Doug Wyatt, June 6, 1986 11:05:09 am PDT
Package Catalog
for CedarChest6.0
© Copyright 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: This catalog is a list of interesting packages and tools. The catalog is automatically created from the collection of maintainer-supplied entries.
XEROX   Xerox Corporation
    Palo Alto Research Center
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For Internal Xerox Use Only
Catalog Components
DF file: Abutters.df
Documentation: AbuttersDoc.Tioga
Author: Mike Spreizer
Keywords: Viewer, Container, Align, Constrain, Child
Commands: Abutters
Abstract: Abutters are like Containers, except that they provide a richer set of alignment constraints.
DF file: ACFind.df
Created by: Dave Rumph
Maintained by: Dave <Rumph.pasa>, Intelnet 844-2818
Author: Dave Rumph
Keywords: find, search, pattern, keyword
Abstract: ACFind implements the Aho-Corasick algorithm for finding multiple keywords in a section of text in a single pass. The implementation builds and then uses a deterministic finite automaton (DFA), and so is quite fast, especially for many keywords or repeated searches for the same keywords. A client-supplied ActionProc is called for each instance of each keyword found. Keywords are supplied as a LIST OF ROPE, and the target text is in the form of a ROPE. The documentation may be found in the interface.
DF file: AIS.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: AISDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: AIS, Scanned Images, Sampled Images, Pictures
Abstract: A client-level package for reading and writing AIS files. (AIS stands for Array of Intensity Samples).
DF file: AISCopy.df
Created by: Mik Lamming
Maintained by: Rick Beach <Beach.pa>
Keywords: AIS, sampled images, copying, scaling
Commands: AISCopy
Abstract: AISCopy is a tool for copying and scaling sampled images in AIS format.
DF file: AISShow.df
Created by: Tim Diebert
Maintained by: Tim Diebert <Diebert.pa>
Documentation: AISShowDoc.tioga
Author: Tim Diebert
Keywords: AIS, Imager
Commands: AISShow
Abstract: This is a simple program to display AIS files using the Imager
DF file: AISTools.df
Created by: Mik Lamming
Maintained by: Mik Lamming
Documentation: AISToolsDoc.tioga, BuildTRCDoc.tioga
Author: Mik Lamming
Keywords: image, graphics, AIS files, TRC
Commands: BuildTRC, ApplyTRC
Abstract: A bunch of tools for processing AIS files.
DF file: AISViewer.df
Created by: Tim Diebert
Maintained by: TIm Diebert <Diebert.pa>
Documentation: AISViewerDoc.tioga
Author: Tim Diebert
Keywords: AIS, viewers
Abstract: This program provides a way to display AIS files in a viewer. It also provides a way to obtain rectangular shaped selection regions.
DF file: AlpineBackup.df
Created by: Jim Donahue
Maintained by: Jim Donahue <Donahue.pa>
Documentation: AlpineBackupDoc.tioga
Author: Jim Donahue
Keywords: Alpine, IFS, backup
Commands: AlpineBackup, AlpineRestore, AlpineVerify
Abstract: A package to backup the contents of Alpine servers to IFS's
DF file: AlpineServer.df
Created by: AlpineImplementors^.pa
Maintained by: AlpineImplementors^.pa
Documentation: AlpineServerDoc.tioga
Author: Carl Hauser
Keywords: Alpine, Database, File Server, FTP, Page Level Access, RPC, Server, Transaction
Abstract: An Alpine Server provides file storage for client machines in the internet. Files are available using either the FTP protocol used by the IFSs, or an RPC protocol which delivers additional functionality: page level access and properly synchronized transactions.
DF file: AlpineShared.df
DF file: AlpineUser.df
Created by: AlpineImplementors^.pa
Maintained by: AlpineImplementors^.pa
Documentation: AlpineUserDoc.tioga
Keywords: Alpine
Commands: AlpineUser
Abstract: Documentation for workstation clients of the Alpine File Server.
DF file: ArchivistBTree.df
Created by: Tim Diebert
Maintained by: Tim Diebert <Diebert.pa>
Documentation: ArchivistBTreeDoc.tioga
Author: Tim Diebert
Keywords: Cedar Archives
Commands: ArchivistBTree
Abstract: This package contains procedures to access the Cedar Archivist BTree containing all of the names and places relating to the current archives.
DF file: Args.df
Created by: Jules Bloomenthal
Maintained by: Jules Bloomenthal <Bloomenthal.pa>
Documentation: ArgsDoc.Tioga
Author: Jules Bloomenthal
Keywords: Commands, arguments.
Abstract: This interface provides a number of procedures for parsing command-line arguments.
DF file: Asserting.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: AssertingDoc.tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Property list, property, list, atom, key, value, relation, function, database
Commands: Asserting
Abstract: Asserting provides a generalization of property lists toward relational databases.
DF file: AutoBackUp.df
Created by: Eric Nickell
Maintained by: Eric <Nickell.pasa>
Documentation: AutoBackUpDoc.tioga
Author: Eric Nickell
Keywords: FS, backup, user profile
Commands: AutoBackUp
Abstract: Allow a user profile entry to specify remote files to be automatically backed up. If a local file has an attachment to one of the files in this list, then a copy back out to the remote file will be made when Save is clicked in the Tioga viewer. Primary intended use: automatic backup of user profiles for public machines users.
DF file: BigCardinals.df
Documentation: BigCardinalsDoc.tioga
Author: Dan Greene
Keywords: Arithmetic, Multiple precision
Abstract: BigCardinals is a multiple-precision arithmetic package for non-negative integers
DF file: BinaryConvert.df
Created by: Pavel Curtis
Maintained by: Pavel Curtis <Pavel.pa>
Documentation: BinaryConvertDoc.tioga
Author: Pavel Curtis
Keywords: binary, conversion
Commands: BinaryConvert
Abstract: Useful for those attempting to use Tioga for reading binary files, this puts a button in the herald for reading the bytes in the selection and printing or inserting the unsigned number represented by those bytes.
DF file: BiScrollers.df
Documentation: BiScrollersDoc.Tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Viewer, Scroll, Two-Dimensional, User Interface, Graphic, Screen, I/O
Commands: BiScrollers, Geom2D
Abstract: BiScrollers are a subclass of Viewers that provide two-dimensional scrolling.
DF file: BravoToTioga.df
Created by: Jim Morris
Maintained by: TiogaImplementors^.pa
Documentation: BravoToTiogaDoc.tioga
Keywords: Bravo, Tioga, Conversion, Interchange
Commands: BravoToTioga
Abstract: BravoToTioga converts from bravo format files to tioga format files. Not all formatting comes through, but enough survives that the file will be recognizable.
DF file: BTreeTest.df
DF file: CardTable.df
Created by: Doug Terry
Maintained by: Doug Terry <Terry.pa>
Documentation: CardTableDoc.tioga
Author: Doug Terry
Keywords: CardTable, RefID, RefTab
Abstract: CardTable manages hash tables that map from LONG CARDNIALs to REFs. RefID uses CardTable to maintain associations between IDs and REFs. An ID is simply a laundered REF, which can be passed across an RPC connection.
DF file: Catalog.df
Documentation: CatalogDoc.tioga
Author: Richard J. Beach
Keywords: catalog, documentation, software releases
Commands: Catalog
Abstract: The Catalog command creates a catalog document of all the software packages contained in a software directory. The catalog describes each package and provides both a command index and a keyword index to the packages. Typically, a catalog is created from a Cedar released-software directory or the CedarChest software directory. However, a catalog can be created from any directory that conforms to the software naming conventions used in Cedar releases.
DF file: CedarChest.df
DF file: CedarChestRelease.df
Documentation: CedarChestDoc.tioga, CedarChestCatalog.tioga, CedarBugs.tioga
DF file: CedarChestVersionMap.df
DF file: CedarExamples.df
Documentation: CedarExamplesDoc.Tioga
Abstract: This section contains a set of examples of Cedar programs for your reading pleasure. These are actual programs that can be run, used as parts of other programs, or treated as templates to be edited into new programs with similar structures.
This memo is probably out of date if it is in hardcopy form. It documents Release 6.0 of Cedar, Oct 1985.
[If you are reading this document on-line in Cedar, try using the Tioga Levels and Lines menus to browse through the top few levels of its structure before reading it straight through.]
DF file: CedarSyntax.df
Created by: Doug Wyatt
Maintained by: Doug Wyatt <Wyatt.pa>
Documentation: CedarSyntaxDoc.tioga, CedarSyntax.tioga
Author: Doug Wyatt
Keywords: language, syntax, grammar
Abstract: This is a concise summary of the syntax of the Cedar language. If you're viewing it with Tioga, you can select a nonterminal and middle-click "Def" to walk around in it. CedarSyntax.tioga contains the same information, but just fits on one (two-sided) page. Cedar.grammar contains the syntax tables actually used by the Cedar compiler.
DF file: Celtics.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <Atkinson.pa>
Documentation: CelticsDoc.tioga
Author: Russ Atkinson
Keywords: debugging, performance
Commands: BreakTool, Celtics
Abstract: BreakTool is an experimental package that supports various fancy breakpoint facilities. Celtics is a package that can be used to count how many times control passes through given points in the system.
DF file: ChessHack.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <Atkinson.pa>
Documentation: ChessHackDoc.tioga
Author: Russ Atkinson
Keywords: chess
Commands: ChessHack
Abstract: ChessHack is a simple chess playing program that plays a beginner's level of chess at moderate speed. ChessHack is also a useful tool for browsing in chess games.
DF file: CircularGarbage.df
Created by: Bob Hagmann
Maintained by: Hagmann.pa
Documentation: CircularGarbageDoc.tioga
Author: Bob Hagmann
Keywords: garbage collection, performance
Abstract: This program is a modification of the trace and sweep program to find circular data structures that are unreferenced except from within themselves.
DF file: CKViewer.df
Created by: Ken Pier
Maintained by: Ken Pier <Pier.pa>
Documentation: CKViewerDoc.tioga
Author: Ken Pier
Keywords: color display, hardware testing, flash
Commands: CKViewer
Abstract: Cedar version of ColorKinetic, used for exercising color display systems, with enhancements for testing and debugging color tables. Assumes it owns the color display. Color viewer windows should NOT be on when using CKViewer.
DF file: CoFork.df
Created by: Sturgis
Maintained by: Sturgis <Sturgis.pa>
Documentation: CoForkDoc.tioga
Author: Sturgis
Keywords: Ports, CoRoutines
Commands: CoFork
Abstract: Provides for the convenient start up and shut down of Co-Routines which use Mesa PORTS.
