-- ExpressionSyntaxImpl.mesa -- last edit July 12, 1984 2:24:51 pm PDT Sturgis DIRECTORY Ascii USING[Digit, Letter], Commander USING[CommandProc, Register], Expressions USING[Expression, ExpressionBody, HCellExpression, HCellIdentifier, Identifier, IdentifierBody, IdTableSetIndex, Operator, Token, TokenBody], IO USING[CR, PutF, rope, STREAM], Rope USING[ROPE, Equal, Fetch, Find, FromChar, Length, Substr]; ExpressionSyntaxImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS Ascii, Commander, IO, Rope EXPORTS Expressions = BEGIN OPEN Expressions; ParseCase: TYPE = {gCell, hCell}; StackElement: TYPE = RECORD[ case: StackElementCase, data: REF ANY]; StackElementCase: TYPE = {expression, operator}; S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6: StackElement; stackRemainder: LIST OF StackElement; PushStack: PROCEDURE[el: StackElement] = BEGIN stackRemainder ← CONS[S6, stackRemainder]; S6 ← S5; S5 ← S4; S4 ← S3; S3 ← S2; S2 ← S1; S1 ← el; END; PopStack: PROCEDURE = BEGIN S1 ← S2; S2 ← S3; S3 ← S4; S4 ← S5; S5 ← S6; S6 ← stackRemainder.first; stackRemainder ← stackRemainder.rest; END; IsOp: PROCEDURE[se: StackElement, op:Operator] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = BEGIN IF se.case # operator THEN RETURN[FALSE]; RETURN[NARROW[se.data, Token].operator = op]; END; IsExp: PROCEDURE[se: StackElement] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = {RETURN[se.case = expression]}; IsIdExp: PROCEDURE[se: StackElement] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = BEGIN exp: Expression; tkn: Token; IF se.case = operator THEN RETURN[FALSE]; exp ← NARROW[se.data, Expression]; IF exp.operator # token THEN RETURN[FALSE]; tkn ← NARROW[exp.data1]; RETURN[tkn.operator = id]; END; AbsorbOneToken: PROCEDURE[t: Token, parseCase: ParseCase] = BEGIN SELECT t.operator FROM number => BEGIN PushStack[[expression, NEW[ExpressionBody ← [token, t]]]]; END; id => BEGIN t.data ← SELECT parseCase FROM gCell => ParseGCellIdentifierName[NARROW[t.data]], hCell => ParseHCellIdentifierName[NARROW[t.data]], ENDCASE => ERROR; PushStack[[expression, NEW[ExpressionBody ← [token, t]]]]; END; plus, minus => BEGIN newOp: Operator; IF S1.case = operator THEN BEGIN token: Token ← NARROW[S1.data]; SELECT token.operator FROM start, colon, leftParen, if, then, else, assign => BEGIN newOp ← IF t.operator = plus THEN unaryPlus ELSE unaryMinus; PushStack[[operator, NEW[TokenBody ← [newOp, t.charIndex, NIL]]]]; RETURN; END; ENDCASE; -- continue END; FormExpressionsToLevel[2, t]; newOp ← IF t.operator = plus THEN binaryPlus ELSE binaryMinus; PushStack[[operator, NEW[TokenBody ← [newOp, t.charIndex, NIL]]]]; RETURN; END; times, divide => BEGIN FormExpressionsToLevel[1, t]; PushStack[[operator, NEW[TokenBody ← [t.operator, t.charIndex, NIL]]]]; RETURN; END; less, lessEqu, gtr, gtrEqu, equ, nEqu => BEGIN FormExpressionsToLevel[3, t]; PushStack[[operator, NEW[TokenBody ← [t.operator, t.charIndex, NIL]]]]; RETURN; END; not => BEGIN FormExpressionsToLevel[4, t]; PushStack[[operator, NEW[TokenBody ← [not, t.charIndex, NIL]]]]; RETURN; END; and => BEGIN FormExpressionsToLevel[5, t]; PushStack[[operator, NEW[TokenBody ← [and, t.charIndex, NIL]]]]; RETURN; END; or => BEGIN FormExpressionsToLevel[6, t]; PushStack[[operator, NEW[TokenBody ← [or, t.charIndex, NIL]]]]; RETURN; END; if, leftParen, assign => BEGIN PushStack[[operator, NEW[TokenBody ← [t.operator, t.charIndex, NIL]]]]; RETURN; END; then, else => BEGIN FormExpressionsToLevel[7, t]; -- perhaps