1. ViewerToIP command
output ←
viewer [
version]'' is the form of the command, where
output is the name of the file in which to place the interpress master,
viewer is a viewer name, and
version (optional) is the interpress version to use in creating the master. Note that a partial name is adequate for
viewer. For example,
ViewerToIP ct.ip ← CommandTool
will create a master from your command tool. If the partial name matches more than one viewer, then who knows which one you'll get? For master which will allegedly print on a product server, specify ``2.1'' as the Interpress version to use. E.g.,
ViewerToIP Cedar.ip ← "Whiteboard: Cedar" 2.1
will create such a master from the Cedar documentation whiteboard (if you have such a viewer). Beware that product servers do not support most of the operations typically used by viewer paint procs. Such is life.