1. RedirectDF
RedirectDF is a command to change the directory to which a DF file is relative. This is usdeful in releasing a package or making a working version of a released package. The usage is:
RedirectDF sourceDF [targetDF [t=xxx] [d=xxx] [i=xxx]]
sourceDF is the source DF file. If
targetDF is not present, then each Directory or Imports statement must be followed by a "--Was" line, e.g.
Directory foo
--Was bar .
RedirectDF will output
Directory bar
--Was foo .
targetDF is given, "--Was" lines are ignored (and flushed), and directory names are constructed using
targetDF as a prefix, and the strings attached to
d, and
i as suffixes. RedirectDF will expect DF files to contain three kinds of directory names: (t)op, (d)ocumentation, and (i)mplementation. In the sourceDF, these must be of the form:
. . . Top>, . . . Documentation>, . . . sourceDF> .
In the third case, the "root" name associated with sourceDF is extracted. Further, all of the ( . . . )'s should match. The t, d, and i strings default to the above three suffixes. These defaults may be overridden by giving explicit values.
Regardless of whether or not targetDF is given, "--Was" lines are always output for easy inversion.
To make a working version of, say, OneCasaba, do the following:
Bringover [Cedar]<Cedarchest6.1>Top>OneCasaba
RedirectDF OneCasaba [Indigo]<Casaba>
SModel OneCasaba
To then later release OneCasaba, do this:
Bringover [Indigo]<Casaba>Top>OneCasaba
RedirectDF OneCasaba
SModel OneCasaba
In the latter case, [Indigo]<Casaba>Top>OneCasaba.df will contain "--Was" lines, so no explicit targetDF need be given. After the SModel, [Cedar]<Cedarchest6.1>Top>OneCasaba.df will contain "--Was" lines pointing to [Indigo]<Casaba>, so future redirections to this directory will not require an explicit targetDF.