Assembly: TYPE = SVSceneTypes.Assembly;
Classification: TYPE = SVRayTypes.Classification;
Composite: TYPE = SVRayTypes.Composite;
MasterObject: TYPE = SVSceneTypes.MasterObject;
MasterObjectClass: TYPE = SVSceneTypes.MasterObjectClass;
MasterObjectClassList: TYPE = SVSceneTypes.MasterObjectClassList; -- LIST OF MasterObjectClass
Primitive: TYPE = SVRayTypes.Primitive;
Ray: TYPE = SVRayTypes.Ray;
globalPoly: Polynomial.Ref;
steinerClass: MasterObjectClass;
PROC [cameraPoint: Point2d, localRay: Ray, masterObject:
ANY, prim: Primitive]
RETURNS [class: Classification] = {
The Steiner surface is:
2 2 2 2 2 2
F(x,y,z) = y z + x z - 2 x y z + x y = 0
steinerData: SteinerRec;
realRoots: Polynomial.ShortRealRootRec; -- optional
realRoots: ARRAY[0..3] OF REAL;
realRootsOneOrigin: ARRAY[1..4] OF REAL;
rootCount: NAT;
x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1, x1y1: REAL;
x0x0, x1x1, y0y0, y1y1, z0z0, z1z1: REAL;
x0x1, y0y1, x0y0, x0y1, x1y0: REAL;
a4,a3,a2,a1,a0: REAL;
p: Point3d;
d: Vector;
PROC [x, y, z:
RETURNS [Vector] ~ {
gradx, grady, gradz: REAL;
gradx ← 2. * ( x * z * z - y * z + x * y * y );
grady ← 2. * ( y * z * z - x * z + x * x * y );
gradz ← 2. * ( y * y * z + x * x * z - x * y );
RETURN [[gradx, grady, gradz]];
class ← CastRays.GetClassFromPool[];
steinerData ← NARROW[steinerRec];
[p, d] ← CSG.GetLocalRay[localRay]; -- p is base point, d is directiona
x0 ← p[1]; x1 ← d[1];
y0 ← p[2]; y1 ← d[2];
z0 ← p[3]; z1 ← d[3];
x0x0 ← x0 * x0;
x1x1 ← x1 * x1;
y0y0 ← y0 * y0;
y1y1 ← y1 * y1;
z0z0 ← z0 * z0;
z1z1 ← z1 * z1;
x0x1 ← x0 * x1;
y0y1 ← y0 * y1;
x0y0 ← x0 * y0;
x0y1 ← x0 * y1;
x1y0 ←
x1 * y0;
The result of substituting
F, x: x1 * t + x0, y: y1 * t + y0, z: z1 * t + z0;
in Macsyma:
2 2 2 2 2 4
(d20)/R/ ((y1 + x1 ) z1 + x1 y1 ) t
2 2 2 2
+ ((2 y0 y1 + 2 x0 x1) z1 + ((2 y1 + 2 x1 ) z0 - 2 x1 y1) z1 + 2 x0 x1 y1
2 3 2 2 2
+ 2 x1 y0 y1) t + ((y0 + x0 ) z1 + ((4 y0 y1 + 4 x0 x1) z0 - 2 x0 y1
2 2 2 2 2
- 2 x1 y0) z1 + (y1 + x1 ) z0 - 2 x1 y1 z0 + x0 y1 + 4 x0 x1 y0 y1
2 2 2 2 2 2
+ x1 y0 ) t + (((2 y0 + 2 x0 ) z0 - 2 x0 y0) z1 + (2 y0 y1 + 2 x0 x1) z0
2 2 2 2 2
+ (- 2 x0 y1 - 2 x1 y0) z0 + 2 x0 y0 y1 + 2 x0 x1 y0 ) t + (y0 + x0 ) z0
2 2
- 2 x0 y0 z0 + x0 y0
a4 ← (y1y1
+ x1x1
) * z1z1
+ x1x1
* y1y1
a3 ← (2.*y0y1+2.*x0x1) * z1z1 +
((2.*y1y1 + 2.*x1x1)*z0 - 2.*x1y1)*z1 + 2.*x0x1*y1y1+ 2.*x1x1*y0y1 ;
a2 ← (y0y0 + x0x0 )*z1z1 + ((4.*y0y1 + 4.*x0x1)*z0 - 2.*x0y1 - 2.*x1y0)*z1
+ (y1y1 + x1x1 )*z0z0 - 2.*x1y1*z0 + x0x0*y1y1 + 4.*x0x1*y0y1 + x1x1 * y0y0;
a1 ← ((2.*y0y0 + 2.*x0x0)*z0 - 2.*x0y0)*z1 + (2.*y0y1 + 2.*x0x1)*z0z0
+ (-2.*x0y1 - 2.*x1y0)*z0 + 2.*x0x0*y0y1 + 2.*x0x1*y0y0;
a0 ← (y0y0 + x0x0 )*z0z0 - 2.*x0y0*z0 + x0x0*y0y0 ;
realRoots ← PositiveRoots[1.0, a3/a4, a2/a4, a1/a4, a0/a4];
SELECT realRoots.nRoots FROM
0 => {
-- complete miss.
