Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Willie-Sue, July 17, 1985 7:39:38 pm PDT
Donahue, August 6, 1985 4:54:58 pm PDT
Contents: Implementation of the WalnutMsgSet displayers.
Last edit by:
Donahue, December 13, 1984 11:42:00 am PST
(Added Nut connection)
(Changed message set version number to be part of viewer information, rather than part of message set buttons)
(Display now checks to see if versions match and does not do redisplay if so)
(Changed to use TiogaButtons - May 6, 1985)
Containers USING [ChildXBound, ChildYBound],
Menus USING [MouseButton, Menu, MenuProc],
Nut USING[SetNutInfo],
TBQueue USING [AppendToTiogaButton, CreateTiogaButton],
TiogaButtons USING [
TiogaButton, TiogaButtonProc,
CreateViewer, ChangeButtonLooks, DeleteButton, SetStyleFromRope],
TiogaOps USING [InsertRope],
UserProfile USING [Boolean, Token],
ViewerClasses USING [Column, Viewer],
ViewerEvents USING [EventProc, EventRegistration, RegisterEventProc, UnRegisterEventProc],
ViewerOps USING [AddProp, ComputeColumn, CreateViewer, DestroyViewer,
FetchProp, GrowViewer, OpenIcon, PaintViewer, SetMenu],
ViewerSpecs USING [bwScreenHeight, openLeftWidth, openRightWidth],
WalnutDefs USING [dontCareMsgSetVersion, Error],
WalnutOps USING [MsgSet, ServerInfo, ActiveMsgSetName, DeletedMsgSetName,
AcceptNewMail, AddMsg, EnumerateMsgsInSet, GetDisplayProps, GetNewMail,
MsgSetExists, RemoveMsg, SetHasBeenRead],
WalnutDisplayerInternal USING [ DisplayMsgFromMsgSet, MsgCategories],
WalnutMsgSetDisplayerPrivate USING [
MsgSetInfo, MsgSetInfoRec, MsgSetFieldHandle, MsgSetFieldHandleRec,
MsgInfo, MsgInfoRec,
activeMenu, buildingMenu, deletedMenu, displayerMenu, readOnlyMenu],
WalnutPrintOps USING [PrintMsgList],
WalnutWindowInternal USING [MsgSetButton,
deletedMsgSetButton, initialActiveIconic, initialActiveOpen, initialActiveRight,
msgSetIcon, msgSetNamePrefix, personalMailDB, readOnlyAccess,
msgSetsVersion, walnutQueue,
GetButton, GetSelectedMsgSets, Report, ReportRope, RetrieveNewMail];
WalnutMsgSetDisplayerImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM
Nut, Rope, UserProfile,
WalnutDefs, WalnutOps,
WalnutDisplayerInternal, WalnutMsgSetDisplayerPrivate,
WalnutPrintOps, WalnutWindowInternal,
Containers, TBQueue, TiogaButtons, TiogaOps,
ViewerEvents, ViewerOps, ViewerSpecs
WalnutDisplayerInternal, WalnutMsgSetDisplayerPrivate =
BEGIN OPEN WalnutMsgSetDisplayerPrivate;
TiogaButton: TYPE = TiogaButtons.TiogaButton;
Viewer: TYPE = ViewerClasses.Viewer;
MsgSet: TYPE = WalnutOps.MsgSet;
MsgSetButton: TYPE = WalnutWindowInternal.MsgSetButton;
MsgSetInfo: TYPE = WalnutMsgSetDisplayerPrivate.MsgSetInfo;
MsgSetFieldHandle: TYPE = WalnutMsgSetDisplayerPrivate.MsgSetFieldHandle;
MsgInfo: TYPE = WalnutMsgSetDisplayerPrivate.MsgInfo;
tocDefaultLooks: PUBLIC ROPE
UserProfile.Token[key: "Walnut.TOCDefaultLooks", default: ""];
tocSelectedLooks: PUBLIC ROPE
UserProfile.Token[key: "Walnut.TOCSelectedLooks", default: "sb"];
tocUnreadLooks: PUBLIC ROPE
UserProfile.Token[key: "Walnut.TOCUnreadLooks", default: "i"];
UserProfile.Boolean[key: "Walnut.ShowUnreadWithQMs", default: TRUE];
destroyedMsg: ROPE = "Selected msg viewer has been destroyed";
