<> <> <> DIRECTORY BasicTime, Commander, IO, List, RedBlackTree, Rope, TimeStamp; MakeDo: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN Warning: SIGNAL [message: ROPE]; Error: ERROR [message: ROPE]; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; RopeList: TYPE = LIST OF ROPE; Stamp: TYPE = TimeStamp.Stamp; Table: TYPE = RedBlackTree.Table; PropList: TYPE = List.AList; Ensure: PROC [ch: Commander.Handle, what, otherModifiable: RopeList, guessBoundary, dontDo, assumeAllInconsistent: BOOL] RETURNS [nFailed, nSucceeded, nSteps: NAT, failedSteps: CommandList, cmds: ROPE]; <> <> Explain: PROC [ch: Commander.Handle, what: RopeList]; <> currentCommanderHandle: Commander.Handle; <> GetNode: PROC [name: ROPE] RETURNS [node: Node]; NodeList: TYPE = LIST OF Node; Node: TYPE = REF NodeRep; NodeRep: TYPE; PublicPartsOfNode: PROC [n: Node] RETURNS [name: ROPE, producer: Command, derivedCmds, consumers: CommandList, props: PropList]; SetProps: PROC [node: Node, props: PropList]; SetLatest: PROC [node: Node, latest: BasicTime.GMT]; Needed: PROC [node: Node] RETURNS [BOOL]; Exists: PROC [n: Node, u: UpdateTimeProc _ NIL] RETURNS [exists: BOOL]; <<= {exists _ Latest[n, u] # BasicTime.nullGMT}>> Latest: PROC [n: Node, u: UpdateTimeProc _ NIL] RETURNS [t: BasicTime.GMT]; <<= {>> <> <<(IF u = NIL THEN n.producer.class.UpdateTime ELSE u)[n];>> <> <> CommandList: TYPE = LIST OF Command; Command: TYPE = REF CommandRep; CommandRep: TYPE; PublicPartsOfCommand: PROC [c: Command] RETURNS [cmd: ROPE, makes, from: NodeList, foundData: REF ANY, needsToBeDone, failed: BOOL]; Finder: TYPE = RECORD [finderProc: FinderProc, finderData: REF ANY _ NIL]; FinderProc: TYPE = PROC [resultName: ROPE, finderData: REF ANY] RETURNS [found: BOOLEAN, sought: Node, makes, from, why: NodeList, cmd: ROPE, class: CommandClass, foundData: REF ANY]; CommandClass: TYPE = REF CommandClassRep; CommandClassRep: TYPE = RECORD [ NotCurrent: NotCurrentProc, Rederive: RederiveProc, UpdateTime: UpdateTimeProc, Explain: ExplainProc, classData: REF ANY _ NIL]; AddFinder: PROC [finder: Finder, end: End]; End: TYPE = {front, back}; NotCurrentProc: TYPE = PROC [c: Command] RETURNS [notCurrent: BOOLEAN]; RederiveProc: TYPE = PROC [c: Command] RETURNS [from: NodeList, cmd: ROPE]; UpdateTimeProc: TYPE = PROC [n: Node]; ExplainProc: TYPE = PROC [c: Command, to: IO.STREAM]; FileTime: UpdateTimeProc; Log: PROC [fmt: ROPE, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5: IO.Value _ [null[]]]; END.