DIRECTORY Basics, BasicTime USING[GMT], ConvertUnsafe, DBCommon, DBStorage, DBDefs, DB, DBModel, DBModelPrivate, Rope, SymTab; DBModelIndexImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Basics, ConvertUnsafe, DB, DBStorage, DBModelPrivate, Rope EXPORTS DBModel, DBModelPrivate SHARES Rope = BEGIN OPEN DBCommon, DBDefs; DeclareIndex: PUBLIC PROC [r: Relation, fields: FieldSequence, isKey: BOOL _ FALSE, doCheck: BOOL _ TRUE] RETURNS[index: Index] = { sh: SegmentHandle = DBModelPrivate.SegmentToHandle[r.segment]; indicesToCheck: LIST OF IndexHandle; DBModelPrivate.CheckRelationKey[r]; IF NOT r.indicesKnown THEN CacheIndices[r]; IF doCheck THEN { IF isKey THEN indicesToCheck _ r.keys ELSE indicesToCheck _ r.indices; FOR i: LIST OF IndexHandle _ indicesToCheck, UNTIL i = NIL DO same: BOOL _ TRUE; IF i.first.index.count # fields.count THEN LOOP; FOR j: CARDINAL IN [0..fields.count) WHILE same DO same _ same AND i.first.index[j] = fields[j] ENDLOOP; IF same THEN RETURN [NEW[ IndexObject _ [fields: i.first.index, isKey: i.first.isKey, key: r.key, index: i.first.indexHandle ] ] ] ENDLOOP }; IF NOT r.attributesKnown THEN DBModelPrivate.CacheAttributes[r]; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..r.attributes.count) DO appears: BOOL _ FALSE; FOR j: CARDINAL IN [0..fields.count) DO IF i = fields[j] THEN { IF appears THEN ERROR DB.Error[IllegalIndex] ELSE appears _ TRUE } ENDLOOP ENDLOOP; BEGIN indexTuple: DBStorage.TupleHandle = DBModelPrivate.CopyTupleHandle[DBStorage.CreateSystemPageTuple[x: DBModelPrivate.IndexTupleSet, y: r.tupleSet, s: r.segment]]; cachedIndexHandle: IndexHandle _ NEW[IndexHandleObject _ [indexHandle: indexTuple, isKey: isKey, index: NEW[FieldSequenceObject[fields.count]]]]; index _ NEW[IndexObject _ [isKey: isKey, index: indexTuple, fields: cachedIndexHandle.index, key: r.key]]; DBModelPrivate.SetBoolField[indexTuple, DBModelPrivate.IndexKeyField, isKey]; DBModelPrivate.SetCardField[indexTuple, DBModelPrivate.IndexCountField, fields.count]; DBModelPrivate.SetTupleField[indexTuple, DBModelPrivate.IndexRelationField, r.tupleSet]; BEGIN indexFactorGroup: DBStorage.GroupScanHandle = DBStorage.OpenScanGroup[indexTuple, indexHandle, Last]; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..fields.count) DO indexFactorTuple: DBStorage.TupleHandle = DBStorage.CreateSystemPageTuple[x: DBModelPrivate.IndexTupleSet, y: indexTuple, s: r.segment]; DBModelPrivate.SetCardField[indexFactorTuple, attributeHandle, fields[i]]; DBStorage.WriteTID[indexFactorTuple, indexFactorGroup]; cachedIndexHandle.index[i] _ fields[i] ENDLOOP; DBStorage.CloseScanGroup[indexFactorGroup] END; sh.schemaUpdated _ TRUE; index.key _ r.key; index.isKey _ isKey; IF isKey THEN r.keys _ CONS[cachedIndexHandle, r.keys] ELSE r.indices _ CONS[cachedIndexHandle, r.indices]; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..index.fields.count) DO r.attributes[index.fields[i]].indices _ CONS[cachedIndexHandle, r.attributes[index.fields[i]].indices] ENDLOOP END }; DestroyIndex: