Hal Murray, December 13, 1986 4:35:35 pm PST
Hal Murray
© Copyright 1986 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: PupBSPTool tests Pup Byte Streams.
Created by: Hal Murray
Maintained by: Hal Murray <Murray.PA>
Keywords: Pup, BSP, Throughput
XEROX Xerox Corporation
Palo Alto Research Center
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, California 94304
For Internal Xerox Use Only
When run, PupBSPTool starts a server listening on Well Known Socket 6. If anybody calls, the server will read and discard all the data offered. When the stream closes, the server will print a summary line if there is a convenient instance of the tool. PupGateways contain a similar server.
Many parameters can be adjusted with the Interpreter. If you are that interested, you should be reading the source code.
Stop: Stops the current test. (Sometimes it takes a wile.)
Push: Starts sending data to the Target machine. This is the basic memory to memory test.
Clump: Sends a Clump of data to the Target machine and then closes the connection. This is a good test to make sure the open/close fine print is working cleanly.
Flush: Sends a sequence of Clumps of data to the Target machine, Flushing the connection after each clump.
RdDisk: Reads ///Foo.
WrDisk: Writes ///Foo. The default size is 16384 pages. Shift and Control can be used to get smaller files. If you want to go really fast, you should make sure that ///Foo is contigious. One way to do this is to Erase your disk, copy ///Foo from another machine, then rebuild your disk. If you go through all that effort, make sure you don't accidentally delete it.
Snarf: Copies ///Foo from the Target machine. (You should have an STPServer running over there.) This is the basic disk to disk test.
Rendez: Test the Rendezvous options of PupStream by sending a clump of data to itself.
Buffer: Test UsafeGetBlock and UnsafePutBlock with counts of more than 64K.