" A holy man is full of holes."
"When you allow yourself to be seen through, it's like disappearing up your own vortex."
"We don't really look at the words we are saying."
"Put your talents to good use --- then you will have no rubble on your head when you die."
"The hereafter is here after you know who you are."
"When God created time he made a lot of it, and we get lots of time to understand what He made it for."
"Keep everything fun.  Remember how great God's sense of humor is, to have created all this."
"If you are awake, you will find yourself in the right place at the right time."
"The whole world is popping open with flowers at any one moment."
"Being and capacity are directly related to emptiness.  They are dependent upon your degree of emptiness."
"Something has to go for something to come in -- what has to go is what we think we are."
"If we do anything for ourselves we are only increasing our ego."
"How many times have we talked so much inside that we never heard what was being said."
"You can't have everything easily; creative tension is necessary."
"If we really saw into the invisible world we would never have any arguments because we could see where we're coming from."
"Not everything is God's will --- one of the best examples is the way some of our buildings are made."
"The present moment lies directly in the center of the chest."
"If all the veils were taken down at once, we'd be blinded."
"If you could split a seventh of a second, all the questions would be answered immediately."
"Grounding is necessary to avoid being caught by thoughtforms, which are unredeemed energy."
"Whatever we think we need and hang on to is taken away."
"Sound fixes pattern and sound shatters thoughtform, sometimes at the same time."
"Alchemy is a process of distillation.  At times, a subtle perfume is created that was not there before.  Be very awake to this perfume in every day life.  You don't, however, have to go around sniffing each other to see if you smell like roses today."
"How can you overcome making judgments?  By doing things with intention.  Judgment is like elastic.  The judgment you make snaps back and hits you."
"If we are not able to forgive someone we are invisibly tied to them.  When we forgive someone the knots are untied.  The past is released by forgiveness."
"When you \"don't want to be seen feeling like this\" you don't want to see yourself."
"To feel guilty is not useful; to feel guilty can veil us from the Truth.  To realize we've made a mistake (and to testify to it) is useful, if we know we're forgiven."
"Man is describing himself when he thinks he is describing others."
"When you have found yourself, you can have knowledge.  Until then you can only have opinions."
"If one's heart is full of all sorts of things, one can't know or be of service."
"If we can formulate what our laziness is (with a sense of humor), then we can work with it."
"\"A stranger walks by us carrying meaning we have never known. . . .\"  Our physical form carries something --- usually habits."
"Reality is already made --- a marriage is \"made in heaven,\" we fill in the spaces.  Unfolding, not going back and copying."
"Choose some time every day to reverse space.  Try listening to a rock, a wall, the ocean, a tree, flowers, people.  Be so sensitive within that you can hear what they are saying, what is actually being said, not necessarily what is outwardly said.  Let yourself be heard when you're talking.  Don't try too hard --- that just pushes things away. --Reshad T. Feild"
"The common cold comes out of expectation --- projecting outside of the present situation.  It takes 3 days for a cold to come in --- not to come out."
"If you put your attention in your knees, even if you are blindfolded you won't run into things --- the knees send out \"rays.\""
"Thoughtforms never die, they can only be redeemed, and only through love.  If our hearts are singing then thoughtforms are being redeemed --- that is the thoughtform going home.  (Everything wants to go home, like a tree struggling for the Light.)"
"Celtic music shatters the miseries."
"Address the God within each other when you meet; let yourself be breathed during greeting. --Reshad T. Feild"
"We can only make a commitment with somebody's help until we have an Observer."
"Things can be \"set\" in perfection.  Most of what we do is a state of accident, repeating a watered down version of that which has already been done; not allowing something new to descend from the invisible world."
"Knowledge is a form in the mind corresponding to the form of the thing known."
"Ideas that have remained in the biosphere have started to be made manifest."
"We're so terrified of letting go of the past."
"God sometimes produces something in us which is extremely embarrassing to the ego --- it is created so we can face it.  Like veils --- God creates them so that we want to see nothing but the Truth.  When we realize we can only \"sort of see\" (sometimes through our own gross stupidity) we desire to see clearly.  We are meant to be His Eyes and His Ears --- we should be able to see and hear."
"If we allow our senses to rule us, we're caught in the world of attraction."
"Everything has its own time --- don't push the river.  Sometimes we try to manifest something that needs to wait for its appointed time.  Nothing can delay an opening which is ordained in conscious evolution."
"By changing patterns, you can \"change the clock\"."
"There is sound within all things.  Listen to the sound of rocks --- what the rock is saying.  Psychometry is hearing the sound in an object.  When you are walking, stop and listen.  It is in the stop that you can hear, in one flash beyond sequential time."
"When consulting a sacred book, start by accepting that what's in the book is true.  If you want an answer, you'll receive one.  Hold the book in your right hand, and hold your question --- what is it I need to learn today?  All perfection exists, now and in embryo.  Hold intense concentration, deep prayer, so that every cell of your being is asking the question.  As you touch the pages with your left thumb, your thumb will stop --- bonk! --- on the page you need to read."
"It is absolutely essential to do something to give back, because we are given so much."
"Sound brings forth from the world of archetypes that which needs to manifest."
"Visualize at any area you have a problem the most beautiful thing you can imagine.  Beauty is a manifestation of order."
"By breathing consciously you increase the negative ions.  Through attention to conscious breath we create negative ions, which increases attention."
"When things are hard, you must have done something to be worth the test."
"Religious form without God is like bread without butter."
"Everything is already complete and perfect in essence, but we are not yet complete and perfect --- that is why there is this world.  Things precipitate from the world of possibilities.  We \"pick it up,\" and it becomes from being."
"Through awakened intelligence the veils drop.  Let the veils fall away; don't try to take a pick-axe to them."