reparametrize coefficients to interval [0..1]:
FOR k: NAT IN [0..lastK] DO
coeffs[k][0][i] ← h[k]*h[k]*coeffs[k][0][i];
coeffs[k][1][i] ← h[k]*h[k]*coeffs[k][1][i];
coeffs[k][2][i] ← h[k]*coeffs[k][2][i];
Interpolate: PUBLIC PROC [knots: TripleSequence, tan0, tan1: Triple ← [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], tension: REAL ← 1.0, c: CoeffsSequence ← NIL] RETURNS [CoeffsSequence] ~ {
Mostly from Rogers and Adams, with tension added:
SELECT knots.length FROM
0 => RETURN[c];
1, 2 => {
p0: Triple ~ knots[0];
p1: Triple ~ IF knots.length = 2 THEN knots[1] ELSE knots[0];
len: REAL ← Vector3d.Distance[p0, p1];
IF c = NIL OR c.maxLength < 1 THEN c ← NEW[CoeffsSequenceRep[1]];
c.length ← 1;
c[0] ← CoeffsFromHermite[[p0, p1, Vector3d.Mul[tan0, len], Vector3d.Mul[tan1, len]]];
chords: RealSequence ← ComputeChords[knots, NIL];
tangents: TripleSequence ← ComputeTangents[knots, chords, NIL, tan0, tan1];
RETURN[ComputeCoeffs[knots, tangents, tension, chords, c]];
ComputeChords: PROC [knots: TripleSequence, chords: RealSequence ← NIL]
RETURNS [RealSequence] ~ {
max: INTEGER ~ knots.length-1;
IF chords = NIL OR chords.maxLength < knots.length
THEN chords ← NEW[RealSequenceRep[knots.length]];
FOR n: NAT IN [0..max) DO
IF (chords[n] ← Vector3d.Distance[knots[n+1], knots[n]]) = 0.0 THEN chords[n] ← 1.0;
IF (chords[max] ← Vector3d.Distance[knots[0], knots[max]]) = 0.0 THEN chords[max] ← 1.0;
ComputeTangents: PROC [knots: TripleSequence, chords: RealSequence, tangents: TripleSequence ← NIL, tan0, tan1: Triple] RETURNS [TripleSequence] ~ {
N: TripleSequence ← NEW[TripleSequenceRep[knots.length]];  -- nonzero elements of M
B: TripleSequence ← NEW[TripleSequenceRep[knots.length]];  -- a control matrix
IF tangents = NIL OR tangents.maxLength < knots.length
THEN tangents ← NEW[TripleSequenceRep[knots.length]];
SetEndConditions[knots, N, B, tangents, chords, tan0, tan1];
GaussianEliminate[knots, N, B, tangents, chords];
SetEndConditions: PROC [knots: TripleSequence, N, B, tangents: TripleSequence, chords: RealSequence, tan0, tan1: Triple] ~ {
z: NAT ← knots.length-1;
IF Vector3d.Null[tan0] THEN {
N[0] ← [0.0, 1.0, 0.5];
B[0] ← Vector3d.Mul[Vector3d.Sub[knots[1], knots[0]], 1.5/chords[0]];
tangents[0] ← B[0] ← tan0;
N[0] ← [0.0, 1.0, 0.0];
IF Vector3d.Null[tan1] THEN {
N[z] ← [2.0, 4.0, 0.0];
B[z] ← Vector3d.Mul[Vector3d.Sub[knots[z], knots[z-1]], 6.0/chords[z-1]];
tangents[z] ← B[z] ← tan1;
N[z] ← [0.0, 1.0, 0.0];
GaussianEliminate: PROC [knots: TripleSequence, N, B, tangents: TripleSequence, chords: RealSequence] ~ {
nPts: NAT ← knots.length;
FOR n: NAT IN[1..nPts-1) DO
l0: REAL ← chords[n-1];
l1: REAL ← chords[n];
N[n] ← [l1, l0+l0+l1+l1, l0];
B[n] ← Vector3d.Mul[
Vector3d.Mul[Vector3d.Sub[knots[n+1], knots[n]], l0*l0],
Vector3d.Mul[Vector3d.Sub[knots[n], knots[n-1]], l1*l1]],
FOR n: NAT IN[1..nPts) DO           -- gaussian elimination
d, q: REAL;
IF N[n].x = 0.0 THEN LOOP;
d ← N[n-1].y/N[n].x;
N[n] ← Vector3d.Sub[Vector3d.Mul[N[n], d], N[n-1]];
B[n] ← Vector3d.Sub[Vector3d.Mul[B[n], d], B[n-1]];
q ← 1.0/N[n].y;
N[n] ← Vector3d.Mul[N[n], q];
B[n] ← Vector3d.Mul[B[n], q];
tangents[nPts-1] ← Vector3d.Div[B[nPts-1], N[nPts-1].y];  -- back substitution
FOR n: NAT IN[2..nPts] DO
tangents[nPts-n] ←
Vector3d.Mul[tangents[nPts-n+1], N[nPts-n].z]],
ComputeCoeffs: PROC [
knots: TripleSequence,
tangents: TripleSequence,
tension: REAL,
chords: RealSequence,
in: CoeffsSequence ← NIL]
RETURNS [CoeffsSequence]
~ {
nCoeffs: NAT ← knots.length-1;
IF in = NIL OR in.maxLength < nCoeffs THEN in ← NEW[CoeffsSequenceRep[nCoeffs]];
in.length ← nCoeffs;
IF tension # 1.0 THEN FOR n: NAT IN[0..nCoeffs] DO
tangents[n] ← Vector3d.Mul[tangents[n], tension];
FOR m: NAT IN[0..nCoeffs) DO
in[m] ← CoeffsFromHermite[
Vector3d.Mul[tangents[m], chords[m]],
Vector3d.Mul[tangents[m+1], chords[m]]],
l: REAL ← chords[m];
dknots: Triple ← Vector3d.Sub[knots[m+1], knots[m]];
a: Triple ← Vector3d.Mul[tangents[m], l];
b: Triple ← Vector3d.Add[Vector3d.Mul[tangents[m+1], l], a];
c: Triple ← Vector3d.Add[Vector3d.Mul[dknots, -2.0], b];
d: Triple ← Vector3d.Sub[Vector3d.Sub[Vector3d.Mul[dknots, 3.0], b], a];
IF in[m] = NIL THEN in[m] ← NEW[CoeffsRep];
in[m][0] ← [c.x, c.y, c.z, 0.0];
in[m][1] ← [d.x, d.y, d.z, 0.0];
in[m][2] ← [a.x, a.y, a.z, 0.0];
in[m][3] ← [knots[m].x, knots[m].y, knots[m].z, 1.0];
Conversion Procedures
hermiteToCoeffs: Matrix ← NEW[MatrixRep ← [
   [ 2.0, -2.0,  1.0,  1.0],
   [-3.0,  3.0, -2.0, -1.0],
   [ 0.0,  0.0,  1.0,  0.0],
