<> <> <> <> <> DIRECTORY Basics: TYPE USING [bytesPerWord], BcdDefs: TYPE USING [BCD, FTIndex, FTRecord, MTIndex, MTNull, MTRecord, SGRecord, VersionID], BcdLister: TYPE USING [ListBcd], CodeLister: TYPE USING [ListCode, ListFGT], Commander: TYPE USING [CommandProc, Register], CommandTool: TYPE USING [Failed, ParseToList], ConvertUnsafe: TYPE USING [SubString], FS: TYPE, FSBackdoor: TYPE, List: TYPE USING [CompareProc, Sort], Literals: TYPE USING [LitDescriptor, LTIndex, LTNull, LTRecord, MSTIndex, STIndex, STNull], ListerUtils: TYPE USING [PrintIndex, PrintName, PrintSE, PrintSei, PrintTree, PrintVersion, ReadMtr, ReadSgr, ShortName], ListRTBcd: TYPE USING [PrintRTBcd], IO: TYPE USING [Close, EndOf, GetChar, GetLineRope, PutChar, PutF, PutF1, PutFR1, PutRope, RIS, RopeFromROS, ROS, SetIndex, STREAM, UnsafeGetBlock], Rope: TYPE USING [Compare, Concat, Equal, Fetch, Flatten, Length, Match, Replace, ROPE, SkipTo], SortedSymbolLister: TYPE USING [AddSymbols], SymbolPack: TYPE, Symbols: TYPE USING [BitAddress, BodyRecord, BTIndex, ContextLevel, CSEIndex, CTXIndex, CTXNull, CTXRecord, HTIndex, ISEIndex, ISENull, lZ, MDIndex, Name, nullName, RootBti, SEIndex, SENull, SERecord, TransferMode, TypeClass, typeTYPE], SymbolTable: TYPE USING [Acquire, Base, Release], Tree: TYPE USING [Index, Link, NodeName]; KLister: PROGRAM IMPORTS BcdLister, CodeLister, Commander, CommandTool, FS, FSBackdoor, IO, List, ListerUtils, ListRTBcd, Rope, SortedSymbolLister, SymbolPack, SymbolTable = BEGIN <> BCD: TYPE = BcdDefs.BCD; BitAddress: TYPE = Symbols.BitAddress; BTIndex: TYPE = Symbols.BTIndex; BTRecord: TYPE = Symbols.BodyRecord; bytesPerWord: NAT = Basics.bytesPerWord; CSEIndex: TYPE = Symbols.CSEIndex; typeTYPE: CSEIndex = Symbols.typeTYPE; ContextLevel: TYPE = Symbols.ContextLevel; lZ: ContextLevel = Symbols.lZ; CTXIndex: TYPE = Symbols.CTXIndex; CTXNull: CTXIndex = Symbols.CTXNull; CTXRecord: TYPE = Symbols.CTXRecord; FTIndex: TYPE = BcdDefs.FTIndex; FTRecord: TYPE = BcdDefs.FTRecord; HTIndex: TYPE = Symbols.HTIndex; ISEIndex: TYPE = Symbols.ISEIndex; ISENull: ISEIndex = Symbols.ISENull; ISERecord: TYPE = SERecord.id; LTIndex: TYPE = Literals.LTIndex; LTNull: LTIndex = Literals.LTNull; LTRecord: TYPE = Literals.LTRecord; LitDescriptor: TYPE = Literals.LitDescriptor; MDIndex: TYPE = Symbols.MDIndex; MSTIndex: TYPE = Literals.MSTIndex; MSTNull: MSTIndex = LOOPHOLE[STNull]; MTIndex: TYPE = BcdDefs.MTIndex; MTNull: MTIndex = BcdDefs.MTNull; MTRecord: TYPE = BcdDefs.MTRecord; Name: TYPE = Symbols.Name; nullName: Name = Symbols.nullName; NodeName: TYPE = Tree.NodeName; RefBCD: TYPE = REF BCD; RefMTRecord: TYPE = REF MTRecord; RefSGRecord: TYPE = REF SGRecord; RootBti: BTIndex = Symbols.RootBti; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; SEIndex: TYPE = Symbols.SEIndex; SENull: SEIndex = Symbols.SENull; SERecord: TYPE = Symbols.SERecord; SGRecord: TYPE = BcdDefs.SGRecord; STIndex: TYPE = Literals.STIndex; STNull: STIndex = Literals.STNull; STREAM: TYPE = IO.STREAM; SubString: TYPE = ConvertUnsafe.SubString; SymbolTableBase: TYPE = SymbolTable.Base; TransferMode: TYPE = Symbols.TransferMode; TypeClass: TYPE = Symbols.TypeClass; <> <<>> UC: PROC[c: CHAR] RETURNS[CHAR] = { RETURN[IF c IN ['a..'z] THEN 'A + (c - 'a) ELSE c]}; ListSymbols: Commander.CommandProc = TRUSTED { <<[cmd: Handle] RETURNS[result: REF _ NIL, msg: ROPE _ NIL]>> in: STREAM = IO.RIS[cmd.commandLine]; name: ROPE; tempName: ROPE; combinedSymbols, totalFiles: LIST OF REF ANY _ NIL; sortedSymbols: BOOL _ cmd.procData.clientData = $SortedSymbols OR cmd.procData.clientData = $SortedDefs; stream: STREAM _ NIL; inStream: STREAM _ NIL; stb: SymbolTableBase _ NIL; any: BOOL _ FALSE; switches: PACKED ARRAY CHAR['A..'Z] OF BOOL _ ALL[FALSE]; args: LIST OF ROPE _ CommandTool.ParseToList[cmd ! CommandTool.Failed => {msg _ errorMsg; GO TO failed} ].list; Cleanup: PROC = { IF stream # NIL AND stream # cmd.out THEN stream.Close[]; IF inStream # NIL THEN inStream.Close[]; IF stb # NIL THEN {SymbolTable.Release[stb]; stb _ NIL}}; IsInCache: PROC[name: ROPE] RETURNS[present: BOOL _ FALSE] = { noteName: FSBackdoor.NameProc = TRUSTED { <<[fullGName: ROPE] RETURNS[continue: BOOLEAN]>> present _ TRUE; continue _ FALSE}; FSBackdoor.EnumerateCacheForNames[proc: noteName, pattern: name]}; EachName: FS.NameProc = TRUSTED { <<[fullFName: ROPE] RETURNS[continue: BOOL]>> IF IsInCache[fullFName] THEN tempName _ fullFName ELSE tempName _ FS.Copy[from: fullFName, to: "///Temp/Lister.temp$", setKeep: TRUE, keep: 6, remoteCheck: FALSE ! FS.Error => {msg _ error.explanation; GO TO failed} ]; inStream _ FS.StreamOpen[fileName: tempName, remoteCheck: FALSE, streamOptions: [FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE] ! FS.Error => {msg _ error.explanation; GO TO failed} ]; {ENABLE UNWIND => Cleanup[]; short: ROPE = ListerUtils.ShortName[fullFName]; bcd: RefBCD _ NEW[BCD]; ext: ROPE _ NIL; outName: ROPE _ NIL; configOk: BOOL _ FALSE; defsOK: BOOL _ FALSE; file: FS.OpenFile _ FS.OpenFileFromStream[inStream]; [] _ inStream.UnsafeGetBlock[ [base: LOOPHOLE[bcd], startIndex: 0, count: SIZE[BCD]*bytesPerWord]]; IF switches['M] AND (bcd.nConfigs # 0 OR bcd.definitions) THEN GO TO processNext; SELECT cmd.procData.clientData FROM $Bcd, $ShortBcd => {ext _ ".bcdList"; configOk _ TRUE; defsOK _ TRUE}; $Bodies => ext _ ".bodyList"; $Code => ext _ ".codeList"; $Exports => {ext _ ".exportsList"; configOk _ TRUE}; $FGT => ext _ ".fgtList"; $Files => {ext _ ".filesList"; configOk _ TRUE; defsOK _ TRUE}; $Globals => {ext _ ".globalFramesList"; configOk _ TRUE}; $RTBcd => {ext _ ".rtBcdList"; configOk _ TRUE}; $Symbols => {ext _ ".symbolList"; defsOK _ TRUE}; $Unbound => {ext _ NIL; configOk _ TRUE}; $Using => {ext _ ".usingList"; defsOK _ TRUE}; $SortedSymbols, $SortedDefs => {ext _ NIL; defsOK _ TRUE}; ENDCASE => ext _ ".list"; IF ext # NIL THEN { SELECT TRUE FROM switches['C] => ext _ NIL; Rope.Match["*.bcd", short, FALSE] => outName _ short.Replace[short.Length[]-4, 4, ext]; ENDCASE => outName _ short.Concat[ext]; }; SELECT TRUE FROM bcd.versionIdent # BcdDefs.VersionID => (cmd.out).PutF1["Not a valid Cedar bcd file: %g\n", [rope[short]]]; bcd.nConfigs # 0 AND ~configOk => (cmd.out).PutF1["Bound configurations not supported: %g\n", [rope[short]]]; bcd.definitions AND NOT defsOK => (cmd.out).PutF1["Definitions files not supported: %g\n", [rope[short]]]; ENDCASE => { sourceName: ROPE _ NIL; IF bcd.nConfigs = 0 THEN { <> <> mtr: RefMTRecord = ListerUtils.ReadMtr[inStream, bcd, LOOPHOLE[0]]; sgr: RefSGRecord = ListerUtils.ReadSgr[inStream, bcd, mtr.sseg]; pages: CARDINAL = IF bcd.extended THEN sgr.pages+sgr.extraPages ELSE sgr.pages; IF pages = 0 THEN { (cmd.out).PutF1["Error - no symbols from %g\n", [rope[fullFName]]]; result _ $Failure; GO TO bailOut; }; stb _ SymbolTable.Acquire[[file, [sgr.base-1, pages]]]}; <> sourceName _ RopeForBcdName[inStream, bcd.ssOffset, bcd.source]; <<>> <> IF ext = NIL THEN { stream _ cmd.out; (cmd.out).PutF1["Listing for %g\n", [rope[fullFName]] ]} ELSE { (cmd.out).PutF[ "%g output to %g\n", [rope[cmd.command]], [rope[outName]]]; stream _ FS.StreamOpen[outName, $create]; stream.PutRope[outName]}; IF sortedSymbols THEN { IF ~bcd.definitions AND cmd.procData.clientData = $SortedDefs THEN GO TO bailOut; totalFiles _ CONS[short, totalFiles]} ELSE { stream.PutF1["\n object: %g {", [rope[short]]]; ListerUtils.PrintVersion[bcd.version, stream]; stream.PutRope["}\n source: "]; stream.PutRope[sourceName]; stream.PutRope[" {"]; ListerUtils.PrintVersion[bcd.sourceVersion, stream, TRUE]; stream.PutRope["}\n creator: {"]; ListerUtils.PrintVersion[bcd.creator, stream]; stream.PutRope["}\n\n"]}; SELECT cmd.procData.clientData FROM $Bcd => BcdLister.ListBcd[stream, inStream, bcd, $Bcd]; $Bodies => PrintBodies[stream, stb]; $Code => CodeLister.ListCode[stream, inStream, stb, bcd, NIL]; $Exports => BcdLister.ListBcd[stream, inStream, bcd, $Exports]; $FGT => CodeLister.ListFGT[stream, inStream, stb, bcd]; $Files => PrintFiles[stream, bcd, fullFName]; $Globals => BcdLister.ListBcd[stream, inStream, bcd, $Globals]; $RTBcd => ListRTBcd.PrintRTBcd[stream, inStream, bcd]; $Symbols => PrintSymbols[bcd.definitions, stream, stb]; $Unbound => BcdLister.ListBcd[stream, inStream, bcd, $Unbound]; $SortedSymbols, $SortedDefs => combinedSymbols _ SortedSymbolLister.AddSymbols[rList: combinedSymbols, stb: stb]; $Using => PrintUsing[stream, stb]; ENDCASE; EXITS bailOut => {}; }; Cleanup[]; continue _ TRUE; EXITS processNext => continue _ TRUE; }; EXITS failed => {result _ $Failed; Cleanup[]; continue _ FALSE}; }; IF sortedSymbols THEN (cmd.out).PutRope["Combined symbols listing to Symbols.sort\n"]; WHILE args # NIL DO name _ args.first; args _ args.rest; SELECT TRUE FROM Rope.Match["-*", name] => { sense: BOOL _ TRUE; num: INT _ 0; FOR i: INT IN [1..name.Length[]) DO c: CHAR _ name.Fetch[i]; SELECT c FROM IN ['A..'Z] => switches[c] _ sense; IN ['a..'z] => switches[c-('a-'A)] _ sense; IN ['0..'9] => num _ num * 10 + (c - '0); '~ => sense _ NOT sense; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; LOOP; }; Rope.Match["*.bcd", name, FALSE], Rope.Match["*.bcd!*", name, FALSE] => {}; ENDCASE => name _ name.Concat[".bcd"]; any _ TRUE; name _ FS.ExpandName[name ! FS.Error => {msg _ error.explanation; GO TO failed}; ].fullFName; IF NOT Rope.Match["*!*", name] THEN name _ name.Concat["!h"]; FS.EnumerateForNames[name, EachName]; IF result # NIL THEN GO TO failed; ENDLOOP; IF sortedSymbols THEN { lastChar: CHAR _ 0C; CompareCaseless: List.CompareProc = TRUSTED { <<[ref1: REF ANY, ref2: REF ANY] RETURNS[Basics.Comparison]>> r1: ROPE = NARROW[ref1]; r2: ROPE = NARROW[ref2]; RETURN[r1.Compare[r2, FALSE]]}; totalFiles _ List.Sort[totalFiles, CompareCaseless]; stream _ FS.StreamOpen["Symbols.sort", $create]; stream.PutRope["Combined symbols for: "]; WHILE totalFiles # NIL DO stream.PutF1["%g ", [rope[NARROW[totalFiles.first]]]]; totalFiles _ totalFiles.rest; ENDLOOP; stream.PutRope["\n\n"]; combinedSymbols _ List.Sort[combinedSymbols, CompareCaseless]; WHILE combinedSymbols # NIL DO line: ROPE; entry: ROPE = NARROW[combinedSymbols.first]; ch: CHAR _ UC[entry.Fetch[0]]; ris: IO.STREAM _ IO.RIS[entry]; IF ch # lastChar THEN {stream.PutF1["--%g\n", [character[ch]]]; lastChar _ ch}; WHILE ~ris.EndOf[] DO line _ ris.GetLineRope[]; stream.PutF1[" %g\n", [rope[line]]]; ENDLOOP; combinedSymbols _ combinedSymbols.rest; ENDLOOP; stream.Close[]}; IF NOT any THEN { result _ $Failure; msg _ IO.PutFR1["Usage: %g file ...", [rope[cmd.command]]]}; EXITS failed => result _ $Failure; }; PrintBodies: PUBLIC PROC[stream: STREAM, stb: SymbolTableBase] = { PrintBody: PROC[bti: BTIndex] RETURNS[BOOL] = { body: LONG POINTER TO BTRecord = @stb.bb[bti]; stream.PutRope["Body: "]; WITH b~~body SELECT FROM Callable => { ListerUtils.PrintSei[b.id, stream, stb]; IF b.inline THEN stream.PutRope[" [inline]"] ELSE { stream.PutF1[", ep: %g", [cardinal[b.entryIndex]]]; WITH b SELECT FROM Inner => stream.PutF1[", frame addr: %g", [cardinal[frameOffset]]]; ENDCASE; }; stream.PutRope[", attrs: "]; stream.PutChar[IF ~b.noXfers THEN 'x ELSE '-]; stream.PutChar[IF b.hints.safe THEN 's ELSE '-]; stream.PutChar[IF b.hints.nameSafe THEN 'n ELSE '-]; IF ~b.hints.noStrings THEN stream.PutRope["\n string literals"]}; ENDCASE => stream.PutRope["(anon)"]; stream.PutRope["\n context: "]; ListerUtils.PrintIndex[body.localCtx, stream]; stream.PutF1[", level: %g", [cardinal[body.level]]]; WITH body.info SELECT FROM Internal => { stream.PutF1[", frame size: %g", [cardinal[frameSize]]]; IF body.kind = Callable THEN ListerUtils.PrintTree[[subtree[index: bodyTree]], 0, stream, stb] ELSE {stream.PutRope[", tree root: "]; ListerUtils.PrintIndex[bodyTree, stream]}}; ENDCASE; stream.PutRope["\n\n"]; RETURN[FALSE]}; [] _ stb.EnumerateBodies[RootBti, PrintBody]; stream.PutRope["\n"]}; PrintGlobalFrames: PUBLIC PROC[stream: STREAM, stb: SymbolTableBase] = { PrintBody: PROC[bti: BTIndex] RETURNS[BOOL] = { body: LONG POINTER TO BTRecord = @stb.bb[bti]; stream.PutRope["Body: "]; WITH b~~body SELECT FROM Callable => { ListerUtils.PrintSei[b.id, stream, stb]; IF b.inline THEN stream.PutRope[" [inline]"] ELSE { stream.PutF1[", ep: %g", [cardinal[b.entryIndex]]]; WITH b SELECT FROM Inner => stream.PutF1[", frame addr: %g", [cardinal[frameOffset]]]; ENDCASE; }; stream.PutRope[", attrs: "]; stream.PutChar[IF ~b.noXfers THEN 'x ELSE '-]; stream.PutChar[IF b.hints.safe THEN 's ELSE '-]; stream.PutChar[IF b.hints.nameSafe THEN 'n ELSE '-]; IF ~b.hints.noStrings THEN stream.PutRope["\n string literals"]}; ENDCASE => RETURN[FALSE]; stream.PutRope["\n context: "]; ListerUtils.PrintIndex[body.localCtx, stream]; stream.PutF1[", level: %g", [cardinal[body.level]]]; WITH body.info SELECT FROM Internal => { stream.PutF1[", frame size: %g", [cardinal[frameSize]]]; IF body.kind = Callable THEN ListerUtils.PrintTree[[subtree[index: bodyTree]], 0, stream, stb] ELSE {stream.PutRope[", tree root: "]; ListerUtils.PrintIndex[bodyTree, stream]}}; ENDCASE; stream.PutRope["\n\n"]; RETURN[FALSE]}; [] _ stb.EnumerateBodies[RootBti, PrintBody]; stream.PutRope["\n"]}; PrintSymbols: PUBLIC PROC[definitions: BOOL, stream: STREAM, stb: SymbolTableBase] = { ctx: CTXIndex; limit: CTXIndex; limit _ LOOPHOLE[stb.stHandle.ctxBlock.size]; ctx _ CTXIndex.FIRST + CTXRecord.nil.SIZE; UNTIL ctx = limit DO PrintContext[ctx, definitions, stream, stb]; stream.PutRope["\n\n"]; ctx _ ctx + (WITH stb.ctxb[ctx] SELECT FROM included => CTXRecord.included.SIZE, imported => CTXRecord.imported.SIZE, ENDCASE => CTXRecord.simple.SIZE); ENDLOOP; stream.PutRope["\n"]}; PrintContext: PROC[ctx: CTXIndex, definitionsOnly: BOOL, stream: STREAM, stb: SymbolTableBase] = { sei, root: ISEIndex; cp: LONG POINTER TO CTXRecord = @stb.ctxb[ctx]; stream.PutRope["Context: "]; ListerUtils.PrintIndex[ctx, stream]; IF stb.ctxb[ctx].level # lZ THEN stream.PutF1[", level: %g", [cardinal[cp.level]]]; WITH c~~cp SELECT FROM included => { stream.PutRope[", copied from: "]; ListerUtils.PrintName[stb.mdb[c.module].moduleId, stream, stb]; stream.PutRope[" ["]; ListerUtils.PrintName[stb.mdb[c.module].fileId, stream, stb]; stream.PutRope[", "]; ListerUtils.PrintVersion[stb.mdb[c.module].stamp, stream]; stream.PutRope["], context: "]; ListerUtils.PrintIndex[c.map, stream]}; imported => { stream.PutRope[", imported from: "]; ListerUtils.PrintName[stb.mdb[stb.ctxb[c.includeLink].module].moduleId, stream, stb]}; ENDCASE; root _ sei _ stb.ctxb[ctx].seList; DO IF sei = SENull THEN EXIT; ListerUtils.PrintSE[sei, 2, definitionsOnly , stream, stb]; IF (sei _ stb.NextSe[sei]) = root THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; }; PrintUsing: PROC[stream: STREAM, stb: SymbolTableBase] = { limit: CTXIndex = LOOPHOLE[stb.stHandle.ctxBlock.size]; ctx: CTXIndex _ CTXIndex.FIRST + CTXRecord.nil.SIZE; firstUsing: BOOL _ TRUE; pairs: LIST OF Pair _ NIL; ros: STREAM _ IO.ROS[]; firstCopiedHash: Symbols.HTIndex; InDirectory: PROC[ctx: CTXIndex] RETURNS[BOOL] = { FOR dirSei: ISEIndex _ stb.FirstCtxSe[stb.stHandle.directoryCtx], stb.NextSe[dirSei] UNTIL dirSei = ISENull DO WITH se~~stb.seb[stb.UnderType[stb.seb[dirSei].idType]] SELECT FROM definition => IF ctx = se.defCtx THEN RETURN[TRUE]; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; RETURN[FALSE]}; DoContext: PROC[ctx: CTXIndex] = { IF ctx # CTXNull THEN { sei, root: ISEIndex; cp: LONG POINTER TO CTXRecord = @stb.ctxb[ctx]; which: LIST OF Pair _ NIL; key, modName: ROPE _ NIL; mdi: MDIndex; DoSei: PROC[sei: ISEIndex] = { sep: LONG POINTER TO ISERecord = @stb.seb[sei]; IF sep.hash < firstCopiedHash THEN { name: ROPE _ NIL; IF sep.idType = typeTYPE THEN { typeSei: SEIndex _ sep.idInfo; WITH tse~~stb.seb[typeSei] SELECT FROM id => { IF tse.idCtx # ctx AND InDirectory[tse.idCtx] THEN RETURN}; ENDCASE; }; ros _ IO.ROS[ros]; ListerUtils.PrintSei[sei, ros, stb]; name _ ros.RopeFromROS[FALSE]; which.first.names _ InsertName[name, which.first.names]}; }; WITH c~~cp SELECT FROM included => { mdi _ c.module}; imported => { mdi _ stb.ctxb[c.includeLink].module}; ENDCASE => RETURN; <> ros _ IO.ROS[ros]; ListerUtils.PrintName[stb.mdb[mdi].moduleId, ros, stb]; modName _ ros.RopeFromROS[FALSE]; [which, pairs] _ FindList[modName, pairs]; IF which.first.file = NIL THEN { <> modFileName: ROPE _ NIL; ros _ IO.ROS[ros]; ListerUtils.PrintName[stb.mdb[mdi].fileId, ros, stb]; modFileName _ ros.RopeFromROS[FALSE]; modFileName _ modFileName.Flatten[0, modFileName.SkipTo[0, "."]]; which.first.file _ modFileName}; root _ sei _ stb.ctxb[ctx].seList; DO IF sei = SENull THEN EXIT; DoSei[sei]; IF (sei _ stb.NextSe[sei]) = root THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; }; }; FOR