Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
NOTE: Strange patch in ReplaceFigure to "cleanup" files with multiple figures
Created by: Maureen Stone, April 30, 1981 1:51 PM
Edited by: Maureen Stone, July 16, 1986 4:14:46 pm PDT
Last Edited by: Ken Pier, November 13, 1985 4:40:01 pm PST
BasicTime USING [Now],
CubicSplines USING [SplineType],
FS USING [Error, StreamOpen],
GriffinColor USING [ColorFromFileColor, FileColor, FileColorFromColor],
GriffinData USING [DataRec],
GriffinFile USING [DiskHandle],
GriffinFileFormat USING [BYTE, cNameChars, fontChars, GFileCaptionTrailer, GFileControlPair, GFileDisplayController, GFileFigureName, GFileFont, GFileHardcopyController, GFileHeader, GFileKnotWord, GFileObject, GFilePoint, GFileReal, GFileSector, GFileStyle, lGFileCaptionTrailer, lGFileControlPair, lGFileDisplayController, lGFileFigureName, lGFileFont, lGFileHardcopyController, lGFileHeader, lGFileKnotWord, lGFileObject, lGFilePoint, lGFileReal, lGFileStyle, pNameChars, SectorIndex, sNameChars, typeAngledEnd, typeAngledJunction, typeAreaObject, typeBEZSpline, typeBSISpline, typeBSpline, typeCALSpline, typeCaptionObject, typeCenterAnchor, typeCRSpline, typeCSTraj, typeCUMSpline, typeCurveObject, typeCyclicEnd, typeDash1, typeDash2, typeDash3, typeDash4, typeDash5, typeFD0Knot, typeFD1Knot, typeFD2Knot, typeFD3Knot, typeFlatEnd, typeLeftAnchor, typeLinkedTraj, typeNALSpline, typeNotVisible, typeNUMSpline, typePartiallyVisible, typeRightAnchor, typeRot0, typeRot180, typeRot270, typeRot90, typeRoundEnd, typeRoundJunction, typeSquareJunction, typeTokenObject, typeUnDashed, typeWhollyVisible, ValidFigRange],
GriffinKernel USING [Data, DataRec],
GriffinObject USING [EncodeObject, ForAllObjects, GetNextClusterID, Link, Object, ObjectHandle, ObjectProc, openCluster, StartObject, Trajectory, View],
GriffinPoint USING [ObjPt, ObjPtSequence, ObjPtSequenceRec, ScrPt, X, Y],
GriffinRelation USING [AddPair, CreateRelation, DestroyRelation, notFound, Relation, Right],
GriffinStyle USING [Color, ComputeStringType, CreateFontList, CreateStyleList, FindEquivalentStyle, FontDescriptor, FontDescriptorHandle, FontFromInternalFont, FontSequence, FontSequenceRec, InternalFontFromFont, NextName, NumberOfFont, NumberOfStyle, Style, StyleHandle, StyleSequence, StyleSequenceRec],
GriffinText USING [GetBoundingBox],
GriffinUserMessage USING [UserMessage],
IO USING [Close, Flush, GetBlock, GetChar, GetIndex, PutBlock, PutChar, SetIndex, STREAM, UnsafeBlock, UnsafeGetBlock, UnsafePutBlock],
PrincOpsUtils USING [LongCopy],
Real USING [RoundC],
RealConvert USING [Mesa5ToIeee],
Rope USING [Fetch, Flatten, FromProc, FromRefText, Length, ROPE, ToRefText],
UserCredentials USING [Get];
GriffinFileImpl: PROGRAM --cannot be CEDAR PROGRAM because of many @ operators
IMPORTS BasicTime, FS, GriffinColor, GriffinObject, GriffinRelation, GriffinStyle, GriffinText, GriffinUserMessage, IO, PrincOpsUtils, Real, RealConvert, Rope, UserCredentials
EXPORTS GriffinFile, GriffinKernel = BEGIN OPEN GriffinFile;
GriffinFileError: PUBLIC SIGNAL = CODE;
DiskHandle: TYPE = GriffinFile.DiskHandle;
Data: TYPE = REF DataRec;
DataRec: PUBLIC TYPE = GriffinData.DataRec; --exported to GriffinKernel
X: NAT = GriffinPoint.X;
Y: NAT = GriffinPoint.Y;
maxCPairCount: CARDINAL = 2000; -- just for safety
KnotFix: TYPE = {none, version31, all}; --three cases
majorVersion: GriffinFileFormat.BYTE = 3;
minorVersion: GriffinFileFormat.BYTE = 3;
version 2.0 is Cedar
version 2.1 is after string fix
version 2.2 is Cedar 5 ?