   [ 1.0,  0.0,  0.0,  0.0]]];
coeffsToHermite: Matrix ← NEW[MatrixRep ← [
   [0.0,  0.0,  0.0,  1.0],
   [1.0,  1.0,  1.0,  1.0],
   [0.0,  0.0,  1.0,  0.0],
   [3.0,  2.0,  1.0,  0.0]]];
bezierToCoeffs: Matrix ← NEW[MatrixRep ← [
   [-1.0,  3.0, -3.0,  1.0],
   [ 3.0, -6.0,  3.0,  0.0],
   [-3.0,  3.0,  0.0,  0.0],
   [ 1.0,  0.0,  0.0,  0.0]]];
coeffsToBezier: Matrix ← NEW[MatrixRep ← [
   [0.0,  0.0,  0.0,   1.0],
   [0.0,  0.0,   1.0/3.0,  1.0],
   [0.0,  1.0/3.0, 2.0/3.0,  1.0],
   [1.0,  1.0,   1.0,   1.0]]];
bsplineToCoeffs: Matrix ← NEW[MatrixRep ← [
   [-1.0/6.0,  3.0/6.0, -3.0/6.0,  1.0/6.0],
   [ 3.0/6.0, -6.0/6.0,  3.0/6.0,  0.0/6.0],
   [-3.0/6.0,  0.0/6.0,  3.0/6.0,  0.0/6.0],
   [ 1.0/6.0,  4.0/6.0,  1.0/6.0,  0.0/6.0]]];
coeffsToBspline: Matrix ← NEW[MatrixRep ← [
   [0.0,  2.0/3.0, -1.0,  1.0],
   [0.0, -1.0/3.0,  0.0,  1.0],
   [0.0,  2.0/3.0,  1.0,  1.0],
   [1.0,  11.0/3.0,  2.0,  1.0]]];
ConvertToCoeffs: PROC [p0, p1, p2, p3: Triple, convert, out: Matrix, hermite: BOOLFALSE]
RETURNS [Coeffs] ~ {
w: REALIF hermite THEN 0.0 ELSE 1.0;
m: Matrix ← Matrix3d.ObtainMatrix[];
m^ ← [
[p0.x, p0.y, p0.z, 1.0],
[p1.x, p1.y, p1.z, 1.0],
[p2.x, p2.y, p2.z, w],
[p3.x, p3.y, p3.z, w]];
IF out = NIL THEN out ← NEW[CoeffsRep];
[] ← Matrix3d.Mul[convert, m, out];
ConvertFromCoeffs: PROC [c: Coeffs, convert: Matrix] RETURNS [p0, p1, p2, p3: Triple] ~ {
m: Matrix ← Matrix3d.ObtainMatrix[];
[] ← Matrix3d.Mul[convert, c, m];
p0 ← [m[0][0], m[0][1], m[0][2]];
p1 ← [m[1][0], m[1][1], m[1][2]];
p2 ← [m[2][0], m[2][1], m[2][2]];
p3 ← [m[3][0], m[3][1], m[3][2]];
RETURN[p0, p1, p2, p3];
CoeffsFromBezier: PUBLIC PROC [b: Bezier, out: Coeffs ← NIL] RETURNS [Coeffs] ~ {
RETURN[ConvertToCoeffs[b.b0, b.b1, b.b2, b.b3, bezierToCoeffs, out]];
CoeffsFromBspline: PUBLIC PROC [b: Bspline, out: Coeffs ← NIL] RETURNS [Coeffs] ~ {
RETURN[ConvertToCoeffs[b.b0, b.b1, b.b2, b.b3, bsplineToCoeffs, out]];
CoeffsFromHermite: PUBLIC PROC [h: Hermite, out: Coeffs ← NIL] RETURNS [Coeffs] ~ {
RETURN[ConvertToCoeffs[h.p0, h.p1, h.tan0, h.tan1, hermiteToCoeffs, out, TRUE]];
BezierFromCoeffs: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs] RETURNS [Bezier] ~ {
b0, b1, b2, b3: Triple;
[b0, b1, b2, b3] ← ConvertFromCoeffs[c, coeffsToBezier];
RETURN[[b0, b1, b2, b3]];
BsplineFromCoeffs: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs] RETURNS [Bspline] ~ {
b0, b1, b2, b3: Triple;
[b0, b1, b2, b3] ← ConvertFromCoeffs[c, coeffsToBspline];
RETURN[[b0, b1, b2, b3]];
HermiteFromCoeffs: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs] RETURNS [Hermite] ~ {
p0, p1, tan0, tan1: Triple;
[p0, p1, tan0, tan1] ← ConvertFromCoeffs[c, coeffsToHermite];
RETURN[[p0, p1, tan0, tan1]];
Evaluation Procedures
WalkBezier: PUBLIC PROC [
b: Bezier, proc: PerPointProc, epsilon: REAL ← 0.05, doLast: BOOLTRUE]
~ {
Inner: PROC [b: Bezier] ~ {
IF FlatBezier[b, epsilon]
THEN proc[b.b0]
left, rite: Bezier;
[left, rite] ← SplitBezier[b];
IF doLast THEN proc[b.b3];
FwdDif: PUBLIC PROC [in: Coeffs, nSegments: INTEGER, out: Coeffs←NIL] RETURNS [Coeffs] ~ {
fwdDif: Matrix3d.Matrix ← NEW[Matrix3d.MatrixRep];
d1, d2, d3, d6: REAL;
IF nSegments = 0 THEN RETURN[NIL];
d1 ← 1.0/nSegments;
d2 ← d1*d1;
d3 ← d1*d2;
d6 ← 6.0*d3;
fwdDif^ ← [
  [0.0, 0.0,  0.0, 1.0],
  [d3, d2,  d1, 0.0],
  [d6, d2+d2, 0.0, 0.0],
  [d6, 0.0,  0.0, 0.0]];
RETURN[Matrix3d.Mul[fwdDif, in, out]];
Samples: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs, nPoints: NAT, points: TripleSequence ← NIL]
RETURNS [TripleSequence]
~ {
p: ARRAY [0..2] OF REAL;
fwdDif: Coeffs ← FwdDif[c, nPoints-1];
IF points = NIL OR points.maxLength < nPoints THEN
points ← NEW[TripleSequenceRep[nPoints]];
points[0] ← [fwdDif[0][0], fwdDif[0][1], fwdDif[0][2]];
FOR i: INTEGER IN[0..2] DO p[i] ← fwdDif[0][i]; ENDLOOP;
FOR i: INTEGER IN[1..nPoints) DO
p[j] ← p[j]+fwdDif[1][j];
fwdDif[1][j] ← fwdDif[1][j]+fwdDif[2][j];
fwdDif[2][j] ← fwdDif[2][j]+fwdDif[3][j];
points[i] ← [p[0], p[1], p[2]];
Position: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs, t: REAL] RETURNS [Triple] ~ {
ret: ARRAY [0..2] OF REAL;
IF t = 0.0 THEN FOR i: NAT IN[0..2] DO ret[i] ← c[3][i]; ENDLOOP
ELSE IF t = 1.0 THEN FOR i: NAT IN[0..2] DO ret[i] ← c[0][i]+c[1][i]+c[2][i]+c[3][i]; ENDLOOP
t2: REAL ← t*t;
t3: REAL ← t*t2;
FOR i: NAT IN[0..2] DO ret[i] ← t3*c[0][i]+t2*c[1][i]+t*c[2][i]+c[3][i]; ENDLOOP
RETURN[[ret[0], ret[1], ret[2]]];
Velocity: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs, t: REAL] RETURNS [Triple] ~ {