hti: HTIndex IN (0..LENGTH[stb.ht]) DO IF stb.ht[hti].ssIndex = stb.ht[hti - 1].ssIndex THEN { firstCopiedHash _ hti; EXIT}; REPEAT FINISHED => firstCopiedHash _ LENGTH[stb.ht]; ENDLOOP; FOR dirSei: ISEIndex _ stb.FirstCtxSe[stb.stHandle.directoryCtx], stb.NextSe[dirSei] UNTIL dirSei = ISENull DO WITH se~~stb.seb[stb.UnderType[stb.seb[dirSei].idType]] SELECT FROM definition => DoContext[se.defCtx]; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; FOR dirSei: ISEIndex _ stb.FirstCtxSe[stb.stHandle.importCtx], stb.NextSe[dirSei] UNTIL dirSei = ISENull DO WITH se~~stb.seb[stb.UnderType[stb.seb[dirSei].idType]] SELECT FROM definition => DoContext[se.defCtx]; transfer => { bti: BTIndex = stb.seb[dirSei].idInfo; DoContext[stb.bb[bti].localCtx]}; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; <> IF pairs = NIL THEN stream.PutRope["No DIRECTORY.\n"] ELSE { stream.PutRope["DIRECTORY\n"]; WHILE pairs # NIL DO pair: Pair = pairs.first; names: LIST OF ROPE _ pair.names; stream.PutRope[" "]; stream.PutRope[pair.key]; IF NOT (pair.key).Equal[pair.file, FALSE] THEN { stream.PutF1[": FROM \"%g\"", [rope[pair.file]]]}; stream.PutRope[" USING ["]; WHILE names # NIL DO stream.PutRope[names.first]; IF names.rest # NIL THEN stream.PutRope[", "]; names _ names.rest; ENDLOOP; stream.PutRope[IF pairs.rest # NIL THEN "],\n" ELSE "];\n"]; pairs _ pairs.rest; ENDLOOP; }; }; PrintFiles: PROC[stream: STREAM, bcd: RefBCD, fileName: ROPE] = { FTRSeq: TYPE = RECORD [SEQUENCE len: NAT OF FTRecord]; inStream: STREAM = FS.StreamOpen[fileName, $read]; fti: CARDINAL = LOOPHOLE[FIRST[FTIndex]]; nFiles: CARDINAL = (bcd.ftLimit-FIRST[FTIndex])/SIZE[FTRecord]; bytes: CARDINAL = nFiles*SIZE[FTRecord]*bytesPerWord; fileSeq: REF FTRSeq = NEW[FTRSeq[nFiles]]; ftp: LONG POINTER TO FTRecord _ @fileSeq[0]; stream.PutF1["# files: %g\n\n", [integer[nFiles]]]; inStream.SetIndex[(fti+bcd.ftOffset)*bytesPerWord]; [] _ inStream.UnsafeGetBlock[ [base: LOOPHOLE[@fileSeq[0]], startIndex: 0, count: bytes]]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..nFiles) DO stream.PutF["%g - fti: %g", [rope[RopeForBcdName[inStream, bcd.ssOffset, ftp.name]]], [integer[i*SIZE[FTRecord]]]]; stream.PutRope[", version: "]; ListerUtils.PrintVersion[ftp.version, stream]; stream.PutRope["\n"]; ftp _ ftp + SIZE[FTRecord]; ENDLOOP; inStream.Close[]}; <> RopeForBcdName: PROC[inStream: STREAM, base: CARDINAL, index: CARDINAL] RETURNS[ROPE] = { ros: STREAM = IO.ROS[]; inStream.SetIndex[base*bytesPerWord+index+3]; THROUGH [0..inStream.GetChar[]-0C) DO ros.PutChar[inStream.GetChar[]]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[ros.RopeFromROS[]]}; Pair: TYPE = RECORD [key: ROPE, file: ROPE, names: LIST OF ROPE]; FindList: PROC[key: ROPE, base: LIST OF Pair] RETURNS[which,newBase: LIST OF Pair _ NIL] = { <> newBase _ base; WHILE which = NIL DO FOR each: LIST OF Pair _ newBase, each.rest WHILE each # NIL DO IF key.Equal[each.first.key] THEN {which _ each; RETURN}; ENDLOOP; newBase _ InsertPair[[key, NIL, NIL], newBase]; ENDLOOP; }; InsertName: PROC[rope: ROPE, list: LIST OF ROPE] RETURNS[LIST OF ROPE] = { lag: LIST OF ROPE _ NIL; FOR each: LIST OF ROPE _ list, each.rest WHILE each # NIL DO SELECT rope.Compare[each.first, FALSE] FROM $less => EXIT; $equal => SELECT rope.Compare[each.first, TRUE] FROM $less => EXIT; $equal => RETURN[list]; $greater => {}; ENDCASE; $greater => {}; ENDCASE => ERROR; lag _ each; ENDLOOP; IF lag = NIL THEN RETURN[CONS[rope, list]] ELSE {lag.rest _ CONS[rope, lag.rest]; RETURN[list]}}; InsertPair: PROC[pair: Pair, list: LIST OF Pair] RETURNS[LIST OF Pair] = { lag: LIST OF Pair _ NIL; key: ROPE _ pair.key; FOR each: LIST OF Pair _ list, each.rest WHILE each # NIL DO SELECT key.Compare[each.first.key, FALSE] FROM $less => EXIT; $equal => SELECT key.Compare[each.first.key, TRUE] FROM $less => EXIT; $equal => RETURN[list]; $greater => {}; ENDCASE; $greater => {}; ENDCASE => ERROR; lag _ each; ENDLOOP; IF lag = NIL THEN RETURN[CONS[pair, list]] ELSE {lag.rest _ CONS[pair, lag.rest]; RETURN[list]}}; <> Commander.Register[ "BcdLister", ListSymbols, "List the contents of a bcd file.", $Bcd]; Commander.Register[ "BodyLister", ListSymbols, "List the bodies for a bcd file.", $Bodies]; Commander.Register[ "CodeLister", ListSymbols, "List the code for a bcd file.", $Code]; Commander.Register[ "ExportsLister", ListSymbols, "List the exports for a bcd file.", $Exports]; Commander.Register[ "FGTLister", ListSymbols, "List the fine grain table for a bcd file.", $FGT]; Commander.Register[ "FilesLister", ListSymbols, "List the items used by a bcd file.", $Files]; Commander.Register[ "GlobalFramesLister", ListSymbols, "List the global frames for a bcd file.", $Globals]; Commander.Register[ "ShortBcdLister", ListSymbols, "List the symbols (no links) for a bcd file.", $ShortBcd]; Commander.Register[ "SymbolLister", ListSymbols, "List the symbols for a bcd file.", $Symbols]; Commander.Register[ "RTBcdLister", ListSymbols, "List the symbols for a bcd file.", $RTBcd]; Commander.Register[ "UnboundLister", ListSymbols, "List the items used by a bcd file.", $Unbound]; Commander.Register[ "UsingLister", ListSymbols, "List the items used by a bcd file.", $Using]; Commander.Register[ "SortedSymbolLister", ListSymbols, "Produce a sorted list of all symbols in a collection of files (writes Symbols.sorted)", $SortedSymbols]; Commander.Register[ "SortedDefsLister", ListSymbols, "Produce a sorted list of all symbols in the defs files of a collection of files (writes Symbols.sorted)", $SortedDefs]; END.