version 3.0 is cedar 6.0
version 3.1 is Cedar6.0 after modernization by Stone and Pier
version 3.2 is after fix to curve bug
version 3.3 is after second fix to curve bug
GetReal: PROC [r: REAL, convert: BOOL] RETURNS [REAL] = {
IF convert THEN RETURN[RealConvert.Mesa5ToIeee[LOOPHOLE[r]]]
OpenFile: PUBLIC PROC [filename: ROPE, write: BOOLEANFALSE] RETURNS [diskHandle: DiskHandle ← NIL] = {
username: ROPE;
header: GriffinFileFormat.GFileHeader;
j: INTEGER; -- just a loop control variable
IF write THEN {
diskHandle ← FS.StreamOpen[fileName: filename, accessOptions: $create, keep: 2 ! FS.Error => {
IF AND error.code=$unknownFile
THEN SIGNAL GriffinUserMessage.UserMessage["Unknown file"]
ELSE IF AND error.code=$globalCreation
THEN SIGNAL GriffinUserMessage.UserMessage["Can't write on remote file"]
ELSE SIGNAL GriffinFileError
Zero[@header, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileHeader];
header.majversion ← majorVersion;
header.minversion ← minorVersion;
header.createtime ← LOOPHOLE[BasicTime.Now[], LONG CARDINAL];--don't change the interface
header.numfigs ← 0;
header.nextsector ← GriffinFileFormat.SectorIndex [1];
FOR j IN GriffinFileFormat.ValidFigRange DO header.figure[j] ← GriffinFileFormat.SectorIndex [0]; ENDLOOP;
[username, ] ← UserCredentials.Get[];
len ← Rope.Length[username];
header.creatorname[0] ← LOOPHOLE [len, CHARACTER];
FOR j IN [1 .. GriffinFileFormat.cNameChars] DO
header.creatorname[j] ← IF j > len THEN 0C ELSE Rope.Fetch[username, j-1];
len ← Rope.Length[filename];
header.portfolioname[0] ← LOOPHOLE [len, CHARACTER];
FOR j IN [1 .. GriffinFileFormat.pNameChars] DO
header.portfolioname[j] ← IF j > len THEN 0C ELSE Rope.Fetch[filename, j-1];
WriteHeaderAndFlush[@header, diskHandle];
ELSE diskHandle ← FS.StreamOpen[fileName: filename, accessOptions: $read ! FS.Error =>
IF AND error.code=$unknownFile
THEN SIGNAL GriffinUserMessage.UserMessage["Unknown file"]
ELSE SIGNAL GriffinFileError
CloseFile: PUBLIC PROC [diskHandle: DiskHandle] = {
fileheader: GriffinFileFormat.GFileHeader;
[] ← ReadHeader [@fileheader, diskHandle];
MoveToSector [fileheader.nextsector, diskHandle];
ReadFigure: PUBLIC PROC [data: Data, diskHandle: DiskHandle] = {
fileheader: GriffinFileFormat.GFileHeader;
hcontrol: GriffinFileFormat.GFileHardcopyController;
dcontrol: GriffinFileFormat.GFileDisplayController;
controlpair: GriffinFileFormat.GFileControlPair;
font: GriffinFileFormat.GFileFont;
figurename: GriffinFileFormat.GFileFigureName;
stylecount, fontcount, objectcount, i, slen, f, s: CARDINAL;
fd: GriffinStyle.FontDescriptorHandle ← NEW[GriffinStyle.FontDescriptor];
clusterMap: GriffinRelation.Relation;
newStyles, oldStyles: GriffinStyle.StyleSequence;
fontList: GriffinStyle.FontSequence;
knotFix: KnotFix ← none; --for fixing up cyclic splines
fignum: CARDINAL=1; --original plan involved multiple figures in a portfolio. Never used more than 1
data.oldVersion ← ReadHeader[@fileheader, diskHandle];
IF fignum > fileheader.numfigs OR fignum = 0 THEN SIGNAL GriffinFileError;
MoveToSector[fileheader.figure[fignum], diskHandle]; -- go to the right sector
ReadStructure[@figurename, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileFigureName, diskHandle];
ReadStructure[@hcontrol, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileHardcopyController, diskHandle];
ReadStructure[@dcontrol, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileDisplayController, diskHandle];
IF dcontrol.numcontrolpairs > maxCPairCount THEN SIGNAL GriffinFileError;
THROUGH [1 .. dcontrol.numcontrolpairs] DO
ReadStructure[@controlpair, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileControlPair, diskHandle];
controlpairs are not used but must be read out of the file.
