-- Mik Lamming - January 11, 1984 9:04 am
Last Edited by: Ken Pier, February 2, 1984 3:47 pm
Last Edited by: Nickell, June 19, 1984 3:37:32 pm PDT
Michael Plass, January 24, 1986 9:59:53 am PST
Tim Diebert: October 24, 1985 4:36:49 pm PDT
© Copyright 1986 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: Provides both a client interface and user interfaces (command and tool) for controlling the state of the color display.
Created by: Lamming, Pier
Maintained by: Tim Diebert <>
Keywords: Color display, machine profile
XEROX  Xerox Corporation
   Palo Alto Research Center
   3333 Coyote Hill Road
   Palo Alto, California 94304

For Internal Xerox Use Only
The Interface
ColorDisplay has now been broken into a client interface (and implementation...) and a client which implements a command which folks can use from a CommandTool. See ColorDisplay.mesa for details of the interface.
The Button
When the ColorDisplay command is initialized, a Color button is established in the message window. Left-click to turn the color display on and off. Middle-click to cause the color display to sleep for a while. Right-click for more options, and to see the current state.
The Command
% ColorDisplay -- Turns it on if it was off or vice-versa.
  -- When turning it on it sets it up like it was when last turned off

% ColorDisplay on -- Turns it on whatever state it was in before
% ColorDisplay off -- Turns it off whatever state it was in before
% ColorDisplay <n> -- Turns the display on with <n> bits per point n = {1,2,4,8,24}
% ColorDisplay left -- Turns the display on with the color display logically to the left of the b/w display
% ColorDisplay right -- Turns the display on with the color display logically to the right of the b/w display
% ColorDisplay default -- Turns the display on in default mode described by profile
% ColorDisplay gray -- Sets up the display as an 8bpp non dithered display.
% ColorDisplay dither -- Sets up the display as an 8bpp dithered display
ColorDisplay ? -- Report display mode
Machine profile options:
Color Display Tool Options
ColorDisplay.Side: [left/right]
ColorDisplay.BitsPerPoint: [1,2,4,8,24]
ColorDisplay.Type: [1024x768, 640x480]