something subtle here about then and else????? PushStack[[operator, NEW[TokenBody ← [t.operator, t.charIndex, NIL]]]]; RETURN; END; rightParen => BEGIN FormExpressionsToLevel[7, t]; RETURN; END; assign => BEGIN IF NOT IsIdExp[S1] OR NOT IsOp[S2, start] THEN ERROR SyntaxError[t]; PushStack[[operator, NEW[TokenBody ← [t.operator, t.charIndex, NIL]]]]; END; colon => BEGIN IF IsOp[S1, start] THEN PushStack[[expression, NIL]]; IF NOT IsExp[S1] AND NOT IsOp[S1, start] AND NOT IsOp[S1, assign] THEN PushStack[[expression, NIL]]; FormExpressionsToLevel[7, t]; IF IsOp[S1, start] OR IsExp[S1] OR IsOp[S1, assign] THEN BEGIN PushStack[[operator, NEW[TokenBody ← [t.operator, t.charIndex, NIL]]]]; END ELSE ERROR SyntaxError[t]; END; nil => BEGIN IF IsOp[S1, start] THEN BEGIN PushStack[[expression, NIL]]; RETURN; END; IF NOT IsExp[S1] AND NOT IsOp[S1, start] AND NOT IsOp[S1, assign] THEN PushStack[[expression, NIL]]; FormExpressionsToLevel[8, t]; IF NOT IsExp[S1] OR NOT IsOp[S2, start] THEN ERROR SyntaxError[t]; END; bad => ERROR SyntaxError[t]; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; ParseGCellIdentifierName: PROCEDURE[name: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[Identifier] = BEGIN tableIndex: IdTableSetIndex ← self; -- tentative IF Rope.Length[name] > 1 AND Rope.Fetch[name, 1] = '. THEN SELECT Rope.Fetch[name, 0] FROM 'n => tableIndex ← n; 'e => tableIndex ← e; 's => tableIndex ← s; 'w => tableIndex ← w; 'p => tableIndex ← page; 'g => tableIndex ← global; ENDCASE => NULL; IF tableIndex # self THEN RETURN[NEW[IdentifierBody←[tableIndex, Rope.Substr[name, 2, Rope.Length[name]-2], NIL]]] ELSE RETURN[NEW[IdentifierBody←[self, name, NIL]]]; END; ParseHCellIdentifierName: PROCEDURE[name: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[Rope.ROPE] = BEGIN nDots: CARDINAL ← 0; -- tentative pos1: INT ← 0; -- initial WHILE (pos1 ← Rope.Find[name, Rope.FromChar[IO.CR], pos1]+1) # 0 DO nDots ← nDots+1; IF nDots > 2 THEN SyntaxError[NEW[TokenBody←[nil, pos1, NIL]]] ENDLOOP; RETURN[name]; END; FormExpressionsToLevel: PROCEDURE[level: CARDINAL, for: Token] = BEGIN operator2: Operator; WHILE TRUE DO IF S1.case # expression THEN ERROR SyntaxError[for]; IF S2.case # operator THEN ERROR SyntaxError[for]; operator2 ← NARROW[S2.data, Token].operator; SELECT operator2 FROM unaryPlus, unaryMinus => BEGIN n: StackElement ← [case: expression, data: NEW[ExpressionBody ← [operator2, S1.data]]]; PopStack[]; S1 ← n; LOOP; END; times, divide => BEGIN n: StackElement; IF level < 1 THEN RETURN; IF S3.case # expression THEN ERROR; n ← StackElement[case: expression, data: NEW[ExpressionBody ← [operator2, S3.data, S1.data]]]; PopStack[]; PopStack[]; S1 ← n; LOOP; END; binaryPlus, binaryMinus => BEGIN n: StackElement; IF level < 2 THEN RETURN; IF S3.case # expression THEN ERROR; n ← StackElement[case: expression, data: NEW[ExpressionBody ← [operator2, S3.data, S1.data]]]; PopStack[]; PopStack[]; S1 ← n; LOOP; END; less, lessEqu, gtr, gtrEqu, equ, nEqu => BEGIN n: StackElement; IF level <= 3 THEN RETURN; IF S3.case # expression THEN ERROR; n ← StackElement[case: expression, data: NEW[ExpressionBody ← [operator2, S3.data, S1.data]]]; PopStack[]; PopStack[]; S1 ← n; LOOP; END; not => BEGIN n: StackElement; IF level <= 4 THEN RETURN; n ← StackElement[case: expression, data: NEW[ExpressionBody ← [operator2, S1.data]]]; PopStack[]; S1 ← n; LOOP; END; and => BEGIN n: StackElement; IF level < 5 THEN RETURN; IF S3.case # expression THEN ERROR; n ← StackElement[case: expression, data: NEW[ExpressionBody ← [operator2, S3.data, S1.data]]]; PopStack[]; PopStack[]; S1 ← n; LOOP; END; or => BEGIN n: StackElement; IF level < 6 THEN RETURN; IF S3.case # expression THEN ERROR; n ← StackElement[case: expression, data: NEW[ExpressionBody ← [operator2, S3.data, S1.data]]]; PopStack[]; PopStack[]; S1 ← n; LOOP; END; else => BEGIN n: StackElement; IF level < 7 THEN RETURN; IF S3.case # expression THEN ERROR; IF S4.case # operator THEN ERROR; IF NARROW[S4.data, Token].operator # then THEN ERROR SyntaxError[for]; IF S5.case # expression THEN ERROR; IF S6.case # operator THEN ERROR; IF NARROW[S6.data, Token].operator # if THEN ERROR SyntaxError[for] ; n ← StackElement[case: expression, data: NEW[ExpressionBody ← [conditional, S5.data, S3.data, S1.data]]]; PopStack[]; PopStack[]; PopStack[]; PopStack[]; PopStack[]; S1 ← n; LOOP; END; if, then => RETURN; leftParen => BEGIN n: StackElement; IF level < 7 THEN RETURN; n ← StackElement[case: expression, data: NEW[ExpressionBody ← [parenExp, S1.data]]]; PopStack[]; S1 ← n; LOOP; END; start => BEGIN n: StackElement; IF level < 8 THEN RETURN; n ← StackElement[case: expression, data: NEW[ExpressionBody ← [topExp, NIL, S1.data, NIL]]]; S1 ← n; RETURN; END; assign => BEGIN n: StackElement; IF level < 8 THEN RETURN; n ← StackElement[case: expression, data: NEW[ExpressionBody ← [topExp, S3.data, S1.data]]]; PopStack[]; PopStack[]; S1 ← n; RETURN; END; colon => BEGIN n: StackElement; IF level < 8 THEN RETURN; IF IsOp[S4, start] THEN BEGIN n ← StackElement[case: expression, data: NEW[ExpressionBody ← [topExp, NIL, S3.data, S1.data]]]; PopStack[]; PopStack[]; S1 ← n; END ELSE IF IsOp[S4, assign] THEN BEGIN n ← StackElement[case: expression, data: NEW[ExpressionBody ← [topExp, S5.data, S3.data, S1.data]]]; PopStack[]; PopStack[]; PopStack[]; PopStack[]; S1 ← n; END ELSE ERROR; RETURN; END; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; END; OperatorName: PROCEDURE[operator: Operator] RETURNS[Rope.ROPE] = BEGIN RETURN[SELECT operator FROM plus => "plus", minus => "minus", times => "times", divide => "divide", leftParen => "leftParen", rightParen => "rightParen", if => "if", then => "then", else => "else", less => "less", lessEqu => "lessEqu", gtr => "gtr", gtrEqu => "gtrEqu", equ => "equ", nEqu => "nEqu", not => "not", and => "and", or => "or", assign => "assign", colon => "colon", token => "token", unaryPlus => "unaryPlus", unaryMinus => "unaryMinus", binaryPlus => "binaryPlus", binaryMinus => "binaryMinus", conditional => "conditional", parenExp => "parenExp", bad => "bad", start => "start", nil => "nil", topExp => "topExp", ENDCASE => ERROR]; END; ShowExpression: PROCEDURE[stream: IO.STREAM, exp: Expression] = BEGIN IF exp = NIL THEN IO.PutF[stream, " NIL"] ELSE SELECT exp.operator FROM nil => BEGIN IO.PutF[stream, " %g(", IO.rope[OperatorName[exp.operator]]]; IF exp.data1 # NIL OR exp.data2 # NIL OR exp.data3 # NIL THEN ERROR; END; token => BEGIN IO.PutF[stream, " %g(", IO.rope[OperatorName[exp.operator]]]; ShowToken[stream, NARROW[exp.data1]]; IF exp.data2 # NIL OR exp.data3 # NIL THEN ERROR; IO.PutF[stream, ") "]; END; not, unaryPlus, unaryMinus, parenExp => BEGIN IO.PutF[stream, " %g(", IO.rope[OperatorName[exp.operator]]]; ShowExpression[stream, NARROW[exp.data1]]; IF exp.data2 # NIL OR exp.data3 # NIL THEN ERROR; IO.PutF[stream, ") "]; END; times, divide, less, lessEqu, gtr, gtrEqu, equ, nEqu, and, or, binaryPlus, binaryMinus => BEGIN IO.PutF[stream, " %g(", IO.rope[OperatorName[exp.operator]]]; ShowExpression[stream, NARROW[exp.data1]]; IO.PutF[stream, ","]; ShowExpression[stream, NARROW[exp.data2]]; IO.PutF[stream, ")"]; IF exp.data3 # NIL THEN ERROR; END; conditional => BEGIN IO.PutF[stream, " %g(", IO.rope[OperatorName[exp.operator]]]; ShowExpression[stream, NARROW[exp.data1]]; IO.PutF[stream, ","]; ShowExpression[stream, NARROW[exp.data2]]; IO.PutF[stream, ","]; ShowExpression[stream, NARROW[exp.data3]]; IO.PutF[stream, ")"]; END; topExp => BEGIN IO.PutF[stream, " %g(", IO.rope[OperatorName[exp.operator]]]; ShowExpression[stream, NARROW[exp.data1]]; IO.PutF[stream, ","]; ShowExpression[stream, NARROW[exp.data2]]; IO.PutF[stream, ","]; ShowExpression[stream, NARROW[exp.data3]]; IO.PutF[stream, ")"]; END; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; Punctuation: PROCEDURE[c: CHARACTER] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = BEGIN SELECT c FROM '( , '), '+, '-, '*, '/ , '<, '>, '=, ':, '←, '{ => RETURN[TRUE]; ENDCASE => RETURN[FALSE]; END; NextToken: PROCEDURE[rope: Rope.ROPE, x: INTEGER] RETURNS[Token, INTEGER] = BEGIN y: INTEGER; c: CHARACTER; tokenRope: Rope.ROPE; ropeLength: INTEGER ← Rope.Length[rope]; DO -- we exit this loop when we have the first non blank, non comment char, or end of the rope IF x = ropeLength THEN RETURN[NEW[TokenBody ← [nil, x, NIL]], x]; c ← Rope.Fetch[rope, x]; IF c = ' THEN {x ← x+1; LOOP}; IF c = '{ THEN -- strip out a comment and repeat BEGIN depth: CARDINAL ← 1; WHILE x < ropeLength DO x ← x+1; c ← Rope.Fetch[rope, x]; IF c = '{ THEN depth ← depth+1 ELSE IF c = '} THEN depth ← depth-1; IF depth = 0 THEN {x←x+1; EXIT}; ENDLOOP; LOOP; END; EXIT; ENDLOOP; IF Punctuation[c] THEN BEGIN operator: Operator ← SELECT c FROM '( => leftParen, ') => rightParen, '+ => plus, '- => minus, '* => times, '/ => divide, '< => IF Rope.Fetch[rope, x+1] = '= THEN lessEqu ELSE less, '> => IF Rope.Fetch[rope, x+1] = '= THEN gtrEqu ELSE gtr, '= => equ, ': => colon, '← => assign, ENDCASE => ERROR; IF operator = lessEqu OR operator = gtrEqu THEN x ← x+1; RETURN[NEW[TokenBody ← [operator, x, NIL]], x+1]; END; -- not a punctuation char y ← x; WHILE NOT Punctuation[c] AND NOT c = ' DO y ← y+1; IF y = ropeLength THEN EXIT; c ← Rope.Fetch[rope, y] ENDLOOP; -- next token is <rope[x], rope[x+1], ... rope[y-1]>, i.e. starts at x, and contains y-x characters IF y = x THEN RETURN[NEW[TokenBody ← [nil, x, NIL]], y]; tokenRope ← Rope.Substr[rope, x, y-x]; IF Ascii.Digit[Rope.Fetch[tokenRope, 0]] THEN BEGIN -- legal number contains all digits except 1 period, and at most 2 digits past period z: CARDINAL ← 0; ropeLength: CARDINAL ← Rope.Length[tokenRope]; WHILE z < ropeLength AND Ascii.Digit[Rope.Fetch[tokenRope, z]] DO z ← z+1 ENDLOOP; IF z = ropeLength THEN RETURN[NEW[TokenBody ← [number, x, tokenRope]], y]; IF Rope.Fetch[tokenRope, z] # '. THEN RETURN[NEW[TokenBody ← [bad, x, tokenRope]], y]; z ← z+1; --IF ropeLength-z > 2 THEN RETURN[NEW[TokenBody ← [bad, x, tokenRope]], y]; WHILE z < ropeLength AND Ascii.Digit[Rope.Fetch[tokenRope, z]] DO z ← z+1 ENDLOOP; IF ropeLength # z THEN RETURN[NEW[TokenBody ← [bad, x, tokenRope]], y]; RETURN[NEW[TokenBody ← [number, x, tokenRope]], y]; END ELSE IF Ascii.Letter[Rope.Fetch[tokenRope, 0]] THEN SELECT TRUE FROM Rope.Equal[tokenRope, "IF"] => RETURN[NEW[TokenBody ← [if, x, NIL]], y]; Rope.Equal[tokenRope, "THEN"] => RETURN[NEW[TokenBody ← [then, x, NIL]], y]; Rope.Equal[tokenRope, "ELSE"] => RETURN[NEW[TokenBody ← [else, x, NIL]], y]; Rope.Equal[tokenRope, "NOT"] => RETURN[NEW[TokenBody ← [not, x, NIL]], y]; Rope.Equal[tokenRope, "AND"] => RETURN[NEW[TokenBody ← [and, x, NIL]], y]; Rope.Equal[tokenRope, "OR"] => RETURN[NEW[TokenBody ← [or, x, NIL]], y]; ENDCASE => RETURN[NEW[TokenBody ← [id, x, tokenRope]], y] ELSE RETURN[NEW[TokenBody ← [bad, x, tokenRope]], y]; END; ShowToken: PROCEDURE[stream: IO.STREAM, tkn: Token] = BEGIN IO.PutF[stream, "%g", IO.rope[TokenText[tkn]]] END; -- interface procedures SyntaxError: PUBLIC ERROR[unexpectedToken: Token] = CODE; ParseRope: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[rope: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[Expression] = {RETURN[ParseExpression[rope]]}; ParseExpression: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[rope: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[Expression] = {RETURN[ParseBothKindsOfExpression[rope, gCell]]}; ParseBothKindsOfExpression: PROCEDURE[rope: Rope.ROPE, parseCase: ParseCase] RETURNS[Expression] = BEGIN x: INTEGER ← 0; t: Token; stackRemainder ← NIL; FOR I: CARDINAL IN [1..6] DO PushStack[[operator, NEW[TokenBody ← [bad, 0, NIL]]]] ENDLOOP; PushStack[[operator, NEW[TokenBody ← [start, 0, NIL]]]]; [t, x] ← NextToken[rope, x]; WHILE t.operator # nil DO AbsorbOneToken[t, parseCase]; [t, x] ← NextToken[rope, x]; ENDLOOP; AbsorbOneToken[t, parseCase]; IF NOT IsOp[S2, start] THEN SyntaxError[t]; RETURN[NARROW[S1.data]]; END; ParseIdentifier: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[rope: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[Identifier] = BEGIN tkn: Token; x: INTEGER; [tkn, x] ← NextToken[rope, 0]; IF x # Rope.Length[rope] THEN SyntaxError[NEW[TokenBody←[nil, x, NIL]]]; IF tkn.operator # id THEN SyntaxError[tkn]; RETURN[ParseGCellIdentifierName[NARROW[tkn.data]]]; END; TokenText: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[tkn: Token] RETURNS[Rope.ROPE] = BEGIN SELECT tkn.operator FROM plus, minus, times, divide, leftParen, rightParen, rightParen, if, then, else, less, lessEqu, gtr, gtrEqu, equ, nEqu, not, and, or, assign, colon, unaryPlus, unaryMinus, binaryPlus, binaryMinus, conditional, parenExp, nil, bad => BEGIN RETURN[OperatorName[tkn.operator]]; END; id => BEGIN SELECT TRUE FROM ISTYPE[tkn.data, Rope.ROPE] => RETURN[NARROW[tkn.data]]; ISTYPE[tkn.data, Identifier] => BEGIN id: Identifier ← NARROW[tkn.data]; RETURN[id.name]; END; ENDCASE => RETURN["unknown"]; END; number => BEGIN data: Rope.ROPE ← NARROW[tkn.data]; RETURN[data]; END; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; Test: Commander.CommandProc = TRUSTED BEGIN rope: Rope.ROPE; execOut: IO.STREAM ← cmd.out; IO.PutF[execOut, "this is the supplied commandLine: %g\n", IO.rope[cmd.commandLine]]; rope ← cmd.commandLine; ShowExpression[execOut, ParseHCellExpression[rope ! SyntaxError => BEGIN IO.PutF[execOut, "syntax error at @@@@, unexpected token = "]; ShowToken[execOut, unexpectedToken]; IO.PutF[execOut, ", rope = %g@@@@%g\n", IO.rope[Rope.Substr[rope, 0, unexpectedToken.charIndex]], IO.rope[Rope.Substr[rope, unexpectedToken.charIndex, Rope.Length[rope]-unexpectedToken.charIndex]]]; CONTINUE END].exp]; END; -- new HCell interface procedures ParseHCellExpression: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[text: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[HCellExpression] = {RETURN[[ParseBothKindsOfExpression[text, hCell]]]}; ParseHCellIdentifier: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[text: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[HCellIdentifier] = BEGIN