Michael Plass, September 3, 1985 11:59:12 am PDT
Michael Plass
© Copyright 1985 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: Provides tools and commands for editing raster fonts, and other forms of bitmaps.
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <>
Keywords: Font, Bitmap, Edit, Widths, Metrics, Bold, Italic, Stipple, SampledBlack
XEROX  Xerox Corporation
   Palo Alto Research Center
   3333 Coyote Hill Road
   Palo Alto, California 94304

For Internal Xerox Use Only
Executive commands:
FontEdit foo.ks (or foo.strike or
will make a tool to edit the named file.
FontBold output ← input
synthesizes a bold font.
FontSlant output ← input
synthesizes a slanted font.
FontMerge <outputFile> ← <inputFile1> <CharSpec1>; <inputFile2> <CharSpec2>; . . .
will make a new font file by selecting characters from old ones.
<outputFile> is the output file name. The extension (.ac, .ks or .strike) is used to figure out what format to make the new file.
<inputFileN> is the name of an existing font file.
<CharSpecN> is the keyword CHARS (or CHAR), followed by a list of (Cedar-style) characters or subranges of characters; the keyword DEFAULT may be used to specify the default character.
Commas, spaces, or tabs may be used to separate items in the command line.
The semicolons are optional, unless needed to prevent a remote file name from looking like a subrange. The keyword FONT may be used in place of the semicolon (in command files, for example).
Example: FontMerge new.ks ← one.strike CHARS ['a..'z]; FONT two.strike CHARS ['0..'1], ['A..'Z], '\003 three.strike CHAR '?; four.ks CHAR DEFAULT;
FontWidthsCopy output ← input
copies the widths from the input to the output.
SDtoSF output ← input
Converts an SD format file to an SF (spline text) format file.
MakeRasterFont output ← fontName size [rotation] [bitsPerInch]
Converts a UnifiedFont to a raster font.
fontName is the full hierarchical name (i.e., Xerox/Pressfonts/Timesroman/MRR)
size is in pixels
rotation is in degrees
bitsPerInch is only used for AC fonts
output file format is derived from the output name
StippleEdit foo.ais
will make a tool to edit the named AIS file, which must be a bitmap.
The user interface is unsatisfactory for large bitmaps, i.e., bigger than about 800 square.
FontEdit Tool Description:
Menu Items:
Undo — Undo the edits to the current character.
GetLoad the file named in the current selection.
StoreStore the file named in the current selection.
The file format (ac, ks or strike) is deduced from the file name. Storing a strike font may cause the origins and/or widths of some characters to change in order to avoid kerning. Storing a ks or strike font sets the y components of the widths to zero, and rounds the x components to integers.
SaveStore the current file.
CharEdit the character named in the current selection.
Next/PrevLeft (right) click to move to the next (previous) character in collating sequence.
TextSets the sample text to either the current selection (left click), a default string, (middle click), or consecutive characters starting 2 before the current character (right click).
Current text display:
Shows some sample text in the font being edited. Left click here to select a new character to edit. Shift-Left click to copy a character to the current buffer.
Current character display:
Shows a big version of the character being edited. Edits are reflected in the text display.
Left button paints black.
Right button paints white.
Control-left moves the origin (reference point).
Control-right controls the width vector.
The width vector can only be changed to take on integral values. Non-integer widths will be preserved if left unedited.
StippleEdit Tool Description:
Menu Items:
Reset — Get the bits from the file again.
GetLoad the bits from the AIS file named by the selection.
StoreStore the bits into the AIS file named by the selection.
SaveSave the bits into the AIS file named by the caption.
BoundsSet the boundaries according to the crosshairs.
FillFill the rectangle selected by the crosshairs with black/invert/white, depending on the mouse button.
TileTile the rectangle selected by the crosshairs with the stipple from the AIS file named by the selection. The tile will be painted in replace/xor/or mode, depending on the mouse button.
RotateRotates the bitmap 90 degrees.
FlipFlips the bitmap horizontally.
Bitmap display:
Shows a big version of the bitmap being edited.
Left button paints black.
Right button paints white.
Control-left moves the origin crosshair (the bigger one).
Control-right controls the width vector (the smaller one).