Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Bloomenthal, December 13, 1986 6:16:39 pm PST
DIRECTORY ColorTrixBasics, ImagerPixelMap, ImagerSample, Terminal;
Table:  TYPE ~ REF TableRep;
TableRep: TYPE ~ ARRAY [0..256) OF NAT;
PixelMap: TYPE ~ ImagerPixelMap.PixelMap;
Color Display Modifying Procedures:
Indirect: PROC [pm: PixelMap, table: Table];
Indirect all pixel values through the table.
Dif: PROC [pm: PixelMap, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h: NAT];
Display the difference (absolute value) of two windows in a third window, each w by h.
Up: PROC [pm: PixelMap, shift: INTEGER];
Move the image up by shift amount; image will wrap-around.
Left: PROC [pm: PixelMap, shift: INTEGER];
Move the image left by shift amount; image will wrap-around.
Negate: PROC [pm: PixelMap];
Negate the image in the color display.
ReflectH: PUBLIC PROC [pm: PixelMap];
Reflect the pixel map about the horizontal mid-line.
ReflectV: PUBLIC PROC [pm: PixelMap];
Reflect the pixel map about the vertical mid-line.
MirrorH: PUBLIC PROC [pm: PixelMap, topToBottom: BOOLTRUE];
Mirror the pixel map about the horizontal mid-line.
MirrorV: PUBLIC PROC [pm: PixelMap, leftToRight: BOOLTRUE];
Mirror the pixel map about the vertical mid-line.
Lum: PROC [pm: PixelMap];
Converts pseudo-color to luminance; converts the colordisplay accordingly.
RampH: PROC [pm: PixelMap];
Put a horizontal ramp in the color display.
RampV: PROC [pm: PixelMap];
Put a vertical ramp in the color display.
PVal: PROC [pm: PixelMap, new: NAT, old: LIST OF NAT];
Set any old valued pixels to the new value.