PUBLIC PROC [r: Relation, index: Index] = { sh: SegmentHandle = DBModelPrivate.SegmentToHandle[r.segment]; DBModelPrivate.CheckRelationKey[r]; IF NOT r.indicesKnown THEN CacheIndices[r]; IF NOT r.attributesKnown THEN DBModelPrivate.CacheAttributes[r]; IF NOT DBModelPrivate.IsLegalIndex[r, index] THEN ERROR DB.Error[IllegalIndex]; IF index.isKey THEN ERROR DB.Error[IllegalIndex]; -- Can't destroy a key index! DestroyIndexTuple[index.index]; BEGIN r.indicesKnown _ FALSE; r.keys _ r.indices _ NIL; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..index.fields.count) DO r.attributes[index.fields[i]].indices _ NIL ENDLOOP END; sh.schemaUpdated _ TRUE }; DestroyIndexTuple: PUBLIC PROC[handle: DBStorage.TupleHandle] = { indexFactors: DBStorage.GroupScanHandle = DBStorage.OpenScanGroup[handle, indexHandle, First]; FOR indexFactor: TupleHandle _ DBStorage.NextInGroup[indexFactors], DBStorage.NextInGroup[indexFactors] UNTIL indexFactor = NIL DO DBStorage.WriteTIDNil[indexFactor, indexHandle]; DBStorage.DestroyTuple[indexFactor] ENDLOOP; DBStorage.CloseScanGroup[indexFactors]; DBStorage.WriteTIDNil[handle, IndexRelationField]; -- remove it from the group for the relation DBStorage.DestroyIndex[handle]; DBStorage.DestroyTuple[handle] }; DeleteTupleFromIndex: PUBLIC PROC[t: TupleHandle, r: Relation, iHandle: IndexHandle] = { entry: Rope.ROPE = IndexEntryForTuple[t, r, iHandle.index]; DBStorage.DeleteFromIndex[x: iHandle.indexHandle, k: entry, v: t] }; AddTupleToIndex: PUBLIC PROC[t: TupleHandle, r: Relation, iHandle: IndexHandle] = { entry: Rope.ROPE = IndexEntryForTuple[t, r, iHandle.index]; DBStorage.InsertIntoIndex[x: iHandle.indexHandle, k: entry, v: t] }; IndexEntryForTuple: PROC[t: TupleHandle, r: Relation, index: FieldSequence] RETURNS[entry: Rope.ROPE] = TRUSTED { entry _ ""; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..index.count) DO attr: REF AttributeObject = r.attributes[index[i]]; SELECT attr.type FROM ropeType => entry _ Rope.Concat[entry, NCodeRope[DBModelPrivate.GetRopeField[t, attr.fh]]]; boolType => entry _ Rope.Concat[entry, NCodeBool[DBModelPrivate.GetBoolField[t, attr.fh]]]; intType => entry _ Rope.Concat[entry, NCodeInt[DBModelPrivate.GetIntField[t, attr.fh]]]; timeType => entry _ Rope.Concat[entry, NCodeTime[DBModelPrivate.GetTimeField[t, attr.fh]]]; ENDCASE => entry _ Rope.Concat[entry, NCodeTuple[DBModelPrivate.GetTupleField[t, attr.fh]]]; ENDLOOP }; CacheIndices: PUBLIC PROC[r: Relation] = { indexHandles: LIST OF IndexHandle _ NIL; keyHandles: LIST OF IndexHandle _ NIL; indexGroup: DBStorage.GroupScanHandle = DBStorage.OpenScanGroup[r.tupleSet, DBModelPrivate.IndexRelationField, First]; IF NOT r.attributesKnown THEN DBModelPrivate.CacheAttributes[r]; FOR t: TupleHandle _ DBStorage.NextInGroup[indexGroup], DBStorage.NextInGroup[indexGroup] UNTIL t = NIL DO factorCount: CARDINAL = DBModelPrivate.GetCardField[t, DBModelPrivate.IndexCountField]; isKey: BOOL = DBModelPrivate.GetBoolField[t, DBModelPrivate.IndexKeyField]; thisHandle: IndexHandle _ NEW[IndexHandleObject _ [indexHandle: DBModelPrivate.CopyTupleHandle[t], isKey: isKey, index: NEW[FieldSequenceObject[factorCount]]]]; indexFactorGroup: DBStorage.GroupScanHandle = DBStorage.OpenScanGroup[t, indexHandle, First]; thisFactor: CARDINAL _ 0; FOR if: TupleHandle _ DBStorage.NextInGroup[indexFactorGroup], DBStorage.NextInGroup[indexFactorGroup] UNTIL if = NIL DO thisHandle.index[thisFactor] _ DBModelPrivate.GetCardField[if, attributeHandle]; thisFactor _ thisFactor + 1 ENDLOOP; DBStorage.CloseScanGroup[indexFactorGroup]; IF isKey THEN keyHandles _ CONS[thisHandle, keyHandles] ELSE indexHandles _ CONS[thisHandle, indexHandles]; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..factorCount) DO r.attributes[thisHandle.index[i]].indices _ CONS[thisHandle, r.attributes[thisHandle.index[i]].indices] ENDLOOP ENDLOOP; DBStorage.CloseScanGroup[indexGroup]; r.indicesKnown _ TRUE; r.indices _ indexHandles; r.keys _ keyHandles }; Keys: PUBLIC PROC[r: Relation] RETURNS[keys: LIST OF Index] = { DBModelPrivate.CheckRelationKey[r]; CacheIndices[r]; IF r.isSurrogate THEN { fields: FieldSequence _ NEW[FieldSequenceObject[1]]; fields[0] _ 0; keys _ LIST[NEW[IndexObject _ [key: r.key, isKey: TRUE, fields: fields]]] }; FOR kL: LIST OF IndexHandle _ r.keys, UNTIL kL = NIL DO keys _ CONS[NEW[IndexObject _ [key: r.key, index: kL.first.indexHandle, isKey: TRUE, fields: kL.first.index]], keys] ENDLOOP }; Indices: PUBLIC PROC[r: Relation] RETURNS[indices: LIST OF Index] = { DBModelPrivate.CheckRelationKey[r]; CacheIndices[r]; FOR kL: LIST OF IndexHandle _ r.indices, UNTIL kL = NIL DO indices _ CONS[NEW[IndexObject _ [key: r.key, index: kL.first.indexHandle, isKey: FALSE, fields: kL.first.index]], indices] ENDLOOP}; NCode: PUBLIC PROC [v: Value] RETURNS [code: Rope.ROPE] ~ TRUSTED { WITH v: v SELECT FROM rope => code _ NCodeRope[v.value]; boolean => code _ NCodeBool[v.value]; integer => code _ NCodeInt[v.value]; time => code _ NCodeTime[v.value]; entity => code _ NCodeTuple[v.value.tuple]; null => code _ "\000\000"; ENDCASE }; NCodeRope: PUBLIC PROC[rope: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [code: Rope.ROPE] = { code _ Rope.Concat[rope, "\000\000"] }; NCodeBool: PUBLIC PROC[bool: BOOL] RETURNS [code: Rope.ROPE] = { code _ Rope.Concat[IF bool THEN "T" ELSE "F", "\000\000"] }; NCodeTuple: PUBLIC PROC [t: TupleHandle] RETURNS [code: Rope.ROPE] ~ { code _ NCodeCard[t.tid] }; NCodeInt: PUBLIC PROC[int: INT] RETURNS [code: Rope.ROPE] = TRUSTED { i: LONG CARDINAL = LOOPHOLE[int, LONG CARDINAL]+20000000000B; code _ NCodeCard[i] }; NCodeTime: PUBLIC PROC[time: BasicTime.GMT] RETURNS [code: Rope.ROPE] = TRUSTED { i: LONG CARDINAL = LOOPHOLE[time]; code _ NCodeCard[i] }; LowByte: PROC [n: CARDINAL] RETURNS [CHAR] = TRUSTED INLINE {RETURN[LOOPHOLE[LOOPHOLE[n, Basics.BytePair].low]]}; HighByte: PROC [n: CARDINAL] RETURNS [CHAR] = TRUSTED INLINE {RETURN[LOOPHOLE[LOOPHOLE[n, Basics.BytePair].high]]}; NCodeCard: PUBLIC PROC[i: LONG CARDINAL] RETURNS [code: Rope.ROPE] = TRUSTED { s: STRING _ [4]; s.length _ 4; s[0] _ HighByte[Basics.HighHalf[i]]; s[1] _ LowByte[Basics.HighHalf[i]]; s[2] _ HighByte[Basics.LowHalf[i]]; s[3] _ LowByte[Basics.LowHalf[i]]; code _ Rope.Concat[ConvertUnsafe.ToRope[s], "\000\000"] }; DCode: PUBLIC PROC[key: DBCommon.IndexKey, ropes: RopeSequence] = TRUSTED { start: INT _ 0; end: INT _ 0; ropeText: Rope.Text; IF key = NIL THEN RETURN; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..ropes.length) DO UNTIL key.text[end] = '\000 AND key.text[end+1] = '\000 DO end _ end+1 ENDLOOP; ropeText _ Rope.NewText[end - start]; ropeText.length _ end - start; FOR j: INT IN [0 .. end-start) DO ropeText[j] _ key.text[start+j] ENDLOOP; ropes[i] _ ropeText; start _ end _ end+2 ENDLOOP }; CheckKeyInIndex: PUBLIC PROC[i: IndexHandle, key: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [yes: BOOL] = { yes _ DBModelPrivate.GetNamedTuple[i.indexHandle, key] # NIL }; IndexCountField: PUBLIC DBStorage.FieldHandle; IndexRelationField: PUBLIC DBStorage.FieldHandle; IndexKeyField: PUBLIC DBStorage.FieldHandle; IndexFactorTupleSet: DBStorage.SystemTuplesetHandle; IndexFactorDomain: DBCommon.TupleHandle; attributeHandle, indexHandle: DBStorage.FieldHandle; InitializeIndexSchema: PUBLIC PROC[] = TRUSTED { [IndexFactorTupleSet, IndexFactorDomain] _ DBModelPrivate.SetSystemTable[DBModelPrivate.IndexFactorTSID]; [] _ DBStorage.AddSystemField[DBModelPrivate.IndexTupleSet, DBModelPrivate.IndexDescriptor]; IndexCountField _ DBStorage.AddSystemField[DBModelPrivate.IndexTupleSet, DBModelPrivate.OneWordDescriptor]; IndexRelationField _ DBStorage.AddSystemField[DBModelPrivate.IndexTupleSet, DBStorage.FieldDescriptor[Group[groupID: DBModelPrivate.RelationDomain]]]; IndexKeyField _ DBStorage.AddSystemField[DBModelPrivate.IndexTupleSet, DBModelPrivate.OneWordDescriptor]; indexHandle _ DBStorage.AddSystemField[IndexFactorTupleSet, DBStorage.FieldDescriptor[Group[groupID: DBModelPrivate.IndexDomain]]]; attributeHandle _ DBStorage.AddSystemField[IndexFactorTupleSet, DBModelPrivate.OneWordDescriptor] }; END. ZFile: DBModelIndexImpl.mesa Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Contents: Implementation of DBModel, DBModelPrivate operations on relations. Last edited by: Donahue, June 20, 1986 9:11:32 am PDT Check to see if index already exists Ensure that each attribute appears at most once in the index Add the index factors to the database Finally, include the new index in the list for all of the attributes Remove it from the database Remove it from the cache (this is a little aggressive, but simple!) Enumerate all of the attributes of the relation tuple Now enumerate each of the factors of the index Finally, hook up with the attributes Add the implied key of the surrogate This procedure takes apart a key that has been composed as a concatenation of calls to NCode and places each component in the given element of the rope sequence that was passed in Find the end of the next piece Create a new rope and copy the text 4. Definition of the structure of