DIRECTORY Args, ColorTrixBasics, ColorTrixDispatch, ColorTrixFile, ColorTrixMap, ColorTrixMod, ColorTrixPalette, ColorTrixPix, Commander, FileNames, ImagerPixelMap, IO, PixelMapOps, Rope, Terminal, ViewerClasses; ColorTrixCommandsImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Args, ColorTrixBasics, ColorTrixDispatch, ColorTrixFile, ColorTrixMap, ColorTrixMod, ColorTrixPalette, ColorTrixPix, FileNames, ImagerPixelMap, IO, PixelMapOps, Rope ~ BEGIN ROPE: TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE; PixelMap: TYPE ~ ColorTrixBasics.PixelMap; PixelMapMisc: TYPE ~ ColorTrixBasics.PixelMapMisc; DeviceRectangle: TYPE ~ ImagerPixelMap.DeviceRectangle; Cmap: TYPE ~ ColorTrixMap.Cmap; palOn: BOOL _ FALSE; CtView: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { ok: BOOL; name, center, clear, cmap, aisX, aisY, aisW, aisH, dum: Args.Arg; [ok, name, center, clear, cmap, aisX, aisY, aisW, aisH, dum, dum, dum, dum] _ Args.ArgsGet[cmd, "%s-center%b-clear%b-cmap%s-a%iiii-w%iiii"]; IF NOT ok THEN RETURN[$Failure, NIL] ELSE { pmMisc: PixelMapMisc _ ColorTrixDispatch.GetWindowedPmMisc[cmd]; x: CARDINAL _ IF aisX.ok THEN ELSE 0; y: CARDINAL _ IF aisY.ok THEN ELSE 0; w: CARDINAL _ IF aisW.ok THEN ELSE LAST[CARDINAL]; h: CARDINAL _ IF aisH.ok THEN ELSE LAST[CARDINAL]; IF cmap.ok AND NOT ColorTrixMap.Load[cmap.rope] THEN RETURN[$Failure, Rope.Concat["Can't load ", cmap.rope]]; IF clear.ok AND clear.bool THEN { IF pmMisc.bpp = 8 THEN ColorTrixBasics.FillPm[, 0] ELSE ColorTrixBasics.FillRGBPm[pmMisc, 0, 0, 0]; }; msg _ColorTrixFile.ViewFile[pmMisc, name.rope, center.ok AND center.bool, x, y, w, h]; IF msg # NIL THEN RETURN[$Failure, msg]; }; }; CtSave: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { ok: BOOL; name, dum: Args.Arg; pmMisc: PixelMapMisc _ ColorTrixDispatch.GetWindowedPmMisc[cmd]; [ok, name, dum, dum, dum, dum] _ Args.ArgsGet[cmd, "%s-w%iiii"]; IF NOT ok THEN RETURN[$Failure, NIL]; ColorTrixFile.WritePmMiscToAIS[pmMisc, FileNames.ResolveRelativePath[name.rope]]; }; CtSetWindow: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { IF Args.NArgs[cmd] > 0 THEN { ok: BOOL; x, y, w, h: Args.Arg; [ok, x, y, w, h] _ Args.ArgsGet[cmd, "%iiii"]; IF NOT ok THEN RETURN[$Failure, NIL]; ColorTrixDispatch.SetGlobalWindow[[,,,]]; }; }; CtResetWindow: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { ColorTrixDispatch.SetGlobalWindow[ColorTrixDispatch.GetInitialWindow[]]; }; CtPrintWindow: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { w: DeviceRectangle ~ ColorTrixDispatch.GetGlobalWindow[]; cmd.out.PutF["global window is (x, y, w, h): [%g, %g, %g, %g].\n",[w.fMin],[w.sMin],[w.fSize],[w.sSize]]; }; CtClear: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { ok: BOOL; rVal, gVal, bVal: CARDINAL; rArg, gArg, bArg, dum: Args.Arg; pmMisc: PixelMapMisc _ ColorTrixDispatch.GetWindowedPmMisc[cmd]; [ok, dum, dum, dum, dum, rArg, gArg, bArg] _ Args.ArgsGet[cmd, "-w%iiii[iii"]; IF NOT ok THEN RETURN[$Failure, NIL]; rVal _ MIN[255, IF rArg.ok THEN INTEGER[] ELSE 0]; gVal _ MIN[255, IF gArg.ok THEN INTEGER[] ELSE rVal]; bVal _ MIN[255, IF bArg.ok THEN INTEGER[] ELSE gVal]; SELECT