DIRECTORY RealFns, SV2d, SVAngle, SVLines2d, SVVector2d; SVLines2dImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS RealFns, SVAngle, SVVector2d EXPORTS SVLines2d = BEGIN LineSeg: TYPE = REF LineSegObj; LineSegObj: TYPE = SV2d.LineSegObj; Path: TYPE = REF PathObj; PathObj: TYPE = SV2d.PathObj;Point2d: TYPE = SV2d.Point2d; Polygon: TYPE = REF PolygonObj; PolygonObj: TYPE = SV2d.PolygonObj; Ray2d: TYPE = REF Ray2dObj; Ray2dObj: TYPE = SV2d.Ray2dObj; TrigLine: TYPE = REF TrigLineObj; TrigLineObj: TYPE = SV2d.TrigLineObj; TrigLineSeg: TYPE = REF TrigLineSegObj; TrigLineSegObj: TYPE = SV2d.TrigLineSegObj; TrigPolygon: TYPE = REF TrigPolygonObj; TrigPolygonObj: TYPE = SV2d.TrigPolygonObj; Vector2d: TYPE = SV2d.Vector2d; CreateEmptyTrigLine: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [line: TrigLine] = { line _ NEW[TrigLineObj]; }; CopyTrigLine: PUBLIC PROC [from: TrigLine, to: TrigLine] = { to.c _ from.c; to.s _ from.s; to.theta _ from.theta; to.d _ from.d; to.slope _ from.slope; to.yInt _ from.yInt; }; FillTrigLineFromPoints: PUBLIC PROC [v1, v2: Point2d, line: TrigLine] = { epsilon: REAL = 1.0e-6; x2Minusx1: REAL _ v2[1] - v1[1]; y2Minusy1: REAL _ v2[2] - v1[2]; IF ABS[x2Minusx1] < epsilon THEN {-- vertical line IF v2[2] > v1[2] THEN {-- line goes up line.theta _ 90.0; line.s _ 1; line.d _ -v1[1]} ELSE { -- line goes down line.theta _ -90; line.s _ -1; line.d _ v1[1]}; line.c _ 0; } ELSE { line.slope _ y2Minusy1/x2Minusx1; line.theta _ RealFns.ArcTanDeg[y2Minusy1, x2Minusx1]; line.c _ RealFns.CosDeg[line.theta]; line.s _ line.slope*line.c;-- gets around inaccuracies in the trig functions to make sure the line has the right slope. (also saves some time) line.d _ v1[2]*line.c - v1[1]*line.s; line.yInt _ line.d/line.c; }; }; -- end of FillTrigLineFromPoints FillTrigLineFromPointAndVector: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point2d, vec: Vector2d, line: TrigLine] = { pt2: Point2d; pt2 _ SVVector2d.Add[pt, vec]; FillTrigLineFromPoints[pt, pt2, line]; }; FillTrigLineFromCoefficients: PUBLIC PROC [sineOfTheta, cosineOfTheta, distance: REAL, line: TrigLine] = { line.s _ sineOfTheta; line.c _ cosineOfTheta; line.d _ distance; line.theta _ RealFns.ArcTanDeg[sineOfTheta, cosineOfTheta]; IF cosineOfTheta # 0 THEN { line.slope _ sineOfTheta/cosineOfTheta; line.yInt _ line.d/line.c}; }; -- end of FillTrigLineFromCoefficients FillTrigLineAsNormal: PUBLIC PROC [line: TrigLine, pt: Point2d, normalLine: TrigLine] = { normalLine.s _ line.c; normalLine.c _ -line.s; normalLine.d _ -pt[2]*line.s - pt[1]*line.c; normalLine.theta _ SVAngle.Add[line.theta, 90]; IF normalLine.c #0 THEN { normalLine.slope _ normalLine.s/normalLine.c; line.yInt _ normalLine.d/normalLine.c}; }; -- end of FillTrigLineAsNormal TrigLineFromPoints: PUBLIC PROC [v1, v2: Point2d] RETURNS [line: TrigLine] = { line _ CreateEmptyTrigLine[]; FillTrigLineFromPoints[v1, v2, line]; }; TrigLineFromPointAndVector: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point2d, vec: Vector2d] RETURNS [line: TrigLine] = { pt2: Point2d; pt2 _ SVVector2d.Add[pt, vec]; line _ TrigLineFromPoints[pt, pt2]; }; TrigLineFromCoefficients: PUBLIC PROC [sineOfTheta, cosineOfTheta, distance: REAL] RETURNS [line: TrigLine] = { line _ CreateEmptyTrigLine[]; FillTrigLineFromCoefficients[sineOfTheta, cosineOfTheta, distance, line]; }; TrigLineNormalToTrigLineThruPoint: PUBLIC PROC [line: TrigLine, pt: Point2d] RETURNS [normalLine: TrigLine] = { normalLine _ CreateEmptyTrigLine[]; FillTrigLineAsNormal[line, pt, normalLine]; }; TrigLineMeetsTrigLine: PUBLIC PROC [line1, line2: TrigLine] RETURNS [intersection: Point2d, parallel: BOOL] = { determinant: REAL; IF line1.theta = line2.theta THEN {parallel _ TRUE; RETURN}; parallel _ FALSE; determinant _ line2.s*line1.c - line1.s*line2.c; IF determinant = 0 THEN {parallel _ TRUE; RETURN}; intersection[1] _ (line2.c*line1.d - line1.c*line2.d)/determinant; intersection[2] _ (line2.s*line1.d - line1.s*line2.d)/determinant; }; TrigLineMeetsYAxis: PUBLIC PROC [line: TrigLine] RETURNS [yInt: REAL, parallel: BOOL] = { IF line.theta = 90 OR line.theta = -90 THEN parallel _ TRUE ELSE {-- we just want the y Intercept which is calculated at line creation time for now. parallel _ FALSE; yInt _ line.yInt;} }; TrigLineMeetsTrigLineSeg: PUBLIC PROC [line: TrigLine, seg: TrigLineSeg] RETURNS [intersection: Point2d, noHit: BOOL] = { }; TrigLineDistance: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point2d, line: TrigLine] RETURNS [d: REAL] = { d _ pt[2]*line.c - pt[1]*line.s - line.d; }; -- end of TrigDistance PointProjectedOntoTrigLine: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point2d, line: TrigLine] RETURNS [projectedPt: Point2d] = { D: REAL _ pt[2]*line.c - pt[1]*line.s - line.d; projectedPt[1] _ pt[1] + D*line.s; projectedPt[2] _ pt[2] - D*line.c; }; CreateTrigLineSeg: PUBLIC PROC [v1, v2: Point2d] RETURNS [seg: TrigLineSeg] = { seg _ CreateEmptyTrigLineSeg[]; FillTrigLineSeg[v1, v2, seg]; }; -- end of CreateTrigLineSeg CreateEmptyTrigLineSeg: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [seg: TrigLineSeg] = { seg _ NEW[TrigLineSegObj]; seg.line _ CreateEmptyTrigLine[]; }; FillTrigLineSeg: PUBLIC PROC [v1, v2: Point2d, seg: TrigLineSeg] = { y2Minusy1: REAL; FillTrigLineFromPoints[v1, v2, seg.line]; y2Minusy1 _ v2[2] - v1[2]; IF y2Minusy1 = 0 THEN IF v2[1] > v1[1] THEN {seg.pHi _ v2; seg.pLo _ v1; seg.pLoIsFirst _ TRUE} ELSE {seg.pHi _ v1; seg.pLo _ v2; seg.pLoIsFirst _ FALSE} ELSE IF v2[2] > v1[2] THEN {seg.pHi _ v2; seg.pLo _ v1; seg.pLoIsFirst _ TRUE} ELSE {seg.pHi _ v1; seg.pLo _ v2; seg.pLoIsFirst _ FALSE}; }; -- end of FillTrigLineSeg CopyTrigLineSeg: PUBLIC PROC [from: TrigLineSeg, to: TrigLineSeg] = { CopyTrigLine[from.line, to.line]; to.pLo _ from.pLo; to.pHi _ from.pHi; to.pLoIsFirst _ from.pLoIsFirst; }; -- end of CopyTrigLineSeg TrigLinePointOnTrigLineSeg: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point2d, seg: TrigLineSeg] RETURNS [BOOL] = { IF Abs[seg.pHi[1] - seg.pLo[1]] >= Abs[seg.pHi[2] - seg.pLo[2]] THEN -- line is more horizontal RETURN[Between[pt[1], seg.pLo[1], seg.pHi[1]]] ELSE -- line is more vertical RETURN[Between[pt[2], seg.pLo[2], seg.pHi[2]]]; }; -- end of TrigLinePointOnTrigLineSeg NearestEndpoint: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point2d, seg: TrigLineSeg] RETURNS [endpoint: Point2d] = { BEGIN IF Abs[pt[1]-seg.pLo[1]] <= Abs[pt[1]-seg.pHi[1]] THEN IF Abs[pt[2]-seg.pLo[2]] <= Abs[pt[2]-seg.pHi[2]] THEN RETURN[seg.pLo] ELSE GOTO DoMath ELSE IF Abs[pt[2]-seg.pLo[2]] > Abs[pt[2]-seg.pHi[2]] THEN RETURN[seg.pHi] ELSE GOTO DoMath; EXITS DoMath => IF DistanceSquaredPointToPoint[pt, seg.pLo] < DistanceSquaredPointToPoint[pt, seg.pHi] THEN endpoint _ seg.pLo ELSE endpoint _ seg.pHi; END; }; DistanceSquaredToNearestEndpoint: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point2d, seg: TrigLineSeg] RETURNS [distanceSquared: REAL] = { distance2ToPLo, distance2ToPHi: REAL; distance2ToPLo _ DistanceSquaredPointToPoint[pt, seg.pLo]; distance2ToPHi _ DistanceSquaredPointToPoint[pt, seg.pHi]; RETURN[Min[distance2ToPLo, distance2ToPHi]]; }; DistancePointToTrigLineSeg: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point2d, seg: TrigLineSeg] RETURNS [distance: REAL] = { projectedPt: Point2d _ PointProjectedOntoTrigLine[pt, seg.line]; nearEndpoint: Point2d; IF TrigLinePointOnTrigLineSeg[projectedPt, seg] THEN distance _ TrigLineDistance[pt, seg.line] ELSE { nearEndpoint _ NearestEndpoint[pt, seg]; distance _ DistancePointToPoint[pt, nearEndpoint]; }; }; DistanceSquaredPointToTrigLineSeg: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point2d, seg: TrigLineSeg] RETURNS [distanceSquared: REAL] = { projectedPt: Point2d _ PointProjectedOntoTrigLine[pt, seg.line]; IF TrigLinePointOnTrigLineSeg[projectedPt, seg] THEN {distanceSquared _ TrigLineDistance[pt, seg.line]; distanceSquared _ distanceSquared*distanceSquared} ELSE distanceSquared _ DistanceSquaredToNearestEndpoint[pt, seg]; }; DistancePointToPoint: PUBLIC PROC [p1, p2: Point2d] RETURNS [distance: REAL] = { distance _ RealFns.SqRt[(p2[2]-p1[2])*(p2[2]-p1[2]) + (p2[1]-p1[1])*(p2[1]-p1[1])]; }; DistanceSquaredPointToPoint: PUBLIC PROC [p1, p2: Point2d] RETURNS [distance: REAL] = { distance _ (p2[2]-p1[2])*(p2[2]-p1[2]) + (p2[1]-p1[1])*(p2[1]-p1[1]); }; PointLeftOfTrigLine: PUBLIC PROC [distance: REAL, pOnLine: Point2d, line: TrigLine] RETURNS [point: Point2d] = { lineParallel, linePerp: TrigLine; parallel: BOOL; lineParallel _ CreateEmptyTrigLine[]; linePerp _ CreateEmptyTrigLine[]; FillTrigLineFromCoefficients[line.s, line.c, line.d + distance, lineParallel]; FillTrigLineAsNormal[line, pOnLine, linePerp]; [point, parallel] _ TrigLineMeetsTrigLine[lineParallel, linePerp]; IF parallel THEN ERROR; -- perpendicular lines are not parallel }; CreateLineSeg: PUBLIC PROC [v1, v2: Point2d] RETURNS [seg: LineSeg] = { x2MinusX1: REAL; seg _ NEW[LineSegObj]; seg.p1 _ v1; seg.p2 _ v2; x2MinusX1 _ v2[1] - v1[1]; IF x2MinusX1 = 0 THEN { seg.isVert _ TRUE; seg.xInt _ v1[1]; seg.yInt _ 0;-- a dummy value RETURN} ELSE { seg.isVert _ FALSE; seg.slope _ (v2[2] - v1[2])/x2MinusX1; seg.yInt _ v1[2] - seg.slope*v1[1]; RETURN}; }; CreateRay: PUBLIC PROC [basePoint: Point2d, direction: Vector2d] RETURNS [ray: Ray2d] = { ray _ NEW[Ray2dObj _ [basePoint, direction]]; }; CreateRayFromPoints: PUBLIC PROC [p1, p2: Point2d] RETURNS [ray: Ray2d] = { ray _ NEW[Ray2dObj _ [p1, SVVector2d.Sub[p2, p1]]]; }; RightHorizontalRay: PUBLIC PROC [point: Point2d] RETURNS [horizRayThruPoint: Ray2d] = { horizRayThruPoint _ NEW[Ray2dObj _ [point, [1,0]]]; }; UpVerticalRay: PUBLIC PROC [point: Point2d] RETURNS [vertRayThruPoint: Ray2d] = { vertRayThruPoint _ NEW[Ray2dObj _ [point, [0,1]]]; }; RayMeetsBox: PUBLIC PROC [ray: Ray2d, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax: REAL] RETURNS [count: NAT, params: ARRAY[1..2] OF REAL] = { almostZero: REAL _ 1.0e-12; x, y, t: REAL; count _ 0; IF Abs[ray.d[2]] > almostZero THEN { -- intersection occurs t _ (ymax-ray.p[2])/ray.d[2]; x _ ray.p[1] + t*ray.d[1]; IF x >=xmin AND x<= xmax AND t>=0 THEN { -- hits box count _ count + 1; params[count] _ t; }; t _ (ymin-ray.p[2])/ray.d[2]; x _ ray.p[1] + t*ray.d[1]; IF x >=xmin AND x<= xmax AND t>=0 THEN { -- hits box count _ count + 1; params[count] _ t; }; }; IF Abs[ray.d[1]] > almostZero THEN { -- intersection occurs t _ (xmax-ray.p[1])/ray.d[1]; y _ ray.p[2] + t*ray.d[2]; IF y >=ymin AND y<= ymax AND t>=0 THEN { -- hits box count _ count + 1; params[count] _ t; }; t _ (xmin-ray.p[1])/ray.d[1]; y _ ray.p[2] + t*ray.d[2]; IF y >=ymin AND y<= ymax AND t>=0 THEN { -- hits box count _ count + 1; params[count] _ t; }; }; IF count = 2 THEN { IF params[2] < params[1] THEN { temp: REAL _ params[1]; params[1] _ params[2]; params[2] _ temp; }; }; -- make sure hits are sorted }; -- end of RayMeetsBox LineRayMeetsBox: PUBLIC PROC [ray: Ray2d, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax: REAL] RETURNS [count: NAT, params: ARRAY[1..2] OF REAL] = { almostZero: REAL _ 1.0e-12; x, y, t: REAL; count _ 0; IF Abs[ray.d[2]] > almostZero THEN { -- intersection occurs t _ (ymax-ray.p[2])/ray.d[2]; x _ ray.p[1] + t*ray.d[1]; IF x >=xmin AND x<= xmax THEN { -- hits box count _ count + 1; params[count] _ t; }; t _ (ymin-ray.p[2])/ray.d[2]; x _ ray.p[1] + t*ray.d[1]; IF x >=xmin AND x<= xmax THEN { -- hits box count _ count + 1; params[count] _ t; }; }; IF Abs[ray.d[1]] > almostZero THEN { -- intersection occurs t _ (xmax-ray.p[1])/ray.d[1]; y _ ray.p[2] + t*ray.d[2]; IF y >=ymin AND y<= ymax THEN { -- hits box count _ count + 1; params[count] _ t; }; t _ (xmin-ray.p[1])/ray.d[1]; y _ ray.p[2] + t*ray.d[2]; IF y >=ymin AND y<= ymax THEN { -- hits box count _ count + 1; params[count] _ t; }; }; IF count = 2 THEN { IF params[2] < params[1] THEN { temp: REAL _ params[1]; params[1] _ params[2]; params[2] _ temp; }; }; -- make sure hits are sorted }; -- end of LineRayMeetsBox EvalRay: PUBLIC PROC [ray: Ray2d, param: REAL] RETURNS [point: Point2d] = { point[1] _ ray.p[1] + param*ray.d[1]; point[2] _ ray.p[2] + param*ray.d[2]; }; Abs: PRIVATE PROC [r: REAL] RETURNS [REAL] = { RETURN [IF r>=0 THEN r ELSE -r]; }; Min: PRIVATE PROC [a, b: REAL] RETURNS [REAL] = { RETURN [IF a <= b THEN a ELSE b]; }; Between: PRIVATE PROC [test, a, b: REAL] RETURNS [BOOL] = { SELECT a FROM < b => RETURN [a <= test AND test <= b]; = b => RETURN [test = b]; > b => RETURN [b <= test AND test <= a]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; END. ÒFile: SVLines2dImpl.mesa Author: Eric Bier on October 1, 1982 9:03 pm Last edited by Bier on December 18, 1984 12:15:49 pm PST Contents: Routines for finding the intersections of various types of lines and line segments used in the SolidViews package. Recall y*c - x*s - d = 0; Calculates the different parts of a line given an ordered pair of points (the tail and the head). Trig lines are directed in sense since 0 <= line.theta <= 180implies that v1 is lower than or to the right of) v2. we have -x*s = d. where s = 1. Plug in v1. -v1[1]*s = d we have -x*s = d. where s = -1. Plug in v1. -v1[1]*s = d line.slope and line.yInt are meaningless. Leave them uninitialized. s, c, theta, d, slope, yInt line.s _ RealFns.SinDeg[line.theta]; d _ y1c - x1s. Subsitute in a point to find d. recall y*c - x*s - d = 0; Calculates the different parts of a line given c, s and d. If line is not vertical we can find its slope and y intercept. y intercept occurs when x = 0, ie when y*c = d. y = d/c; Find a line which is perpendicular to "line" and passes thru "pt". Useful for dropping perpendiculars. If line has the form: y*cos(theta) - x*sin(theta) - d = 0, then normalLine will have the form: y*cos(theta+90) - x*sin(theta+90) - D = 0; or -y*sin(theta) - (x*cos(theta)) - D = 0; to find D, we substitute in pt: D = -pt[2]*sin(theta) - pt[1]*cos(theta); y intercept occurs when x = 0, ie when y*c = d. y = d/c; If line1 is of the form: c1*y - s1*x - d1 = 0; and line2 of the form: c2*y - s2*x - d2 = 0; then we solve simultaneously. c1c2*y - s1c2*x - c2d1 = 0 c1c2*y - c1s2*x - c1d2 = 0 (-s1c2+c1s2)*x - c2d1 + c1d2 = 0; x = (c2d1 - c1d2)/(s2c1 -s1c2); s2c1*y - s1s2*x - s2d1 = 0; s1c2*y - s1s2*x -s1d2 = 0; (s2c1 - s1c2)*y -s2d1 + s1d2 = 0; y = (s2d1 - s1d2)/(s2c1 - s1c2); (I might just implement Kramer's Rule with determinants some day) Find the intersection of line with the line of seg. See if this point is within the bounds of seg. Because of the data representation of a TrigLineSeg, plugging the point into the line equation gives us the distance. ie. distance = y*cos(theta) - x*sin(theta) - d; PointProjectedOntoTrigLine: PUBLIC PROC [pt: Point2d, line: TrigLine] RETURNS [projectedPt: Point2d] = { We drop a normal from the point onto the line and find where it hits. The line equation of the normal we drop can be found