GetMsgSetName: PUBLIC PROC[v: Viewer] RETURNS[msName: ROPE] = {
of v is a Viewer for a Walnut Entity, then return its name else NIL
msName ← NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[v, $WalnutMsgSetName]];
IF msName = NIL THEN WalnutWindowInternal.Report[" Not a Walnut Message Set viewer"];
QDisplayMsgSet: PUBLIC PROC[msb: MsgSetButton, oldV: Viewer, shift: BOOL, repaint: BOOL]
RETURNS[v: Viewer] = {
IF oldV = NIL THEN {
IF msb = NIL THEN RETURN[NIL]; -- no such msgSet
oldV ← msb.msViewer };
IF oldV.destroyed THEN oldV ← msb.msViewer ← NIL;
v ← MSViewer[msb: msb, oldV: oldV, shift: shift];
msb.msViewer ← v;
AddNewMsgsToActive: PUBLIC PROC[active: MsgSetButton]
RETURNS[responses: LIST OF WalnutOps.ServerInfo, complete: BOOL, numNew: INT] = {
activeV: Viewer = active.msViewer;
msI: MsgSetInfo;
NewMsgProc: PROC[msg, TOCentry: ROPE, startOfSubject: INT] = {
numNew ← numNew + 1;
BuildMsgLineViewer[msI, CreateMsgInfo[msg, FALSE, TOCentry, startOfSubject]];
numNew ← 0;
IF activeV = NIL OR activeV.destroyed THEN {
numNew ← -1;  -- don't know, won't count
[responses, complete] ← WalnutOps.GetNewMail[WalnutDefs.dontCareMsgSetVersion, NIL];
IF ~complete THEN RETURN;
msI ← NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[activeV, $MsgSetInfo]];
[responses, complete] ← WalnutOps.GetNewMail[active.msgSet.version, NewMsgProc];
IF ~complete THEN RETURN;
active.msgSet.version ← active.msgSet.version+1
RemoveMsgFromMsgSetDisplayer: PUBLIC PROC[msg: ROPE, msgSet: MsgSet] = {
msb: MsgSetButton = WalnutWindowInternal.GetButton[msgSet.name];
mfH: MsgSetFieldHandle;
msI: MsgSetInfo;
IF msb.msViewer = NIL THEN RETURN;
msI ← NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[msb.msViewer, $MsgSetInfo]];
mfH ← msI.lastMFH;
IF mfH = NIL THEN RETURN;  -- not there
IF msg.Equal[mfH.msgInfo.msg, FALSE] THEN EXIT;
mfH ← mfH.prev;
RemoveFromDisplayedMsgSet[msI, msb.msViewer, mfH];
{ RETURN[WalnutWindowInternal.msgSetNamePrefix] };
TryToDisplayMsg: PROC[mfH: MsgSetFieldHandle] = {
DisplayOneMsg[mfH, FALSE ! WalnutDefs.Error => CONTINUE] };
MoveToProc: PUBLIC Menus.MenuProc = {
msViewer: Viewer = NARROW[parent];
msI: MsgSetInfo = NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[msViewer, $MsgSetInfo]];
selected: MsgSetFieldHandle = msI.selected;
displayProcess: PROCESS;
IF selected = NIL THEN
{ WalnutWindowInternal.Report[" No selected msg to be moved"]; RETURN};
IF selected.iButton = NIL THEN
{ WalnutWindowInternal.Report[destroyedMsg]; RETURN};
thisMsgSet: MsgSet = msI.button.msgSet;
thisName: ROPE = thisMsgSet.name;
msgSetList: LIST OF MsgSetButton = WalnutWindowInternal.GetSelectedMsgSets[];
first: BOOLTRUE;
moveToSelf: BOOLFALSE;
msg: ROPE = selected.msgInfo.msg;
IF msgSetList = NIL THEN
{ WalnutWindowInternal.Report[" No selected MsgSets to Move msg to"]; RETURN};
First display the next message to keep the user busy
IF mouseButton#red THEN displayProcess ← FORK TryToDisplayMsg[selected.next];
FOR msL: LIST OF MsgSetButton ← msgSetList, msL.rest UNTIL msL=NIL DO
IF thisName.Equal[msL.first.msgSet.name, FALSE] THEN moveToSelf ← TRUE
