Copyright © 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Bloomenthal, February 19, 1986 10:34:41 am PST
DIRECTORY Rope, Vector3d;
Triple: TYPE ~ Vector3d.Triple;
Quad:  TYPE ~ Vector3d.Quad;
Line:  TYPE ~ Vector3d.Line;
Circle: TYPE ~ RECORD [center: Triple, radius: REAL];
Error:  ERROR [code: ATOM, reason: Rope.ROPE];
Plane Operations
Normalize: PROC [plane: Quad] RETURNS [Quad];
Can raise Error[$NullVec, "null plane normal"]; return normalized plane.
FromPts: PROC [p1, p2, p3: Triple] RETURNS [Quad];
Can raise Error[$NullVec, "points colinear"]; return plane passing through three points.
FromPtNrm: PROC [point, normal: Triple] RETURNS [Quad];
Can raise Error[$NullVec, "null plane normal"];
return plane given point on plane and normal to plane.
IntWithLine: PROC [plane: Quad, line: Line] RETURNS [Triple];
Can raise Error[$ZeroDiv, "no intersection"];
return intersection point of plane and line given by base and axis.
TriArea: PUBLIC PROC [p0, p1, p2: Triple] RETURNS [REAL];
Return the area of the triangle.
CircleFromPts: PROC [p1, p2, p3: Triple] RETURNS [Circle];
Can raise Error[$NullVec, "points collinear"];
find center and radius of circle passing through given three points.
IntOf3: PROC [p1, p2, p3: Quad] RETURNS [Triple];
Can raise Error[$ZeroDiv, "no intersection"]; return point of intersection of planes.
IntOf2: PROC [plane1, plane2: Quad] RETURNS [base, axis: Triple];
Can raise Error[$NullVec, "no intersection"];
return base and axis of line intersection of planes.
Center: PROC [plane: Quad] RETURNS [Triple];
Return intersection of plane and line from origin normal to plane.
DistanceToPt: PROC [point: Triple, plane: Quad] RETURNS [REAL];
Can raise Error[$NullVec, "null plane normal"]; return the distance from a point to a plane.