DF file: ColorCorrection.df
Created by: Eric Nickell
Maintained by: Eric <Nickell.pasa>
Documentation: ColorCorrectionDoc.tioga
Author: Eric Nickell
Keywords: color, AIS, Color correction, Under-color removal, printing
Commands: CCTTool
Abstract: Provides client access to facilities for applying a color to color transformation (each color in some 3-d color space), where each separation of the resulting color is the sum of functions applied to each input separation. Convenient procedures are provided for the case of independent input TRCs followed by a linear 3x3 transform. Mechanisms are also provided for under-color removal to convert (cyan, magenta, yellow) to (cyan, magenta, yellow, black). A tool is provided which maintains global information from which a CCT and a UCR can easily be built.
DF file: ColorDisplay.df
Created by: Lamming, Pier
Maintained by: Tim Diebert <Diebert.pa>
Documentation: ColorDisplayDoc.tioga
Keywords: Color display, machine profile
Commands: ColorDisplay
Abstract: Provides both a client interface and user interfaces (command and tool) for controlling the state of the color display.
DF file: ColorEdit.df
Created by: Rob Buckley, Dave Rumph, Eric Nickell
Maintained by: Eric <Nickell.pasa>
Documentation: ColorEditDoc.Tioga
Author: Eric Nickell
Keywords: AIS, Color Edit, Sampled Image, TRC
Commands: ColorEdit
Abstract: ColorEdit is a tool intended to allow a user to touch up or otherwise edit a full-color sampled image.
DF file: ColorTool.df
Created by: Darlene Plebon
Maintained by: Maureen Stone <Stone.pa>, Rick Beach <Beach.pa>
Documentation: ColorToolDoc.tioga
Author: Darlene Plebon, Maureen Stone, Avi Naiman
Keywords: color, color spaces, color specification, illustrators
Commands: ColorTool
Abstract: The ColorTool allows one to manipulate the color of a patch using any of a variety of color systems. The ColorTool is valuable for experimenting and learning about the various color schemes and how they interrelate to one another. A client interface is provided so that illustrators might use the ColorTool for color specification by a user.
DF file: ColorTrix.df
Documentation: ColorTrixDoc.tioga
Author: Jules Bloomenthal
Keywords: color display, color map, frame buffer.
Commands: ColorTrixPackage, Clear, CmAdd, CmBlend, CmColor, CmCompose, CmCycle, CmEdit, CmFlash, CmGamma, CmGauss, CmInterp, CmLoad, CmMono, CmNBits, CmSnake, CmOnly, CmPrint, CmRamp, CmRandom, CmRipple, CmRotate, CmSave, CmScale, CmScramble, CmShow, CmSin, CmSpeckle, CmTents, Grid, Left, Lum, Mirror, Negate, Pal, Pie, PrintWindow, PVal, Ramp, Reflect, ResetWindow, SetWindow, UnPal, Up
Abstract: A collection of programs for modifying the color display have been written with an emphasis on interactivity through the command tool and speed of image processing. The color display is treated simply as a frame buffer, with no regard to the placement of viewers on the display.
DF file: ColumnLs.df
Documentation: ColumnLsDoc.tioga
Author: Jules Bloomenthal
Keywords: columnation, ls, list, filename, directory
Commands: Ls, ColumnLs
Abstract: ColumnLs (Ls) lists files and subdirectories of a given directory in column form.
DF file: Combiner.df
Documentation: CombinerDoc.tioga
Author: Dennis Arnon
Keywords: computational geometry, convex decomposition, polygons
Abstract: The Combiner maintains a database of non-overlapping regions in the plane, with each of which some client-specified data is associated. The intended usage is to merge a succession of new convex polygons ("brushstrokes"), each with its own client data, into the database. Such merges involve two steps: first, the geometry of the new polygon is merged with that of the existing database (edge intersections are computed), resulting in a new database; second, the (previous) data of each polygon in the database that was "touched" by the input brush is combined with the brush's data, according to client-specified rules.
DF file: CommanderPriority.df
Created by: Bob Hagmann
Maintained by: Bob Hagmann <Hagmann.pa>
Documentation: CommanderPriorityDoc.tioga
Author: Bob Hagmann
Keywords: CPU priority
Commands: CommanderPriority
Abstract: Set the CPU priority of a CommandTool via buttons. The priority change is done almost immediately: it does not wait until the end of the current command.
DF file: CommandToolProcedures.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: CommandToolProceduresDoc.tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Command, Command Tool, Interpreter, Function, Procedure, Print, Execute, STREAM, stdin, stdout, stderr
Commands: CommandToolProcedures
Abstract: CommandToolProcedures adds some interpreter procedures that are useful to invoke from a command tool (and maybe an interpreter tool too!): &cmd (execute command in command tool), &stdin, &stdout, &stderr (get streams from command tool), and &printRope (print on command tool).
DF file: ComputeWorkingSet.df
Created by: Bob Hagmann
Maintained by: Bob Hagmann <Hagmann.pa>
Documentation: ComputeWorkingSetDoc.tioga
Author: Bob Hagmann
Keywords: Working Set
Commands: ComputeWorkingSet
Abstract: Compute an approximation of the working set for a running system.
DF file: Controls.df
Created by: Jules Bloomenthal
Maintained by: Jules Bloomenthal <Bloomenthal.pa>
Documentation: ControlsDoc.Tioga
Author: Jules Bloomenthal
Keywords: Controls, sliders, dials, viewers, interaction.
Commands: TestControls
Abstract: An interface is provided for the creation of vertical or horizontal sliders and circular dials within a viewer. Placement and sizing of the controls is semi-automatic. Attention has been paid to ease of interaction. The controls may be created with special, `detented' positions. A test program is provided to demonstrate some of the control capabilities.
DF file: Cookie.df
Documentation: CookieDoc.Tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Fortune, Cookie, Saying, Addage, Do It, Quote, Snippet, Command
Commands: Cookie
Abstract: Cookie provides fortune cookies
DF file: CopyFromVersionMap.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Russ <Atkinson.pa>
Documentation: CopyFromVersionMapDoc.tioga
Author: Russ Atkinson
Keywords: copy, version map
Commands: CopyFromVersionMap
Abstract: CopyFromVersionMap allows a user to setup a local subdirectory using a pair of version maps (one for source, one for symbols) such that all of the files listed in the version maps have local attachments in that subdirectory.
DF file: CubicSplinePackage.df
Created by: Maureen Stone
Maintained by: Maureen Stone <Stone.pa>
Documentation: CubicSplinePackageDoc.tioga
Author: Maureen Stone
Keywords: splines, cubics
Abstract: A collection of 2-D cubic spline routines. Supports all the curve types in Griffin. Cubic2 replaces CGCubic as a set of simple routines for dealing with parametric cubics.
DF file: Cucumber.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: CucumberDoc.tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Value, Stream, File, Read, Write, IO, Pickled Value
Commands: Cucumber
Abstract: Cucumber solves a simplified version of the pickeled value problem. It will read and write values from and to IO.STREAMs. It knows how to deal with simple things (numbers, ropes, booleans, etc.) and aggregates (records and arrays) of them. For other kinds of things (e.g., refs) the client must register procedures to do the reading and writing. Hard issues, like non-tree-structured data, or changing types, are not dealt with.
DF file: CurrentCedarChest.df
DF file: Cypress.df
Documentation: CypressDoc.tioga
Author: R. G. G. Cattell
Abstract: This document describes the Cypress system, and is aimed at potential writers of database applications in the Cedar programming environment. It should be accurate as of the date above, and is recommended as better documentation than CSL Report 83-4, from which it was derived. Suggestions are welcomed on both the design of Cypress and its exposition in this document. We will assume little knowledge of database systems, and little knowledge of Cedar. We will not explain the motivation for this particular design of Cypress; see the CSL Report for that. You should also consult the documentation for database tools not described here; see a database wizard for details.
DF file: DBIcons.df
Commands: OpenIconDB
DF file: DBTools.df
Commands: OpenToolDB
DF file: DebuggingWorld.df
Created by: Doug Wyatt
Maintained by: Doug Wyatt <Wyatt.pa>
Documentation: DebuggingWorldDoc.tioga
Author: Doug Wyatt
Keywords: debugging, Imager, Viewers, Tioga, virtual terminal
Abstract: The DebuggingWorld configuration allows Cedar implementors to debug the lower levels of the Cedar user interface (Imager, Viewers, Tioga) by using another virtual terminal on the same machine.
DF file: DeskTops.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson & Peter Kessler
Maintained by: Peter Kessler <PeterKessler.pa>
Documentation: DeskTopsDoc.tioga
Author: Russ Atkinson
Keywords: virtual desktops, Viewers
Commands: DeskTops
Abstract: DeskTops are a means for creating several "virtual desktops," each of which appears to be the normal desktop provided by Viewers. DeskTops also provide the Clean button, which cleans off excess icons into a Most Recently Used list. DeskTops formaerly resided as part of the Viewers package in the Cedar release.
DF file: DFDependencies.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: DFDependenciesDoc.Tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: DF File, Dependencies, Bringover, SModel, Verify, MakeDo
Abstract: DFDependencies determines the dependency graph between a set of DF-files, and can update all the clients of a given DF-file.
DF file: DicentraRS232CAsync.df
Created by: Tim Diebert
Maintained by: Tim Diebert <Diebert.pa>
Documentation: DicentraRS232CAsyncDoc.tioga
Author: Tim Diebert
Keywords: RS232, Dicentra
Abstract: This interface provides access to an RS232C port attached to a Dicentra. It provides the user with a stream oriented path to the device.
DF file: DirectoryList.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: DirectoryListDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: directory, subdirectory, dir, subdir, files
Commands: Dir, SubDir
Abstract: Commands for quickly listing the subdirectory structure of the local disk.
DF file: DiskTool.df
Created by: Willie-Sue, Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Willie-Sue <Willie-Sue.pa>
Documentation: DiskToolDoc.tioga
Keywords: Disk
Abstract: Program for investigating/patching raw disk pages (wizards only).
DF file: Documentation.df
Documentation: Copyright.tioga, ManualContents.tioga, BriefingBlurb.tioga, Glossary.tioga, Introduction.tioga, HowToUseAPublicCedarMachine.tioga, OverviewDoc.tioga, CedarProgramStyle.tioga, DoradoBooting.tioga, DiskErrorRecovery.tioga, PseudoServerDoc.Tioga, ExampleUserProfile.Tioga
DF file: Dunn.df
Documentation: DunnDoc.tioga
Author: Jules Bloomenthal
Keywords: Dunn, animation, film recorder, camera
Commands: Dunn, DunnTool, DunnView, DunnSnap
Abstract: Dunn is a package of software callable procedures and user programs to provide software control of the Dunn Instruments 632 film recorder. This film recorder uses a high quality internal monitor to expose each color primary separately for maximal color presentation. 35mm recording is done with a Yashica camera, 16mm with a Bolex. The quality of the recorded images is sufficient for presentation to large audiences.