tan: ARRAY [0..2] OF REAL;
a: REAL ← 3.0;
b: REAL ← 2.0;
IF t = 0.0 THEN RETURN[[c[2][0], c[2][1], c[2][2]]];
IF t # 1.0 THEN {a ← a*t*t; b ← b*t};
FOR i: NAT IN[0..2] DO tan[i] ← a*c[0][i]+b*c[1][i]+c[2][i]; ENDLOOP;
RETURN[[tan[0], tan[1], tan[2]]];
Acceleration: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs, t: REAL] RETURNS [Triple] ~ {
a: REAL = 6.0*t;
RETURN[[a*c[0][0]+c[1][0]+c[1][0], a*c[0][1]+c[1][1]+c[1][1], a*c[0][2]+c[1][2]+c[1][2]]];
Tangent: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs, t: REAL] RETURNS [Triple] ~ {
RETURN[Velocity[c, t]];
MinAcceleration: PUBLIC PROC [c: Spline3d.Coeffs] RETURNS [t: REAL] ~ {
a0: Triple ← Acceleration[c, 0.0];
axis: Triple ← Vector3d.Sub[Acceleration[c, 1.0], a0];
t ← IF Vector3d.Null[axis] THEN 0.5 ELSE -Vector3d.Dot[a0, axis]/Vector3d.SquareLength[axis];
t ← MIN[1.0, MAX[0.0, t]];
CurvatureMag: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs, t: REAL] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {
tan: Triple ← Tangent[c, t];
acc: Triple ← Acceleration[c, t];
l: REAL ← Vector3d.Length[tan];
RETURN[IF l = 0.0 THEN 0.0 ELSE Vector3d.Length[Vector3d.Cross[acc, tan]]/(l*l*l)];
Curvature: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs, t: REAL] RETURNS [Triple] ~ {
1 sqrt, 3 divides, 14 multiplies, 6 adds
tan: Triple ← Tangent[c, t];
IF tan = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] THEN RETURN[tan] ELSE {
acc: Triple ← Acceleration[c, t];
length: REAL ← Vector3d.Length[tan];
length2: REAL ← length*length;
RETURN Vector3d.Div[Vector3d.Cross[Vector3d.Cross[tan, acc], tan], length2*length2];
RefVec: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs, t: REAL] RETURNS [Triple] ~ {
ref: Triple ← Curvature[c, t];
IF Vector3d.SquareLength[ref] < 0.9 THEN ref ← Vector3d.Ortho[Tangent[c, t]];
IsStraight: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs, epsilon: REAL ← 0.01] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ {
b: Bezier ~ BezierFromCoeffs[c];
Vector3d.Collinear[b.b0, b.b1, b.b2, epsilon] AND
Vector3d.Collinear[b.b1, b.b2, b.b3, epsilon]];
Size Procedures
Length: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {
sum: REAL ← 0.0;
fd: Coeffs ← FwdDif[c, 100];
FOR i: NAT IN[0..100) DO
sum ← sum+Vector3d.Length[[fd[1][0], fd[1][1], fd[1][2]]];
FOR j: NAT IN[0..2] DO
fd[1][j] ← fd[1][j]+fd[2][j];
fd[2][j] ← fd[2][j]+fd[3][j];
ConvexHullArea: PUBLIC PROC [b: Bezier] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {
TwiceTriArea: PROC [p0, p1, p2: Triple] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {
RETURN[Vector3d.Length[Vector3d.Cross[Vector3d.Sub[p1, p0], Vector3d.Sub[p2, p1]]]];
a1: REAL ← TwiceTriArea[b.b0, b.b1, b.b2];
a2: REAL ← TwiceTriArea[b.b2, b.b3, b.b0];
a3: REAL ← TwiceTriArea[b.b0, b.b1, b.b3];
a4: REAL ← TwiceTriArea[b.b1, b.b2, b.b3];
ConvexHullLength: PUBLIC PROC [b: Bezier] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {
d0: Triple ← Vector3d.Sub[b.b1, b.b0];
d1: Triple ← Vector3d.Sub[b.b2, b.b1];
d2: Triple ← Vector3d.Sub[b.b3, b.b2];
d3: Triple ← Vector3d.Sub[b.b3, b.b0];
FlatBezier: PUBLIC PROC [b: Bezier, epsilon: REAL ← 0.05] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ {
d3length: REAL;
d0: Triple ← Vector3d.Sub[b.b1, b.b0];
d1: Triple ← Vector3d.Sub[b.b2, b.b1];
d2: Triple ← Vector3d.Sub[b.b3, b.b2];
d3: Triple ← Vector3d.Sub[b.b3, b.b0];
IF Vector3d.Dot[d3, d0] < 0.0 OR Vector3d.Dot[d3, d2] < 0.0 THEN RETURN[FALSE]; -- bulge
IF (d3length ← Vector3d.Length[d3]) < 0.000001 THEN RETURN[TRUE];
< 1.0+epsilon];
Tiny: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs, epsilon: REAL ← 0.05] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ {
RETURN[Vector3d.Distance[Position[c, 0.0], Position[c, 1.0]] < epsilon];
Resolution: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs, epsilon: REAL] RETURNS [INTEGER] ~ {
This produces inconsistent results:
MaxAccel: PROC [curve: Coeffs] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {
Bigger: PROC [r0, r1: REAL] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {RETURN[IF r0 > r1 THEN r0 ELSE r1]};
max: REAL ← 0.0;
a0: Triple ← Acceleration[curve, 0.0];
a1: Triple ← Acceleration[curve, 1.0];
max ← max+Bigger[ABS[a0.x], ABS[a1.x]];
max ← max+Bigger[ABS[a0.y], ABS[a1.y]];
RETURN[MAX[1, Real.RoundI[Real.SqRt[MaxAccel[c]/(8.0*epsilon)]]]];
Search Procedures
Modified Polynomial.CheapRealRoots by Eric Bier
Limits consideration of the solutions to the domain [loo..hi].