fontcount ← ReadWord[diskHandle];
fontList ← NEW[GriffinStyle.FontSequenceRec[fontcount]];
FOR f IN [0 .. fontcount) DO
FProc: SAFE PROC RETURNS [CHAR] = CHECKED {i ← i+1; RETURN[ font.char [i]]};
ReadStructure[@font, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileFont, diskHandle];
slen ← LOOPHOLE [font.char [0], GriffinFileFormat.BYTE]; -- just a temp
i ← 0; ← Rope.FromProc[slen, FProc];
fd.rotation ← font.rotation;
fd.face ← font.face;
fd.points ← font.points;
fontList[f] ← GriffinStyle.FontFromInternalFont[fd];
stylecount ← ReadWord[diskHandle];
oldStyles ← GriffinStyle.CreateStyleList[data]; -- attempt to collapse existing styles/new styles
newStyles ← NEW[GriffinStyle.StyleSequenceRec[stylecount]];
FOR s IN [0 .. stylecount) DO
newStyles[s] ← ReadStyle[fontList, oldStyles, data, diskHandle]; --returns a style, reusing duplicates
objectcount ← ReadWord[diskHandle];
clusterMap ← GriffinRelation.CreateRelation[];
N.B.: ReadObject calls StartObject which links each object into the object list in data
check here for versions that need points added to cyclic curves
IF fileheader.majversion < 3 THEN knotFix ← all;
IF fileheader.majversion = 3.0 THEN SELECT fileheader.minversion FROM
0 => knotFix ← all;
1 => knotFix ← version31;
ENDCASE => knotFix ← none;
THROUGH [1 .. objectcount] DO
ReadObject[newStyles, clusterMap, data, diskHandle, knotFix];
WriteFigure: PUBLIC PROC [data: Data, diskHandle: DiskHandle] = {
figbegin: GriffinFileFormat.SectorIndex;
i, figlength: CARDINAL;
header: GriffinFileFormat.GFileHeader;
fignum: CARDINAL=1; --was a plan involving multiple figures, now canceled
[] ← ReadHeader[@header, diskHandle];
IF fignum > header.numfigs + 1 THEN SIGNAL GriffinUserMessage.UserMessage["Invalid Griffin file"];
figbegin ← header.figure[fignum];
IF figbegin=0 THEN figbegin ← header.figure[fignum] ← GriffinFileFormat.SectorIndex[1];
MoveToSector[header.nextsector, diskHandle];
figlength ← WriteFigureContents[data, diskHandle] - header.nextsector;
FOR i DECREASING IN [fignum .. header.numfigs] DO
header.figure[i+1] ← GriffinFileFormat.SectorIndex[header.figure[i] +figlength];
MoveSectors[figbegin, figlength, header.nextsector, diskHandle];
header.nextsector ← GriffinFileFormat.SectorIndex[header.nextsector + figlength];
IF header.numfigs >= fignum THEN { -- wasn't last fig, write it again
MoveToSector[figbegin, diskHandle];
[] ← WriteFigureContents[data, diskHandle];
header.numfigs ← header.numfigs + 1;
WriteHeaderAndFlush[@header, diskHandle];
ReadHeader: PROC [h: LONG POINTER TO GriffinFileFormat.GFileHeader, diskHandle: DiskHandle] RETURNS [oldVersion: BOOLFALSE] = {
version, currentVersion: CARDINAL;
ReadStructure[h, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileHeader, diskHandle];
version ← h.majversion*10+h.minversion;
currentVersion ← majorVersion*10+minorVersion;
version 1.4 is the first with the Ieee floating point format.
we need to set up to convert the reals for older versions
oldVersion ← (version < 14);
IF version NOT IN [10..currentVersion] THEN {
GriffinUserMessage.UserMessage["Incorrect file format"];
WriteHeaderAndFlush: PROC [h: LONG POINTER TO GriffinFileFormat.GFileHeader, diskHandle: DiskHandle] = {
WriteStructure[h, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileHeader, diskHandle];
WriteFigureContents: PROC [data: Data, diskHandle: DiskHandle] RETURNS [nextfree: GriffinFileFormat.SectorIndex] = {
HardcopyController: TYPE = RECORD [hxcenter, hycenter, hwidth, hheight: REAL, pressxcenter, pressycenter: CARDINAL, hscale: REAL];
DisplayController: TYPE = RECORD [dxcenter, dycenter, dwidth, dheight: CARDINAL, dxscale, dyscale, dxorigin, dyorigin: REAL, dgridsize: CARDINAL];
PixelsToMicas: REAL = 32.0;
hc: HardcopyController = [hxcenter: 304*PixelsToMicas, hycenter: 404*PixelsToMicas, hwidth: 608*PixelsToMicas, hheight: 808*PixelsToMicas, pressxcenter: Real.RoundC[304*PixelsToMicas], pressycenter: Real.RoundC[404*PixelsToMicas], hscale: 1]; --obsolete but still in file format
dc: DisplayController = [dxcenter: 304, dycenter: 404, dwidth: 608, dheight: 808, dxscale: 1.0/PixelsToMicas, dyscale: 1.0/PixelsToMicas, dxorigin: 0, dyorigin: 0, dgridsize: 8]; --obsolete but still in file format