ELSE IF ~WalnutOps.AddMsg[msg, thisMsgSet, msL.first.msgSet].exists THEN IF msL.first.msViewer # NIL THEN
AddToDisplayedMsgSet[msL.first, selected.msgInfo, NIL]
IF ~msI.button = WalnutWindowInternal.deletedMsgSetButton THEN
IF NOT moveToSelf THEN [] ← WalnutOps.RemoveMsg[
msg, thisMsgSet, MsgSetVersion[WalnutWindowInternal.deletedMsgSetButton] ];
FOR msL: LIST OF MsgSetButton ← msgSetList, msL.rest UNTIL msL=NIL DO
IF first THEN
{ ReportDisposition[selected.msgInfo, "Moved to:"]; first ← FALSE}
ELSE WalnutWindowInternal.ReportRope[","];
WalnutWindowInternal.ReportRope[" "];
WalnutWindowInternal. ReportRope[msL.first.msgSet.name];
IF ~moveToSelf THEN RemoveFromDisplayedMsgSet[msI, msViewer, selected]
ELSE [] ← AdvanceSelection[selected];
Finally, make sure the displaying process is done
IF displayProcess # NIL THEN TRUSTED { [] ← JOIN displayProcess }
MsgSetVersion: PROC[msb: MsgSetButton] RETURNS[msgSetVersion: INT] = {
IF msb = NIL OR msb.msViewer = NIL OR msb.msViewer.destroyed THEN
ELSE RETURN[msb.msgSet.version] };
NewMailProc: PUBLIC Menus.MenuProc = {
v: Viewer = NARROW[parent];
oldM: Menus.Menu = v.menu;
ViewerOps.SetMenu[v, buildingMenu];
BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => {v.menu ← oldM; ViewerOps.PaintViewer[v, menu]};
[] ← WalnutWindowInternal.RetrieveNewMail[];
v.menu ← oldM;
ViewerOps.PaintViewer[v, menu];
CategoriesProc: PUBLIC Menus.MenuProc = {
msViewer: Viewer = NARROW[parent];
msI: MsgSetInfo = NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[msViewer, $MsgSetInfo]];
selected: MsgSetFieldHandle = msI.selected;
IF selected = NIL THEN {WalnutWindowInternal.Report[" No selected msg"]; RETURN};
IF selected.iButton = NIL THEN {WalnutWindowInternal.Report[destroyedMsg]; RETURN};
DeleteProc: PUBLIC Menus.MenuProc = {
msViewer: Viewer = NARROW[parent];
msI: MsgSetInfo = NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[msViewer, $MsgSetInfo]];
selected: MsgSetFieldHandle = msI.selected;
displayProcess: PROCESS;
IF selected = NIL THEN
{ WalnutWindowInternal.Report[" No selected msg to be deleted"]; RETURN};
IF selected.iButton = NIL THEN
{ WalnutWindowInternal.Report[destroyedMsg]; RETURN};
thisMsgSet: MsgSet = msI.button.msgSet;
nowInDeleted: BOOL;
IF thisMsgSet.name.Equal[WalnutOps.DeletedMsgSetName] THEN RETURN; -- already deleted
IF mouseButton#red THEN displayProcess ← FORK TryToDisplayMsg[selected.next];
nowInDeleted ← WalnutOps.RemoveMsg[
selected.msgInfo.msg, thisMsgSet,
MsgSetVersion[WalnutWindowInternal.deletedMsgSetButton] ];
RemoveFromDisplayedMsgSet[msI, msViewer, selected];
ReportDisposition[selected.msgInfo, "Deleted from "];
IF nowInDeleted THEN
AddToDisplayedMsgSet[WalnutWindowInternal.deletedMsgSetButton, selected.msgInfo, NIL];
IF displayProcess # NIL THEN TRUSTED { [] ← JOIN displayProcess }
AddProc: PUBLIC Menus.MenuProc = {
msViewer: Viewer = NARROW[parent];
msI: MsgSetInfo = NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[msViewer, $MsgSetInfo]];
selected: MsgSetFieldHandle = msI.selected;
displayProcess: PROCESS;
IF selected = NIL THEN
{ WalnutWindowInternal.Report[" No selected msg to be moved"]; RETURN};
IF selected.iButton = NIL THEN
