BeginStyle (Cedar) AttachStyle (BasicLeading) % normal type leading {BasicSize 6 bp .add} .cvx .def (firstPageNumber) {0} .cvx .def (firstHeadersAfterPage) {0} .cvx .def (firstFolio) 0 StyleParam (firstHeaders) 0 StyleParam (sided) 1 StyleParam (bottomIndentStretch) 0 StyleParam (topIndentStretch) 0 StyleParam (keep) 0 pt StyleParam (look.q) "quaint Xerox logo font" { "Logo" family 24 pt size -8 pt vshift} StyleRule (pageNumber) "page number appearance" {body} StyleRule (block) "for block paragraphs, no initial indentation" { docStandard regular face BasicLeading MoreLead 0 topLeadingGlue 10 pageBreakPenalty justified lineFormatting flushLeft lastLineFormatting } StyleRule (head1) "for chapter headings" { docStandard bold face LargeSize size LargeSize MoreLead .add leading TripleBreak BasicSize MoreLead topLeadingGlue BreakSize bottomLeading } StyleRule (head2) "for major section headings" { docStandard bold face BasicSize MoreLead .add leading DoubleBreak BasicSize MoreLead topLeadingGlue BreakSize bottomLeading } StyleRule (head3) "for minor section headings" { docStandard italic face BasicSize MoreLead .add leading Break BasicSize MoreLead topLeadingGlue BreakSize bottomLeading } StyleRule (pageBreak) "to force a new page" { standard 0 pt 1 fill 0 pt topLeadingGlue 1 fill 0 pt 0 pt bottomLeadingGlue } PrintRule (pageBreak) "to force a new page" { standard } ScreenRule (standard) "shared by various formats" { regular face caps+lowercase alphabets BasicSize size BasicLeading leading BasicLeading MoreLead 0 topLeadingGlue BasicLeading MoreLead 0 bottomLeadingGlue 20 pageBreakAfterFirstLinePenalty 20 pageBreakBeforeLastLinePenalty 0 pageBreakPenalty flushLeft lineFormatting flushLeft lastLineFormatting 0 em firstIndent 0 em restIndent the size MoreLead .add topIndent 15 sp tabStops 0 pt keep 0 pt keepStretch 1 maxVerticalExpansion 1 fil maxHorizontalExpansion (No) hyphenation } StyleRule (blueAndWhiteRoot) "format for root nodes" { cedarRoot 85 pt leftMargin 85 pt rightMargin 442 pt lineLength 0 leftIndent 0 pt rightIndent 0 firstFolio 1 firstHeaders 1 column 2 sided 1 maxVerticalExpansion } StyleRule (root) "format for root nodes" {blueAndWhiteRoot} PrintRule (tight) "for items with less leading" { block BasicSize ExtraLead .add ExtraLead 0 topLeadingGlue BasicSize ExtraLead .add ExtraLead 0 bottomLeadingGlue BasicSize ExtraLead .add leading } StyleRule EndStyle ΌBlueAndWhite.Style Copyright c 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Created by Beach, May 15, 1984 10:34:46 am PDT Last Edited by: Horning, September 9, 1983 1:56 pm Last Edited by: Subhana, April 25, 1986 10:19:37 am PST Michael Plass, March 18, 1986 11:51:17 am PST Rick Beach, March 10, 1986 9:57:54 pm PST General declarations TSetter Compatibility StyleParam declarations (can go away after Cedar bounce) Looks Formats Κ0– "cedar" style˜headeršœ™Icodešœ Οmœ1™