hcontroller: GriffinFileFormat.GFileHardcopyController; --obsolete but still in file format
dcontroller: GriffinFileFormat.GFileDisplayController; --obsolete but still in file format
figname: GriffinFileFormat.GFileFigureName;
count: CARDINAL ← 0;
fonts: GriffinStyle.FontSequence;
styles: GriffinStyle.StyleSequence;
DoWrite: GriffinObject.ObjectProc = TRUSTED { WriteObject[object, styles, data, diskHandle]; };
CountObject: GriffinObject.ObjectProc = TRUSTED {
SELECT object.objectType FROM
shape, caption => count ← count+1; ENDCASE;
Zero[@figname, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileFigureName];
WriteStructure[@figname, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileFigureName, diskHandle];
Zero[@hcontroller, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileHardcopyController];
must write a legitimate dummy controller for backwards compatibility
hcontroller ← [centerx: hc.hxcenter, centery: hc.hycenter, width: hc.hwidth, height: hc.hheight, presscenterx: hc.pressxcenter, presscentery: hc.pressycenter, scale: hc.hscale];
Zero[@dcontroller, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileDisplayController];
must write a legitimate dummy controller for backwards compatibility
dcontroller ← [centerx: dc.dxcenter, centery: dc.dycenter, width: dc.dwidth, height: dc.dheight, xscale: dc.dxscale, yscale: dc.dyscale, gridxo: dc.dxorigin, gridyo: dc.dyorigin, gridsize: dc.dgridsize, numcontrolpairs: 0];
WriteStructure[@hcontroller, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileHardcopyController, diskHandle];
WriteStructure[@dcontroller, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileDisplayController, diskHandle];
there are NO control pairs in any Griffin file
styles ← GriffinStyle.CreateStyleList[data];
IF styles#NIL THEN { --empty file if styles=NIL
fonts ← GriffinStyle.CreateFontList[styles];
WriteWord[fonts.length, diskHandle];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..fonts.length) DO
WriteFont[GriffinStyle.InternalFontFromFont[fonts[i]], diskHandle];
WriteWord[styles.length, diskHandle];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..styles.length) DO WriteStyle[styles[i], fonts, diskHandle]; ENDLOOP;
GriffinObject.ForAllObjects[data, CountObject];
WriteWord[count, diskHandle];
GriffinObject.ForAllObjects[data, DoWrite];
nextfree ← ZeroRestOfSector[diskHandle]
WriteFont: PROC [fd: GriffinStyle.FontDescriptorHandle, diskHandle: DiskHandle] = {
j, len: INTEGER;
font: GriffinFileFormat.GFileFont;
Zero[@font, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileFont];
font.points ← fd.points;
font.face ← fd.face;
font.rotation ← fd.rotation;
len ← Rope.Length[];
font.char[0] ← LOOPHOLE[len, CHARACTER];
FOR j IN [1.. GriffinFileFormat.fontChars]
font.char[j] ← IF j<=len THEN Rope.Fetch[, j-1] ELSE 0C;
WriteStructure[@font, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileFont, diskHandle];
WriteStyle: PROC [style: GriffinStyle.StyleHandle, fonts: GriffinStyle.FontSequence, diskHandle: DiskHandle] = {
fstyle: GriffinFileFormat.GFileStyle;
fcolor: GriffinColor.FileColor;
j, len: INTEGER;
Zero[@fstyle, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileStyle];
fcolor ← GriffinColor.FileColorFromColor[style.color];
fstyle.hue ← fcolor.hue;
fstyle.saturation ← fcolor.saturation;
fstyle.brightness ← fcolor.brightness;
fstyle.dashedness ← SELECT style.dashed FROM
undashed => GriffinFileFormat.typeUnDashed,
dash1 => GriffinFileFormat.typeDash1,
dash2 => GriffinFileFormat.typeDash2,
dash3 => GriffinFileFormat.typeDash3,
dash4 => GriffinFileFormat.typeDash4,
dash5 => GriffinFileFormat.typeDash5,
ENDCASE => GriffinFileFormat.typeUnDashed;
fstyle.send ← SELECT style.firstend.type FROM
round => GriffinFileFormat.typeRoundEnd,
cyclic => GriffinFileFormat.typeCyclicEnd,
flat => GriffinFileFormat.typeFlatEnd,
angled => GriffinFileFormat.typeAngledEnd,
ENDCASE => GriffinFileFormat.typeRoundEnd;
fstyle.eend ← SELECT style.lastend.type FROM
round => GriffinFileFormat.typeRoundEnd,
cyclic => GriffinFileFormat.typeCyclicEnd,
flat => GriffinFileFormat.typeFlatEnd,
angled => GriffinFileFormat.typeAngledEnd,
ENDCASE => GriffinFileFormat.typeRoundEnd;