{ WalnutWindowInternal.Report[destroyedMsg]; RETURN};
thisMsgSet: MsgSet = msI.button.msgSet;
msgSetList: LIST OF MsgSetButton = WalnutWindowInternal.GetSelectedMsgSets[];
msg: ROPE = selected.msgInfo.msg;
isDeleted: BOOL = thisMsgSet.name.Equal[WalnutOps.DeletedMsgSetName, FALSE];
noLongerInDeleted: BOOLFALSE;
first: BOOLTRUE;
addedTo: LIST OF MsgSetButton;
IF msgSetList = NIL THEN
{ WalnutWindowInternal.Report[" No selected MsgSets to Add msg to"]; RETURN};
IF mouseButton#red THEN displayProcess ← FORK TryToDisplayMsg[selected.next];
FOR msL: LIST OF MsgSetButton ← msgSetList, msL.rest UNTIL msL=NIL DO
exists, undeleted: BOOL;
msgSet: MsgSet;
exists ← WalnutOps.AddMsg[msg, thisMsgSet, msgSet ← msL.first.msgSet];
noLongerInDeleted ← noLongerInDeleted OR undeleted;
IF ~exists THEN
IF first THEN
{ ReportDisposition[selected.msgInfo, "Added to: "]; first ← FALSE}
ELSE WalnutWindowInternal.ReportRope[", "];
addedTo ← CONS[msL.first, addedTo];
now update display
FOR msL: LIST OF MsgSetButton ← addedTo, msL.rest UNTIL msL=NIL DO
AddToDisplayedMsgSet[msL.first, selected.msgInfo, NIL];
IF mouseButton # red THEN [] ← AdvanceSelection[selected];
IF noLongerInDeleted THEN
RemoveMsgFromMsgSetDisplayer[msg, WalnutWindowInternal.deletedMsgSetButton.msgSet];
IF displayProcess # NIL THEN TRUSTED { [] ← JOIN displayProcess }
AdvanceSelection: PROC[msfH: MsgSetFieldHandle] RETURNS[next: MsgSetFieldHandle] = {
next ← msfH.next;
IF next = NIL THEN { WalnutWindowInternal.Report[" No Next message"]; RETURN };
[] ← SelectMsgInMsgSet[next]
DisplayProc: PUBLIC Menus.MenuProc = {
msViewer: Viewer = NARROW[parent];
msI: MsgSetInfo = NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[msViewer, $MsgSetInfo]];
selected: MsgSetFieldHandle ← msI.selected;
IF mouseButton # red THEN selected ← AdvanceSelection[selected];
IF selected = NIL THEN
{ WalnutWindowInternal.Report[" No selected msg to be displayed"]; RETURN};
IF selected.iButton = NIL THEN
{ WalnutWindowInternal.Report[destroyedMsg]; RETURN};
DisplayOneMsg[selected, shift]
PrintSelectedProc: PUBLIC Menus.MenuProc = {
msViewer: Viewer = NARROW[parent];
msI: MsgSetInfo = NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[msViewer, $MsgSetInfo]];
selected: MsgSetFieldHandle = msI.selected;
IF selected = NIL THEN
{ WalnutWindowInternal.Report[" No selected msg to be printed"]; RETURN};
IF selected.iButton = NIL THEN
{ WalnutWindowInternal.Report[destroyedMsg]; RETURN};
[] ← WalnutPrintOps.PrintMsgList[LIST[selected.msgInfo.msg], msViewer];
ReportDisposition: PROC[msgInfo: MsgInfo, r: ROPE] = {
msgSubject: ROPE ← Rope.Substr[msgInfo.tocName, msgInfo.startOfSubject];
IF msgSubject.Length[] > 24 THEN msgSubject ← Rope.Concat[msgSubject.Substr[0, 21], " ..."];
WalnutWindowInternal.ReportRope["Msg: ", msgSubject];
WalnutWindowInternal.ReportRope[": has been ", r];
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
MSViewer: PROC[msb: MsgSetButton, oldV: Viewer, shift: BOOL] RETURNS[msV: Viewer] = {
OPEN WalnutWindowInternal;
iconic: BOOLFALSE;
whichSide: ViewerClasses.Column ← left;
msgSet: MsgSet = msb.msgSet;