DF file: EasyTool.df
Commands: exampleTool
DF file: EchoTool.df
Created by: Hal Murray
Maintained by: Hal Murray <Murray.PA>
Documentation: EchoToolDoc.tioga
Author: Hal Murray
Keywords: Pup, Echo, Response time
Commands: EchoTool
Abstract: EchoTool lets you bounce Pups off of other machines. It optionally prints a response time histogram.
DF file: EditorComforts.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson, Warren Teitelman
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <Atkinson.pa>
Documentation: EditorComfortsDoc.tioga
Author: Russ Atkinson
Keywords: Tioga
Abstract: This document describes a collection of facilities that generally fall under the category of creature comforts: they are not essential, but they make life more pleasant. These facilities are enabled by running EditorComforts.bcd, e.g. by including EditorComforts.bcd in the PreRun entry in your user profile or by including "Run EditorComforts.bcd" in the CommandTool.BootCommands entry. In addition, some of the facilities can be parameterized, or disabled, via various user profile entries described below.
DF file: Eikonix.df
Created by: Tim Diebert
Maintained by: Tim Diebert <Diebert.pa>
Documentation: EikonixDoc.tioga
Author: Tim Diebert
Keywords: scanning, Dicentra, Eikonix
Abstract: This package allows access to the Eikonix scanner attached to the network via a Dicentra.
DF file: EncryptTool.df
Documentation: EncryptToolDoc.tioga
Author: Dan Greene, Ed McCreight
Keywords: Cyphers, DES algorithm, Encryption, Security
Commands: EncryptTool
Abstract: EncryptTool includes an Encrypt programming interface and an EncryptTool viewer-based tool to perform DES encryption/decryption on entire files or Tioga selections.
DF file: Environment.df
DF file: ExamineStorage.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <Atkinson.pa>
Documentation: ExamineStorageDoc.tioga
Author: Russ Atkinson
Keywords: heap storage
Commands: FindBadGuys, TakeHeapStats, FindCyclicTypes, ValidateHeap, AutoReclaimFreePages, ForceReclaimFreePages
Abstract: Many programs can squander storage without presenting any obvious symptoms to the user. ExamineStorage.bcd provides commands to aid the user in examing Cedar heap storage usage. ReclaimFreePages provides commands to realim free pages from the SafeStorage heap.
DF file: ExecHacks.df
Documentation: ExecHacksDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: DoIt, Redo, History, DWIM, Compile, SModel, VerifyDF, Copy, Command File, User Profile
Commands: ExecHacks
Abstract: ExecHacks adds some handy menu buttons to CommandTool viewers: "DoIt" and "Redo". "DoIt" deduces a filename from the selection, and depending on the extension executes some interesting command: for .Mesa files, it compiles; for .DF files it SModels and VerifiesDF, etc. "Redo" performs two functions. Left or Middle buttoning "Redo" will replay the command currently pointed to. Right buttoning "Redo" will list the last 10 commands issued to the CommandTool, with duplicates removed. ExecHacks also registers two commands. "Redo <string>" re-executes the most recent command beginning with "<string>". "History -d 10" does the same thing as right buttoning "Redo".
DF file: Express.df
Documentation: ExpressDoc.tioga
Abstract: Express provides the client a way to evaluate an arithmetic expression given in a rope (generally from the user), typically faster than Interpreter or JaM, especially if the same function is used repeatedly.
DF file: ExpungeOpens.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: ExpungeOpensDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: prettyprint, OPEN, programming style
Commands: ExpungeOpens
Abstract: Command for expanding unnamed OPEN statements in Cedar programs, and prettyprinting them.
DF file: FastMouse.df
Maintained by: Frank Crow <Crow.pa>
Documentation: FastMouseDoc.tioga
Keywords: mouse, cursor, speed, user interface
Commands: FastMouse
Abstract: A cursor accelerator for those who like to minimize arm motion.
DF file: Ferret.df
Created by: Hal Murray
Maintained by: Hal Murray <Murray.PA>
Documentation: FerretDoc.tioga
Author: Hal Murray
Keywords: IFS, Reload, Files, Rescue
Commands: Ferret
Abstract: Ferret is a Command to find interesting files in your FS Cache after an IFS gets reloaded and forgets the truth.
DF file: Fig.df
Created by: Joan Feigenbaum
Maintained by: Dan Greene <Greene.pa>
Documentation: FigDoc.tioga
Author: Joan Feigenbaum
Keywords: encryption, mail, walnut
Commands: Fig
Abstract: A primitive encrypted-mail program that runs under walnut.
DF file: FileCmds.df
Documentation: FileCmdsDoc.Tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: File, Set, Pattern, Enumeration, DF-File, Command, List, Directory, Delete, Archive, Retrieve, Message, Version Map, Walnut
Commands: FileCmds, CmdPerFile, CmdAllFiles, ListFileSet, lfs, DeleteFileSet, dfs, ArchiveFileSet, afs, RetrieveFileSet, rfs
Abstract: FileCmds provides command-tool commands for computing and operating on sets of files.
DF file: FileStreamTest.df
DF file: FileUtil.df
Created by: Bob Hagmann
Maintained by: Hagmann.pa
Documentation: FileUtilDoc.tioga
Author: Bob Hagmann
Keywords: File Package Utilities, VAM
Commands: VAMStats, ComputeVAM, DeleteOrphanPages
Abstract: This package does some File system maintence. All these commands will be of interest to experts only. You can compute and print the VAM from the file headers, force the VAM to match the file headers, or scan the disk looking for pages that are not in any file. The VAM is the ``Volume Allocation Map'' and is a hint where free pages are on disk. If the disk headers and the VAM become out of sync, performance will suffer.
DF file: Finch.df
Created by: Severo Ornstein, Larry Stewart, Dan Swinehart, Ken Pier, Polle Zellweger
Maintained by: LarkSupport <LarkSupport.pa>
Documentation: FinchDoc.tioga
Author: Dan Swinehart
Keywords: Cedar, Synthesized voice, Telephones, Voice Mail
Commands: Finch, WalnutVoice
Abstract: This document describes the Etherphone system: the Lark voice terminal hardware and software and the Finch telephone control program which runs in Cedar. It also describes an extension to the Walnut electronic mail system that supports voice messages.
DF file: FindKeywords.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: FindKeywordsDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: keyword, search, find, ACFind
Commands: FindKeywords
Abstract: A command for searching a collection of files for occurences of keywords from a specified set.
DF file: Finger.df
Created by: Donahue.pa
Maintained by: <Donahue.pa>
Documentation: FingerDoc.Tioga
Author: Jim Donahue, Dave Gifford
Keywords: Finger, databases, Cedar users
Commands: Finger, FingerTool, Who, WhereIs, FreeMachines, Host
Abstract: Finger is a package to record the information about Cedar users and machines
DF file: FontEdit.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: FontEditDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: Font, Bitmap, Edit, Widths, Metrics, Bold, Italic, Stipple, SampledBlack
Commands: FontEdit, FontBold, FontSlant, FontMerge, FontWidthsCopy, SDtoSF, MakeRasterFont, StippleEdit
Abstract: Provides tools and commands for editing raster fonts, and other forms of bitmaps.
DF file: FontTune.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: FontTuneDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: bit-tuning, font, AIS, sampled images
Commands: MakeTunedRasterFont, BitTuneAIS, ViewFontTuningParameters
Abstract: An experimental program for creating automatically-tuned bitmap fonts and AIS files.
DF file: Football.df
Created by: John Maxwell
Maintained by: John Maxwell <Maxwell.pa>
Documentation: FootballDoc.Tioga
Keywords: football, game
Commands: Football
Abstract: A multi-machine, multi-player game
DF file: Forms.df
Created by: Jim Horning, Rick Beach, Doug Wyatt, and many others
Maintained by: Rick Beach <Beach.pa>
Documentation: FormsDoc.tioga, SampleSheet.tioga, FontCache.tioga
Author: Doug Wyatt
Keywords: form, document, message, style, abbreviation, DF, interface, release, CedarChest
Abstract: Forms.df describes a number of handy forms and templates for documents, stylized messages, DF files, and other things.
DF file: FortranToIp.df
Created by: Hal Murray
Maintained by: Hal Murray <Murray.PA>
Documentation: FortranToIpDoc.tioga
Author: Hal Murray
Keywords: LPT, Interpress, Spice
Commands: FortranToIp
Abstract: Converts Fortran LPT output to IP files
DF file: FrameBufferReader.df
Created by: Rick Beach
Maintained by: Rick Beach <Beach.pa>
Author: Rick Beach
Keywords: AIS, frame buffer, image, color, Lucasfilm, GSL electron microscope
Commands: ReadFrameBuffer, ReadFrameBufferBottomUp, ReadLucasfilm, ReadGSLImage
Abstract: This package contains commands for creating AIS files from some simple formats for computer generated pictures stored as frame buffer images . A frame buffer is a color display with memory. The simplest format is a succession of records for each of the three color separations (red, green, blue) with each record containing all the pixels for a scan line. Additional formats for images in the Lucasfilm image format and GSL electron microscope format are implemented.
DF file: FSRope.df
Created by: Doug Wyatt
Maintained by: Doug Wyatt <Wyatt.pa>
Documentation: FSRopeDoc.tioga
Author: Doug Wyatt
Keywords: FS, Rope, OpenFile, stream
Abstract: FSRope creates an FS.OpenFile from the content of a ROPE, using the FSBackdoor facilities for client-provided open files. Given such an OpenFile, you can use a file stream to read from the rope; this should be much faster than an IO.RIS.
DF file: FSUtil.df
Documentation: FSUtilDoc.tioga
Commands: OpenFiles, ActiveFiles, FileStreams, LRUChain, LRUInfo, LRUFlush, ForceClose, FSEstablishInvariants
Abstract: Utilities for FS to list open files, active files, file streams, and cache LRU chain. FS open files can also be closed, the statistics of the FS cache flusher printed, and the user ``invariants'' re-established for the workstation file system. All these commands will be of interest to experts only.
DF file: FTP.df
Created by: Bob Hagmann
Maintained by: AlpineImplementors^.pa
Author: Carl Hauser
Keywords: File Transfer Protocol (FTP), File Server, Alpine, IFS
Abstract: FTP is a skeleton File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server into which you can plug a lower layer accessing most any basic file storage mechanism. Prime candidates are Alpine (implemented) and Cedar FS (not implemented). The result is a server that mimics an IFS.