ShortRealRootRec: TYPE = Polynomial.ShortRealRootRec;
CheapRealRoots: PROC [poly: Polynomial.Ref, lo, hi: REAL] RETURNS [roots: ShortRealRootRec] = {
d: NAT ← Polynomial.Degree[poly];
roots.nRoots ← 0;
IF d<=1 THEN {
IF d=1 THEN {roots.nRoots ← 1; roots.realRoot[0] ← -poly[0]/poly[1]}
savedCoeff: ARRAY [0..5] OF REAL;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..d] DO savedCoeff[i] ← poly[i] ENDLOOP;
extrema: ShortRealRootRec ← CheapRealRoots[poly, lo, hi];
x: REAL;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..d] DO poly[i] ← savedCoeff[i] ENDLOOP;
IF extrema.nRoots>0 THEN {
x ← RootBetween[poly, lo, extrema.realRoot[0]];
IF x<= extrema.realRoot[0] THEN {roots.nRoots ← 1; roots.realRoot[0] ← x};
FOR i: NAT IN [0..extrema.nRoots-1) DO
x ← RootBetween[poly, extrema.realRoot[i], extrema.realRoot[i+1]];
IF x <= extrema.realRoot[i+1] THEN {roots.realRoot[roots.nRoots] ← x; roots.nRoots ← roots.nRoots + 1};
x ← RootBetween[poly, extrema.realRoot[extrema.nRoots-1], hi];
IF x <= hi THEN {roots.realRoot[roots.nRoots] ← x; roots.nRoots ← roots.nRoots + 1}
x ← RootBetween[poly, lo, hi];
IF x <= hi THEN {roots.realRoot[0] ← x; roots.nRoots ← 1}
RootBetween: PROC [poly: Polynomial.Ref, x0, x1: REAL]
debug xi: ARRAY [0..50) OF REAL;
debug i: NAT ← 0;
OPEN Polynomial;
y0: REAL ← Polynomial.Eval[poly,x0];
y1: REAL ← Polynomial.Eval[poly,x1];
xx: REAL;
xx0: REALIF y0<y1 THEN x0 ELSE x1;
xx1: REALIF y0<y1 THEN x1 ELSE x0;
yy0: REALMIN[y0,y1];
yy1: REALMAX[y0,y1];
NewtonStep: PROC [x: REAL] RETURNS [newx:REAL] =
y: REAL ← Polynomial.Eval[poly, x];
deriv: REAL ← Polynomial.EvalDeriv[poly, x];
IF y<0 THEN {IF y>yy0 THEN {xx0 ← x; yy0 ← y}};
IF y>0 THEN {IF y<yy1 THEN {xx1 ← x; yy1 ← y}};
newx ← IF deriv=0 THEN x+y ELSE x-y/deriv;
IF y0=0 THEN RETURN[x0];
IF y1=0 THEN RETURN[x1];
IF (y0 > 0 AND y1 > 0) OR (y0 < 0 AND y1 < 0) THEN RETURN [x1+100];
xx ← x ← (x0+x1)/2;
first try Newton's method
WHILE x IN [x0..x1] DO
newx:REAL ← NewtonStep[x];
x ← NewtonStep[newx];
xx ← NewtonStep[xx];
debug xi[i] ← xx; i ← i+1;
If it oscillated or went out of range, try bisection
debug SIGNAL Bisection;
IF xx0 IN [x0..x1] AND xx1 IN [x0..x1] THEN
x0 ← MIN[xx0,xx1];
x1 ← MAX[xx0,xx1];
y0 ← Polynomial.Eval[poly,x0];
y1 ← Polynomial.Eval[poly,x1];
THROUGH [0..500) DO
y: REAL ← Polynomial.Eval[poly, x ← (x0+x1)/2];
IF x=x0 OR x=x1 THEN
IF (y > 0 AND y0 < 0) OR (y < 0 AND y0 > 0) THEN {x1 ← x; y1 ← y}
ELSE {x0 ← x; y0 ← y};
IF (y0 > 0 AND y1 > 0) OR (y0 < 0 AND y1 < 0) OR (y0=0 OR y1=0) THEN {IF ABS[y0] < ABS[y1] THEN RETURN[x0] ELSE RETURN[x1]}
Square: PROC [p0, p1: Triple] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {
d: Triple ← [p1.x-p0.x, p1.y-p0.y, p1.z-p0.z];
InflectionPoint: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs] RETURNS [t: REAL] ~ {
InflectionTest: PROC [t: REAL] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ {
RETURN[t IN [0.0..1.0] AND CurvatureMag[c, t] < 0.001];
Root: PROC [a, b, c: REAL] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {
ref: Polynomial.Ref ~ Polynomial.Quadratic[[a, b, c]];
roots: Polynomial.ShortRealRootRec ~ CheapRealRoots[ref, 0.0, 1.0];
FOR n: NAT IN [0..roots.nRoots) DO
IF InflectionTest[roots.realRoot[n]] THEN RETURN[roots.realRoot[n]];
coeffs: Coeffs ← c;
IF IsStraight[coeffs] THEN RETURN[-2.0];
a: Triple ~ GetA[coeffs];
b: Triple ~ GetB[coeffs];
c: Triple ~ GetC[coeffs];
Test each of the components of A V for zero:
IF (t ← Root[6*(a.y*b.z-a.z*b.y),6*(a.y*c.z-a.z*c.y),2*(b.y*c.z-b.z*c.y)])#-1 THEN RETURN;
IF (t ← Root[6*(a.z*b.x-a.x*b.z),6*(a.z*c.x-a.x*c.z),2*(b.z*c.x-b.x*c.z)])#-1 THEN RETURN;
IF (t ← Root[6*(a.x*b.y-a.y*b.x),6*(a.x*c.y-a.y*c.x),2*(b.x*c.y-b.y*c.x)])#-1 THEN RETURN;
NearestPoint: PUBLIC PROC [
p: Triple, c: Coeffs, t0: REAL ← 0.0, t1: REAL ← 1.0, epsilon: REAL ← 0.01]