caption: ROPE = Rope.Concat[msgSet.name, " Messages"];
msI: MsgSetInfo;
IF msgSet.name.Equal[WalnutOps.ActiveMsgSetName, FALSE] THEN {
iconic ← initialActiveIconic AND initialActiveOpen;
IF initialActiveRight THEN whichSide ← right
IF oldV # NIL THEN IF oldV.destroyed THEN oldV ← NIL;
{ oldMsgSetName: ROPE = NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[oldV, $WalnutMsgSetName]];
msI ← NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[oldV, $MsgSetInfo]];
oldV.inhibitDestroy ← TRUE;
IF ~Rope.Equal[msgSet.name, oldMsgSetName, FALSE] THEN {
oldV.name ← caption;
WalnutWindowInternal.GetButton[oldMsgSetName].msViewer ← NIL;
WalnutWindowInternal.GetButton[msgSet.name].msViewer ← oldV }
ELSE { -- check the version to see if all's well
IF msI.button.msgSet.version = WalnutOps.MsgSetExists[
msgSet.name, WalnutWindowInternal.msgSetsVersion].version THEN {
oldV.inhibitDestroy ← FALSE;
msI.selected ← NIL;
msI.lastMFH ← NIL;
msI.tiogaViewer ← NIL;
msV ← oldV;
msV ← ViewerOps.CreateViewer[
flavor: $Container,
info: [name: caption, column: whichSide, menu: NIL,
iconic: iconic, icon: msgSetIcon, scrollable: FALSE, inhibitDestroy: TRUE]];
msI ← NEW[MsgSetInfoRec];
msI.button ← msb;
msI.container ← msV;
msI.destroyER ←
ViewerEvents.RegisterEventProc[DestroyMSViewer, destroy, msV, TRUE];
IF msI.tiogaViewer = NIL THEN {
width: INTIF msV.column = right THEN ViewerSpecs.openRightWidth ELSE
msI.tiogaViewer ← TiogaButtons.CreateViewer[
info: [parent: msV, border: FALSE, ww: width, wh: ViewerSpecs.bwScreenHeight]];
TiogaButtons.SetStyleFromRope[v: msI.tiogaViewer, styleRope: msgSetStyle];
Containers.ChildXBound[msV, msI.tiogaViewer];
Containers.ChildYBound[msV, msI.tiogaViewer];
ViewerOps.AddProp[msV, $MsgSetInfo, msI];
Nut.SetNutInfo[msV, $Walnut, "MsgSet", msgSet.name];
ViewerOps.AddProp[msV, $WalnutMsgSetName, msgSet.name];
ViewerOps.AddProp[msV, $IconLabel, msgSet.name];
MsgSetInViewer[msgSet, msI, shift];
msgSetStyle: ROPE ← "BeginStyle
(Cedar) AttachStyle
(header) \"a message header\" {
200 pt restIndent
} StyleRule
DestroyMSViewer: ViewerEvents.EventProc = {
msI: MsgSetInfo = NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[viewer, $MsgSetInfo]];
msI.button.msgSet.version ← WalnutDefs.dontCareMsgSetVersion;
msI.button.msViewer ← NIL;
ViewerEvents.UnRegisterEventProc[msI.destroyER, destroy];
AutoScrollRef: TYPE = REF AutoScrollObject;
AutoScrollObject: TYPE = RECORD
[ eventReg: ViewerEvents.EventRegistration, v: Viewer, firstUnread, last: INT ];
MsgSetInViewer: PROC[msgSet: MsgSet, msI: MsgSetInfo, shift: BOOL] = {
OPEN ViewerOps;
firstUnread, last: INT;
autoScroll: BOOL = UserProfile.Boolean[key: "Walnut.AutoScrollMsgSets", default: TRUE];
v: Viewer = msI.tiogaViewer;
parent: Viewer = v.parent;
menu: Menus.Menu ←
IF WalnutWindowInternal.readOnlyAccess THEN readOnlyMenu ELSE
IF msgSet.name.Equal[WalnutOps.ActiveMsgSetName, FALSE] THEN
IF WalnutWindowInternal.personalMailDB THEN activeMenu ELSE displayerMenu ELSE
IF msgSet.name.Equal[WalnutOps.DeletedMsgSetName, FALSE] THEN deletedMenu ELSE displayerMenu;
ScrollMsgSet: PROC = {
IF autoScroll AND last#-1 THEN
{ IF v.parent.iconic THEN