DF file: Geometry3d.df
Created by: Jules Bloomenthal
Maintained by: Jules Bloomenthal <Bloomenthal.pa>
Documentation: Geometry3dDoc.Tioga
Author: Jules Bloomenthal
Keywords: geometry, three-dimensional, 3d, vectors, points, planes, lines, matrices, clipping, curves, splines
Abstract: This package comprises several interfaces of geometric functions: vector arithmetic for operating on vectors and points, planar arithmetic for operating on planes, matrix arithmetic for representing simple geometric transformations, and an interface for three dimensional splines. The interfaces are exported by Geometry3dPackage.bcd.
DF file: Geometry3dApplied.df
Created by: Jules Bloomenthal
Maintained by: Jules Bloomenthal <Bloomenthal.pa>
Documentation: Geometry3dAppliedDoc.Tioga
Author: Jules Bloomenthal
Keywords: geometry, three-dimensional, 3d, vectors, points, planes, lines, matrices, clipping, curves, splines
Abstract: This package applies the basic three-dimensional functions found in Geometry3d for the purpose of drawing, specifying or printing the various primitives. The interfaces are exported by Geometry3dAppliedPackage.bcd.
DF file: GetDWIM.df
Documentation: GetDWIMDoc.Tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: File, Get, Tioga, Lookup, DWIM, DF File, Attachment, Directory, Mesa, Cedar, OPEN, IMPORTS, Renaming, Interfaces
Commands: GetDWIM
Abstract: GetDWIM adds heuristics for finding files when you click the "Get" menu button in a Tioga viewer. GetDWIM knows about renaming interfaces in Mesa source files, the meaning of DF-Files, and following remote attachments.
DF file: GetFromRelease.df
Created by: Michael Plass, Rick Beach
Maintained by: Rick Beach <Beach.pa>
Documentation: GetFromReleaseDoc.tioga
Author: Rick Beach
Keywords: Compiler, MakeDo, interfaces, version maps, DF files, compiler errors
Commands: GetFromRelease
Abstract: GetFromRelease helps remove compiler errors that complain about missing BCD files for interfaces referenced in the DIRECTORY clause. Use GetFromRelease after a compilation with errors due to missing interface BCDs (interface `cannot be opened' in compiler jargon). It reads the Compiler.log (and hence any Foo.errlog files if you use separate logs) looking for the interface names that are missing. GetFromRelease uses the Cedar version maps to discover the released files containing the interfaces, makes the necessary attachments, and suggests the necessary IMPORTS clauses to add to your DF file (or add them itself, if you tell it the DF-file name). GetFromRelease can be directed to get its list of goals from the command line or MakeDo.log, instead of Compiler.log.
DF file: GetMe.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: GetMeDoc.tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Version Stamp, BCD
Commands: GetMe
Abstract: GetMe provides access to the caller's BCD and version stamp.
DF file: GFtoAC.df
Created by: Pavel Curtis
Maintained by: Pavel Curtis <Pavel.pa>
Documentation: GFtoACDoc.tioga
Author: Pavel Curtis
Keywords: METAFONT, generic font, aligned characters, GF, AC
Commands: GFtoAC
Abstract: GFtoAC converts a GF (``generic font'') file produced by METAFONT into an AC (``aligned characters'') file as needed for installation on any of the PARC printers.
DF file: GFtoPress.df
Created by: D. E. Knuth and Pavel Curtis
Maintained by: Pavel Curtis <Pavel.pa>
Documentation: GFtoPressDoc.tioga
Author: Pavel Curtis
Keywords: METAFONT, Press, GF files, font, proofs
Commands: GFtoPress
Abstract: GFtoPress converts the GF (``generic font'') files produced by METAFONT into Press files, one page per METAFONT character, showing an enlarged copy of the character and labelled dots at the control points used in the character's METAFONT description.
DF file: GFType.df
Commands: GFType
DF file: GList.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet
Maintained by: Bertrand Serlet <Serlet.pa>
Documentation: GListDoc.tioga
Author: Bertrand Serlet
Keywords: List, Type Generic, Lisp
Commands: GList
Abstract: GList is an interface for dealing with lists. Lists must be of the form LIST OF REF <AType>. Contrarily to List.mesa, you can really use this interface, since it takes REFs as arguments instead of LORA. Speed measurement indicate that GList is only a few % slower than inline code. Implementation of GList uses 2 LOOPHOLEs, but usage is entirely safe.
DF file: GmtDebug.df
Created by: Hal Murray
Maintained by: Hal Murray <Murray.PA>
Documentation: GmtDebugDoc.tioga
Author: Hal Murray
Keywords: GMT, debugging
Abstract: Simple debugging aid for Printing out BasicTime.GMT
DF file: GoodTimes.df
Commands: GoodTimes
DF file: GPIB.df
Created by: Gasbarro.pa, Gunther.pa
Maintained by: Jim <Gasbarro.pa>, Tim <Diebert.pa>
Documentation: GPIBDoc.tioga
Author: Jim Gasbarro
Keywords: GPIB, IEEE-488, Busmaster, DandeTiger, RPC
Commands: GPIBServer, GPIBClient
Abstract: GPIB is an interface which provides a communication path from Cedar machines to devices which speak the IEEE-488 General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB) protocol.
DF file: Graphs.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: GraphsDoc.Tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Graph, Tree, Directed, DiGraph, DAG, Network, Navigate, Traverse, Neighbor, Vertex, Edge, Link, Node, Browse, Object-Oriented
Commands: Graphs, GraphBrowsers
Abstract: This package defines an object-oriented representation of graphs, and provides a general-purpose browser.
DF file: Grep.df
Created by: Bob Nix (after Unix)
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <Atkinson.pa>
Documentation: GrepDoc.tioga
Author: Russ Atkinson
Keywords: searching
Commands: Grep, GrepI
Abstract: Grep will search a list of files for lines that match a pattern and print the lines that match the given regular expression (see RegularExpressionDoc.tioga for a description of the syntax for a regular expression).
DF file: Griffin.df
Created by: Maureen Stone et al.
Maintained by: Maureen Stone <Stone.pa>, Ken Pier <Pier.PA>
Documentation: GriffinDoc.tioga
Author: Maureen Stone and Ken Pier
Keywords: Illustrator, interactive graphics
Commands: Griffin
Abstract: Griffin is an interactive illustrator for creating full-page color illustrations composed of lines, curves, filled areas, and captions. Illustrations are constructed on the screen using the mouse and menus and can then be printed at high resolution on a monochrome or color printer. Griffin has been converted to the Cedar environment. Since it uses Cedar's virtual memory, there is no longer a practical limit on the number of objects in a Griffin file. This memo describes Cedar Griffin.
DF file: GriffinToIP.df
Created by: Eric Nickell
Maintained by: Eric Nickell <Nickell.pasa>
Documentation: GriffinToIPDoc.tioga
Author: Eric Nickell (with thanks to Maureen Stone and Michael Plass)
Keywords: Griffin, illustrator, interpress
Commands: GriffinToIP
Abstract: Provides facilities for converting Griffin files to interpress files. These facilties consist of a client interface and a CommandTool command.
DF file: HashTable.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet, mostly stolen from RefTab (growing added by Mike Spreitzer)
Maintained by: Bertrand Serlet <Serlet.pa>, Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: HashTableDoc.tioga
Keywords: Hash, Re-Hash, RefTab, SymTab
Commands: HashTable
Abstract: HashTable is a generalization of RefTab that allows client-given hash and equal functions. A HashTable will now grow as necessary to keep the density limited.
DF file: HierarchicalDisplays.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: HierarchicalDisplaysDoc.tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Hierarchy, Tree, Viewer, Display, Window, Show, Visible, Nest, Draw, Paint, Button
Commands: HierarchicalDisplays
Abstract: HierarchicalDisplays is a package for managing the display of tree-structured data. Each internal node of the tree is displayed as a name button followed by the displays of the children. The display of the leaves is up to the client. The tree can be updated.
DF file: Histograms.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: HistogramsDoc.Tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Histogram, Scatter Plot, Data, Graphics, Viewer, Visible, Screen, Plot
Commands: Histograms
Abstract: Histograms provides one and two dimensional histograms.
DF file: HistoVAM.df
Created by: Carl Hauser
Maintained by: Carl Hauser <Hauser.pa>
Documentation: HistoVAMDoc.tioga
Author: Carl Hauser
Keywords: VAM, Volume Allocation Map, VM
Commands: HistoVAM
Abstract: A hack to analyze the distribution of free run sizes on a logical volume.
DF file: HostButton.df
Commands: HostButton
DF file: HostName.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: HostNameDoc.tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Name, Host Name, Server Name, Machine Name, Pup Address, Address, Host Address, Server Address, Machine Address
Commands: HostName
Abstract: HostName provides a command tool command for identifying machines by name and/or address.
DF file: IconEditor.df
Documentation: IconEditorDoc.tioga
Commands: IconEditor
Abstract: The Icon Editor is a tool which enables users to create and modify icons and to register icons with the Cedar Icon Registry for use by all users. This document is a user's guide for the Icon Editor Tool in Cedar 6.
DF file: IconRegistry.df
Created by: Warren Teitelman
Maintained by: Rick Beach <Beach.pa>
Documentation: IconRegistryDoc.tioga
Author: Richard J. Beach
Keywords: icons, registry, icon flavors
Abstract: The IconRegistry interface associates a name with an icon and allows clients to obtain an IconFlavor without having to worry about which file contains the actual definition (and its index). Furthermore, a cache of icon flavors is kept so that the client can call IconRegistry.GetIcon each place that the corresponding icon flavor is needed, without having to distinguish the first from subsequent calls.
DF file: IdleHacks.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: IdleHacksDoc.Tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Idle, DMT, Virtual Terminal, Starfield, Kaleidoscope, Color
Commands: ColorKal, PolyKal
Abstract: This package provides some random animations to run while idle.
DF file: ImageFFT.df
Created by: Plass, Diebert
Maintained by: Tim Diebert <Diebert.pa>
Documentation: ImageFFTDoc.tioga
Author: Plass, Diebert
Keywords: AIS, FFT, filter
Commands: ClipAIS, FFTFilter, FFTShow
Abstract: Client package for 2 dimensional Fast Fourier Transforms (forword and reverse), intended for image-processing applications. A simple commandTool user interface is also provided.
DF file: ImagerExamples.df
Created by: Michael F. Plass
Maintained by: Michael F. Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: ImagerExamplesDoc.tioga
Author: Michael F. Plass
Keywords: image, graphics, font, display, printing, device independence, Interpress, examples
Abstract: This package is a guide to the use of the Cedar Imager package, consisting of a collection of examples, useful hints, and a conversion guide to aid in converting packages from earlier Graphics and Imagers to the Cedar 6.0 Imager.
DF file: ImagerExtras.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: ImagerExtrasDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: Imager, Color, Display, Dither, Samples
Abstract: Extra Imager goodies that didn't make it into the 6.0 release.