RETURNS [near3d: Near3d]
~ {
Eval: TYPE ~ RECORD [p, v: Triple, t, dot: REAL];
maxCos: REAL ~ RealFns.CosDeg[MAX[0.0, 90.0-ABS[epsilon]]];
EvalCurve: PROC [t: REAL] RETURNS [e: Eval] ~ {
e.t ← t;
e.p ← Position[c, t];
e.v ← Velocity[c, t];
e.dot ← Vector3d.Dot[Vector3d.Normalize[e.v], Vector3d.Normalize[Vector3d.Sub[p, e.p]]];
NearFromT: PROC [t: REAL] RETURNS [Near3d] ~ {
q: Triple ~ Position[c, t];
RETURN[[q, t, Vector3d.Distance[p, q]]];
NearFromEval: PROC [e: Eval] RETURNS [Near3d] ~ {
RETURN[[e.p, e.t, Vector3d.Distance[p, e.p]]];
InnerNear: PROC [e0, e1: Eval, t0, t1: REAL] RETURNS [Near3d] ~ {
nTries: NAT ← 0;
IF e0.dot < 0.0 OR e1.dot > 0.0 THEN {
IF e0.dot < 0.0 AND e1.dot > 0.0 THEN {e: Eval ~ e0; e0 ← e1; e1 ← e}
WHILE e0.dot < 0.0 DO
IF (nTries ← nTries+1) > 9 THEN EXIT;
IF e0.t <= t0 THEN RETURN[NearFromEval[e0]];
e0 ← EvalCurve[MAX[t0, e0.t+e0.t-e1.t]];
nTries ← 0;
WHILE e1.dot > 0.0 DO
IF (nTries ← nTries+1) > 9 THEN EXIT;
IF e1.t >= t1 THEN RETURN[NearFromEval[e1]];
e1 ← EvalCurve[MIN[t1, e1.t+e1.t-e0.t]];
nTries ← 0;
e: Eval;
IF (nTries ← nTries+1) > 9 THEN RETURN[NearFromEval[EvalCurve[0.5*(e0.t+e1.t)]]];
IF e0.dot < maxCos THEN RETURN[NearFromEval[e0]];
IF e1.dot > -maxCos THEN RETURN[NearFromEval[e1]];
e ← EvalCurve[0.5*(e0.t+e1.t)];
IF e.dot < 0.0 THEN e1 ← e ELSE e0 ← e;
n: Near3d;
IF epsilon = 0.0
THEN n ← PreciseNearestPoint[p, c]
TDivide: PROC RETURNS [t: REAL] ~ {t ← InflectionPoint[c]; IF t < 0.0 THEN t ← 0.5};
t: REAL ~ 0.5; -- TDivide[];
e: Eval ~ EvalCurve[t];
near0: Near3d ~ NearFromT[0.0];
near1: Near3d ~ NearFromT[1.0];
nearA: Near3d ~ InnerNear[EvalCurve[t0], e, 1.0, t];
nearB: Near3d ~ InnerNear[e, EvalCurve[t1], t, 1.0];
n ← SELECT MIN[near0.distance, near1.distance, nearA.distance, nearB.distance] FROM
near0.distance => near0,
near1.distance => near1,
nearA.distance => nearA,
ENDCASE   => nearB;
PreciseNearestPoint: PUBLIC PROC [p: Triple, c: Coeffs] RETURNS [n: Near3d] ~ {
Test: PROC [testT: REAL] ~ {
testP: Triple ← Position[coeffs, testT];
testDistance: REAL ← Square[testP, p];
IF testDistance < n.distance THEN {
n.point ← testP;
n.t ← testT;
n.distance ← testDistance;
coeffs: Coeffs ← c;
Dot product of tangent(t) with [q-position(t)]:
a: Triple ~ [coeffs[0][0], coeffs[0][1], coeffs[0][2]];
b: Triple ~ [coeffs[1][0], coeffs[1][1], coeffs[1][2]];
c: Triple ~ [coeffs[2][0], coeffs[2][1], coeffs[2][2]];
d: Triple ~ [coeffs[3][0], coeffs[3][1], coeffs[3][2]];
e: Triple ~ [d.x-p.x, d.y-p.y, d.z-p.z];
aa: REAL ~ a.x*a.x+a.y*a.y+a.z*a.z;
ab: REAL ~ a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y+a.z*b.z;
ac: REAL ~ a.x*c.x+a.y*c.y+a.z*c.z;
ae: REAL ~ a.x*e.x+a.y*e.y+a.z*e.z;
bb: REAL ~ b.x*b.x+b.y*b.y+b.z*b.z;
bc: REAL ~ b.x*c.x+b.y*c.y+b.z*c.z;
be: REAL ~ b.x*e.x+b.y*e.y+b.z*e.z;
cc: REAL ~ c.x*c.x+c.y*c.y+c.z*c.z;
ce: REAL ~ c.x*e.x+c.y*e.y+c.z*e.z;
poly: Polynomial.Ref ←
Polynomial.Quintic[[ce, be+be+cc, 3.0*(ae+bc), 4.0*ac+bb+bb, 5.0*ab, 3.0*aa]];
realRoots: Polynomial.ShortRealRootRec ← CheapRealRoots[poly, 0.0, 1.0];
n.distance ← 100000.0;
FOR n: NAT IN [0..realRoots.nRoots) DO
IF realRoots.realRoot[n] IN (0.0..1.0) THEN Test[realRoots.realRoot[n]];
n.distance ← Real.SqRt[n.distance];
NearestPair: PUBLIC PROC [
p: Pair, c: Coeffs, persp: BOOLFALSE, t0: REAL ← 0.0, t1: REAL ← 1.0]
RETURNS [near2d: Near2d]
~ {
InnerNear: PROC [t0, t1: REAL, p0, p1: Pair, d0, d1: REAL] ~ {
tt: REAL ← 0.5*(t0+t1);
pp: Pair ← PairPosition[c, tt, persp];
dd: REAL ← PairToPairDistance[[p.x, p.y], pp];
IF PairToPairDistance[p0, p1] < 0.01*dd THEN {
near2d.point ← pp;
near2d.t ← tt;
near2d.distance ← dd;
IF d0 < d1
THEN InnerNear[t0, tt, p0, pp, d0, dd]
ELSE InnerNear[tt, t1, pp, p1, dd, d1];
p0: Pair ← PairPosition[c, t0, persp];
p1: Pair ← PairPosition[c, t1, persp];