fstyle.bdx ← style.firstend.dx;
fstyle.bdy ← style.firstend.dy; ← style.firstend.a; ← style.firstend.b;
fstyle.bc ← style.firstend.c;
fstyle.edx ← style.lastend.dx;
fstyle.edy ← style.lastend.dy;
fstyle.ea ← style.lastend.a;
fstyle.eb ← style.lastend.b; ← style.lastend.c;
fstyle.thickness ← style.width;
fstyle.junction ← SELECT style.junctiontype FROM
round => GriffinFileFormat.typeRoundJunction,
square => GriffinFileFormat.typeSquareJunction,
angled => GriffinFileFormat.typeAngledJunction,
ENDCASE => GriffinFileFormat.typeRoundJunction;
fcolor ← GriffinColor.FileColorFromColor[style.fillcolor];
fstyle.ahue ← fcolor.hue;
fstyle.asaturation ← fcolor.saturation;
fstyle.abrightness ← fcolor.brightness;
fstyle.afilled ← style.filled;
fstyle.aoutlined ← style.outlined;
fstyle.fontid ← GriffinStyle.NumberOfFont[style.font, fonts];
fcolor ← GriffinColor.FileColorFromColor[style.backgndcolor];
fstyle.bhue ← fcolor.hue;
fstyle.bsaturation ← fcolor.saturation;
fstyle.bbrightness ← fcolor.brightness;
fstyle.background ← style.fillbackgnd;
fstyle.anchor ← SELECT style.anchor FROM
left => GriffinFileFormat.typeLeftAnchor,
center => GriffinFileFormat.typeCenterAnchor,
right => GriffinFileFormat.typeRightAnchor,
ENDCASE => GriffinFileFormat.typeLeftAnchor;
fstyle.torient ← SELECT style.stringRotation FROM
or0 => GriffinFileFormat.typeRot0,
or90 => GriffinFileFormat.typeRot90,
or180 => GriffinFileFormat.typeRot180,
or270 => GriffinFileFormat.typeRot270,
ENDCASE => GriffinFileFormat.typeRot0;
len ← Rope.Length[];
fstyle.stylename[0] ← LOOPHOLE[len, CHARACTER];
FOR j IN [1 .. GriffinFileFormat.sNameChars] DO
fstyle.stylename[j] ← IF j > len THEN 0C ELSE Rope.Fetch[, j-1];
WriteStructure[@fstyle, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileStyle, diskHandle];
WriteObject: PROC [obj: GriffinObject.ObjectHandle, styles: GriffinStyle.StyleSequence, data: Data, diskHandle: DiskHandle] = {
fobject: GriffinFileFormat.GFileObject;
fcaptiontrailer: GriffinFileFormat.GFileCaptionTrailer;
flinks: REF GriffinObject.Link;
fakelink: REF GriffinObject.Link ← NEW[GriffinObject.Link ← [link: NIL, degree: D3, knots: NIL]];
flinkcount: CARDINAL;
SELECT obj.objectType FROM
shape, caption => NULL; --do these
ENDCASE => RETURN; --ignore the rest
Zero[@fobject, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileObject];
Zero[@fcaptiontrailer, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileCaptionTrailer];
fobject.hidewindow ← obj.view # data.currentView;
fobject.visible ← SELECT obj.cull FROM
inside => GriffinFileFormat.typeWhollyVisible,
outside => GriffinFileFormat.typeNotVisible,
partial => GriffinFileFormat.typePartiallyVisible,
ENDCASE => GriffinFileFormat.typePartiallyVisible; ← GriffinStyle.NumberOfStyle[, styles];
fobject.cluster ← obj.cluster;
fobject.bleft ←[X];
fobject.bbottom ←[Y];
fobject.bright ←[X];
fobject.btop ←[Y];
WITH object: obj SELECT FROM
shape => {
fobject.objtype ← IF object.closed THEN GriffinFileFormat.typeAreaObject ELSE GriffinFileFormat.typeCurveObject;
fobject.splinetype ← SELECT object.trajectory.splineType FROM
CubicSplines.SplineType[naturalUM] => GriffinFileFormat.typeNUMSpline,
CubicSplines.SplineType[cyclicUM] => GriffinFileFormat.typeCUMSpline,
CubicSplines.SplineType[naturalAL] => GriffinFileFormat.typeNALSpline,
CubicSplines.SplineType[cyclicAL] => GriffinFileFormat.typeCALSpline,
CubicSplines.SplineType[bezier] => GriffinFileFormat.typeBEZSpline,
CubicSplines.SplineType[bsplineInterp] => GriffinFileFormat.typeBSISpline,
CubicSplines.SplineType[bspline] => GriffinFileFormat.typeBSpline,
CubicSplines.SplineType[crspline] => GriffinFileFormat.typeCRSpline,
ENDCASE => GriffinFileFormat.typeCRSpline;
WITH traj: object.trajectory SELECT FROM
linked => {
fobject.trajtype ← GriffinFileFormat.typeLinkedTraj;
flinkcount ← CountLinks[traj.links];
flinks ← traj.links;
cyclic => {
fobject.trajtype ← GriffinFileFormat.typeCSTraj;
flinkcount ← 1;
flinks ← fakelink;
fakelink.knots ← traj.knots;
ENDCASE => SIGNAL GriffinFileError;
WriteStructure[@fobject, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileObject, diskHandle];
WriteWord[flinkcount, diskHandle];
UNTIL flinks = NIL DO WriteLink[flinks, diskHandle]; flinks ←; ENDLOOP;
