Bill Jackson (bj) August 20, 1986 4:26:42 am PDT
Or how to drive the TTY port on a DLion
Bill Jackson
© Copyright 1986 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: A convention that's been springing up is <pkg><machinename>. In this tradition we have HeadsDorado, HeadsDLion, HeadsCommon, HeadsTriDLion, and now: HeadsTTYDLion. A TTYDLion is a DLion which uses a dumb terminal (LearSiegler) as its SimpleTerminal Device; it may or may not have a Large Format (LF) display attached. One of the interesting side effects of having this head which warrants releasing this code to CedarChest is that once you have the head (either in the bootfile, or separately run), you have the ability to use the TTY port which is on every DLion. One possible use for this is to hook up low speed devices (TTY ports's are only reliable to 2400 baud) to drive widgets (or modems?). The people who wanted this code already know who they are, and I don't have time yet to explain more...
Created by: Bill Jackson & Tim Diebert (with a whole bunch of help from the product software folks)
Maintained by: Bill Jackson <BJackson.pa>
Keywords: DLion, XDE, TTY Port, LearSieger, Dumb Terminal, Server
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