<<-- ImagerAlpha4Device.mesa>> <<-- Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.>> <<-- Mik Lamming - October 17, 1985 8:56:36 am PDT>> <> DIRECTORY Imager USING [Context], ImagerColorDefs USING [ConstantColor], ImagerDevice USING [Device], ImagerPixelArray USING [PixelArray], ImagerPixelMap USING [PixelMap], ImagerTransformation USING [Transformation], Rope USING [ROPE]; ImagerAlpha4Device: CEDAR DEFINITIONS ~ BEGIN OPEN Imager, ImagerPixelMap, ImagerTransformation; Create: PROC [ devicePms: LIST OF PixelMap, deviceToPixel: Transformation _ NIL, -- transformation from device space initialScale: REAL _ 1.0] RETURNS [Context] ; CreateDevice: PUBLIC PROC [ devicePms: LIST OF ImagerPixelMap.PixelMap, deviceToPixel: ImagerTransformation.Transformation _ NIL -- transformation from device space ] RETURNS [ImagerDevice.Device] ; MakeConstantColor: PROC [color: ImagerColorDefs.ConstantColor, alpha: REAL _ 1.0] RETURNS [alphaColor: ImagerColorDefs.ConstantColor] ; MakePixelArrayFromAIS: PROC [ r,g,b,a: Rope.ROPE _ NIL ] RETURNS [pa: ImagerPixelArray.PixelArray] ; <> <> END.