<> <> <> DIRECTORY Basics, BasicTime, Commander, CommandTool, Convert, FileSets, FS, IO, Misp, Rope, ViewerClasses, ViewerTools; FileCmdsImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Commander, CommandTool, Convert, FileSets, FS, IO, Misp, Rope ={OPEN FileSets; Command: TYPE = REF CommandRep; CommandRep: TYPE = RECORD [ cmdData: REF ANY, Start: PROC [instance: Instance] _ NIL, HandleSwitch: PROC [instance: Instance, switch: ROPE] RETURNS [handled: BOOL] _ NIL, HandleArg: PROC [instance: Instance] RETURNS [handled: BOOL] _ NIL, AfterParse: PROC [instance: Instance], <> PerFile: PROC [instance: Instance, fn: FileNote], Finish: PROC [instance: Instance] RETURNS [result: REF ANY, msg: ROPE] _ NIL, usage: ROPE ]; Instance: TYPE = REF InstanceRep; InstanceRep: TYPE = RECORD [ cmd: Commander.Handle, of: Command, cls: STREAM, argCount, misses, subFailures: INT _ 0, setAsAny: REF ANY _ NIL, set: FileSet _ NIL, ids: IdentificationScheme _ [], touchy: BOOL _ TRUE, createdNeeded: BOOL _ FALSE, data: REF ANY _ NIL]; fcEnv: Misp.Environment _ NIL; idsKey: ATOM _ $FileSetsIdentificationScheme; Generic: PROC [cmd: Commander.Handle] RETURNS [result: REF ANY _ NIL, msg: ROPE _ NIL] --Commander.CommandProc-- = { AddMsg: PROC [more: ROPE] = {IF msg = NIL THEN msg _ more ELSE msg _ msg.Cat["; ", more]}; command: Command _ NARROW[cmd.procData.clientData]; cls: STREAM _ IO.RIS[cmd.commandLine]; instance: Instance _ NEW [InstanceRep _ [cmd, command, cls]]; DoIt: PROC [fn: FileNote] --FileConsumer-- = { created: GMT _ GetCreated[fn]; IF instance.createdNeeded AND created = noGMT THEN { cmd.err.PutF["Couldn't get a create time for %g\n", IO.rope[fn.id.name]]; instance.subFailures _ instance.subFailures + 1; } ELSE { command.PerFile[instance, fn]; }; }; IF command.Start # NIL THEN command.Start[instance]; FOR i: INT _ cls.SkipWhitespace[], cls.SkipWhitespace[] WHILE NOT cls.EndOf[] DO IF cls.PeekChar = '- THEN { switch: ROPE _ cls.GetTokenRope[MyBreak].token; IF switch.Equal["-askFS", FALSE] THEN instance.ids.askFS _ TRUE ELSE IF switch.Equal["-withoutServer", FALSE] THEN instance.ids.server _ FALSE ELSE IF switch.Equal["-withServer", FALSE] THEN instance.ids.server _ TRUE ELSE IF switch.Equal["-withoutDirectory", FALSE] THEN instance.ids.directory _ FALSE ELSE IF switch.Equal["-withDirectory", FALSE] THEN instance.ids.directory _ TRUE ELSE IF switch.Equal["-withoutVersion", FALSE] THEN instance.ids.version _ FALSE ELSE IF switch.Equal["-withVersion", FALSE] THEN instance.ids.version _ TRUE ELSE IF switch.Equal["-withoutCreate", FALSE] THEN instance.ids.create _ FALSE ELSE IF switch.Equal["-withCreate", FALSE] THEN instance.ids.create _ TRUE ELSE IF switch.Equal["-touchy", FALSE] THEN instance.touchy _ TRUE ELSE IF switch.Equal["-tough", FALSE] THEN instance.touchy _ FALSE ELSE IF command.HandleSwitch = NIL OR NOT command.HandleSwitch[instance, switch] THEN GOTO CmdSyntaxErr; } ELSE { ENABLE IO.Error => IF ec = SyntaxError THEN { result _ $Failure; msg _ IO.PutFR["Syntax error while parsing %g'th argument", IO.int[instance.argCount + 1]]; GOTO GiveUp --because the turkey language won't let us simply RETURN from catch phrases }; SELECT TRUE FROM command.HandleArg = NIL => { SELECT instance.argCount FROM 0 => instance.setAsAny _ instance.cls.GetRefAny[]; ENDCASE => GOTO CmdSyntaxErr; }; command.HandleArg # NIL => { IF NOT command.HandleArg[instance] THEN GOTO CmdSyntaxErr; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; instance.argCount _ instance.argCount + 1; }; REPEAT CmdSyntaxErr => RETURN [$Failure, command.usage]; ENDLOOP; IF instance.setAsAny = NIL THEN RETURN [$Failure, command.usage]; <> {ENABLE { Miss => { cmd.err.PutF["Failed to identify %g", IO.rope[name]]; IF created # noGMT THEN cmd.err.PutF[" of %g", IO.time[created]]; cmd.err.PutRope["\n"]; instance.misses _ instance.misses + 1; RESUME; }; Warning => { cmd.err.PutRope[message]; cmd.err.PutRope["\n"]; RESUME; }; Error => { result _ $Failure; AddMsg[message]; GOTO GiveUp; }; }; ans: REF ANY; IF command.AfterParse # NIL THEN command.AfterParse[instance]; Misp.Bind[idsKey, NEW [IdentificationScheme _ instance.ids], fcEnv, TRUE]; ans _ Misp.Eval[instance.setAsAny, fcEnv, NIL]; WITH ans SELECT FROM fs: FileSet => instance.set _ fs; ENDCASE => RETURN [$Failure, IO.PutFR["Expression yielded %g, instead of a FileSet", IO.refAny[ans]]]; IF instance.misses = 0 OR NOT instance.touchy THEN EnumSet[instance.set, DoIt]; }; IF instance.subFailures > 0 OR (instance.touchy AND instance.misses > 0) THEN RETURN [$Failure, IO.PutFR["%g files missed and %g command(s) failed", IO.int[instance.misses], IO.int[instance.subFailures]]]; IF command.Finish # NIL THEN [result, msg] _ command.Finish[instance]; cmd.out.PutF["%g files total\n", IO.rope[instance.set.summary]]; EXITS GiveUp => RETURN; }; MyBreak: PROC [char: CHAR] RETURNS [cc: IO.CharClass] --IO.BreakProc-- = { cc _ IF char IN ['\000 .. ' ] THEN sepr ELSE other; }; CmdPerFile: TYPE = REF CmdPerFileRep; CmdPerFileRep: TYPE = RECORD [ pattern: ROPE _ NIL]; StartCmdPerFile: PROC [instance: Instance] = { cpf: CmdPerFile _ NEW [CmdPerFileRep _ []]; instance.data _ cpf}; HandleCmdPerFileArg: PROC [instance: Instance] RETURNS [handled: BOOL] = { cpf: CmdPerFile _ NARROW[instance.data]; SELECT instance.argCount FROM 0 => cpf.pattern _ instance.cls.GetRopeLiteral[]; 1 => instance.setAsAny _ instance.cls.GetRefAny[]; ENDCASE => RETURN [FALSE]; handled _ TRUE}; AfterCmdPerFileParse: PROC [instance: Instance] = { cpf: CmdPerFile _ NARROW[instance.data]; instance.createdNeeded _ cpf.pattern.Find[""] > 0; }; PerCmdPerFileFile: PROC [instance: Instance, fn: FileNote] = { cpf: CmdPerFile _ NARROW[instance.data]; createdR: ROPE _ IF instance.createdNeeded THEN Convert.RopeFromTime[GetCreated[fn]] ELSE "??"; commandLine: ROPE _ Replace[Replace[Replace[Replace[cpf.pattern, "", fn.fsName], "", createdR], "", fn.primaryVolume], "", fn.backupVolume]; thisResult: REF ANY; thisResult _ CommandTool.DoCommand[commandLine: commandLine, parent: instance.cmd]; IF thisResult = $Failure THEN instance.subFailures _ instance.subFailures + 1; }; cmdPerFile: Command _ NEW [CommandRep _ [ cmdData: NIL, Start: StartCmdPerFile, HandleArg: HandleCmdPerFileArg, AfterParse: AfterCmdPerFileParse, PerFile: PerCmdPerFileFile, usage: "Usage: CmdPerFile {-withServer|-withoutServer|-withDirectory|-withoutDirectory|-withVersion|-withoutVersion|-withCreate|-withoutCreate|-askFS|-touchy|-tough}* || {\"command pattern\" fileSetExpression}"]]; CmdAllFiles: TYPE = REF CmdAllFilesRep; CmdAllFilesRep: TYPE = RECORD [ prefix, perFile, infix, postfix, commandLine: ROPE _ NIL, first: BOOL _ TRUE]; StartCmdAllFiles: PROC [instance: Instance] = { caf: CmdAllFiles _ NEW [CmdAllFilesRep _ []]; instance.data _ caf}; HandleCmdAllFilesArg: PROC [instance: Instance] RETURNS [handled: BOOL] = { caf: CmdAllFiles _ NARROW[instance.data]; SELECT instance.argCount FROM 0 => caf.prefix _ instance.cls.GetRopeLiteral[]; 1 => caf.perFile _ instance.cls.GetRopeLiteral[]; 2 => caf.infix _ instance.cls.GetRopeLiteral[]; 3 => caf.postfix _ instance.cls.GetRopeLiteral[]; 4 => instance.setAsAny _ instance.cls.GetRefAny[]; ENDCASE => RETURN [FALSE]; handled _ TRUE}; AfterCmdAllFilesParse: PROC [instance: Instance] = { caf: CmdAllFiles _ NARROW[instance.data]; instance.createdNeeded _ caf.perFile.Find[""] > 0; }; PerCmdAllFilesFile: PROC [instance: Instance, fn: FileNote] = { caf: CmdAllFiles _ NARROW[instance.data]; createdR: ROPE _ IF instance.createdNeeded THEN Convert.RopeFromTime[GetCreated[fn]] ELSE "??"; perThis: ROPE _ Replace[Replace[Replace[Replace[caf.perFile, "", fn.fsName], "", createdR], "", fn.primaryVolume], "", fn.backupVolume]; caf.commandLine _ caf.commandLine.Cat[IF caf.first THEN caf.prefix ELSE caf.infix, perThis]; caf.first _ FALSE; }; FinishCmdAllFiles: PROC [instance: Instance] RETURNS [result: REF ANY, msg: ROPE] = { caf: CmdAllFiles _ NARROW[instance.data]; caf.commandLine _ caf.commandLine.Cat[caf.postfix]; result _ CommandTool.DoCommand[commandLine: caf.commandLine, parent: instance.cmd]; }; cmdAllFiles: Command _ NEW [CommandRep _ [ Start: StartCmdAllFiles, HandleArg: HandleCmdAllFilesArg, AfterParse: AfterCmdAllFilesParse, PerFile: PerCmdAllFilesFile, Finish: FinishCmdAllFiles, usage: "Usage: CmdAllFiles {-withServer|-withoutServer|-withDirectory|-withoutDirectory|-withVersion|-withoutVersion|-withCreate|-withoutCreate|-askFS|-touchy|-tough}* || {\"command prefix\" \"pattern per file\" \"pattern between files\" \"command postfix\" fileSetExpression}"]]; ListFileSet: TYPE = REF ListFileSetRep; ListFileSetRep: TYPE = RECORD [ long: BOOL _ FALSE, byteSum: INT _ 0]; StartListFileSet: PROC [instance: Instance] = { lfs: ListFileSet _ NEW [ListFileSetRep _ []]; instance.data _ lfs}; HandleListFileSetSwitch: PROC [instance: Instance, switch: ROPE] RETURNS [handled: BOOL] = { lfs: ListFileSet _ NARROW[instance.data]; IF switch.Equal["-l", FALSE] THEN lfs.long _ TRUE ELSE IF switch.Equal["-s", FALSE] THEN lfs.long _ FALSE ELSE RETURN [FALSE]; handled _ TRUE}; AfterListFileSetParse: PROC [instance: Instance] = { lfs: ListFileSet _ NARROW[instance.data]; instance.createdNeeded _ lfs.long}; PerListFileSetFile: PROC [instance: Instance, fn: FileNote] = { lfs: ListFileSet _ NARROW[instance.data]; IF lfs.long THEN { bytes: INT _ -1; ok: BOOL _ TRUE; bytes _ FS.FileInfo[name: fn.fsName, wantedCreatedTime: GetCreated[fn] !FS.Error => {ok _ FALSE; CONTINUE}].bytes; instance.cmd.out.PutF["%8g ", IO.int[bytes]]; IF ok THEN lfs.byteSum _ lfs.byteSum + bytes; }; instance.cmd.out.PutRope[fn.id.name]; IF lfs.long THEN { instance.cmd.out.PutF["\t%g", IO.time[GetCreated[fn]]]; }; instance.cmd.out.PutRope["\n"]}; FinishListFileSet: PROC [instance: Instance] RETURNS [result: REF ANY, msg: ROPE] = { lfs: ListFileSet _ NARROW[instance.data]; result _ NIL; msg _ NIL; IF lfs.long THEN msg _ IO.PutFR["%g bytes total", IO.int[lfs.byteSum]]; }; listFileSet: Command _ NEW [CommandRep _ [ Start: StartListFileSet, HandleSwitch: HandleListFileSetSwitch, AfterParse: AfterListFileSetParse, PerFile: PerListFileSetFile, Finish: FinishListFileSet, usage: "Usage: ListFileSet {-withServer|-withoutServer|-withDirectory|-withoutDirectory|-withVersion|-withoutVersion|-withCreate|-withoutCreate|-askFS|-touchy|-tough|-l|-s}* || {fileSetExpression}"]]; AfterDeleteParse: PROC [instance: Instance] = { instance.createdNeeded _ instance.ids.askFS OR instance.ids.create}; PerDeleteFile: PROC [instance: Instance, fn: FileNote] = { ok: BOOL _ TRUE; useCreate: BOOL _ instance.ids.askFS OR instance.ids.create; create: GMT _ IF useCreate THEN GetCreated[fn] ELSE noGMT; name: ROPE _ fn.fsName; instance.cmd.out.PutRope[name]; IF useCreate THEN instance.cmd.out.PutF[" of %g", IO.time[create]]; instance.cmd.out.PutRope[" ... "]; FS.Delete[ name: name, wantedCreatedTime: create !FS.Error => { instance.cmd.out.PutF[" Error[%g, %g]\n", IO.atom[error.code], IO.rope[error.explanation]]; ok _ FALSE; instance.subFailures _ instance.subFailures + 1; CONTINUE; }]; IF ok THEN instance.cmd.out.PutRope[" ok\n"]; }; deleteFileSet: Command _ NEW [CommandRep _ [ AfterParse: AfterDeleteParse, PerFile: PerDeleteFile, usage: "Usage: DeleteFileSet {-withServer|-withoutServer|-withDirectory|-withoutDirectory|-withVersion|-withoutVersion|-withCreate|-withoutCreate|-askFS|-touchy|-tough}* || {fileSetExpression}"]]; AfterArchiveRequestParse: PROC [instance: Instance] = { instance.createdNeeded _ FALSE}; PerArchiveRequestFile: PROC [instance: Instance, fn: FileNote] = { instance.cmd.out.PutF["Archive: %g\n", IO.rope[fn.fsName]]}; archiveFileSet: Command _ NEW [CommandRep _ [ AfterParse: AfterArchiveRequestParse, PerFile: PerArchiveRequestFile, usage: "Usage: ArchiveFileSet {-withServer|-withoutServer|-withDirectory|-withoutDirectory|-withVersion|-withoutVersion|-withCreate|-withoutCreate|-askFS|-touchy|-tough}* || {fileSetExpression}"]]; AfterRetrieveRequestParse: PROC [instance: Instance] = { instance.createdNeeded _ TRUE}; PerRetrieveRequestFile: PROC [instance: Instance, fn: FileNote] = { instance.cmd.out.PutF["Retrieve: %g of %g from %g or %g\n", IO.rope[fn.fsName], IO.time[GetCreated[fn]], IO.rope[fn.primaryVolume], IO.rope[fn.backupVolume]]}; retrieveFileSet: Command _ NEW [CommandRep _ [ AfterParse: AfterRetrieveRequestParse, PerFile: PerRetrieveRequestFile, usage: "Usage: RetrieveFileSet {-withServer|-withoutServer|-withDirectory|-withoutDirectory|-withVersion|-withoutVersion|-withCreate|-withoutCreate|-askFS|-touchy|-tough}* || {fileSetExpression}"]]; Replace: PROC [start, match, replace: ROPE] RETURNS [finish: ROPE] = { ml: INT _ match.Length[]; rl: INT _ replace.Length[]; len: INT _ (finish _ start).Length[]; loc: INT _ finish.Index[0, match]; WHILE loc < len DO finish _ finish.Substr[len: loc].Cat[replace, finish.Substr[start: loc+ml]]; len _ finish.Length[]; loc _ finish.Index[loc + rl, match]; ENDLOOP; }; Register: PROC [key: ROPE, command: Command, doc: ROPE] = { Commander.Register[key: key, proc: Generic, doc: doc, clientData: command, interpreted: FALSE]; }; Start: PROC = { Register["CmdPerFile", cmdPerFile, "execute a command for every file in ..."]; Register["CmdAllFiles", cmdAllFiles, "execute a command that takes every file in ..."]; Register["ListFileSet", listFileSet, "list files in a set"]; Register["lfs", listFileSet, "list files in a set"]; Register["DeleteFileSet", deleteFileSet, "delete files in a set"]; Register["dfs", deleteFileSet, "delete files in a set"]; Register["ArchiveFileSet", archiveFileSet, "print request to archive files in a set"]; Register["afs", archiveFileSet, "print request to files in a set"]; Register["RetrieveFileSet", retrieveFileSet, "print request to retrieves files in a set from archive"]; Register["rfs", retrieveFileSet, "print request to retrieves files in a set from archive"]; fcEnv _ Misp.NewEnvironment[name: "FileSets", sizeGuess: 200]; Misp.DefinePrimitives[fcEnv]; }; Start[]; }.