Copyright © 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last edited by Bier on August 11, 1986 10:25:44 pm PDT.
Contents: Some Useful Button Classes.
Pier, July 1, 1986 2:12:59 pm PDT
Buttons, Imager, Menus, Rope, TiogaButtons, ViewerClasses;
Viewer: TYPE = ViewerClasses.Viewer;
HandleButtonProc: TYPE = PROC [clientData: REF ANY, action: LIST OF REF ANY];
ConfirmProc: TYPE = PROC [clientData: REF ANY];
Buttons, Labels, and Text Viewers.
ButtonType: TYPE = {button, label, text};
ButtonLineEntry: TYPE = RECORD [name: Rope.ROPE, type: ButtonType, leftAction: LIST OF REF ANY, updateProc: UpdateProc ← NIL, ww: NAT ← 0, border: BOOLFALSE, confirmProc: ConfirmProc ← NIL, font: Imager.Font ← NIL, rightAction: LIST OF REF ANYNIL];
UnQueuedButtonLineEntry: TYPE = RECORD [name: Rope.ROPE, type: ButtonType, clickProc: Menus.ClickProc, updateProc: UpdateProc ← NIL, ww: NAT ← 0, border: BOOLFALSE, confirmProc: ConfirmProc ← NIL, font: Imager.Font ← NIL];
UpdateProc: TYPE = PROC [name: Rope.ROPE, clientData: REF ANY, button: Viewer];
BuildButtonLine: PROC [container: Viewer, x, y: NAT, clientData: REF ANY, handleProc: HandleButtonProc, entries: LIST OF ButtonLineEntry] RETURNS [nextX: INTEGER];
Builds a line of assorted buttons (type can be button, label, or text). When the button is pressed (if type = button), clientData and action are sent to handleProc.
BuildUnQueuedButtonLine: PROC [container: Viewer, x, y: NAT, clientData: REF ANY, entries: LIST OF UnQueuedButtonLineEntry] RETURNS [nextX: INTEGER];
Builds a line of assorted buttons (type can be button, label, or text). When the button is pressed (if type = button), clientData and action are sent to handleProc.
Two State (on/off) Buttons.
TwoState: TYPE = REF TwoStateObj;
StateType: TYPE = {off, on};
TwoStateObj: TYPE = RECORD [button: Buttons.Button ← NIL, state: StateType ← off, action: LIST OF REF ANY, clientData: REF ANY, handleProc: HandleButtonProc];
BuildTwoStateButton: PROC [viewer: Viewer, x, y: NAT ← 0, clientData: REF ANY, handleProc: HandleButtonProc, name: Rope.ROPE, border: BOOLTRUE, init: StateType ← off, action: LIST OF REF ANY] RETURNS [stateInfo: TwoState, nextX: INTEGER];
Makes a button at position x, y. The button will always be black when stateInfo.state = on and white when stateInfo.state = off.
SetButtonState: PROC [twoState: TwoState, state: StateType];
GetButtonState: PROC [twoState: TwoState] RETURNS [state: StateType];
Sets the state of the variable and updates the button looks.
SwitchState: PROC [handle: TwoState];
ScalarButton: TYPE = RECORD [name: Rope.ROPE, value: REAL, action: LIST OF REF ANY, init: StateType];
ScalarButtonHandle: TYPE = REF ScalarButtonHandleObj;
ScalarButtonHandleObj: TYPE = RECORD [viewer: Viewer, headerButton: TiogaButtons.TiogaButton, scalarButtons: ScalarButtonClient, handleProc: HandleButtonProc];
ScalarButtonClient: TYPE = REF ScalarButtonClientObj;
ScalarButtonClientObj: TYPE = RECORD [button: TiogaButtons.TiogaButton, name: Rope.ROPE, value: REAL, action: LIST OF REF ANY, on: BOOL, next: ScalarButtonClient, clientData: REF ANY, handleProc: HandleButtonProc];
[Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool]
BuildScalarButtons: PROC [handle: GGButtons.ScalarButtonHandle, clientData: REF ANY, handleProc: HandleButtonProc, header: Rope.ROPE, scalarButtonList: LIST OF ScalarButton];
Fills a scalar button viewer with buttons.
CreateScalarButtonViewer: PROC [container: Viewer, x, y: NAT] RETURNS [GGButtons.ScalarButtonHandle];
Creates a viewer that spans the container from x to the right hand edge of the container.
Builds a list of TiogaButtons and a parallel list of ScalarButtonClient records. The first TiogaButton is a dummy and has no corresponding ScalarButtonClient, as shown above.
Order: TYPE = {incr, decr};
AddValueSorted: PROC [clientData: REF ANY, scalarButtonHandle: ScalarButtonHandle, value: ScalarButton, order: Order ← incr] RETURNS [oldFoundButton: ScalarButtonClient ← NIL];
Adds a new scalar button to the list, sort in increasing order or decreasing order as requested.
RebuildScalarButtons: PROC [viewer: Viewer, headerButton: TiogaButtons.TiogaButton, clientData: REF ANY, handleProc: HandleButtonProc, scalarButtonList: LIST OF ScalarButton] RETURNS [buttons: ScalarButtonClient];
ButtonList: TYPE = LIST OF Rope.ROPE;
EnumTypeRef: TYPE = REF EnumTypeRec;
EnumTypeRec: TYPE = RECORD [
atom: ATOM,
namesOfButtons: ButtonList ← NIL, -- list of names of buttons in this Enumerated type
nextx: CARDINAL, -- next x position in container that client may begin displaying info so that it wont overwrite the buttons
nexty: CARDINAL, -- similar to nextx
type: DisplayStyle,
buttonOn: Buttons.Button ← NIL, -- the button currently on for a given enumerated type
flipLabel: Viewer ← NIL, -- points to the Viewer to re-label
clientData: REF ANYNIL, -- optional data provided by the client and used when the selection notifier procedure is called
handleProc: HandleButtonProc
StyleChoice: TYPE = {menuSelection, flipThru};
DisplayStyle: TYPE = {menuStyle, flipThruWithTitle, flipThruNoTitle};
BuildEnumTypeSelection: PROC [viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer, x, y: NAT, maxWidth: NAT, clientData: REF ANY, handleProc: HandleButtonProc, title: Rope.ROPE, default: Rope.ROPE, borderOnButtons: BOOL, style: StyleChoice, allInOneRow: BOOL, buttonNames: ButtonList, atom: ATOM] RETURNS [EnumTypeRef];
TimeToFlipThru: PROC [event: LIST OF REF ANY];