InnerNear[t0, t1, p0, p1, PairToPairDistance[[p.x, p.y], p0], PairToPairDistance[[p.x, p.y], p1]];
NearestLine: PUBLIC PROC [
line: Line, c: Coeffs, t0: REAL ← 0.0, t1: REAL ← 1.0, epsilon: REAL ← 0.01]
RETURNS [cPt, lPt: Triple, t, dist: REAL]
~ {
DistanceToLine: PROC [p: Triple, l: Line] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {
lp: Triple ← Vector3d.LinePoint[p, l];
RETURN[Vector3d.Distance[p, lp]];
InnerNear: PROC [t0, t1: REAL, p0, p1: Triple, d0, d1: REAL]
RETURNS [cPtI, lPtI: Triple, tI, distI: REAL] ~ {
tt: REAL ← 0.5*(t0+t1);
cp: Triple ← Position[c, tt];
lp: Triple ← Vector3d.LinePoint[cp, line];
d: REAL ← Vector3d.Distance[lp, cp];
dc0: REAL ← Vector3d.Distance[p0, cp];
dc1: REAL ← Vector3d.Distance[p1, cp];
IF d < min THEN min ← d;
IF Vector3d.Distance[p0, p1] < MAX[0.0001, epsilon*d] THEN RETURN[cp, lp, tt, d];
IF dc0 < d0 AND dc1 < d1
MIN[d0, d, d1] > min => {cPtI ← cp; lPtI ← lp; tI ← tt; distI ← d;};
d0 < d1 => [cPtI, lPtI, tI, distI] ← InnerNear[t0, tt, p0, cp, d0, d];
ENDCASE => [cPtI, lPtI, tI, distI] ← InnerNear[tt, t1, cp, p1, d, d1]
tt0, tt1, dist0, dist1: REAL;
cPt0, lPt0, cPt1, lPt1: Triple;
[cPt0, lPt0, tt0, dist0] ← InnerNear[t0, tt, p0, cp, d0, d];
[cPt1, lPt1, tt1, dist1] ← InnerNear[tt, t1, cp, p1, d, d1];
IF dist0 < dist1
THEN RETURN[cPt0, lPt0, tt0, dist0]
ELSE RETURN[cPt1, lPt1, tt1, dist1];
min: REAL ← 10000.0;
p0: Triple ← Position[c, t0];
p1: Triple ← Position[c, t1];
[cPt, lPt, t, dist] ←
InnerNear[t0, t1, p0, p1, DistanceToLine[p0, line], DistanceToLine[p1, line]];
NearestSpline: PUBLIC PROC [c1, c2: Coeffs, epsilon: REAL ← 0.01] RETURNS [t1, t2: REAL] ~ {
This doesn't always work right.
InnerNear: PROC [t0, t1: REAL, p0, p1: Triple, d0, d1: REAL] RETURNS [tI, dI: REAL] ~ {
Return point on c1 closest to c2 within t0,t1
tt: REAL ← 0.5*(t0+t1);
pp: Triple ← Position[c1, tt];
dc0: REAL ← Vector3d.Distance[p0, pp];
dc1: REAL ← Vector3d.Distance[p1, pp];
d: REAL ← NearestPoint[pp, c2, 0.0, 1.0].distance;
IF d < min THEN min ← d;
IF Vector3d.Distance[p0, p1] < MAX[0.0001, epsilon*d] THEN RETURN[tt, d];
IF dc0 < d0 AND dc1 < d1
t, d: REAL;
MIN[d0, d, d1] > min => RETURN[tt, d];
d0 < d1 => {[t, d] ← InnerNear[t0, tt, p0, pp, d0, d]; RETURN[t, d]};
ENDCASE => {[t, d] ← InnerNear[tt, t1, pp, p1, d, d1]; RETURN[t, d]};
tt0, tt1, dist0, dist1: REAL;
[tt0, dist0] ← InnerNear[t0, tt, p0, pp, d0, d];
[tt1, dist1] ← InnerNear[tt, t1, pp, p1, d, d1];
IF dist0 < dist1
THEN RETURN[tt0, dist0]
ELSE RETURN[tt1, dist1];
min: REAL ← 10000.0;
p0: Triple ← Position[c1, 0.0];
p1: Triple ← Position[c1, 1.0];
d0: REAL ← NearestPoint[p0, c2, 0.0, 1.0, epsilon].distance;
d1: REAL ← NearestPoint[p1, c2, 0.0, 1.0, epsilon].distance;
t1 ← InnerNear[0.0, 1.0, p0, p1, d0, d1].tI;
t2 ← NearestPoint[Position[c1, t1], c2, 0.0, 1.0, epsilon].t;
PairToPairDistance: PROC [p0, p1: Pair] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {
a: REAL ← p0.x-p1.x;
b: REAL ← p0.y-p1.y;
PairPosition: PROC [c: Coeffs, t: REAL, persp: BOOLFALSE] RETURNS [Pair] ~ {
ret: ARRAY [0..3] OF REAL;
t2, t3: REAL;
nCoords: NATIF persp THEN 4 ELSE 2;
IF t = 0.0 THEN
FOR i: NAT IN [0..nCoords) DO ret[i] ← c[3][i]; ENDLOOP
ELSE IF t = 1.0 THEN
FOR i: NAT IN [0..nCoords) DO ret[i] ← c[0][i]+c[1][i]+c[2][i]+c[3][i]; ENDLOOP
t2 ← t*t;
t3 ← t*t2;
FOR i: NAT IN[0..nCoords) DO ret[i] ← t3*c[0][i]+t2*c[1][i]+t*c[2][i]+c[3][i]; ENDLOOP;
IF persp THEN {
w: REAL ← ret[3];
IF ret[0]+w < 0.0 OR ret[0]+w < 0.0 OR ret[1]+w < 0.0 OR ret[1]-w < 0.0 OR ret[2]+w < 0.0
THEN RETURN[[2000.0, 2000.0]]
ELSE RETURN[[ret[0]/w, ret[1]/w]];
RETURN[[ret[0], ret[1]]];
FurthestPoint: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs] RETURNS [near3d: Near3d] ~ {
max: REAL ← 0.0;
base: Triple ← Position[c, 0.0];
axis: Triple ← Vector3d.Sub[Position[c, 1.0], base];
FOR tt: REAL ← 0.0, tt+0.01 WHILE tt <= 1.0 DO
