Use these command lines as input to the interpreter for greater possibilities Don't try to use this mode of control while demo button commands are still running! &sgf[ThreeDDemoImpl] -- first, set the global frame Panic Stops - In case your cursor is locked or something like that ThreeDSurfaces.StopDisplay[] -- stops surface rendering AISAnimation.StopDisplay[] -- stops animations, picture shows, etc. Render Modes and Viewports ChangeRenderMode[$Dithered] --this mode uses the imager where possible ChangeRenderMode[$PseudoClr] ChangeRenderMode[$Grey] Reset[] -- clear scene of objects SetDepthBuffer[] -- get depth buffer, use in jaggy mode NoDepthBuffer[] -- undo SetDepthBuffer SetAntiAliased[] -- get alpha buffer, make antialised images SetAliased[] -- undo SetAntiAliased SetViewPort[ [0.0, 0.0, 640.0, 453.0] ] -- defaults ThreeDScenes.SetWindow[ context3d, [-1.0, -.7078125, 2.0, 1.415625] ] ThreeDScenes.SetView[context3d, [2.0, -10.0, 3.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] ] SetViewPort[ [120.0, 90.0, 400.0, 300.0] ] -- for 640 x 480 SetViewPort[ [311.0, 228.0, 400.0, 300.0] ] -- for 1024 x 768 ThreeDScenes.SetWindow[ context3d, [-.2, -.15, 0.4, 0.3] ] -- zoom in on middle (25x area) ThreeDScenes.SetView[context3d, [0.0, -20.0, 4.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] ] -- longer range view ThreeDScenes.FillViewPort[context3d, [0.1, 0.1, 0.6] ] -- clear viewport to dark blue MakeFrame[] -- display current scene Lighting and Background ThreeDMisc.SetBackground[ context3d, "Light Blue" ] context3d.props _ Atom.PutPropOnList[context3d.props, $BackGround, NIL] -- kill background ThreeDMisc.SetAmbientLight[ context3d, "Dark Grey" ] ThreeDScenes.SetLight[context: context3d, name: "Initial", position: [500.0, -200.0, 10.0], color: [1.0, 1.0, 0.7] ] ColorMap Fiddling -- set color display to 8-bits ThreeDMisc.Show8BitClrMap[context3d] -- display color map ThreeDMiscLoadStd8BitMap[Terminal.Current[]] ThreeDMiscLoadColorRamp[Terminal.Current[], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0] -- purple ramp ThreeDMisc.LoadMultiRamps[Terminal.Current[], LIST[ [1.0, .0, .0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [1.0, .0, .0] ] ] -- red, green, blue, red ThreeDMisc.Rotate8BitClrMap[Terminal.Current[], 1, 254, 10] -- psychedelia! ThreeDMisc.AdjustValueRamp[context3d, [.43, .43, .43]] -- apply TRC to image pixels Text ThreeDMisc.SetNamedColor[context3d, "vivid green"] -- colors not guaranteed on 8-bit display ThreeDMisc.ShowRope[context3d, 60.0, 60.0, "Look at the pretty picture!!.", "Xerox/Pressfonts/TimesRoman-MRR", 20.0] Reset[] ThreeDMisc.AddShapeAt[ context: context3d, shapeName: "YourShape", fileName: "/User/You/Shapes/YourShape.shape", position: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] ThreeDMisc.SetFacetedColor[ context3d, "YourShape", [.4, .8, .4] ] -- pea green MakeFrame[] AIS Files: Writing and Reading AISAnimation.GetAIS[context: context3d, fileRoot: "Temp.ais", xOffset: 20, yOffset: 100, center: FALSE ] AISAnimation.PutAIS[context3d, "Temp.ais" ] AISAnimation.GetAIS[context3d, "Temp.ais" ] -- will be automatically centered Gallery - Interesting images 24-bit