DF file: ImagerFunctionDevice.df
Created by: Mik Lamming
Maintained by: Lamming^.pa
Documentation: ImagerFunctionDeviceDoc.tioga
Author: Mik Lamming
Keywords: alpha-channel, imager, PixelMap
Abstract: An imager device that enables simple image processing functions to be focussed upon irregularly shaped sections of a pixelmap. The target areas are defined using Imager.Mask operations. Useful for clients who want to experiment with alpha-channels.
DF file: ImagerMemory.df
Created by: Doug Wyatt <Wyatt.pa>, Eric Nickell <Nickell.pasa>
Maintained by: ImagerImplementors^.pa
Documentation: ImagerMemoryDoc.tioga
Keywords: Display list, Graphics list, Imager, Replay
Abstract: ImagerMemory is a client package. It provides a class of Imager.Context that is capable of memorizing a sequence of Imager calls, and playing them back into another context.
DF file: ImagerPD.df
Documentation: ImagerPDDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: image, graphics, font, printing, device independence, device dependence, PD, interpress
Commands: CheckPD, TypePD
Abstract: Client package for writing PD files (printer-dependent page image files) with or without using the Cedar Imager package.
DF file: ImagerPress.df
Documentation: ImagerPressDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: Imager, Spruce, Press
A client interface for writing a restricted subset of Press files throught the Imager interface.
DF file: ImagerSmooth.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: ImagerImplementors^.pa
Documentation: ImagerSmoothDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: anti-alias, imager, PixelMap
Abstract: A client package for creating anti-aliased sampled images via the Imager. Also provides a PixelMapOps interface, which may be useful for clients.
DF file: ImagerToJaM.df
Documentation: ImagerToJaMDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: Imager, JaM
A client interface for writing JaMImager code.
DF file: ImagerViewer.df
Documentation: ImagerViewerDoc.tioga
Author: Tim Diebert
Keywords: Imager
A client interface for creating an Imager context with a viewer.
DF file: Install.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: InstallDoc.Tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Install, Package, Load File, Command File, Command, Load, Implement
Commands: Install
Abstract: Install is for loading packages. Given a package name, if it's not already done so, it executes the load file for the package.
DF file: Interpress.df
Created by: Doug Wyatt
Maintained by: ImagerImplementors^.pa
Documentation: InterpressDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass, Doug Wyatt
Keywords: Interpress, Imager, printing
Abstract: This package provides client interfaces for producing Interpress masters via the Imager, and for interpreting Interpress masters into an Imager context.
DF file: InterpressTools.df
Created by: Doug Wyatt
Maintained by: Doug Wyatt <Wyatt.pa>
Documentation: InterpressToolsDoc.tioga
Author: Doug Wyatt, Michael Plass
Keywords: Interpress, Imager, printing
Commands: IPWrittenFromXerox, IPXeroxFromWritten, InterpressOverlay, AISToInterpress, ColorAISToInterpress, PressToInterpress, InterpressArrows, InterpressToPD, IPToPD, InterpressToAIS, InterpressToPress, InterpressToJaM, InterpressToTiogaArtwork, ArtworkInterpress, ArtworkRule
Abstract: InterpressTools provides a collection of tools for manipulating Interpress masters. We expect the collection to grow over time; the operations currently implemented are conversions between various print file formats.
DF file: Intervals.df
Created by: Bertrand Serlet
Maintained by: Bertrand Serlet <Serlet.pa>
Documentation: IntervalsDoc.tioga
Keywords: Hash, Geometrical Sort
Commands: Intervals, D2Intervals
Abstract: Definitions for handling tables of association interval - values.
DF file: InterVoice.df
DF file: IntHashTable.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer and Bertrand Serlet.
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>, Bertrand Serlet <Serlet.pa>
Documentation: IntHashTableDoc.tioga
Keywords: Hash, Re-Hash, RefTab, SymTab, Hash Table, Integer, INT
Commands: IntHashTable
Abstract: IntHashTable is a companion of HashTable that uses INTs as keys.
DF file: IOTest.df
DF file: IPPrint.df
Created by: Bill Jackson
Maintained by: Bill Jackson <BJackson.pa>
Documentation: IPPrintDoc.tioga
Author: Bill Jackson
Keywords: Interpress, Print, XDE, funny stuff
Commands: IPPrint
Abstract: IPPrintDoc is an Agent that provides access to XNS Print Servers. It is composed of two pieces, one the Agent Client which runs on Cedar (AgentStub), and the other the Agent Server that runs on XDE (NSPrintAgent).

There are definite bugs in NSPrintAgent, so you should be extremely careful with it...
DF file: JaM.df
Created by: John Warnock and Martin Newell
Maintained by: Doug Wyatt <Wyatt.pa>
Documentation: JaMDoc.tioga, JaMObsoleteDoc.tioga
Keywords: JaM, interpreter, stack-based language
Commands: JaM
Abstract: JaM is a simple stack-based interactive system with graphics utilities. JaM is intended to be a flexible system giving the user rather direct control over the primitives; it is not intended to be a fault tolerant system for beginning users.
DF file: JaMIDunn.df
Created by: Lamming
Maintained by: Lamming <Lamming.pa>
Documentation: JamIDunnDoc.tioga
Author: Mik Lamming
Keywords: Dunn, Jam, Imager, JamImager
Commands: JamIDunn
Abstract: Implements JaM commands for creating images on the Dunn camera
DF file: JaMImager.df
Created by: Tim Diebert & friends
Maintained by: Tim Diebert <Diebert.pa>
Documentation: JaMImagerDoc.tioga
Author: Tim Diebert
Keywords: JaM, Imager
Commands: JaMImager
Abstract: This document describes the current set of JaMImager primitives implemented by the JaMImagerPackage. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the JaM language.
DF file: KeyboardTioga.df
Documentation: KeyboardTiogaDoc.Tioga
Author: Spreitzer
Keywords: Tioga, Editor, Mouse, Keyboard, Button, Branch, Node, Line, Word, Subword, Logical Word, Character, Select, PendingDelete, Delete, Caret, Point
Commands: KeyboardTioga
Abstract: KeyboardTioga allows to user to do with the keyboard some Tioga selection operations normally done with the mouse. It also provides a richer set of selection grains.
DF file: Kipper.df
Created by: Howard Sturgis
Maintained by: Howard Sturgis <Sturgis.pa>
Documentation: KipperDoc.Tioga
Author: Howard Sturgis
Keywords: Pickle, Marshall
Commands: Kipper, TestSubject
Kipper vt : to cure (split dressed fish) by salting and smoking
Kipper is a general purpose marshalling package, providing an external representation for complex Cedar data structures. It can handle structures containing multiple allocated records, linked together by REFs. Cyclic data structures are permitted. Kipper accepts a description of a Cedar Type Structure, and generates a set of Cedar stub procedures. These stub procedures convert data objects of the given type into a sequence of 16 bit words sent to an IO.STREAM, and convert from a sequence of 16 bit words obtained from an IO.STREAM into a copy of the original data structure.
DF file: Knobs.df
Created by: Eric Nickell
Maintained by: Eric <Nickell.pasa>
Author: Eric Nickell
Keywords: knob, keyset, sliders, user-interface
Abstract: Knobs provides an interface for decoding a pair of optical knobs attached to the keyset hardware interface on the back of a standard LF display. Unfortunately, the display must be modified to provide power to the knobs.
DF file: ListArchives.df
Created by: Tim Diebert
Maintained by: Tim Diebert <Diebert.pa>
Documentation: ListArchivesDoc.tioga
Author: Tim Diebert
Keywords: Archives
Commands: ListArchives
Abstract: This program provides a way to list files from the BTree maintained by the Cedar Archive system from the user workstation.
DF file: Lister.df
Documentation: ListerDoc.tioga
Commands: BcdLister, BodyLister, CodeLister, ExportsLister, FGTLister, FilesLister, GlobalFramesLister, RTBcdLister, ShortBcdLister, SortedDefsLister, SortedSymbolLister, SymbolLister, UnboundLister, UsingLister
DF file: LoganBerry.df
Created by: Doug Terry
Maintained by: Doug Terry <Terry.pa>
Documentation: LoganBerryDoc.tioga
Author: Doug Terry
Keywords: database, logs, btrees, browsing
Commands: LoganBerry, LoganBerryBrowser
Abstract: LoganBerry is a simple facility for managing databases. Data is stored in one or more log files and indexed using btrees. The LoganBerry package supports retrieval by key or key subrange. An additional package, LoganQuery, allows more complex queries to be formulated, such as those involving filters and mergers. The LoganBerry Browser permits one to browse a LoganBerry database interactively.
DF file: LoganBerryService.df
DF file: Magnifier.df
Documentation: MagnifierDoc.tioga
Commands: Magnifier
DF file: MakeDo.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: MakeDoDoc.Tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Make, Dependency, Consistency, Derive, File, DF File, Command, Compile, Bind, Order, Sequence
Commands: MakeDo, MakePrediction, MakeCommandList, MakeExcuses, MakeSuspicion, MakeEmpty, MakeProducer
Abstract: MakeDo automatically determines dependencies between files, and can issue whatever commands are necessary to bring derived files up to date.
DF file: Math.df
Created by: Michael Plass, Maureen Stone, Tim Diebert
Maintained by: Tim Diebert <Diebert.pa>
Documentation: MathDoc.Tioga
Author: Michael Plass, Maureen Stone, Tim Diebert
Keywords: MathPackage, Math functions
Abstract: This package comprises several "pure math" routines, callable directly from a Cedar program. All interfaces are exported via MathPackage.bcd
DF file: MathLib.df
Commands: FFT
DF file: MazeWar.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: MazeWarDoc.Tioga, MazeWarCmds.Tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: MazeWar, Game
Commands: MazeWar
Abstract: MazeWar is a Cedar implementation of the popular net game.
DF file: MetaCedar.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: MetaCedarDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: hack, macro
Commands: MetaCedar
Abstract: MetaCedar allows the use of Cedar as a meta-language for generating Cedar code, sort of a poor-man's macro expander. It is most useful for unrolling loops and such.
DF file: MF.df
Created by: Pavel Curtis
Maintained by: Pavel Curtis <Pavel.pa>
Documentation: MFDoc.tioga
Author: Pavel Curtis
Keywords: METAFONT, Knuth, fonts
Commands: MF, IniMF
Abstract: METAFONT is Don Knuth's famous program for helping typographers design families of fonts in a machine-independent fashion. This document describes only how to use the Cedar implementation.
DF file: MickeyMouse.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: MickeyMouseDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: Animation, Illustrators, Interpress
Commands: MickeyMouse, JamMickeyMouse
Abstract: A package for doing rudimentary 2D non-real-time animation by in-betweening of key frames.