{ scroll: ViewerEvents.EventRegistration ←
ViewerEvents.RegisterEventProc[AutoScroll, open, v.parent, FALSE];
ViewerOps.AddProp[v.parent, $autoScroll,
NEW[AutoScrollObject ← [scroll, v, firstUnread, last]]];
ELSE DoScroll[v, firstUnread, last];
SetMenu[parent, menu];
[] ← v.class.scroll[v, thumb, 0];  -- position at beginning
IF ~parent.iconic THEN ComputeColumn[parent.column, TRUE];
parent.newVersion ← TRUE; PaintViewer[parent, caption];
SetMenu[parent, buildingMenu];
[firstUnread, last] ← FillInMsgSetWindow[msI, msgSet.name];
ViewerLocks.CallUnderWriteLock[ScrollMsgSet, v];
parent.newVersion ← FALSE; PaintViewer[parent, caption];
IF shift THEN
{ IF parent.iconic THEN ViewerOps.OpenIcon[parent, shift] ELSE ViewerOps.GrowViewer[parent]};
parent.inhibitDestroy ← FALSE;
DoScroll: PROC[viewer: Viewer, firstUnread, last: INT] = {
top, bottom, howMuch: INTEGER;
[top, bottom] ← viewer.class.scroll[viewer, query, 0];
IF bottom >= 95 OR last <=0 THEN RETURN;
howMuch ← IF firstUnread <= 0 THEN (last - 3) ELSE firstUnread;
[] ← viewer.class.scroll[viewer, thumb, (howMuch*100)/last];
AutoScroll: ViewerEvents.EventProc = {
autoScroll: AutoScrollRef ← NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[viewer, $autoScroll]];
ViewerEvents.UnRegisterEventProc[autoScroll.eventReg, open];  -- once only
DoScroll[autoScroll.v, autoScroll.firstUnread, autoScroll.last];
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
for adding new messages to displayed MsgSet
AddToDisplayedMsgSet: PROC[msb: MsgSetButton, msgInfo: MsgInfo, msI: MsgSetInfo] = {
IF msb.msViewer # NIL THEN {
IF msb.msViewer.destroyed THEN { msb.msViewer ← NIL; RETURN };
IF msI = NIL THEN msI ← NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[msb.msViewer, $MsgSetInfo]];
BuildMsgLineViewer[msI, msgInfo];
msI.button.msgSet.version ← msb.msgSet.version ← msI.button.msgSet.version+1;
called with parent & MsgSetFieldHandle 'displaying' msg to be deleted
RemoveFromDisplayedMsgSet: PROC[msI: MsgSetInfo, msViewer: Viewer, mfH: MsgSetFieldHandle] = {
prev, next: MsgSetFieldHandle;
bt: TiogaButton;
selected: MsgSetFieldHandle ← msI.selected;
bt ← mfH.iButton;
IF selected = mfH THEN
button: bt, addLooks: tocDefaultLooks, removeLooks: tocSelectedLooks];
prev ← mfH.prev;
next ← mfH.next;
take which out of chain of mfh's
IF prev # NIL THEN prev.next ← next;
IF next # NIL THEN next.prev ← prev;
IF selected = mfH THEN {
msI.selected ← next;
IF next # NIL THEN
button: next.iButton, addLooks: tocSelectedLooks, removeLooks: tocDefaultLooks];
IF msI.lastMFH = mfH THEN msI.lastMFH ← prev;
msI.button.msgSet.version ← msI.button.msgSet.version+1;
FillInMsgSetWindow: PROC[msI: MsgSetInfo, msgSet: ROPE] RETURNS[firstUnread, last: INT] = {
MsgInfoProc: PROC[msg, TOCentry: ROPE, hasBeenRead: BOOL, startOfSubject: INT] = {
BuildMsgLineViewer[msI, CreateMsgInfo[msg, hasBeenRead, TOCentry, startOfSubject]];
last ← last + 1;
IF firstUnread = -1 AND ~msI.lastMFH.msgInfo.hasBeenRead THEN
firstUnread ← last;
firstUnread ← -1;
last ← 0;
msI.button.msgSet.version ← WalnutOps.EnumerateMsgsInSet[msgSet, TRUE, MsgInfoProc];
DoMsgInfo: PROC[msg: ROPE] RETURNS[msgInfo: MsgInfo] = {
