Subject: CedarPackage for Cedar 6.0
To: Release Coordinator <>
Cc: CedarImplementors^.pa
Reply-to: MaintainerName
DF file: CedarPackage.df
Documentation: CedarPackageDoc.tioga | see Maintainer
Maintainer: MaintainerName
This paragraph outlines the changes that the component has undergone since the last release. More complete documentation should be included in CedarPackageDoc.tioga. Use CedarPackageDoc.form as a template for documentation of new packages.
Catalog entry
This paragraph provides an abstract for the component. It is only present if the component is new or the abstract needs alteration since the last release.
Critical changes
This paragraph provides a warning about especially important changes since the last release. The Release Coordinator will place this paragraph near the front of the release message to increase the liklihood that users will notice it.