DF file: Misp.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: MispDoc.Tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Misp, LISP, Interpreter, Interactive, Evaluate
Commands: Misp
Abstract: Misp (My LISP) is a LISP-like interpreter.
DF file: MonitorTool.df
Documentation: MonitorToolDoc.tioga
Commands: MonitorTool
DF file: NewCalc.df
Documentation: NewCalcDoc.tioga
Commands: NewCalc
Abstract This document gives a brief tour of the features of NewCalc.
DF file: NSCopy.df
Created by: Bill Jackson
Maintained by: Bill Jackson <BJackson.pa>
Documentation: NSCopyDoc.tioga
Author: Bill Jackson and Dave Rumph
Keywords: Hack, XNS, Filing, Copy, Headaches, XD
Commands: NSCopy
Abstract: NSCopy is a "Hack"in every sense of the word. The goal of its hoped for short life is to provide "Interim" file transfer ability between both the NS and PUP worlds. It provides the ability to transfer files between any two points in the file server universe. The way that this is accomplished is that some Cedar engine asks an XDE engine to open "network" streams on file servers in its known universe (using the XDE FileTransfer package). The transfer then proceeds without using disk space on the part of either the XDE or Cedar machines. If you would like to transfer a file to your own workstation, then you must convince it to masquarade as a file server (STPServer). Also note that file names must be in file server conventions, with the exception that NSCopy will convert names like "[RamRod$OSBU←North$Xerox]<foo>mumble>bar" into
"[RamRod:OSBU North:Xerox]<foo>mumble>bar" in order to get around FS' notions of "special characters".
DF file: NSPrintAgent.df
Documentation: NSPrintAgentDoc.tioga
DF file: Nut.df
DF file: OneCasaba.df
Created by: Sturgis.pa
Maintained by: Sturgis.pa
Documentation: OneCasabaDoc.tioga
Author: Sturgis
Keywords: Parsing, ParserGenerator, CompilerCompiler
Commands: GenOneCasabaParser, DemoOneCasaba
OneCasaba is an LR parsing package, containing a parser generator (GenOneCasabaParser) and a parser package (OneCasabaParser). Like YACC in Unix, or PGS in Mesa, OneCasabaParser calls client code as it performs each parsing action, allowing the client code to perform such actions as building a parse tree. OneCasaba is intended for use on small as well as large grammars. I intend for OneCasaba to be relatively easy to use, and to play a role in Cedar similar to that played by YACC in Unix.
OneCasaba differs from YACC and PGS in two ways. First, OneCasaba can handle any LR[1] grammar, where YACC and PGS are limited to LALR[1]. The reason that YACC and PGS are limited is that the canonical LR[1] construction leads to enormous table sizes, even for LALR[1] grammars, while there is a reasonable construction for LALR[1] grammars. OneCasaba avoids these large tables by using a new algorithm with the property that if the grammar is only "slightly" non LALR[1], then the resulting tables will be only slightly larger than those that would have been constructed if the grammar had been LALR[1].
Second, if the presented grammar is not LR[1], i.e., there is some canonical LR[1] state which contains conflicting LR[1] items, then OneCasaba not only names the conflicting items (as do YACC and PGS) but also provides derivations of the items which demonstrate that the two items must lie in the same canonical LR[1] state.
DF file: OperatorPrecedenceParse.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: OperatorPrecedenceParseDoc.tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Operator Precedence, Parse
Commands: OperatorPrecedenceParse
Abstract: OperatorPrecedenceParse is an operator-precedence parser.
DF file: PascalRuntime.df
Created by: Ed McCreight, Lyle Ramshaw, and Pavel Curtis
Maintained by: Pavel Curtis <Pavel.pa>
Author: Ed McCreight, Lyle Ramshaw, and Pavel Curtis
Keywords: Pascal, PasMesa, translation, compiler, runtime support
Abstract: The PascalRuntime package provides the runtime support necessary for programs translated from Pascal to Mesa by the program PasMesa. Normally, users of the package will not need to be aware of its contents; PasMesa takes care of most of it. Accordingly, no real documentation is provided except the code itself.
DF file: PasMesa.df
Created by: Ed McCreight, Lyle Ramshaw
Maintained by: Pavel Curtis <Pavel.pa>
Documentation: PasMesaDoc.tioga
Author: Ed McCreight, Lyle Ramshaw, Pavel Curtis
Keywords: Pascal Mesa translation compiler
Commands: PasMesa, CapsArrows
Abstract: PasMesa is a Pascal-to-Mesa source translation tool that runs in Cedar. It can help import Pascal programs into either the Cedar or Alto Mesa 6 environments.
DF file: PeachPrint.df
Created by: Don Curry
Maintained by: Don Curry <Curry.pa>
Documentation: PeachPrintDoc.tioga
Author: Don Curry
Keywords: Peach Printing
Commands: PeachPrint
Abstract: This hack just lets you print pd files at Peach print servers using the CommandTool rather than the Chat tool. It does not fork so when it returns your file should have been printed. This is useful for serializing actions such as local expansions (using PeachExpand for instance) followed by remote prints. The STOP button may take some time since it tries to remove the print request from the servers' queue. There is also a procedure interface.
DF file: Peanut.df
Created by: Bill Paxton
Maintained by: Doug Wyatt and Michael Plass <Wyatt.pa, Plass.pa>
Documentation: PeanutDoc.tioga
Author: Doug Wyatt
Keywords: mail, message, Grapevine, Tioga
Commands: Peanut
Abstract: Peanut is a simple mail reading and sending package. It maintains sets of messages as structured Tioga documents.
DF file: PeekMail.df
Commands: PeekMail
DF file: PhoneList.df
Created by: Eric Nickell
Maintained by: Eric Nickell <Nickell.pasa>
Documentation: PhoneListDoc.tioga
Author: Eric Nickell
Keywords: Phone, Directory, Hack
Commands: PhoneNumberOf
Abstract: PhoneList implements a CommandTool command to look up the phone list entry from files (in Parc phonelist format) which are maintained (e.g. the Parc PhoneList on [Indigo]<Registrar>).
DF file: PigsInSpace.df
Documentation: PigsInSpaceDoc.tioga
Author: Bob Hagmann
Keywords: FS cache
Commands: PigsInSpace
Finds the largest files on a logical volume.
DF file: PipeFitting.df
Created by: Peter Kessler
Maintained by: Peter Kessler <PeterKessler.pa>
Documentation: PipeFittingDoc.tioga
Author: Peter B. Kessler
Keywords: concatentation of files, pipes, pipelines, tees
Commands: Cat, Tee
Abstract: PipeFitting provides a programmer's and CommandTool interface for constructing pipelines.
DF file: Pixels.df
Created by: Frank Crow
Maintained by: Frank Crow <Crow.pa>
Documentation: PixelsDoc.tioga
Author: Frank Crow
Keywords: pixels, scan conversion, matting, lines, polygons, shading, highlights
Abstract: This package provides basic operations on 2-dimensional arrays of pixels. A pixel consists of an arbitrary number of values (samples) representing the information stored behind a displayed spot, not all of which is necessarily visible to the observer. Operations are provided for reading and writing individual pixels or scan segments. Use of an alpha channel or depth buffer for matting images together is supported, as is scan conversion for thin lines and convex polygons. Polygons may be rendered with constant shading, bilinear shading, or simulated highlights. The package is built on top of ImagerExtras/SampleMapOps.
DF file: PlotPackage.df
DF file: PLtoTF.df
Created by: Donald Knuth, Pavel Curtis
Maintained by: Pavel Curtis <Pavel.pa>
Documentation: PLtoTFDoc.tioga
Author: Donald Knuth, Pavel Curtis
Keywords: PL, TFM, TeX, Tioga, Font Metrics, Property Lists
Commands: PLtoTF
Abstract: PLtoTF is used for translating PL (``property list'') files into the TFM (``TeX Font Metric'') files used by TeX and Tioga for determining the widths of characters and other font information. PL files provide a textual format for TFM files, making it easier to create and edit them. There is a companion program, TFtoPL, which performs the opposite translation.
DF file: PolyHack.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: PolyHackDoc.Tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Polygon Hacks
Commands: PolyHack
Abstract: This is a collection of graphics hacks, centered around the idea of polygons whose vertices move through time.
DF file: Polynomials.df
Created by: Dennis Arnon
Maintained by: Dennis Arnon <Arnon.pa>
Documentation: PolynomialsDoc.tioga
Author: Dennis Arnon
Keywords: Polynomials, Computer Algebra, BigCardinals, BigRats
Abstract: Arithmetic of multivariate polynomials with exact, arbitrary precision rational coefficients. Somewhat nice I/O conversions.
DF file: PopUpCommand.df
Created by: Eric Nickell
Maintained by: Eric Nickell <Nickell.pasa>
Documentation: PopUpCommandDoc.tioga
Author: Eric Nickell
Keywords: ExecHacks, DoIt, CommandTool
Commands: PopUpCommand
Abstract: Implements a command which provides a pop-up menu allowing the user to select the actual command to execute. Since most users would have little desire to type in n commands, only to mouse select the one they really wished to perform, the application for this command is to provide choice where automated mechanism currently execute a single command — i.e. the ExecHacks DoIt button.
DF file: PopUpMenu.df
Created by: Christian Jacobi
Maintained by: Christian Jacobi <Jacobi.pa>
Documentation: PopUpMenuDoc.tioga
Author: Christian Jacobi
Keywords: popup, menu
Commands: PopUpMenu
Abstract: package which implements pop up menus.
DF file: PositionRange.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer.pa <Spreitzer.pa>
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Tioga, Position, Index, Byte, Character
Commands: PositionRange
Abstract: PositionRange hacks Tioga so that the Position button can work when the selection is of the form initialPosition..finalPosition, in addition to the usual form of initialPosition.
DF file: PowerOff.df
Author: Bob Hagmann
Commands: PowerOff
Abstract: When this package is run (i.e., "Run PowerOff"), it puts up a button on the top of the screen labeled "PowerOff". A double click of this button will cause the system to power itself off. It checks for unsaved viewers, and refuses to power off if there are any unsaved viewers. It also attempts to do an orderly shutdown of the system (like checkpoint) before turning the power off. If PowerOff is used as a CommandTool command, it will power the machine off if there are no unsaved viewers.
DF file: PressFileUtilities.df
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: PressFileUtilitiesDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: Press file, PressEdit, IncludePress
Commands: PressExtract, PressPages, SendSinglePages, PressOverlay, PressBBox, PressRescue, PressImageExtract, ListFontsInPressFile, SetPressPrintingMode
Abstract: This package provides commands for operating on Press files.
