Eric Nickell, December 1, 1986 5:26:10 pm PST
Automatic File Backup from Local Disk to Server
Eric Nickell
© Copyright 1985 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: Allow a user profile entry to specify remote files to be automatically backed up. If a local file has an attachment to one of the files in this list, then a copy back out to the remote file will be made when Save is clicked in the Tioga viewer. Primary intended use: automatic backup of user profiles for public machines users.
Created by: Eric Nickell
Maintained by: Eric <Nickell.pasa>
Keywords: FS, backup, user profile
XEROX Xerox Corporation
Palo Alto Research Center
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, California 94304
For Internal Xerox Use Only
How to do it
Getting ready...
Add a user profile entry:
AutoBackUp.Files: LIST OF TOKEN ← NIL
These tokens may be either switch settings or file names (GNames). Switch settings are of the form
- (?~ letter) ...
being thus set by including the letter, and disabled by including ~letter. Switches thus set are in effect for subsequent file names. Currently, there are two switches:
d Files that follow are df files, and the modification of any of its source files will cause an smodel to occur. (Default: FALSE)
a Back up file iff the previous version of the file was attached to the specified GName. Thus, setting this value to FALSE will cover a wider range of contingencies, but may cause confusion if two independent files have the same short name (which is unlikely, but possible). (Ignored if d
What the `a' switch actually does is decide whether or not to perform the following test in deciding whether or not to back up the file. The test: was the previous version of the file newly created attached to the global file specified? If a is TRUE (the undocumented default), then the test is performed. As a result, in order for to be backed up (if one has the profile entry AutoBackUp.Files: -a [User]<Yourname>, the previous version of the file must exist on the local directory, and must be an attachment to the global file [User]<Yourname> It is sometimes possible to break these connections, and once broken, they remain broken because AutoBackUp doesn't. I normally use -~a, on the other hand, which solely requires that the short name of the newly created file match the short name of the global file in the profile. This is definitely playing more fast and loose, but is much more impervious to broken connections. For reasons which are vague in my memory, d TRUE must assume a FALSE.
Turning AutoBackup on and off
% AutoBackUp on --Make autobackup functional
% AutoBackUp off --Disable autoback
Other features
AutoBackUp stuffs nice little messages in the message window so that you know when it's saving a file.
A viewer is created whenever an AutoBackUp-instigated SModel has warnings or errors. This should catch IFS full situations, as well as other things. (Thanks to Mike Spreitzer.)
Wish Lists
At least one poor folk has requested that AutoBackUp notify him when things are getting too full on his IFS account.