Copyright (C) 1984, Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Michael Plass, November 6, 1985 9:47:46 am PST
DIRECTORY ImagerPixelMap USING [DeviceRectangle, PixelMap, PixelMapRep];
PixelMap: TYPE ~ ImagerPixelMap.PixelMap;
DeviceRectangle: TYPE ~ ImagerPixelMap.DeviceRectangle;
Kernel: TYPE ~ PixelMap;
Intensity: TYPE ~ [0..256);
NoisePenalty: TYPE ~ [0..5000);
PrinterModel: TYPE ~ PROC [bitmap: PixelMap, encoding: CARDINAL] RETURNS [Intensity, NoisePenalty];
Model: TYPE ~ REF ModelRep;
ModelRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [
neighborhood: DeviceRectangle,
kernel: Kernel,
data: REF
ModelParameterFault: ERROR [data: REF];
CreatePrinterModel: PROC [neighborhood: DeviceRectangle, printerModel: PrinterModel, kernel: PixelMap] RETURNS [model: Model];
RotateModel: PROC [model: Model] RETURNS [Model];
Rotates in the same sense as ImagerPixelMap.Rotate.
Convolve: PROC [pixelMap: PixelMap, kernel: Kernel, unitIntensity: CARDINAL];
KernelWeight: PROC [kernel: Kernel] RETURNS [weight: INT];
AddBorder: PROC [pixelMap: PixelMap, borderSize: NAT, borderValue: CARDINAL] RETURNS [bordered: PixelMap];
ErrorOf: PROC [gray: PixelMap, bitmap: PixelMap, model: Model] RETURNS [INT];
ApplyModel: PROC [bitmap: PixelMap, model: Model] RETURNS [PixelMap];
AbsDiff: PROC [a, b: PixelMap] RETURNS [error: INT];
RandomDither: PROC [gray: PixelMap] RETURNS [bitmap: PixelMap];
Does a random-dithered version, good for the initial approximation.
FindFixedBits: PROC [gray: PixelMap, radius: NAT] RETURNS [fixedBits: PixelMap];
fixedBits is 1 where the gray map is all black or all white within the given radius of a pixel.
TuneSwath: PROC [gray: PixelMap, bitmap: PixelMap, fixedBits: PixelMap, swath: DeviceRectangle, model: Model, scratch: REF] RETURNS [newScratch: REF];
swath should have a small fSize; only certain combinations of parameters are supported.
scratch and newScratch are used to pass scratch storage from call to call.
Implementor private stuff below
MakePixelMapFromBits: PROC [
bitPointer: LONG POINTER,
bitsPerLine: NAT,
window: DeviceRectangle,
scratch: REF ImagerPixelMap.PixelMapRep
] RETURNS [pixelMap: PixelMap];
RegisterImpl: PROC [class: Class];
For maximum speed, there is a specialized implementation for each allowed combination of parameters; this is the way the different impls make themselves known to the control impl.
Class: TYPE ~ RECORD [
sKernelRadius: NAT,
fKernelRadius: NAT,
sModelRadius: NAT,
fModelRadius: NAT,
swathSize: NAT,
CreatePrinterModel: PROC [neighborhood: DeviceRectangle, printerModel: PrinterModel, kernel: PixelMap] RETURNS [model: Model],
DoWithPrinterModel: PROC [model: Model, action: PROC[PrinterModel]],
Convolve: PROC [pixelMap: PixelMap, kernel: Kernel, unitIntensity: CARDINAL],
ApplyModel: PROC [bitmap: PixelMap, model: Model] RETURNS [PixelMap],
TuneSwath: PROC [gray: PixelMap, bitmap: PixelMap, fixedBits: PixelMap, swath: DeviceRectangle, model: Model, scratch: REF] RETURNS [newScratch: REF]