tocEntry: ROPE;
hasBeenRead: BOOL;
startOfSubject: INT;
[hasBeenRead, tocEntry, startOfSubject] ← WalnutOps.GetDisplayProps[msg];
RETURN[CreateMsgInfo[msg, hasBeenRead, tocEntry, startOfSubject]];
CreateMsgInfo: PROC[msg: ROPE, hasBeenRead: BOOL, tocEntry: ROPE, startOfSubject: INT]
RETURNS[msgInfo: MsgInfo] = {
needsQ: BOOL ← userWantsQMs OR (tocUnreadLooks = NIL);
sos: INTIF needsQ THEN 1 ELSE 0;
msgInfo ← NEW[MsgInfoRec ← [msg, NIL, startOfSubject+sos, hasBeenRead]];
msgInfo.tocName ← IF needsQ THEN Rope.Concat["\t", tocEntry] ELSE tocEntry;
BuildMsgLineViewer: PROC[msI: MsgSetInfo, msgInfo: MsgInfo] = {
tocLooks: ROPEIF msgInfo.hasBeenRead THEN tocDefaultLooks ELSE tocUnreadLooks;
needsQ: BOOL ← userWantsQMs OR (tocUnreadLooks = NIL);
mfh: MsgSetFieldHandle ← NEW[MsgSetFieldHandleRec ← [
prev: msI.lastMFH,
iButton, hbrButton, tocButton: NIL,
container: msI.container,
msgInfo: msgInfo]];
mfh.iButton ← TBQueue.CreateTiogaButton[
q: WalnutWindowInternal.walnutQueue,
viewer: msI.tiogaViewer, rope: "", format: "header", proc: NIL];
IF ~msgInfo.hasBeenRead AND needsQ THEN
mfh.hbrButton ← TBQueue.AppendToTiogaButton[
q: WalnutWindowInternal.walnutQueue, button: mfh.iButton,
looks: tocLooks, rope: "?", proc: MsgSetSelectionProc, clientData: mfh];
mfh.tocButton ← TBQueue.AppendToTiogaButton[
q: WalnutWindowInternal.walnutQueue,
button: IF mfh.hbrButton#NIL THEN mfh.hbrButton ELSE mfh.iButton,
looks: tocLooks, rope: msgInfo.tocName, proc: MsgSetSelectionProc, clientData: mfh];
IF msI.lastMFH # NIL THEN msI.lastMFH.next ← mfh;
msI.lastMFH ← mfh;
noMsgRope: ROPE = "Msg is no longer in the MsgSet";
MsgSetSelectionProc: TiogaButtons.TiogaButtonProc = {
button: TiogaButton = NARROW[parent];
IF button = NIL THEN WalnutWindowInternal.Report[noMsgRope]
{ mfH: MsgSetFieldHandle = NARROW[clientData];
IF (mouseButton = red) AND shift THEN
{ TiogaOps.InsertRope[mfH.msgInfo.tocName]; RETURN };
[] ← SelectMsgInMsgSet[mfH];
IF control THEN DeleteProc[parent: mfH.container, mouseButton: mouseButton]
ELSE IF mouseButton#red THEN DisplayOneMsg[mfH, shift]
DisplayOneMsg: PROC[mfH: MsgSetFieldHandle, shift: BOOL] = {
WalnutDisplayerInternal.DisplayMsgFromMsgSet[mfH.msgInfo.msg, mfH.container, shift];
IF ~mfH.msgInfo.hasBeenRead THEN MarkMsgAsRead[mfH];
SelectMsgInMsgSet: PROC[mfH: MsgSetFieldHandle] RETURNS[sameAsBefore: BOOL] = {
IF mfH.iButton = NIL THEN WalnutWindowInternal.Report[noMsgRope]
{ msI: MsgSetInfo = NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[mfH.container, $MsgSetInfo]];
prevSelected: MsgSetFieldHandle = msI.selected;
IF prevSelected = mfH THEN RETURN[TRUE];
turn off previous selection
IF prevSelected # NIL AND prevSelected.iButton#NIL THEN
button: prevSelected.iButton,
addLooks: tocDefaultLooks,
removeLooks: tocSelectedLooks];
TiogaButtons.ChangeButtonLooks[button: mfH.iButton, addLooks: tocSelectedLooks];
msI.selected ← mfH;
MarkMsgAsRead: PROC[mfH: MsgSetFieldHandle] = {
used by selection
mfH.msgInfo.hasBeenRead ← TRUE;
IF mfH.hbrButton # NIL THEN TiogaButtons.DeleteButton[button: mfH.hbrButton];
button: mfH.tocButton, addLooks: tocDefaultLooks, removeLooks: tocUnreadLooks];