as in FillTrigLineAsNormal above. We will have line equations: c*y - s*x - d = 0, and -sy - c*x - D = 0 Solving simultaneously for this special case, we have: x = (d + D)/-2*s y = (d - D)/2*c This equation is singular when the determinant -2sc = 0, ie when s = 0 or c = 0 corresponding to horizontal and vertical lines. We handle these separately. D: REAL _ -pt[2]*line.c - pt[1]*line.s; IF line.s = 0 THEN { -- horizontal line. c = +-1. So y = d/c or equivalently y = cd; projectedPt[1] _ pt[1]; projectedPt[2] _ IF line.c < 0 THEN -line.d ELSE line.d; RETURN}; IF line.c = 0 THEN { -- vertical line. s = +-1. So x = -d/s or equivalently x = -ds. projectedPt[1] _ IF line.s < 0 THEN line.d ELSE -line.d; projectedPt[2] _ pt[2]; RETURN}; projectedPt[1] _ -(line.d + D)/(2*line.s); projectedPt[2] _ (line.d - D)/(2*line.c); }; We drop a normal from the point onto the line and find where it hits. The line equation of the normal we drop can be found using FillTrigLineAsNormal above. We will have line equations: c*y - s*x - d = 0. The vector v = [c, s] is the unit vector parallel to line. The vector l = [-s, c] is the unit vector 90 degrees counter-clockwise of v. If pt is distance D from line (along l), then the new point we want is pt-D*l. Componentwise: projectedPt[1] _ pt[1] + D*s. projectedPt[2] _ pt[2] - D*c. TRIGLINESEGS Assumes pt is on seg.line. Is it on seg? Look for an obvious winner first. If that fails, do math. perpendicular distance if possible, else distance to nearest endpoint. Perpendicular distance if possible, else distance to nearest endpoint. POINT2DS point is a point to the left of the directed line, on the normal to the line which intersects the line at pOnLine. If distance is negative, the point will be to the right of the directed line. Method: The point we want will be at the intersection these two lines 1) The line parallel to "line" but distance to its left 2) The line perpendicular to "line" at pOnLine. We can generate both of these easily as follows: LINESEGS to find y intercept, substitute in the first point. yInt = y - slope*x; RAYS Find intersections of the directed half-line only. We can take advantage of the horizontal and vertical lines of the box to do an easy intersection test. Note that we are really testing for line intersections rather than ray intersections. Top Line The top line has equation y = ymax. If ray.d[2] = 0, we don't hit this line. Otherwise, we use y(t) = ymax = ray.p[2]+t*ray.d[2]; Solve for t: t = (ymax-ray.p[2])/ray.d[2]. Bottom Line Right Line Left Line We can take advantage of the horizontal and vertical lines of the box to do an easy intersection test. Note that we are really testing for line intersections rather than ray intersections. Top Line The top line has equation y = ymax. If ray.d[2] = 0, we don't hit this line. Otherwise, we use y(t) = ymax = ray.p[2]+t*ray.d[2]; Solve for t: t = (ymax-ray.p[2])/ray.d[2]. 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