pc: Triple ← Position[c, tt];
pl: Triple ← Vector3d.LinePoint[pc, [base, axis]];
d: REAL ← Vector3d.Distance[pc, pl];
IF d > max THEN {max ← d; near3d.point ← pc; near3d.t ← tt; near3d.distance ← d};
Subdivision Procedures
csplit0: Matrix ← NEW[MatrixRep ← [
   [1.0/8.0, 0.0,  0.0,  0.0],
   [0.0,  1.0/4.0, 0.0,  0.0],
   [0.0,  0.0,  1.0/2.0, 0.0],
   [0.0,  0.0,  0.0,  1.0]]];
csplit1: Matrix ← NEW[MatrixRep ← [
   [1.0/8.0, 0.0,   0.0,  0.0],
   [3.0/8.0, 1.0/4.0,  0.0,  0.0],
   [3.0/8.0, 1.0/2.0,  1.0/2.0, 0.0],
   [1.0/8.0, 1.0/4.0,  1.0/2.0, 1.0]]];
SplitCurve: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs, out1, out2: Coeffs ← NIL] RETURNS [c1, c2: Coeffs] ~ {
aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff: REAL;
c1 ← IF out1 # NIL THEN out1 ELSE NEW[CoeffsRep];
c2 ← IF out2 # NIL THEN out2 ELSE NEW[CoeffsRep];
FOR i: NAT IN[0..2] DO
c1[0][i] ← aa ← (1.0/8.0)*c[0][i];
c1[1][i] ← bb ← (1.0/4.0)*c[1][i];
c1[2][i] ← cc ← (1.0/2.0)*c[2][i];
c1[3][i] ← dd ← c[3][i];
   ee ← 3.0*aa;
c2[0][i] ← aa;
c2[1][i] ← ff ← ee+bb;
c2[2][i] ← ff+bb+cc;
c2[3][i] ← aa+bb+cc+dd;
SplitBezier: PUBLIC PROC [b: Bezier] RETURNS [b1, b2: Bezier] ~ {
There might be a faster to way to weight all these points:
Ave: PROC [p, q: Triple] RETURNS [Triple] ~ INLINE {
RETURN[[0.5*(p.x+q.x), 0.5*(p.y+q.y), 0.5*(p.z+q.z)]];
b01: Triple ← Ave[b.b0, b.b1];
b12: Triple ← Ave[b.b1, b.b2];
b23: Triple ← Ave[b.b2, b.b3];
b0112: Triple ← Ave[b01, b12];
b1223: Triple ← Ave[b12, b23];
b01121223: Triple ← Ave[b0112, b1223];
RETURN[[b.b0, b01, b0112, b01121223], [b01121223, b1223, b23, b.b3]];
Subdivide: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs, t: REAL] RETURNS [c1, c2: Coeffs] ~ {
RETURN[Reparameterize[c, 0.0, t], Reparameterize[c, t, 1.0]];
Reparameterize: PUBLIC PROC [in: Coeffs, t0, t1: REAL, out: Coeffs←NIL] RETURNS [Coeffs] ~ {
dt1: REAL ← t1-t0;
dt2: REAL ← dt1*dt1;
t02: REAL ← t0*t0;
IF out = NIL THEN out NEW[CoeffsRep];
FOR i: NAT IN[0..2] DO
x: REAL ← in[0][i];
y: REAL ← in[1][i];
z: REAL ← in[2][i];
x3: REAL ← 3.0*x;
out[0][i] ← x*dt1*dt2;
out[1][i] ← x3*dt2*t0+y*dt2;
out[2][i] ← x3*dt1*t02+2.0*y*dt1*t0+z*dt1;
out[3][i] ← x*t0*t02+y*t02+z*t0+in[3][i];
FOR i: NAT IN[0..3] DO out[i][3] ← in[i][3]; ENDLOOP;
Miscellaneous procedures
GetA: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs] RETURNS [Triple] ~ {RETURN[[c[0][0], c[0][1], c[0][2]]]};
GetB: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs] RETURNS [Triple] ~ {RETURN[[c[1][0], c[1][1], c[1][2]]]};
GetC: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs] RETURNS [Triple] ~ {RETURN[[c[2][0], c[2][1], c[2][2]]]};
GetD: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs] RETURNS [Triple] ~ {RETURN[[c[3][0], c[3][1], c[3][2]]]};
CopyCoeffs: PUBLIC PROC [in: Coeffs, out: Coeffs ← NIL] RETURNS [Coeffs] ~ {
RETURN[Matrix3d.CopyMatrix[in, out]];
CopyCoeffsSequence: PUBLIC PROC [in: CoeffsSequence] RETURNS [CoeffsSequence] ~ {
copy: CoeffsSequence ← NIL;
IF in # NIL THEN {
copy ← NEW[CoeffsSequenceRep[in.maxLength]];
FOR n: NAT IN [0..in.maxLength) DO copy[n] ← Matrix3d.CopyMatrix[in[n]]; ENDLOOP;
Tame: PUBLIC PROC [in: Coeffs, out: Coeffs ← NIL] RETURNS [Coeffs] ~ {
v0, v2, l: REAL;
d0, d2, d3, s0, s2, r0, r2: Triple;
b: Bezier ← BezierFromCoeffs[in];         -- convert to bezier
d0 ← Vector3d.Sub[b.b1, b.b0];
d2 ← Vector3d.Sub[b.b3, b.b2];
d3 ← Vector3d.Sub[b.b3, b.b0];
l ← Vector3d.Length[d3];
v0 ← l*Vector3d.Dot[d0, d3];
v2 ← l*Vector3d.Dot[d2, d3];
s0 ← Vector3d.Mul[d3, v0];          -- projection of d0 onto d3
s2 ← Vector3d.Mul[d3, v2];          -- projection of d2 onto d3
r0 ← Vector3d.Sub[d0, s0];
r2 ← Vector3d.Sub[d2, s2];
IF Vector3d.Dot[d3, d0] < 0.0 THEN {        -- bulge at start
d0 ← r0;
s0 ← [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