caption => {
fobject.objtype ← GriffinFileFormat.typeCaptionObject;
WriteStructure[@fobject, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileObject, diskHandle];
fcaptiontrailer.xanchor ← object.p0[X];
fcaptiontrailer.yanchor ← object.p0[Y];
WriteStructure[@fcaptiontrailer, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileCaptionTrailer, diskHandle];
WriteString[object.text, diskHandle];
CountLinks: PROC [links: REF GriffinObject.Link] RETURNS [CARDINAL] = {
count: CARDINAL ← 0;
UNTIL links = NIL DO links ←; count ← count + 1; ENDLOOP;
RETURN [count];
WriteLink: PROC [link: REF GriffinObject.Link, diskHandle: DiskHandle] = {
knotword: GriffinFileFormat.GFileKnotWord;
fpoint: GriffinFileFormat.GFilePoint;
freal: GriffinFileFormat.GFileReal;
Zero[@knotword, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileKnotWord];
Zero[@fpoint, GriffinFileFormat.lGFilePoint];
Zero[@freal, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileReal];
knotword.knotcount ← link.knots.length;
knotword.knottype ← SELECT FROM
D0 => GriffinFileFormat.typeFD0Knot,
D1 => GriffinFileFormat.typeFD1Knot,
D2 => GriffinFileFormat.typeFD2Knot,
D3 => GriffinFileFormat.typeFD3Knot,
ENDCASE => GriffinFileFormat.typeFD3Knot;
WriteStructure[@knotword, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileKnotWord, diskHandle];
FOR j IN [0 .. knotword.knotcount)
fpoint.x ← link.knots[j][X];
fpoint.y ← link.knots[j][Y];
WriteStructure[@fpoint, GriffinFileFormat.lGFilePoint, diskHandle];
ReadStyle: PROC [fonts: GriffinStyle.FontSequence, styles: GriffinStyle.StyleSequence, data: Data, diskHandle: DiskHandle] RETURNS [GriffinStyle.StyleHandle] = {
oldVersion: BOOL ← data.oldVersion;
fstyle: GriffinFileFormat.GFileStyle;
thisstyle: GriffinStyle.StyleHandle ← NEW[GriffinStyle.Style];
ReadStructure[@fstyle, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileStyle, diskHandle];
thisstyle.color ← GriffinColor.ColorFromFileColor[[fstyle.hue, fstyle.saturation, fstyle.brightness]];
thisstyle.dashed ← SELECT fstyle.dashedness FROM
GriffinFileFormat.typeUnDashed => undashed,
ENDCASE => undashed;
thisstyle.firstend.type ← SELECT fstyle.send FROM
GriffinFileFormat.typeRoundEnd => round,
GriffinFileFormat.typeCyclicEnd => cyclic,
GriffinFileFormat.typeFlatEnd => flat,
GriffinFileFormat.typeAngledEnd => angled,
ENDCASE => round; -- should be an error
thisstyle.lastend.type ← SELECT fstyle.eend FROM
GriffinFileFormat.typeRoundEnd => round,
GriffinFileFormat.typeCyclicEnd => cyclic,
GriffinFileFormat.typeFlatEnd => flat,
GriffinFileFormat.typeAngledEnd => angled,
ENDCASE => round; -- should be an error
thisstyle.firstend.dx ← GetReal[fstyle.bdx, oldVersion];
thisstyle.firstend.dy ← GetReal[fstyle.bdy, oldVersion];
thisstyle.firstend.a ← GetReal[, oldVersion];
thisstyle.firstend.b ← GetReal[, oldVersion];
thisstyle.firstend.c ← GetReal[fstyle.bc, oldVersion];
thisstyle.lastend.dx ← GetReal[fstyle.edx, oldVersion];
thisstyle.lastend.dy ← GetReal[fstyle.edy, oldVersion];
thisstyle.lastend.a ← GetReal[fstyle.ea, oldVersion];
thisstyle.lastend.b ← GetReal[fstyle.eb, oldVersion];
thisstyle.lastend.c ← GetReal[, oldVersion];
thisstyle.width ← GetReal[fstyle.thickness, oldVersion];
thisstyle.junctiontype ← SELECT fstyle.junction FROM
GriffinFileFormat.typeRoundJunction => round,
GriffinFileFormat.typeSquareJunction => square,
GriffinFileFormat.typeAngledJunction => angled,
ENDCASE => round;
thisstyle.fillcolor ← GriffinColor.ColorFromFileColor[[fstyle.ahue, fstyle.asaturation, fstyle.abrightness]];
thisstyle.filled ← fstyle.afilled;
thisstyle.outlined ← fstyle.aoutlined;
thisstyle.font ← fonts[fstyle.fontid-1]; --the first font is font number 1
thisstyle.backgndcolor ← GriffinColor.ColorFromFileColor[[fstyle.bhue, fstyle.bsaturation, fstyle.bbrightness]];
thisstyle.fillbackgnd ← fstyle.background;
thisstyle.anchor ← SELECT fstyle.anchor FROM
GriffinFileFormat.typeLeftAnchor => left,
GriffinFileFormat.typeCenterAnchor => center,
GriffinFileFormat.typeRightAnchor => right,
ENDCASE => left; -- should be an error
thisstyle.stringRotation ← SELECT fstyle.torient FROM
GriffinFileFormat.typeRot0 => or0,
GriffinFileFormat.typeRot90 => or90,
