8. Predefined values
Control structures:
(prog x1 x2 ... xn) . . . => xn
(let ((p1 x1) ... (pn xn)) body) => body with p1 ← x1, ... pn ← xn
(do ((p1 initial1 next1) ... (pn initialn nextn)) (continuep [loopval]) body) =>
loopval (if present) or last body (if no loopval)
(if c xTrue [xFalse ← nil]) . => if c then xTrue else xFalse
(cond ((c1 [x1]) ... (cn [xn]))) . => if c1 then (x1, if present, else c1) else ... if cn then (xn, if present, else cn) else nil
(pause seconds: Real). . . => seconds
(abort) . . . . . . . => raise ABORTED
(catchAborted x y) . . . => x ! ABORTED => y
(catch id x [fn]) . . . . => x, or (fn v) if a (throw id v) occurs in evaluating x
(catchq id x [fn]) . . . => like catch, but id is not evaluated
(throw id v) . . . . . => signals id with value v (see section 6, above)
(throwq id v) . . . . => like throw, but id is not evaluated
(eval form [env]) . . . => eval of form in environment
(apply fn args) . . . . => (fn . args)
(load "filename") . . . => $T
(Adds ".misp" onto filename unless an extension is explicitly given)
(cedarExpr "expr") . . . => Cedar Interpreter's evaluation of expr
(cedarStmt "stmt") . . . => Statment Interpreter's evaluation of stmt, which will normally be NIL, since Cedar statements don't have values; however the Cedar expression &yield[val] will instead abort further evaluation of the Cedar statement, and return the indicated value.
(print x1 x2 ... xn) . . . => prints values on output stream, not quoting ROPEs
(println x1 x2 ... xn) . . . => like print, but adds a newline on the end
(printval x1 x2 ... xn) . . => like print, but quotes ROPEs
(read) . . . . . . . => value from input stream
nil = NIL
false = NIL
T = $T
t = $T
true = $T
Data constructors/accessors:
(quote x) . . . . . . => x, unevaluated
(list x1 x2 ... xn) . . . . => (x1 x2 ... xn)
(lambda args body) . . . => function value
(nlambda (args env) body) . => function value which doesn't evaluate its arguments
(unlambda fn) . . . . => (name pattern body env isN)
(cons x1 x2 ... xn). . . . => (x1 . (x2 . ... (xn-1 . xn)...))
NOTE that xn must be a list, due to Misp's use of Cedar LISTs
(car x) . . . . . . . => x.first
(cdr x) . . . . . . . => x.rest
(caar x) . . . . . . . => x.first.first
... and so on, up to cddddr
(nth n l) . . . . . . => l (.rest)^n .first
(rplaca l x) . . . . . => l, with l.first = x
(rplacd l x) . . . . . => l, with l.rest = x
(complex a b: Real). . . . => a+bi
(re c: Complex). . . . . => Re[c]
(im c: Complex). . . . . => Im[c]
(reim c: Complex). . . . => (Re[c] Im[c])
General predicates:
(eq x1 x2) . . . . . . => pointer compare
(equal x1 x2) . . . . . => value compare
(ne x1 x2) . . . . . . => value compare
(atom x) . . . . . . => type test, $T iff x is an ATOM
(envp x) . . . . . . => type test, $T iff x is an environment
(funcp x) . . . . . . => type test, $T iff x is a function
(listp x) . . . . . . => type test, $T iff x is a LIST OF REF ANY
(numberp x) . . . . . => type test, $T iff x is a REF INT, REAL, or COMPLEX
(ropep x) . . . . . . => type test, $T iff x is a ROPE
(stringp x) . . . . . => synonym for ropep
Environment manipulation:
(set name x [env]) . . . => x, binding name to x in env (evaluates name first)
(setq name x [env]) . . . => x, binding name to x in env
(defun name args body [env]) => bind name to (lambda args body) in env
(ndefun name (args env) body [env]) => bind name to (nlambda (args env) body) in env
(boundp name [env]) . . => is name bound in environment? (evaluates name first)
(emptyEnv [name [parent]]) => a new empty environment, nested under parent
List manipulation:
(append l1 l2 ... ln) . . . => Append[l1, l2, ... ln]
(mapcar fn al1 al2 ... aln) . => generalized inner product
(length l) . . . . . . => Length[l]
Boolean operations:
(and x1 x2 ... xn) . . . . => x1 & x2 & ... xn
(not x) . . . . . . . => ~x
(or x1 x2 ... xn) . . . . => x1 | x2 | ... xn
NOTE that (and) and (or) are lazy: they only evaluate as many arguments as necessary to guarantee the final result. Thus, (and) stops when it finds an argument which evals to NIL and (or) stops on the first non-NIL.