class.count ← 0;
class.classifs[1] ← FALSE;
1 => {
-- a skim. Count as a miss.
class.count ← 0;
class.classifs[1] ← FALSE;
2 => {
-- cuts one cross section of the Steiner. Sort roots by size.
x, y, z: REAL;
class.count ← 2;
IF realRoots.realRoot[0] < realRoots.realRoot[1]
{class.params[1] ← realRoots.realRoot[0];
class.params[2] ← realRoots.realRoot[1]}
{class.params[2] ← realRoots.realRoot[0];
class.params[1] ← realRoots.realRoot[1]};
class.surfaces[1] ← NIL; class.surfaces[2] ← NIL;
class.classifs[1] ← FALSE; class.classifs[2] ← TRUE; class.classifs[3] ← FALSE;
class.primitives[1] ← class.primitives[2] ← prim;
Calculate the surface normals at the two hit points.
x ← x0 + class.params[1]*x1; y ← y0 + class.params[1]*y1; z ← z0 + class.params[1]*z1;
class.normals[1] ← SteinerGrad[x, y, z];
To normalize, divide by norm. (I won't do this since the lighting model normalizes anyway)
x ← x0 + class.params[2]*x1; y ← y0 + class.params[2]*y1; z ← z0 + class.params[2]*z1;
class.normals[2] ← SteinerGrad[x, y, z];
3 => {
-- cuts one cross section. Skims another. For now, count as a miss.
class.count ← 0;
class.classifs[1] ← FALSE;
4 => {
-- cuts two cross sections. Sort the roots. Pair them in order.
x, y, z: REAL;
SortHitRec[realRoots, 4];
class.count ← 4;
class.params[1] ← realRoots.realRoot[0];
class.params[2] ← realRoots.realRoot[1];
class.params[3] ← realRoots.realRoot[2];
class.params[4] ← realRoots.realRoot[3];
class.surfaces[1] ← class.surfaces[2] ← class.surfaces[3] ← class.surfaces[4] ← NIL;
class.classifs[1] ← FALSE; class.classifs[2] ← TRUE; class.classifs[3] ← FALSE;
class.classifs[4] ← TRUE; class.classifs[5] ← FALSE;
class.primitives[1] ← class.primitives[2] ← class.primitives[3] ← class.primitives[4] ← prim;
Calculate the surface normals at the four hit points.
x ← x0 + class.params[1]*x1; y ← y0 + class.params[1]*y1; z ← z0 + class.params[1]*z1;
class.normals[1] ← SteinerGrad[x, y, z];
To normalize, divide by norm. (I won't do this since the lighting model normalizes anyway)
x ← x0 + class.params[2]*x1; y ← y0 + class.params[2]*y1; z ← z0 + class.params[2]*z1;
class.normals[2] ← SteinerGrad[x, y, z];
x ← x0 + class.params[3]*x1; y ← y0 + class.params[3]*y1; z ← z0 + class.params[3]*z1;
class.normals[3] ← SteinerGrad[x, y, z];
To normalize, divide by norm. (I won't do this since the lighting model normalizes anyway)
x ← x0 + class.params[4]*x1; y ← y0 + class.params[4]*y1; z ← z0 + class.params[4]*z1;
class.normals[4] ← SteinerGrad[x, y, z];
PROCEDURE [a4, a3, a2, a1, a0:
RETURNS [rootArray: Polynomial.ShortRealRootRec] = {
Use only the positive roots.
i: NAT ← 1;
globalPoly[4] ← a4; -- optional
globalPoly[3] ← a3; -- optional
globalPoly[2] ← a2; -- optional
globalPoly[1] ← a1; -- optional
globalPoly[0] ← a0; -- optional
rootArray ← Polynomial.CheapRealRoots[globalPoly]; -- optional
[realRootsOneOrigin, rootCount] ← Roots.RealQuartic[a4, a3, a2, a1, a0];
realRoots[0] ← realRootsOneOrigin[1]; realRoots[1] ← realRootsOneOrigin[2];
realRoots[2] ← realRootsOneOrigin[3]; realRoots[3] ← realRootsOneOrigin[4];
IF rootArray.nRoots = 0 THEN RETURN;
WHILE i <= rootArray.nRoots
IF rootArray.realRoot[i-1] <= 0
FOR j:
IN [i..rootArray.nRoots-1]
rootArray.realRoot[j-1] ← rootArray.realRoot[j];
rootArray.nRoots ← rootArray.nRoots - 1;
ELSE {i ← i + 1};
PROC = {
steiner: MasterObject;
globalPoly ← Polynomial.Quartic[[0,0,0,0,0]];
steinerClass ← DisplayList3d.RegisterMasterObjectClass[
steiner ← MakeMasterObject["steiner"];