DF file: PressReader.df
DF file: PrettyPrint.df
Documentation: PrettyPrintDoc.Tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: pretty, whitespace, format, print, evaluate, interpret, expression
Commands: PrettyPrint
Abstract: PrettyPrint implements a command-tool command that evaluates an expression and prints the result prettily (formatting with whitespace).
DF file: PreView.df
Commands: PreView, CPreView1, CPreView2, ShowPress
DF file: Print.df
Documentation: PrintDoc.tioga
Commands: Print
DF file: PrintMB.df
Created by: Hal Murray
Maintained by: Hal Murray <Murray.PA>
Documentation: PrintMBDoc.tioga
Author: Hal Murray
Keywords: Proms
Commands: PrintMB
Abstract: PrintMB dumps the contents of MB files used to generate proms
DF file: ProcessWatcher.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: ProcessWatcherDoc.Tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Process, Ready
Commands: InstantaneousProcessWatcher, TraceProcessWatcher
Abstract: The ProcessWatcher package provides two kinds of displays of the active processes of a workstation. One is a "blinking light" display, with one light per process number. The other is a cyclical "strip chart", showing the activity of the past minute. Mouse clicks on these displays can provoke stack printouts.
DF file: Promptery.df
Created by: Mike Spreizer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: PrompteryDoc.tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Command Tool, Prompt
Commands: Promptery
Abstract: Promptery gives you a different prompt every command. The prompts are chosen randomly from a (user-specified) weighted list. The default list is somewhat eccentric.
DF file: Properties.df
Created by: Christian Jacobi
Maintained by: Christian Jacobi <Jacobi.pa>
Documentation: PropertiesDoc.tioga
Author: Christian Jacobi
Keywords: properties
Commands: Properties
Abstract: Implements property lists similar to Atom, but its lists use less memory.
DF file: PropertyLists.df
Created by: Christian Jacobi
Maintained by: Christian Jacobi <Jacobi.pa>
Documentation: PropertyListsDoc.tioga
Author: Christian Jacobi
Keywords: properties
Commands: PropertyLists
Abstract: Implements property lists similar to Atom, but its lists use less memory.
DF file: PupDebug.df
Created by: Hal Murray
Maintained by: Hal Murray <Murray.PA>
Documentation: PupDebugDoc.tioga
Author: Hal Murray
Keywords: Pup, debugging
Abstract: Simple debugging aids for Pup
DF file: PupTool.df
Documentation: PupToolDoc.tioga
Author: Neil Gunther
Keywords: Echo, Network, ProcessorID, Pup, Routing
Commands: PupTool
Not to be confused with PupWatch, PupTool is the ancestor of an ancient hack by Hal Murray. It is capable of determining; the host processor type and identification number; host or remote processor name or address; echoing to a remote processor; and producing a network routing table.
DF file: Pupwatch.df
Created by: Andrew Birrell
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <Atkinson.pa>
Documentation: PupwatchDoc.tioga
Author: Russ Atkinson
Keywords: communications, Pup
Commands: Pupwatch
Abstract: Pupwatch is a tool for observing Pup traffic on a research Ethernet (the 3 megabit kind). It is especially useful for debugging communications problems.
DF file: QFind.df
Documentation: QFindDoc.tioga
Author: Richard E. Sweet
Commands: QFind
DF file: QuickViewer.df
Created by: Frank Crow
Maintained by: Frank Crow <Crow.pa>
Documentation: QuickViewerDoc.tioga
Author: Frank Crow
Keywords: Viewers, Imager
Commands: QuickViewer
Abstract: QuickViewer provides a relatively easy way to get (possibly interactive) graphics through the Imager. QuickViewer handles scrolling, a simple button menu, and mouse and keyboard input for you and requires only a few simple procedures and conventions in return.
DF file: RecoverFromCache.df
Documentation: RecoverFromCacheDoc.tioga
Author: Bob Hagmann
Keywords: FS cache, File Server Disaster
Commands: RecoverFromCache
Restore files to a file server from the cached copies on the workstation. Files can be either copied or listed.
DF file: RecursivelyNIL.df
Created by: Bob Hagmann
Maintained by: Bob Hagmann <Hagmann.pa>
Documentation: RecursivelyNILDoc.tioga
Author: Bob Hagmann
Keywords: nil data structures
Abstract: RecursivelyNIL will take a REF, and recursively processes all objects reachable from the REF. For each object encountered, all REF containing fields are NILed. A callback is provided to limit the destruction.
DF file: RedBlackTreeExtras.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: RedBlackTreeExtrasDoc.tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: RedBlackTree, Extras, REF, ROPE, Stateless Enumerate, Delete
Commands: RedBlackTreeExtras
Abstract: RedBlackTreeExtras provides some things that users of RedBlackTree find themselves doing over and over again.
DF file: RegularExpression.df
Created by: Bob Nix
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <Atkinson.pa>
Documentation: RegularExpressionDoc.tioga
Author: Russ Atkinson
Keywords: regular expressions, matching
Abstract: RegularExpression is a package that implements a syntax for specifying a kind of text matching pattern called regular expressions.
DF file: Remember.df
Documentation: RememberDoc.tioga
Commands: Remember
Abstract: Remember is a calendar minder for Cedar. Users may enter events either from a command or a mail message that will occur some time in the future. Times for events may be given in almost any reasonable phrasing. Remember posts reminders when the corresponding time arrives as an appropriately shaped blinking inconic viewer that contains the information. Extensive user profile entries control the behavior of Remember.
DF file: RemoteCommand.df
Created by: Eric Nickell
Maintained by: Eric <Nickell.pasa>
Author: Eric Nickell
Keywords: Summoner, Compute Server, Command, CommandTool
Commands: RemoteCommand
Abstract: The idea here is to give you a CommandTool typescript which is being executed on some server machine. Very unsafe. But sometimes, maybe, it can save you a bit of walking.
DF file: RepeatCommand.df
Created by: Carl Hauser
Maintained by: Carl Hauser <CHauser.pa>
Documentation: RepeatCommandDoc.tioga
Author: Carl Hauser
Keywords: Command, delay, postpone, iterate
Commands: Repeat
Abstract: A Cedar interface and command for executing other commands on a schedule comprising a start time, a period, and a number of iterations.
DF file: RobotWar.df
Created by: Eric Nickell
Maintained by: Eric <Nickell.pasa>
Documentation: RobotWarDoc.Tioga
Author: Eric Nickell
Keywords: Game, Robot, Assembler
Commands: RobotTool
Abstract: RobotWar is a game, simulating a battle between two programmable robots.
DF file: RollbackAndAnything.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: RollbackAndAnythingDoc.Tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Rollback, Checkpoint, Command
Commands: RollbackAndAnything, DoRollbackStuff, RollbackAnd
Abstract: RollbackAndAnything provides a way to have commands automatically executed after a rollback.
DF file: RPCEchoTool.df
Created by: Hal Murray
Maintained by: Hal Murray <Murray.PA>
Documentation: RPCEchoToolDoc.tioga
Author: Hal Murray
Keywords: RPC, Echo, Response time
Commands: RPCEchoTool
Abstract: RPCEchoTool runs simple RPC tests and prints a response time histogram.
DF file: Scanner.df
Created by: Diebert, Lamming
Maintained by: Tim Diebert <Diebert.pa>
Documentation: ScannerDoc.tioga
Author: Tim Diebert
Keywords: scanner, AIS
Commands: Scanner
Abstract: This document describes the Cedar 6 support for the Eikonix scanner system.
DF file: ScreenBreak.df
Commands: BreakOnScreenChange, BreakOnScreenMatch, ClearScreenBreaks
DF file: ShowIP.df
Commands: ShowIP
DF file: ShowPD.df
Commands: ShowPD
DF file: ShowVAM.df
Created by: Andrew Birrell
Maintained by: Bob Hagmann, Michael Plass <Hagmann.pa, Plass.pa>
Documentation: ShowVAMDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: VAM, Volume Allocation Map, VM
Commands: ShowVAM, ShowVM
Abstract: A program to show bitmaps in viewers of the volume allocation map (VAM) for any Cedar volume, and to show the state of pages in VM. There are 512 dots to a line, and a black dot normally means allocated.
DF file: Sil.df
Created by: Ken Pier and Tracy Larrabee
Maintained by: Ken Pier <Pier.pa>
Documentation: SilDoc.Tioga
Author: Ken Pier
Keywords: illustrator, image, graphics, design automation
Commands: Sil
Abstract: Sil is a Simple Illustrator that runs in Cedar. It provides facilities for producing simple drawings, circuit diagrams, and illustrations that use only text strings and boxes. Sil was originally written for the Alto environment, and Cedar Sil allows compatibility with files produced by Alto Sil while providing a richer set of facilities to the Cedar user.
This document describes how to obtain and use the latest version of Sil released on the Cedar directory.
DF file: SirPress.df
Documentation: SirPressDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: Press, Printing, Obsolete
SirPress is a client package for writing Press files, and for sending them to the printer.
DF file: SleepPeek.df
Documentation: SleepPeekDoc.tioga
Commands: SleepPeek
DF file: SolidModeler.df
Documentation: SolidModelerDoc.tioga
Author: Eric Allan Bier
Keywords: Three-Dimensional Graphics, Solid Modeling
Abstract: The Solidviews Solid Modeler provides routines which build, manipulate, and render three dimensional scenes. The scenes are built from a set primitives (spheres, cylinders, cones, blocks, tori, and polygonal laminates) using the Boolean point set operations (union, intersection, and difference). Scenes can be rendered in three styles: wireframe, shaded polygon, and smoothly shaded. Smoothly shaded pictures are computed with ray tracing. The Solid Modeler is an integral part of the Solidviews Interactive Three-Dimensional Illustrator, which is currently its only client.
DF file: Solidviews.df
Documentation: SolidviewsManual.tioga, SolidviewsDoc.tioga, SolidviewsTutorial.tioga, SVHelpFile.tioga
Author: Eric Allan Bier
Keywords: Interactive Solid Modeling, Graphics
Commands: Solidviews
Abstract: The Solidviews Interactive Three-Dimensional Illustrator is an interactive tool for creating and editing three-dimensional scenes. Solidviews is built on top of the Solidviews Solid Modeler. It uses the Solid Modeler's capabilities to build scenes from a set primitives (spheres, cylinders, cones, blocks, tori, and polygonal laminates) using the Boolean point set operations (union, intersection, and difference) and to render scenes in three styles: wireframe, shaded polygon, and smoothly shaded. Smoothly shaded pictures are computed with ray tracing. Solidviews encorporates novel facilities for pointing at object surfaces and moving objects to tangency.
