John Larson, May 28, 1986 3:14:04 am PDT
Grapevine Tools
John Larson
© Copyright 1986 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: A collection of Cedar based Grapevine tools
Created by: Birrell, Schroeder, Murray, et al.
Maintained by: John <JLarson>, Hal <Murray>
Keywords: Grapevine, Tools, Administration
XEROX  Xerox Corporation
   Palo Alto Research Center
   3333 Coyote Hill Road
   Palo Alto, California 94304

For Internal Xerox Use Only
Grapevine Tools
Over the years we have accumulated some hacks that assist the central Grapevine administrators. The programming quality is typically quite low. DBCompare, GVWatcher, InvertDls, DLMap, InBoxCount and HuntForOldDLs are in GVTools.df, but there are a few other tools still on [Indigo]<Grapevine> somewhere.
Compares the database on one server with copies elsewhere. Useful for recovering from inconsistencies. If you find an inconsistency, fix it by doing a SetRemark or SetConnect on whichever server has the better version of the entry (or on both servers if you can't tell which is better).
Enumerates the entire registration database looking for group members/owners/friends that are "dead" names, and removes them. This is the best solution to the problem of someone being deleted and not being removed from lists in another registry. The plan was to run this as a once per day process on the Cedar server-server. Alternatively, get Ron Weaver to run it overnight on his machine. If you arrange for this to run systematically, you will reduce the number of return-to-sender messages, and you can tell local administrators to stop doing RemoveAllMemberships when they delete a name. (They would love to stop doing this!)
Chats to every server and gets its various statistics. This is quite quick and is a good way to get a feel for whether everything is running ok.
Ron Weaver runs this periodically. It runs for several hours and produces files saying what lists everyone is in.
Ron Weaver runs this periodically. It runs for several hours and produces files saying what distribution lists exist and some information about each list.
This program collects a few statistics about Grapevine. It runs for several hours then displays server statistics, total numbers of users in the system, and per registry statistics such as the number of users, users with no mailboxes, and forwarded users.
Sends a message to all DL owners.
For information about other Grapevine tools see [Indigo]<Grapevine>Docs>GVSupport.tioga.