GriffinFileFormat.typeRot180 => or180,
GriffinFileFormat.typeRot270 => or270,
ENDCASE => or0; -- should be an error
thisstyle.stringType ← GriffinStyle.ComputeStringType[thisstyle.stringRotation, thisstyle.font];
{ --an attempt here to avoid the proliferation of identical styles
test: GriffinStyle.StyleHandle ← GriffinStyle.FindEquivalentStyle[thisstyle, styles];
IF test#NIL THEN thisstyle ← test
ELSE ← GriffinStyle.NextName[data]; --change the name to reflect current scope
ReadObject: PROC[styles: GriffinStyle.StyleSequence, clusterMap: GriffinRelation.Relation, data: Data, diskHandle: DiskHandle, knotFix: KnotFix] = {
newobject: GriffinObject.ObjectHandle;
fileobject: GriffinFileFormat.GFileObject;
fcaptiontrailer: GriffinFileFormat.GFileCaptionTrailer;
tl, br: GriffinPoint.ScrPt;
splinetype: CubicSplines.SplineType;
nlinks: CARDINAL;
ptr: REF GriffinObject.Link;
xptr: REF GriffinObject.Link;
currentView: GriffinObject.View ← data.currentView;
otherView: GriffinObject.View ← IF currentView=main THEN alternate ELSE main;
ReadStructure[@fileobject, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileObject, diskHandle];
SELECT fileobject.objtype FROM
GriffinFileFormat.typeAreaObject, GriffinFileFormat.typeCurveObject =>
newobject ← GriffinObject.StartObject[data, shape];
GriffinFileFormat.typeCaptionObject =>
newobject ← GriffinObject.StartObject[data, caption];
GriffinFileFormat.typeTokenObject =>
newobject ← GriffinObject.StartObject[data, token];
ENDCASE => SIGNAL GriffinFileError; ← styles[]; --the first style is number 1
IF fileobject.cluster <= GriffinObject.openCluster THEN newobject.cluster ← fileobject.cluster
cluster: CARDINAL ← GriffinRelation.Right[clusterMap, fileobject.cluster];
IF cluster = GriffinRelation.notFound THEN {
cluster ← GriffinObject.GetNextClusterID[data];
GriffinRelation.AddPair[clusterMap, fileobject.cluster, cluster];
newobject.cluster ← cluster;
newobject.view ← IF fileobject.hidewindow THEN otherView ELSE currentView;
newobject.cull ← SELECT fileobject.visible FROM
GriffinFileFormat.typeNotVisible => outside,
GriffinFileFormat.typePartiallyVisible => partial,
GriffinFileFormat.typeWhollyVisible => inside,
ENDCASE => partial;
tl[X] ← fileobject.bleft; tl[Y] ← fileobject.btop;
br[X] ← fileobject.bright; br[Y] ← fileobject.bbottom; ← tl; ← br;
object: REF GriffinObject.Object[shape] => {
object.closed ← fileobject.objtype = GriffinFileFormat.typeAreaObject;
splinetype ← SELECT fileobject.splinetype FROM
GriffinFileFormat.typeNUMSpline => CubicSplines.SplineType[naturalUM],
GriffinFileFormat.typeCUMSpline => CubicSplines.SplineType[cyclicUM],
GriffinFileFormat.typeNALSpline => CubicSplines.SplineType[naturalAL],
GriffinFileFormat.typeCALSpline => CubicSplines.SplineType[cyclicAL],
GriffinFileFormat.typeBEZSpline => CubicSplines.SplineType[bezier],
GriffinFileFormat.typeBSISpline => CubicSplines.SplineType[bsplineInterp],
GriffinFileFormat.typeBSpline => CubicSplines.SplineType[bspline],
GriffinFileFormat.typeCRSpline => CubicSplines.SplineType[crspline],
ENDCASE => CubicSplines.SplineType[bspline];
SELECT fileobject.trajtype FROM
GriffinFileFormat.typeLinkedTraj => {
nlinks ← ReadWord[diskHandle];
IF nlinks =0 THEN object.trajectory ← NEW[GriffinObject.Trajectory ← [splinetype, linked [NIL]]]
ptr ← NewLink[data, diskHandle];
object.trajectory ← NEW[GriffinObject.Trajectory ← [splinetype, linked [ptr]]];
THROUGH (1..nlinks] DO ptr←←NewLink[data, diskHandle] ENDLOOP;
GriffinFileFormat.typeCSTraj => {
IF ReadWord[diskHandle] # 1 THEN SIGNAL GriffinFileError;
xptr ← NewLink[data, diskHandle];
IF knotFix=version31 THEN knotFix ← IF (splinetype=cyclicAL OR splinetype=cyclicUM) THEN none ELSE all;
IF knotFix=all THEN {
nextra: NATIF splinetype=bspline OR splinetype=crspline THEN 3 ELSE 1;
j: NAT ← 0;
new: GriffinPoint.ObjPtSequence ← NEW[GriffinPoint.ObjPtSequenceRec[xptr.knots.length+nextra]];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..xptr.knots.length) DO
new[i] ← xptr.knots[i];
new[i] ← xptr.knots[j];
j ← j+1;
xptr.knots ← new;
object.trajectory ← NEW[GriffinObject.Trajectory ← [splinetype, cyclic [xptr.knots]]];
ENDCASE => SIGNAL GriffinFileError;
object: REF caption GriffinObject.Object => {