AISAnimation.GetAIS[context3d, "/cyan/AIS/Crow/Glasses.ais" ] AISAnimation.GetAIS[context3d, "/Pixel/Crow/PlasticWare.ais" ] AISAnimation.GetAIS[context3d, "/cyan/AIS/Crow/TwistedEgg.ais" ] AISAnimation.GetAIS[context3d, "/cyan/AIS/Crow/WurlitzerEgg.ais" ] AISAnimation.GetAIS[context3d, "/cyan/AIS/Crow/PerlinEggs.ais" ] AISAnimation.GetAIS[context3d, "/cyan/AIS/Crow/Spoon.ais" ] AISAnimation.GetAIS[context3d, "/cyan/AIS/Crow/BowlAndSpoon.ais" ] AISAnimation.GetAIS[context3d, "/cyan/AIS/Crow/ClrdMarbleEgg.ais" ] AISAnimation.GetAIS[context3d, "/cyan/AIS/Crow/SphereWithPage.ais" ] AISAnimation.GetAIS[context3d, "/cyan/AIS/Crow/SphereWithPages.ais" ] AISAnimation.GetAIS[context3d, "/cyan/AIS/Crow/PagedTeaPot.ais" ] AISAnimation.GetAIS[context3d, "/cyan/AIS/Crow/ClrdMarbleTeaPot1.ais" ] Animations -- set color display to 8-bits Reset[] SetUpMovie[ fileRoot: "/Cyan/AIS/Animation/LakeSceneTest.ais", viewPort: [196.0, 144.0, 256.0, 192.0], numFiles: 64, start: 0]; ThreeDMisc.SetUpTerrainColors[Terminal.Current[]] Reset[] SetUpMovie[ fileRoot: "/Cyan/AIS/Animation/StillLife.ais", viewPort: [120.0, 90.0, 400.0, 300.0], numFiles: 30, start: 1]; ChangeRenderMode[$PseudoClr]; Reset[] ChangeRenderMode[$Grey] SetViewPort[ [220.0, 140.0, 200.0, 200.0] ] ThreeDMisc.MakeStripes[context: context3d, numStripes: 12, min: 0.2, max: 0.8, power: 1.0] AISAnimation.PutAIS[context3d, "Texture.ais" ] ThreeDMisc.MakeStretchedSpots[context: context3d, spotsAcross: 16, min: 0.0, max: 1.0, power: 1.0, stretched: FALSE] AISAnimation.PutAIS[context3d, "Texture.ais" ] Texture Mapped Glasses -- set color display to 24-bits Reset[] SetAntiAliased[] -- same as pushing the "NoJaggy" button ThreeDMisc.AddShapeAt[ context3d, "ChampagneGlass", "ChampagneGlass.shape", [-2.0, .0, .0], $ConvexPolygon, TRUE ] -- open shape, TRUE makes inside visible TextureMaps.SetTexture[ ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context3d.shapes, "ChampagneGlass" ], TextureMaps.TextureFromAIS[context3d, "/Cedar/CedarChest6.0/ThreeDWorld/Texture.ais", NIL] ] ThreeDMisc.SetSmoothColor[ context3d, "ChampagneGlass", [0.0, 1.0, 0.2] ] TextureMaps.MakeTxtrCoordsFromVtxNos[ ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context3d.shapes, "ChampagneGlass" ], 19, 20, [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 3.0], [3.0, 3.0], [2.0, 0.0] ] ThreeDScenes.SetLight[context3d, "Initial", [100.0, 0.0, 100.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.7] ] TextureMaps.SumTexture[ ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context3d.shapes, "ChampagneGlass" ] ] ThreeDMisc.AddShapeAt[ context3d, "ChampagneGlass2", "ChampagneGlass.shape", [2.0, .0, .0], $ConvexPolygon, TRUE ] TextureMaps.SetTexture[ ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context3d.shapes, "ChampagneGlass2" ], TextureMaps.TextureFromAIS[context3d, "/Cedar/CedarChest6.0/ThreeDWorld/Texture.ais", $Bump] ] ThreeDMisc.SetSmoothColor[ context3d, "ChampagneGlass2", [0.0, 0.2, 1.0] ] TextureMaps.MakeTxtrCoordsFromVtxNos[ ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context3d.shapes, "ChampagneGlass2" ], 19, 20, [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 3.0], [3.0, 3.0], [2.0, 0.0] ] TextureMaps.SumTexture[ ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context3d.shapes, "ChampagneGlass2" ] ] ThreeDScenes.SetView[context3d, [0.0, -12.0, 3.