pmMisc.bpp FROM 8 => ColorTrixBasics.FillPm[, rVal]; 24 => ColorTrixBasics.FillRGBPm[pmMisc, rVal, gVal, bVal] ENDCASE => NULL; }; CtLine: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { ok: BOOL; x0, y0, x1, y1, r, g, b, dum: Args.Arg; pmMisc: PixelMapMisc _ ColorTrixDispatch.GetWindowedPmMisc[cmd]; [ok, x0, y0, x1, y1, r, g, b, dum, dum, dum, dum] _ Args.ArgsGet[cmd, "[iiiiiii-w%iiii"]; IF NOT (ok AND x0.ok AND y0.ok AND x1.ok AND y1.ok AND r.ok) THEN RETURN[$Failure, "Bad argument(s)."]; SELECT pmMisc.bpp FROM 8 => ColorTrixBasics.PutLine[,,,,,]; 24 => { IF NOT (g.ok AND b.ok) THEN RETURN[$Failure, NIL]; ColorTrixBasics.PutRGBLine[pmMisc,,,,,,,]; }; ENDCASE => NULL; }; CtRamp: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { ok: BOOL; v, h, dum: Args.Arg; pmMisc: PixelMapMisc _ ColorTrixDispatch.GetWindowedPmMisc[cmd]; [ok, v, h, dum, dum, dum, dum] _ Args.ArgsGet[cmd, "-v%b-h%b-w%iiii"]; IF NOT ok THEN RETURN[$Failure, NIL]; SELECT pmMisc.bpp FROM 8 => IF h.bool THEN ColorTrixPix.RampH[] ELSE ColorTrixPix.RampV[]; 24 => { IF h.bool THEN ColorTrixPix.RampH[pmMisc.rg] ELSE ColorTrixPix.RampV[pmMisc.rg]; IF h.bool THEN ColorTrixPix.RampH[pmMisc.b] ELSE ColorTrixPix.RampV[pmMisc.b]; }; ENDCASE => NULL; }; CtPie: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { pmMisc: PixelMapMisc _ ColorTrixDispatch.GetWindowedPmMisc[cmd]; SELECT pmMisc.bpp FROM 8 => ColorTrixPix.Pie[]; 24 => { ColorTrixPix.Pie[pmMisc.rg]; ColorTrixPix.Pie[pmMisc.b]; }; ENDCASE => NULL; }; CtDither: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { ok: BOOL; dum, arg: Args.Arg; [ok, arg, dum, dum, dum, dum] _ Args.ArgsGet[cmd, "[i-w%iiii"]; IF NOT ok THEN RETURN[$Failure, NIL] ELSE { pmMisc: PixelMapMisc _ ColorTrixDispatch.GetWindowedPmMisc[cmd]; value: CARDINAL _ IF arg.ok THEN ELSE 0; SELECT pmMisc.bpp FROM 8 => ColorTrixPix.Dither[, value]; 24 => { ColorTrixPix.Dither[pmMisc.rg, value]; ColorTrixPix.Dither[pmMisc.b, value]; }; ENDCASE => NULL; }; }; CtGrid: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { InnerGrid: PROC [pm: PixelMap] ~ { FOR i: NAT _ 0, i+spacing WHILE i < pm.fSize DO FOR j: NAT _ 0, j+1 WHILE j < pm.sSize DO ImagerPixelMap.Fill[pm, [j, i, lineWidth, lineWidth], pVal]; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; FOR j: NAT _ 0, j+spacing WHILE j < pm.sSize DO FOR i: NAT _ 0, i+1 WHILE i < pm.fSize DO ImagerPixelMap.Fill[pm, [j, i, lineWidth, lineWidth], pVal]; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; }; ok: BOOL; pVal, spacing, lineWidth: CARDINAL; pValArg, spacingArg, lineWidthArg, dum: Args.Arg; pmMisc: PixelMapMisc _ ColorTrixDispatch.GetWindowedPmMisc[cmd]; [ok, pValArg, spacingArg, lineWidthArg, dum, dum, dum, dum] _ Args.ArgsGet[cmd, "-pVal%i-spacing%i-lineWidth%i-w%iiii"]; IF NOT ok THEN RETURN[$Failure, NIL]; pVal _ IF pValArg.ok THEN ELSE 0; pVal _ 256*pVal+pVal; spacing _ IF spacingArg.ok THEN ELSE 40; lineWidth _ IF lineWidthArg.ok THEN ELSE 1; SELECT pmMisc.bpp FROM 8 => InnerGrid[]; 24 => { InnerGrid[pmMisc.rg]; InnerGrid[pmMisc.b]; }; ENDCASE => NULL; }; CtCheck: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { InnerCheck: PROC [pm: PixelMap] ~ { sense: BOOL _ TRUE; FOR y: NAT _ 0, y+spacing WHILE y < pm.sSize DO FOR x: NAT _ 0, x+spacing WHILE x < pm.fSize DO IF sense THEN ImagerPixelMap.Fill[pm, [y, x, spacing, spacing], pVal]; sense _ NOT sense; ENDLOOP; sense _ NOT sense; ENDLOOP; }; ok: BOOL; pVal, spacing: CARDINAL; pValArg, spacingArg, dum: Args.Arg; pmMisc: PixelMapMisc _ ColorTrixDispatch.GetWindowedPmMisc[cmd]; [ok, pValArg, spacingArg, dum, dum, dum, dum] _ Args.ArgsGet[cmd, "-pVal%i-spacing%i-w%iiii"]; IF NOT ok THEN RETURN[$Failure, NIL]; pVal _ IF pValArg.ok THEN ELSE 0; pVal _ 256*pVal+pVal; spacing _ IF spacingArg.ok THEN ELSE 40; SELECT pmMisc.bpp FROM 8 => InnerCheck[]; 24 => { InnerCheck[pmMisc.rg]; InnerCheck[pmMisc.b]; }; ENDCASE => NULL; }; CtPal: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { ok: BOOL; n, smooth: Args.Arg; pm: PixelMap _ ColorTrixBasics.GetColorDisplayPm[]; [ok, n, smooth] _ Args.ArgsGet[cmd, "[i-smooth%b"]; IF NOT ok THEN RETURN[$Failure, NIL]; ColorTrixPalette.Pal[pm, IF n.ok THEN ELSE 5, smooth.ok AND smooth.bool]; palOn _ TRUE; }; CtUnPal: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { IF palOn THEN ColorTrixPalette.UnPal[ColorTrixBasics.GetColorDisplayPm[]]; palOn _ FALSE; }; CtLum: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { pmMisc: PixelMapMisc _ ColorTrixDispatch.GetWindowedPmMisc[cmd]; SELECT pmMisc.bpp FROM 8 => ColorTrixMod.Lum[]; 24 => { ColorTrixMod.Lum[pmMisc.rg]; ColorTrixMod.Lum[pmMisc.b]; }; ENDCASE => NULL; }; CtPseudoToRGB: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { name: Rope.ROPE ~ Args.GetRope[cmd]; IF name = NIL THEN RETURN[$Failure, "Usage: CtPsuedoToRGB "] ELSE { pm: ColorTrixBasics.PixelMapMisc _ ColorTrixBasics.GetColorDisplayPmMisc[]; IF pm.bpp # 8 THEN RETURN[$Failure, "Color display should be in 8bpp"] ELSE { cmap: ColorTrixMap.Cmap _ ColorTrixMap.Read[]; base: Rope.ROPE ~ FileNames.ResolveRelativePath[name]; table: ColorTrixMod.Table _ NEW[ColorTrixMod.TableRep]; temp: ImagerPixelMap.PixelMap _ ImagerPixelMap.Create[3, ImagerPixelMap.Window[]]; SaveOneFile: PROC [color: Rope.ROPE, i: NAT] ~ { IO.PutF[cmd.out, "%g . . . ", IO.rope[color]]; ImagerPixelMap.Transfer[temp,]; FOR n: NAT IN [0..255) DO table[n] _ cmap[i][n]; ENDLOOP; ColorTrixMod.Indirect[temp, table]; PixelMapOps.StoreAIS[Rope.Cat[base, "-", color, ".ais"], [temp, FALSE, NIL]]; }; IO.PutRope[cmd.out, "writing "]; SaveOneFile["red", 0]; SaveOneFile["grn", 1]; SaveOneFile["blu", 2]; IO.PutRope[cmd.out, "done!\n"]; }; }; }; CtDif: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { ok: BOOL; x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h: Args.Arg; [ok, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h] _ Args.ArgsGet[cmd, "%iiiiiiii"]; IF NOT ok THEN RETURN[$Failure, "Bad argument(s)."] ELSE { pm: PixelMapMisc _ ColorTrixBasics.GetColorDisplayPmMisc[]; SELECT pm.bpp FROM 8 => ColorTrixMod.Dif[,,,,,,,,]; 24 => { ColorTrixMod.Dif[pm.rg,,,,,,,,]; ColorTrixMod.Dif[pm.b,,,,,,,,]; }; ENDCASE; }; }; CtPVal: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { n: NAT _ 0; new, old: Args.Arg; list: REF List _ NIL; nArgs: NAT _ Args.NArgs[cmd]; List: TYPE ~ RECORD[first: NAT, rest: REF List]; pmMisc: PixelMapMisc _ ColorTrixDispatch.GetWindowedPmMisc[cmd]; WHILE n < nArgs DO IF Args.GetRope[cmd, n].Equal["-w"] THEN {n _ n+5; LOOP}; IF new.ok THEN { IF NOT (old _ Args.ArgInt[cmd, n]).ok THEN RETURN[$Failure, "Bad old value."]; list _ NEW[List _ [, list]]; } ELSE IF NOT (new _ Args.ArgInt[cmd, n]).ok THEN RETURN[$Failure, "Bad new value."]; n _ n+1; ENDLOOP; IF list # NIL THEN SELECT pmMisc.bpp FROM 8 => ColorTrixMod.PVal[,, list]; 24 => { ColorTrixMod.PVal[pmMisc.rg,, list]; ColorTrixMod.PVal[pmMisc.b,, list]; }; ENDCASE => NULL; }; CtCopy: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { InnerCopy: PROC [pm: PixelMap] ~ { src: PixelMap ~ ImagerPixelMap.Clip[pm, [,,,]]; dst: PixelMap ~ ImagerPixelMap.Clip[pm, [,,,]]; ImagerPixelMap.Transfer[dst, ImagerPixelMap.ShiftMap[src,,]]; }; ok: BOOL; x0, y0, w0, h0, x1, y1, w1, h1: Args.Arg; [ok, x0, y0, w0, h0, x1, y1, w1, h1] _ Args.ArgsGet[cmd, "%iiiiii[ii"]; IF NOT ok THEN RETURN[$Failure, NIL] ELSE { pmMisc: PixelMapMisc _ ColorTrixBasics.GetColorDisplayPmMisc[]; IF NOT w1.ok THEN _; IF NOT h1.ok THEN _; SELECT pmMisc.bpp FROM 8 => InnerCopy[]; 24 => { InnerCopy[pmMisc.rg]; InnerCopy[pmMisc.b]; }; ENDCASE => NULL; }; }; CtLeft: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { ok: BOOL; dum, arg: Args.Arg; [ok, arg, dum, dum, dum, dum] _ Args.ArgsGet[cmd, "%i-w%iiii"]; IF NOT ok OR NOT arg.ok THEN RETURN[$Failure, NIL] ELSE { pmMisc: PixelMapMisc _ ColorTrixDispatch.GetWindowedPmMisc[cmd]; SELECT pmMisc.bpp FROM 8 => ColorTrixMod.Left[,]; 24 => { ColorTrixMod.Left[pmMisc.rg,]; ColorTrixMod.Left[pmMisc.b,]; }; ENDCASE => NULL; }; }; CtUp: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { ok: BOOL; dum, arg: Args.Arg; [ok, arg, dum, dum, dum, dum] _ Args.ArgsGet[cmd, "%i-w%iiii"]; IF NOT ok OR NOT arg.ok THEN RETURN[$Failure, NIL] ELSE { pmMisc: PixelMapMisc _ ColorTrixDispatch.GetWindowedPmMisc[cmd]; SELECT pmMisc.bpp FROM 8 => ColorTrixMod.Up[,]; 24 => { ColorTrixMod.Up[pmMisc.rg,]; ColorTrixMod.Up[pmMisc.b,]; }; ENDCASE => NULL; }; }; CtNegate: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { pmMisc: PixelMapMisc _ ColorTrixDispatch.GetWindowedPmMisc[cmd]; SELECT pmMisc.bpp FROM 8 => ColorTrixMod.Negate[]; 24 => { ColorTrixMod.Negate[pmMisc.rg]; ColorTrixMod.Negate[pmMisc.b]; }; ENDCASE => NULL; }; CtReflect: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { ok: BOOL; v, h, dum: Args.Arg; pmMisc: PixelMapMisc _ ColorTrixDispatch.GetWindowedPmMisc[cmd]; [ok, v, h, dum, dum, dum, dum] _ Args.ArgsGet[cmd, "-v%b-h%b-w%iiii"]; IF NOT ok THEN RETURN[$Failure, NIL]; IF h.bool THEN SELECT pmMisc.bpp FROM 8 => ColorTrixMod.ReflectH[]; 24 => { ColorTrixMod.ReflectH[pmMisc.rg]; ColorTrixMod.ReflectH[pmMisc.b]; }; ENDCASE => NULL ELSE SELECT pmMisc.bpp FROM 8 => ColorTrixMod.ReflectV[]; 24 => { ColorTrixMod.ReflectV[pmMisc.rg]; ColorTrixMod.ReflectV[pmMisc.b]; }; ENDCASE => NULL; }; CtMirror: PUBLIC Commander.CommandProc ~ { MirrorH: PROC [pmMisc: PixelMapMisc, leftToRight: BOOL] ~ { SELECT pmMisc.bpp FROM 8 => ColorTrixMod.MirrorH[]; 24 => { ColorTrixMod.MirrorH[pmMisc.rg]; ColorTrixMod.MirrorH[pmMisc.b]; }; ENDCASE => NULL; }; MirrorV: PROC [pmMisc: PixelMapMisc, leftToRight: BOOL] ~ { SELECT pmMisc.bpp FROM 8 => ColorTrixMod.MirrorV[]; 24 => { ColorTrixMod.MirrorV[pmMisc.rg]; ColorTrixMod.MirrorV[pmMisc.b]; }; ENDCASE => NULL; }; ok: BOOL; l, r, t, b, dum: Args.Arg; pmMisc: PixelMapMisc _ ColorTrixDispatch.GetWindowedPmMisc[cmd]; [ok, l, r, t, b, dum, dum, dum, dum] _ Args.ArgsGet[cmd, "-l%b-r%b-t%b-b%b-w%iiii"]; IF NOT ok THEN RETURN[$Failure, NIL]; SELECT TRUE FROM l.bool => MirrorV[pmMisc, TRUE]; r.bool => MirrorV[pmMisc, FALSE]; t.bool => MirrorH[pmMisc, TRUE]; b.bool => MirrorH[pmMisc, FALSE]; ENDCASE => MirrorH[pmMisc, FALSE]; }; ctViewUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct View Display the named image file on the color display. The complete file name should be given unless the image is 24 bits, in which case only the base name should be given. Images are un-scaled, those larger than 1024 by 768 are clipped. Options: -center center the image on the color display -cmap load the specified color map -w display image in this window -a if ais file, read data from this window."; ctSaveUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct Save [-w ] Save the entire color display image to disk. If 24 bits, '-red.ais', '-grn.ais', '-blu.ais' are appended to name for the appropriate file."; ctSetWindowUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct SetWindow : set the color display window."; ctResetWindowUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct Reset: reset the window."; ctPrintWindowUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct Print: print the window."; ctClearUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct Clear [r[gb]] [-w]: clear the color display."; ctLineUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct Line x0 y0 x1 y1 r[gb] [-w]: draw a line"; ctRampUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct Ramp [-h|-v] [-w]: draw a horiz. or vert. ramp."; ctPieUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct Pie [-w]: draw a circular ramp."; ctGridUsage: ROPE ~ "[-pVal][-spacing][-lineWidth][-w]."; ctCheckUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct Check [-pVal][-spacing][-w]."; ctPalUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct Pal [INT: nrows] [-smooth]: display palette."; ctUnPalUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct UnPal: remove palette."; ctPseudoToRGBUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct PsuedoToRGBUsage : creates name-red, -grn, -blu.ais from pseudo color image."; ctLumUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct Lum [-w]: convert pseudo-colors to luminance."; ctPValUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct PVal [oldVal] . . . [-w]."; ctDifUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct Dif Display |dif| of windows."; ctDitherUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct Dither [value] [-w]: dither the picture. If no value specified, dither the existing image; otherwise, create a dithered flat field of intensity ."; ctCopyUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct Copy : copy src to dest."; ctLeftUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct Left [-w]: shift image left."; ctUpUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct Up [-w]: shift image up."; ctNegateUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct Negate [-w]: negate the image."; ctReflectUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct Reflect <-h|-v> [-w]: reflect the image."; ctMirrorUsage: ROPE ~ "Ct Mirror <-l|-r|-t|-b> [-w]: mirror the image."; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["View", CtView, ctViewUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["Save", CtSave, ctSaveUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["SetWindow", CtSetWindow, ctSetWindowUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["ResetWindow", CtResetWindow, ctResetWindowUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["PrintWindow", CtPrintWindow, ctPrintWindowUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["Clear", CtClear, ctClearUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["Line", CtLine, ctLineUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["Ramp", CtRamp, ctRampUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["Pie", CtPie, ctPieUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["Dither", CtDither, ctDitherUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["Grid", CtGrid, ctGridUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["Check", CtCheck, ctCheckUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["Pal", CtPal, ctPalUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["UnPal", CtUnPal, ctUnPalUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["Lum", CtLum, ctLumUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["PseudoToRGB", CtPseudoToRGB, ctPseudoToRGBUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["Dif", CtDif, ctDifUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["PVal", CtPVal, ctPValUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["Copy", CtCopy, ctCopyUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["Left", CtLeft, ctLeftUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["Up", CtUp, ctUpUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["Negate", CtNegate, ctNegateUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["Reflect", CtReflect, ctReflectUsage]; ColorTrixDispatch.RegisterCtOp["Mirror", CtMirror, ctMirrorUsage]; END. ^ColorTrixCommandsImpl.mesa Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Bloomenthal, January 17, 1987 0:12:17 am PST File IO Commands Window Commands Clearing/Drawing Commands Palette Commands Processing Commands Manipulations Commands Usage Messages File IO Windows Clearing/Drawing Palette Processing Manipulation Start Code สำ˜šœ™Jšœ ฯmœ1™˜QJšœ žœ.˜AJš œ žœ คœ คœคœ˜QJšœ žœคœ คœ˜IK™Jšœžœ คœ&˜HJšœ žœ˜3K™ šœžœ˜JšœY˜YJ˜—Jšœ žœ<˜OJšœ žœ:˜NJšœ žœ>˜QJ˜šœžœ˜Jšœฆ˜ฆ—K™ Jšœžœ;˜OJšœžœ คœ!˜EJšœ žœ คœ˜?Jšœžœ-˜BJšœžœ7˜MJšœžœ;˜P—š  ™ Jšœ@˜@Jšœ@˜@JšœK˜KJšœQ˜QJšœQ˜QJšœC˜CJšœ@˜@Jšœ@˜@Jšœ?˜?JšœF˜FJšœ@˜@JšœC˜CJšœ?˜?JšœC˜CJšœ=˜=JšœQ˜QJšœ?˜?Jšœ@˜@Jšœ@˜@Jšœ@˜@Jšœ<˜