tkn: Token; x: INTEGER; [tkn, x] ← NextToken[text, 0]; IF x # Rope.Length[text] THEN SyntaxError[NEW[TokenBody←[nil, x, NIL]]]; IF tkn.operator # id THEN SyntaxError[tkn]; RETURN[[ParseHCellIdentifierName[NARROW[tkn.data]]]]; END; -- module main program Commander.Register[key: "TestTokens", proc: Test, doc: ""]; END.. -- July 11, 1982 5:25 pm: Sturgis, started ExpressionsImpl.mesa -- July 18, 1982 2:39 pm: greatly simplify expression representation. -- RTE: July 18, 1982 2:39 pm: subexpressions inserted backwards. (error was in original code also). -- remark: July 18, 1982 2:46 pm: correctly parses a token sequence containing: ( IF ( a + b ) THEN c ELSE d + e * f ). -- RTE: July 18, 1982 4:11 pm: computed id was the chars x+1, x+2, ... , rather than x, x+1, x+2, ... -- RTE: July 18, 1982 4:15 pm: rope not terminating in blank incorrectly handled. -- RTE: July 18, 1982 5:21 pm: must absorb the trailing "nil" to force non parenthesised expressions to form. --remark: July 18, 1982 5:28 pm: expressions seem to work, note: must use "'" in front of "*" on the command line. --remark: July 22, 1982 5:46 pm: after assorted run time errors (about 1 hour of coding and 1 hour of debugging) I now have expressions which contain ← and : and supply a "topExp" as a result. syntax errors are still mostly found late, and client must have non null characters after : to force recognition of that case (non NIL third item in a topExp), but on the whole it seems usable. -- remark: July 23, 1982 2:30 pm: add number syntax. -- remark: July 23, 1982 3:16 pm: add {} comment convention. -- change: July 28, 1982 11:01 am: rename as ExpressionSyntaxImpl, replace Rope.Ref by Rope.ROPE, IOStream by IO, IO.Handle by IO.STREAM, add TRUSTED to Test. --change: July 30, 1982 10:39 am: added TokenText -- change: August 3, 1982 10:21 am: begin changes to allow some special top level forms with missing expressions. This will take a few experiments. -- RTE: August 4, 1982 11:02 am: unary minus could not be first char in an expression. Had to add start to the list of operators that can precede a unary minus. -- RTE: August 4, 1982 2:23 pm: (change lost due to dorado crash). allow colon to precede unary minus. -- RTE: August 11, 1982 3:42 pm: NextToken did not read the last character in a rope. -- RTE: August 11, 1982 3:47 pm: did not get a syntax error on "a+", so modified ParseRope to check for start at S2. -- RTE: August 11, 1982 4:02 pm: previous fix did not do it, so modified test for inserting null expression in AbsobOneToken, cases : and assign. -- RTE: August 11, 1982 5:29 pm: trouble with ":0.00", so try putting in a NIL expression before ":" if S1 = start. -- RTE: September 17, 1982 3:50 pm: allow more than 2 digits after decimal point, since floating point output code generates them. -- change: September 26, 1982 2:53 pm: add ParseExpression (same as ParseRope) and ParseIdentifier (new) -- change: October 4, 1982 2:23 pm: add code to absorbOneToken, in nil case, to put a null expression on the stack if S1 is start. This should allow empty expressions. Intention is that they will evaluate to 0. -- CTE: February 10, 1983 5:35 pm: convert to 4.0 -- Change: June 22, 1984 2:18:12 pm PDT: convert to 5.2 -- Change: July 12, 1984 2:24:47 pm PDT: add HCell parse case (i.e. identifiers are now three part names)