Numeric operations:
(round r: Real). . . . . => RoundLI[r]
(floor r: Real). . . . . => Floor[r]
(ceiling r: Real). . . . . => Ceiling[r]
(abs c: Complex). . . . => |c|
(sgn c: Complex). . . . => c/|c| or 0
(arg c: Complex). . . . => Im[Ln[c]] or 0
(exp c: Complex). . . . => Exp[c]
(ln c: Complex). . . . . => Ln[c]
(sin radians: Real). . . . => Sin[radians]
(cos radians: Real). . . . => Cos[radians]
(tan radians: Real). . . . => Tan[radians]
(plus c1 c2 ... cn: Complex). => c1 + c2 + ... cn
(minus c1 c2 ... cn: Complex). => c1 - c2 - ... cn
(mult c1 c2 ... cn: Complex). => c1 * c2 * ... cn
(div c1 c2 ... cn: Complex). . => c1 / c2 / ... cn
(quot c1 c2 ... cn: Complex). => Floor[...Floor[c1 / c2] / ... cn]
(rem c1 c2 ... cn: Complex). => (..(c1 rem c2) rem ... cn)
(min c1 c2 ... cn: Complex). => Min[c1, c2, ... cn]
(max c1 c2 ... cn: Complex). => Max[c1, c2, ... cn]
(lt r1 r2 ... rn: Real). . . => r1<r2 and ... rn-1<rn
(le r1 r2 ... rn: Real). . . => r1<=r2 and ... rn-1<=rn
(gt r1 r2 ... rn: Real). . . => r1>r2 and ... rn-1>rn
(ge r1 r2 ... rn: Real). . . => r1>=r2 and ... rn-1>=rn
(gcd i1 i2 ... in: Int). . . => Gcd[...Gcd[i1, i2], ... in]
(lcm i1 i2 ... in: Int). . . => Lcm[...Lcm[i1, i2], ... in]
Rope (string) operations:
(cat r1 r2 ... rn: ROPE). . . => Rope.Concat[...Rope.Concat[r1, r2], ... rn]
(consFinder opt1 ... optn: ATOM pattern: ROPE) => a TextFind.Finder
This compiles a text query into a form ready for quick searching. Possible options are:
$literal treat the pattern as a literal; this is default.
$pattern interpret metacharacters in the pattern (as in the Edit Tool).
$word the matched text must not have surrounding alphabetic characters.
$addBounds the pattern must match the entire subject (header field or message body).
$anywhere means neither $word nor $addBounds; this is the default.
$ignoreCase ignore case.
$testCase don't ignore case; this is the default.
(consFinderq opt1 ... optn: ATOM pattern: ROPE) => a TextFind.Finder
Like consFinder, but does not evaluate its arguments first.
(ropeMatch x subject: ROPE). => m: Matching
Matches x against the entire subject. x can be either a ROPE or a TextFind.Finder. Iff match fails, m = NIL.
(ropeFind x subject: ROPE). => m: Matching
Searches for x in the subject. x can be either a ROPE or a TextFind.Finder. Iff search fails, m = NIL. ropeMatch and ropeFind are the same when x is a Finder.
(ropeSubstitute m: Matching pattern: ROPE) => ROPE
Parses pattern like the EditTool's Replacement field, filling in named subfields from the Matching.
Time operations:
(timeDiff t1:Time t2:Time) => Number
t2 - t1, in seconds
(timeUpdate t:Time Dt:Number) => Time
t + Dt
(timeNow) => current Time
(timeFmt t:Time) => ROPE
(timeParse ROPE) => Time
See also the contents of MispStandards.misp, a file of Misp expressions that is (load)ed into every top-level environment.
Additions to the Cedar expression interpreter:
&misp[expr] . . . . . => Misp's evaluation of expr.
If expr is a ROPE or REF TEXT, it is first parsed by IO.GetRefAny, otherwise it's taken as is.
&yield[val] . . . . . => Makes val the value of the nearest dynamically enclosing (cedarStmt ...) evaluation.