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] ] MakeFrame[] -- this will take a while Reset[] SetAntiAliased[] ThreeDMisc.AddShapeAt[ context3d, "Egg", Rope.Cat[wDir, "UtahEgg.shape"], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] ThreeDMisc.SetSmoothColor[ context3d, "Egg", [1.0, 1.0, .0] ] ThreeDScenes.SetView[context3d, [0.0, -12.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] ] ThreeDMisc.GetShadingProcs[context3d, "Egg", ShadingProcs.GetLerpedVals, ShadingProcs.TwistedStripes ] MakeFrame[] ThreeDMisc.SetSmoothColor[ context3d, "Egg", [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] ] ThreeDScenes.SetView[context: context3d, eyePoint: [6.0, -6.0, 3.0], ptOfInterest: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], rollAngle: 90.0 ] ThreeDMisc.GetShadingProcs[context3d, "Egg", ShadingProcs.GetLerpedVals, ShadingProcs.Wurlitzer ] MakeFrame[] ThreeDMisc.GetShadingProcs[context3d, "Egg", ShadingProcs.GetLerpedVals, ShadingProcs.Marble ] MakeFrame[] ThreeDMisc.GetShadingProcs[context3d, "Egg", ShadingProcs.GetLerpedVals, ShadingProcs.Marble ] MakeFrame[] Reset[] ThreeDMisc.AddShapeAt[ context3d, "Sphere", "/Ivy/Crow/Shapes/Sphere.bezier", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], $Bezier] ThreeDSurfaces.ShapeSubdivide[ context3d, ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context3d.shapes, "Sphere" ] ] -- subdivide to 4 times as many patches ThreeDSurfaces.ShapeExpand[ context3d, ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context3d.shapes, "Sphere" ], NIL, 10.0 ] -- expand to 100 polygons per patch ThreeDMisc.AddShapeAt[ context: context3d, shapeName: "DoughNut", fileName: "/Ivy/Crow/Shapes/DoughNut.bezier", position: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], type: $Bezier] ThreeDScenes.OrientShape[ ThreeDScenes.FindShape[ context3d.shapes, "DoughNut" ], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0] ] ThreeDMisc.AddShapeAt[ context: context3d, shapeName: "TeaPot", fileName: "TeaPotWithBot.bezier", position: [0.0, 0.0, -1.25], type: $Bezier] ThreeDScenes.AddShape[ context3d.shapes, ShapeTwiddle.DeletePatches[context3d, "TeaPotLid", "TeaPotWithBot", LIST[ [0, 19], [28, 31] ] ] ] ShapeTwiddle.CleanUp[ context: context3d, name: "TeaPotLid", deSeam: TRUE, tolerance: 0.00001 ] ShapeTwiddle.WriteOutShape[context3d, "TeaPotLid", "bezier"] Last Edited by: Crow, May 30, 1986 3:01:59 pm PDT Use Your Own Objects Texture Generation -- set color display to 8-bits Eggs with Space-Filling texture -- set color display to 24-bits Bezier Patch Objects Shape editing example, extract lid from teapot Ê%˜Jšœ ™ Jšœ1™1J˜JšÐbiM˜MJšT˜TJšœÏc˜=šB˜BJšœž˜9Jšœž(˜EJ˜—š˜Jšœ!ž*˜KJšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœž˜-Jšœž&˜@Jšœž˜/Jšœž+˜FJšœž˜/Jšœ0ž ˜;J˜EJšœE˜EJšœ3ž˜CJšœ4ž˜FJšœ;ž ˜[JšœFž˜[Jšœ9ž˜WJ˜Jšœž˜4—š˜Jšœ3˜3JšœCÏkœž˜ZJšœ4˜4Jšœu˜u—š0˜0Jšœ/ž˜CJšœ,˜,JšœOž˜]Jšœ.ŸœFž˜Jšœ>ž˜NJšœ8ž˜TJ˜—š˜Jšœ3ž)˜\Jšœt˜t—J˜šÏb™J˜Jšœ‹˜‹JšœEž ˜QJšœ ˜ J™—šÑbik˜Jšœ3Ïfœ*Ÿœ˜iJšœ ¢œ˜+Jšœ ¢œž"˜N—š#˜#Jšœ=˜=Jšœ>˜>Jšœ@˜@JšœB˜BJšœ@˜@Jšœ;˜;JšœB˜BJšœC˜CJšœD˜DJšœE˜EJšœA˜AJšœG˜GJ˜—š)˜)Jšœ˜Jšœ+¢ œG˜Jšœ2˜2Jšœ˜Jšœz˜zJšœ˜—š ™1Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ+˜+JšœZ˜ZJšœ ¢œ˜/JšœnŸœ˜tJšœ ¢œ˜/—š6˜6Jšœ˜Jšœž'˜˜>Jšœu˜uJšœa˜aJšœ ˜ Jšœ^˜^Jšœ ˜ Jšœ^˜^Jšœ ˜ —š ™J˜Jšœh˜hJšœmž'˜”Jšœ]Ÿœž#˜•J˜Jšœ™˜™Jšœe˜eJš .™.Jšœ˜JšœmŸœ˜ŠJšœEŸœ˜_Jšœ=˜=——…— †%½