ReadStructure[@fcaptiontrailer, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileCaptionTrailer, diskHandle];
object.p0[X] ← GetReal[fcaptiontrailer.xanchor, data.oldVersion];
object.p0[Y] ← GetReal[fcaptiontrailer.yanchor, data.oldVersion];
object.text ← ReadString[diskHandle];
[,] ← GriffinText.GetBoundingBox[object.text,, object.p0];
newobject.validEncoding ← TRUE;
NewLink: PROC [data: Data, diskHandle: DiskHandle] RETURNS [lin: REF GriffinObject.Link] = {
knotword: GriffinFileFormat.GFileKnotWord;
knots: GriffinPoint.ObjPtSequence;
num, j: CARDINAL;
fpoint: GriffinFileFormat.GFilePoint;
lin ← NEW[GriffinObject.Link];
ReadStructure[@knotword, GriffinFileFormat.lGFileKnotWord, diskHandle];
num ← knotword.knotcount;
SELECT knotword.knottype FROM
GriffinFileFormat.typeFD0Knot, GriffinFileFormat.typeFD1Knot, GriffinFileFormat.typeFD2Knot, GriffinFileFormat.typeFD3Knot => {
knots ← NEW[GriffinPoint.ObjPtSequenceRec[num]];
lin^ ← GriffinObject.Link[NIL, (SELECT knotword.knottype FROM
GriffinFileFormat.typeFD0Knot => D0,
GriffinFileFormat.typeFD1Knot => D1,
GriffinFileFormat.typeFD2Knot => D2,
GriffinFileFormat.typeFD3Knot => D3,
ENDCASE => D1), knots];
FOR j IN [0 .. num) DO
ReadStructure[@fpoint, GriffinFileFormat.lGFilePoint, diskHandle];
knots[j] ← GriffinPoint.ObjPt[GetReal[fpoint.x, data.oldVersion], GetReal[fpoint.y, data.oldVersion]];
ENDCASE => SIGNAL GriffinFileError;
private low-level disk access procedures
WriteWord: PROC [word: CARDINAL, diskHandle: DiskHandle] = {
IO.PutChar[diskHandle, bytes.high];
IO.PutChar[diskHandle, bytes.low];
ReadWord: PROC [diskHandle: DiskHandle] RETURNS [CARDINAL] = {
word.high ← IO.GetChar[diskHandle];
word.low ← IO.GetChar[diskHandle];
WriteString: PROC [s: ROPE, diskHandle: DiskHandle] = {
len: CARDINAL ← Rope.Length[s];
IO.PutChar[diskHandle, LOOPHOLE[len, CHARACTER]];
IO.PutBlock[diskHandle, Rope.ToRefText[Rope.Flatten[s]]];
IF (len+1) MOD 2 # 0 THEN IO.PutChar[diskHandle, 0C];
ReadString: PROC [diskHandle: DiskHandle] RETURNS [s: ROPENIL] = {
length: CARDINAL;
length ← LOOPHOLE[IO.GetChar[diskHandle], CARDINAL];
t ← NEW[TEXT[length]];
IF IO.GetBlock[diskHandle, t, 0, length] # length
THEN SIGNAL GriffinFileError;
s ← Rope.FromRefText[t];
always read an even number of bytes: string length + string chars MOD 2 = 0
IF (length+1) MOD 2 # 0 THEN [] ← IO.GetChar[diskHandle];
ZeroRestOfSector: PROC [diskHandle: DiskHandle] RETURNS [GriffinFileFormat.SectorIndex] = {
UNTIL IO.GetIndex[diskHandle] MOD 512 = 0 DO WriteWord[0, diskHandle] ENDLOOP;
MoveToSector: PROC [si: GriffinFileFormat.SectorIndex, diskHandle: DiskHandle] = {
IO.SetIndex[diskHandle, LONG[si.sector]*512];
Reset: PROC [diskHandle: DiskHandle] = {
IO.SetIndex[diskHandle, 0];
ReadStructure: PROC [p: LONG POINTER, l: CARDINAL, diskHandle: DiskHandle] = {
block: IO.UnsafeBlock ← [base: LOOPHOLE[p], startIndex: 0, count: l*2];
IF IO.UnsafeGetBlock[diskHandle, block] # l*2 THEN SIGNAL GriffinFileError;
WriteStructure: PROC [p: LONG POINTER, l: CARDINAL, diskHandle: DiskHandle] = {
block: IO.UnsafeBlock ← [base: LOOPHOLE[p], startIndex: 0, count: l*2];
IO.UnsafePutBlock[diskHandle, block];
MoveSectors: PROC [source: GriffinFileFormat.SectorIndex, dist: INTEGER, oldfileend: GriffinFileFormat.SectorIndex, diskHandle: DiskHandle] = {
sector: GriffinFileFormat.GFileSector;
p: LONG POINTER TO GriffinFileFormat.GFileSector = @sector;
block: IO.UnsafeBlock ← [base: LOOPHOLE[p], startIndex: 0, count: 512];
IF dist < 0 THEN FOR j DECREASING IN [source .. oldfileend) DO
MoveToSector[GriffinFileFormat.SectorIndex[j], diskHandle];
IF IO.UnsafeGetBlock[diskHandle, block] # 512 THEN SIGNAL GriffinFileError;
MoveToSector[GriffinFileFormat.SectorIndex[j+dist], diskHandle];
IO.UnsafePutBlock[diskHandle, block];
ELSE FOR j IN [source .. oldfileend) DO
MoveToSector[GriffinFileFormat.SectorIndex[j], diskHandle];
IF IO.UnsafeGetBlock[diskHandle, block] # 512 THEN SIGNAL GriffinFileError;
MoveToSector[GriffinFileFormat.SectorIndex[j+dist], diskHandle];
IO.UnsafePutBlock[diskHandle, block];
Zero: PROC [block: LONG POINTER, length: CARDINAL] = TRUSTED {
block^ ← 0;
PrincOpsUtils.LongCopy[from: block, to: block+1, nwords: length-1];