IF Vector3d.Dot[d3, d2] < 0.0 THEN {        -- bulge at end
d2 ← r2;
s2 ← [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
IF Vector3d.Dot[r0, r2] > 0.0 THEN {        -- sides point oppositely
IF Vector3d.SquareLength[r0] > Vector3d.SquareLength[r2]
THEN d2 ← s2
ELSE d0 ← s0;
IF v0+v2 > l THEN {            -- sides too long
scale: REAL ← l/(v0+v2);
d0 ← Vector3d.Mul[d0, scale];
d2 ← Vector3d.Mul[d2, scale];
b.b1 ← Vector3d.Add[b.b0, d0];
b.b2 ← Vector3d.Sub[b.b3, d2];
RETURN [CoeffsFromBezier[b, out]];
Same: PUBLIC PROC [c1, c2: Coeffs] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ {
FOR i: NAT IN[0..3] DO
FOR j: NAT IN[0..3] DO IF c1[i][j] # c2[i][j] THEN RETURN[FALSE]; ENDLOOP;
Rogers and Adams: Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics
Curvature: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs, t: REAL] RETURNS [Triple] ~ {
1 sqrt, 3 divides, 8 multiplies, 7 adds but this gives wrong length
tan: Triple ← Tangent[c, t];
IF tan = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] THEN RETURN[tan] ELSE {
acc: Triple ← Acceleration[c, t];
u: REAL ← tan.x*tan.x+tan.y*tan.y+tan.z*tan.z;
RETURN Vector3d.Div[
Vector3d.Mul[acc, u],
Vector3d.Mul[tan, Vector3d.Dot[acc, tan]]],
TPosFromCoeffs: PUBLIC PROC [c: Coeffs, num: NAT, t0: REAL ← 0.0, t1: REAL ← 1.0, tpos: TPosSequence ← NIL] RETURNS [TPosSequence] ~ {
Tri: TYPE ~ RECORD [t0, t1, t, area: REAL, p0, p1, p: Triple];
TriSequenceRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [element: SEQUENCE length: NAT OF Tri];
n, nTris: NAT ← 0;
tris: REF TriSequenceRep ← NEW[TriSequenceRep[num]];
LargestTri: PROC RETURNS [n: NAT] ~ {
max: REAL ← 0.0;
FOR i: NAT IN[0..nTris) DO IF tris[i].area > max THEN {max ← tris[i].area; n ← i} ENDLOOP;
AddTri: PROC [tri: Tri] ~ {tris[nTris] ← tri; nTris ← nTris+1};
RelArea: PROC [p0, p1, p2: Triple] RETURNS [REAL] ~ {
RETURN[Vector3d.Square[Vector3d.Cross[Vector3d.Sub[p1, p0], Vector3d.Sub[p2, p0]]]];
NewTri: PROC [t0, t1: REAL, p0, p1: Triple] RETURNS [Tri] ~ {
t: REAL ← 0.5*(t0+t1);
p: Triple ← Position[c, t];
RETURN[[t0, t1, t, RelArea[p0, p, p1], p0, p1, p]];
p0: Triple ← Position[c, t0];
p1: Triple ← Position[c, t1];
IF tpos = NIL THEN tpos ← NEW[TPosSequenceRep[num]];
AddTri[NewTri[0.0, 1.0, p0, p1]];
THROUGH [0..num-4] DO
tri: Tri ← tris[n ← LargestTri[]];
tris[n] ← NewTri[tri.t0, tri.t, tri.p0, tri.p];
AddTri[NewTri[tri.t, tri.t1, tri.p, tri.p1]];
tpos[0] ← [t0, p0];
tpos[num-1] ← [t1, p1];
FOR n: NAT IN[1..nTris] DO
isave: NAT;
min: REAL ← 1.0;
FOR i: NAT IN[0..nTris) DO IF tris[i].t < min THEN {min ← tris[i].t; isave ← i} ENDLOOP;
tpos[n] ← [min, tris[isave].p];
tris[isave].t ← 1.0;
NearestPoint: PUBLIC PROC [
p: Triple, c: Coeffs, t0: REAL ← 0.0, t1: REAL ← 1.0, epsilon: REAL ← 0.01]
RETURNS [cPt: Triple, t, dist: REAL]
~ {
For highest precision, set epsilon to 0.0 to use PreciseNearestPoint[].
Near: TYPE ~ RECORD [p: Triple, t, d: REAL];
InnerNear: PROC [n0, n1: Near, level: NAT] RETURNS [Near] ~ {
n: Near;
n.d ← Square[p, n.p ← Position[c, n.t ← 0.5*(n0.t+n1.t)]];
min ← MIN[min, n.d];
IF Square[n0.p, n1.p] < MAX[0.0001, epsilon*n.d] THEN RETURN[n];
IF --Square[n0.p, n.p] < n0.d AND Square[n1.p, n.p] < n1.d -- level > 0
MIN[n0.d, n.d, n1.d] > min => n,    -- no need recurse further this segment
n0.d < n1.d => InnerNear[n0, n, level+1], -- an easy test
ENDCASE => InnerNear[n, n1, level+1]]  -- an easy test
nA: Near ← InnerNear[n0, n, level+1];  -- a hard test
nB: Near ← InnerNear[n, n1, level+1];  -- a hard test
n: Near;
min: REAL ← 10000.0;
p0: Triple ← Position[c, t0];
p1: Triple ← Position[c, t1];
IF epsilon = 0.0
THEN [n.p, n.t, n.d] ← PreciseNearestPoint[p, c, t0, t1]
n ← InnerNear[[p0, t0, Square[p, p0]], [p1, t1, Square[p, p1]], 0];
n.d ← Real.SqRt[n.d];
RETURN[n.p, n.t, n.d];