Indices in the Database The structure of the storage of the relations, attributes and index factors component of a Cypress database is reasonably complicated and takes advantage of the ability to define many groups at the storage level. An index tuple is the head of an index-factor group; it also contains a count of the number of factors in the index. Elements of the index factor domain contain links to the attribute that defines the factor and are linked in the order in which the index factors are to be used in accessing the index. Handles for the index factor domain The IndexDomain tuples are all used as indices; the first field is used to store the index information, the second may store the number of index factors that make up the index entries (if the index is client-created), the third gives the relation for which the index is being maintained, and the final field specifies whether the index is an index of keys of the relation An index tuple is the head of an index-factor group; it also contains a count of the number of factors in the index. Elements of the index factor domain contain links to the attribute that defines the factor and are linked in the order in which the index factors are to be used in accessing the index. The IndexFactor tuples have the following fields: 1. the index for the factor, 2. the position (a CARDINAL) of the corresponding attribute in the relation Ê °˜šœ™Jšœ Ïmœ1™<—JšœL™Lšœ™Icode™%—J˜šÏk ˜ J˜Jšœ žœžœ˜J˜Jšœ ˜ J˜ J˜Jšžœ˜J˜J˜J˜Jšœ˜J˜—šœžœž˜Jšžœ;˜BJšžœ˜ šžœ˜ J˜——šžœžœ˜J˜šÏn œžœžœ-žœžœ žœžœžœ˜ƒJšœ>˜>Jšœžœžœ ˜$Jšœ#˜#Jšžœžœžœ˜+šžœ žœ˜Jšœ$™$Jšžœžœžœ˜Fš žœžœžœ&žœžœž˜DJšœžœžœ˜Jšžœ$žœžœ˜0š žœžœžœžœž˜2Jšœ žœ˜,Jšžœ˜—šžœž˜ Jšžœžœj˜u—Jšžœ˜ ——Jšžœžœžœ#˜@Jšœ<™<šžœžœžœž˜-Jšœ žœžœ˜šžœžœžœž˜'šžœžœ˜Jš žœ žœžœžœžœ žœ˜B—Jšž˜—Jšžœ˜—šž˜Jšœ¢˜¢Jšœ!žœDžœ&˜‘Jšœžœ_˜jJ˜MJ˜VJšœX˜XJšœ%™%šž˜Jšœe˜ešžœžœžœž˜'Jšœˆ˜ˆJšœJ˜JJšœ7˜7Jšœ&˜&Jšžœ˜—Jšœ*˜*Jšžœ˜—Jšœžœ˜J˜J˜Jšžœžœ žœ˜6Jšžœ žœ˜4JšœD™Dšžœžœžœž˜-Jšœ(žœ:˜fJšž˜—Jšž˜—Jšœ˜—J˜šŸ œžœžœ ˜9Jšœ>˜>Jšœ#˜#Jšžœžœžœ˜+Jšžœžœžœ#˜@Jš žœžœ'žœžœžœ˜OJš žœ žœžœžœÏc˜OJšœ™Jšœ˜JšœC™Cšž˜Jšœžœ˜Jšœž˜šžœžœžœž˜-Jšœ(ž˜+Jšž˜—Jšžœ˜—Jšœž˜Jšœ˜—J˜šŸœž œ#˜AJšœ^˜^šžœežœžœž˜‚Jšœ0˜0Jšœ#˜#Jšžœ˜—Jšœ'˜'Jšœ3 ,˜_Jšœ˜Jšœ!˜!—J˜šŸœžœžœ7˜XJšœ žœ+˜;JšœA˜AJšœ˜—J˜šŸœž œ7˜SJšœ žœ+˜;JšœA˜AJšœ˜—J˜š Ÿœžœ4žœ žœžœ˜qJ˜ šžœžœžœž˜&Jšœžœ*˜3šžœ ž˜Jšœ[˜[Jšœ[˜[JšœX˜XJšœ[˜[—JšžœU˜\Jšžœ˜ ——J˜šŸ œž œ˜*Jšœžœžœžœ˜(Jšœ žœžœžœ˜&Jšœv˜vJšžœžœžœ#˜@Jšœ5™5šžœWžœžœž˜jJšœ žœB˜WJšœžœ@˜KJšœžœ[žœ%˜ Jšœ.™.Jšœ]˜]Jšœ žœ˜šžœdžœžœž˜xJšœP˜PJ˜Jšžœ˜—Jšœ+˜+Jšžœžœžœ˜7Jšžœžœ˜3Jšœ$™$šžœžœžœž˜&Jšœ,žœ7˜gJšž˜—Jšžœ˜—Jšœ%˜%Jšœžœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜J˜—š Ÿœžœžœžœžœžœ ˜?Jšœ#˜#Jšœ˜šžœžœ˜Jšœ$™$Jšœžœ˜4Jšœ˜Jšœžœžœ#žœ˜L—š žœžœžœžœžœž˜?Jšœžœžœ@žœ!˜tJšžœ˜ ——J˜š Ÿœžœžœžœ žœžœ ˜EJšœ#˜#Jšœ˜š žœžœžœ"žœžœž˜BJšœ žœžœ@žœ$˜{Jšžœ˜ ——J˜š Ÿœž œ žœ žœžœ˜Cšžœžœž˜Jšœ"˜"Jšœ%˜%Jšœ$˜$Jšœ"˜"J˜+Jšœ˜Jšžœ˜ —K˜—š Ÿ œžœžœ žœžœ žœ˜EJšœ'˜'—J˜š Ÿ œžœžœžœžœ žœ˜@Jšœžœžœžœ˜<—J˜šŸ œž œžœ žœ˜FJšœ˜—K˜šŸœžœžœžœžœ žœžœ˜EJš œžœžœžœžœžœ˜=Jšœ˜—J˜šŸ œžœžœžœžœ žœžœ˜QJšœžœžœžœ˜#Jšœ˜—J˜š Ÿœžœžœžœžœžœž˜;Jšœžœžœžœ˜5—J˜š Ÿœžœžœžœžœžœž˜