DF file: SortLabels.df
Documentation: SortLabelsDoc.tioga
Commands: SortLabels
DF file: SpellingTool.df
Documentation: SpellingToolDoc.tioga
Author: Robert Nix
Keywords: spell, proofread, check, misspell, word, dictionary
Commands: SpellingTool
The Spelling Tool is an efficient, lightweight tool for checking spelling in text. It is used much like a string search command; however, rather than locating the next piece of text that matches a particular pattern, it locates the next misspelled word. The Tool also provides facilities that assist in correcting misspelled words and that retrieve definitions from the Dictionary Server.
DF file: Spy.df
Created by: John Maxwell
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <Atkinson.pa>
Documentation: SpyDoc.tioga
Author: Russ Atkinson
Keywords: performance monitoring, performance analysis, tuning, page faults, allocations, timing, CPU usage
Commands: Spy
Abstract: The Cedar Spy is a tool for monitoring the performance of programs. It can measure several different aspects of performance: CPU usage, page faults, allocations, or process time. Hopefully a programmer will find that the Spy is the only tool he needs for the bulk of his performance analysis.
DF file: StatementInterpreter.df
Documentation: StatementInterpreterDoc.Tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Interpreter, Cedar, Statement, Interactive, Evaluate
Commands: StatementInterpreter, EQT, AMHacks
Abstract: The StatementInterpreter extends the Cedar interpreter's capabilities into the world of statements.
DF file: STPServer.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Rick Beach <Beach.pa>
Documentation: STPServerDoc.tioga
Keywords: file server, STP, file transfer, file translation
Commands: STPServer
Abstract: The STPServer is a Cedar program that allows your machine to be used as a simple file server.
DF file: StructuredStreams.df
Documentation: StructuredStreamsDoc.tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Stream, Format, Whitespace, Pretty Print, Structure, Object, Nest
Commands: UnparserBuffer, StructuredStreams
Abstract: StructuredStreams provides streams that format with whitespace according to a nested object structure. The basic formatting mechanism, UnparserBuffer, is also exported.
DF file: StyleTool.df
Commands: StyleTool
DF file: Summoner.df
Documentation: SummonerDoc.tioga
Author: Robert Hagmann
Keywords: Compute Server, Summoner, Process Server, distributed computing
Commands: SubmitSummonerPackage, RemoveSummonerPackage, SummonerInfo, SummonerCluster, SummonerClient, StartClient, SummonerClientOn, SummonerClientOff, SummonerServerOff, SummonerServerOn, SummonerEnableAutoIdle, SummonerDisableAutoIdle
Abstract: The Summoner, also called the Compute Server or the Process Server, is a framework for doing computation on multiple machines in Cedar. It provides the facilities for using the processing power a more powerful workstation from a lower powered workstation for doing computations like CommandTool Commands. It also has facilities for doing multi-machine computations.
The system is not complete, and suggestions are actively solicited.
DF file: Sweep.df
Commands: ShowSweep, ShowWind, ShowColor, ShowHide
DF file: SynChart.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: SynChartDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: syntax chart, TEX
Abstract: TEX macro package for creating syntax charts.
DF file: Tajo.df
Created by: Eric Nickell
Maintained by: Eric <Nickell.pasa>
Author: Eric Nickell
Keywords: Tajo, Pop-up, Menu, User-interface
Commands: MenuSystem, TajoMenus
Abstract: A down and dirty implementation of something akin to the Pop-up menus found in the Tajo environment.
DF file: Tangle.df
Documentation: TangleDoc.tioga
Author: Donald E. Knuth (moved to Cedar by Pavel Curtis)
Keywords: WEB, Pascal, PasMesa, compiler, translator
Commands: Tangle, ShowPosition
Abstract: Tangle is the program which translates WEB programs into legal Pascal. More information can be gotten from the WEB Users Manual, a copy of which Pavel owns.
DF file: TapeTool.df
Documentation: TapeToolDoc.tioga
Commands: TapeTool, PGTape
Abstract: This documentation describes the Cedar Tape Tool.
DF file: Tempus.df
Created by: Warren Teitelman
Maintained by: Ken Pier <Pier.pa>
Author: Rick Beach
Keywords: time, time parser
Commands: Tempus
Abstract: Tempus is a time parser that accepts a wide variety of time formats. Relative times, narrative times, and general forms of times are accepted.
DF file: TerminalEmulator.df
Documentation: TerminalEmulatorDoc.Tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: terminal, emulate, simulate, TTY, glass, character, screen
Commands: TerminalEmulator
Abstract: TerminalEmulator emulates a standard array-of-characters style terminal.
DF file: TeX.df
Created by: Donald E. Knuth, Michael Plass, Lyle Ramshaw
Maintained by: Pavel Curtis <Pavel.pa>
Documentation: TeXDoc.tioga
Author: Donald E. Knuth, Michael Plass, Lyle Ramshaw, and Pavel Curtis
Keywords: TeX82, formatting, documents, typesetting
Commands: TeX, IniTeX, RTeX, RIniTeX
Abstract: The TeX82 document compiler has been ported from Pascal to Cedar, and this document describes how to run it in Cedar. This document is somewhat obsolete, but Pavel hasn't had time to update it sufficiently. Talk to Pavel if you have problems.
DF file: TextReplace.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: TextReplaceDoc.tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Text, ROPE, String, Characters, Function, Map, Replace, Substitute, Pattern, Match, Search, Find, EditTool
Commands: TextReplace
Abstract: TextReplace defines a representation for members of the algebra of ROPEbROPE functions, and some useful functions on them (spanning the functionality of the EditTool).
DF file: Texture2D.df
Created by: Ken Perlin, Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: Texture2DDoc.tioga
Author: Ken Perlin, Michael Plass
Keywords: texture, AIS, bark, drops, marble, rock, smoke
Commands: Texture2D, Wedge
Abstract: A program for creating various 2-dimensional textures (as AIS files), using methods developed by Ken Perlin.
DF file: TFtoPL.df
Commands: TFtoPL
DF file: ThreeCasabaFour.df
Commands: ThreeC4
DF file: ThreeDWorld.df
Created by: Frank Crow
Maintained by: Frank Crow <Crow.pa>
Documentation: ThreeDWorldDoc.tioga
Author: Frank Crow
Keywords: 3-D, antialiasing, shading, highlights, image synthesis, texture, transparency
Commands: ThreeDWorld
Abstract: This package provides shaded renditions of numerically-described three dimensional shapes on Dorado color displays. Quick display for line drawings and faceted objects allows near-real-time display of simple shapes. For more complex scenes or more expensive shading techniques, a short sequence of images may be computed and then played back at real-time rates. More elaborate shading techniques include: smoothly varying shading for curved surfaces, highlights, simulated transparency, mapped and space-filling textures, and antialiasing. Currently, this package supports only shapes approximated by polygons and Bezier patches.
DF file: TiogaButtons.df
Created by: Richard J. Beach
Maintained by: Richard J. Beach <Beach.pa>
Author: Richard J. Beach
Keywords: TiogaButtons, Tioga, buttons, menus, user interface techniques, formatting
Commands: TiogaButtons
Abstract: TiogaButtons provides a user interface technique with all the formatting capabilities of the Tioga document formatter. TiogaButtons is a viewer class that behaves like a menu but is formatted by Tioga. The client prepares either a Tioga document or a set of text strings to be identified as buttons. The Tioga formatter displays the content but a special input notifier provides similar user interaction to a Viewers menu. All of the Tioga formatting capabilities, including line folding, looks, formats, and styles are available to the client.
TiogaButtons is experimental. Please request additional functionality you feel is necessary.
DF file: TiogaExecCommands.df
Created by: Michael Plass (moved from EditTool.df)
Maintained by: TiogaImplementors^.pa
Documentation: TiogaExecCommandsDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: convert, editor, formatter, hyphenation, mesa, plain, Tioga
Commands: AnnotateProperties, DoTiogaOps, PruneAnnotations, ReadIndent, ReadTiogaTipTables, TiogaMesa, WriteMesaPlain, WritePlain
Abstract: Executive commands for the Tioga editor.
DF file: TiogaImager.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: TiogaImagerDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: Typesetting, Imager, Tioga, Interpress, Formatting, Figures, Footnotes, Headers, Footers
Commands: TiogaToInterpress
Abstract: This package provides a command (TiogaToInterpress) for converting a Tioga file to an Interpress master suitable for printing. It also provides a client interface (TiogaImager) for formatting tioga nodes.
DF file: TiogaRenumber.df
Created by: Warren Teitelman
Maintained by: Rick Beach <Beach.pa>
Author: Rick Beach
Keywords: Tioga, renumber, footnotes, figures, references
Commands: RenumberFootnotes, RenumberFigures, RenumberReferences, Renumber, TiogaRenumber
Abstract: TiogaRenumber provides a command and control panel interface to a hack for renumbering things in Tioga documents. You can use a pattern, specify the starting number, the replacement number, and an increment to use in the renumbering.
DF file: TiogaStreams.df
Documentation: TiogaStreamsDoc.tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Tioga, Stream, IO, read, write
Commands: TiogaStreams
Abstract: TiogaStreams provides a way to read and write Tioga documents mostly through the standard streams interface.
DF file: Trans.df
Documentation: TransDoc.tioga
Commands: Trans
DF file: Trc.df
Created by: Eric Nickell, Mik Lamming
Maintained by: Eric Nickell <Nickell.pasa>
Documentation: TrcDoc.tioga
Author: Eric Nickell
Keywords: TRC, Tone Reproduction Curve, Function
Abstract: Trc provides capabilities for manipulating and viewing single-valued functions of one variable. It derives its name from "Tone Reproduction Curve", a particular type of function the authors wished to work with.
DF file: TrickleChargeServer.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson, Rick Beach <Atkinson.pa, Beach.pa>
Documentation: TrickleChargeServerDoc.tioga
Keywords: Cedar, pseudo servers, replicated directories
Commands: TrickleChargeServer
Abstract: The TrickleChargeServer provides a command to replicate a directory (or a DF file) from one server onto another preserving version numbers.
DF file: TSetter.df
Documentation: TSetterDoc.Tioga
Author: Michael Plass and Richard J. Beach
Keywords: typesetting, Tioga documents, Press files, AIS files, sampled images, typographic rules, TSetter, PressScreen, print servers
Commands: TSetter, PressScreen
Abstract: The TSetter formats Tioga documents for printing. The Tioga typesetter knows how to format several different kinds of document content, including text, typographic rules, Press files, and AIS sampled image files. There is an interactive tool for driving the Tioga typesetter and for sending formatted files to print servers. There is another tool, PressScreen, for formatting the contents of the screen. The program interface to the TSetter permits clients to format parts or the whole Tioga document for formatting.
DF file: Tube.df
Created by: Bloomenthal.pa
Maintained by: Bloomenthal.pa
Documentation: TubeDoc.tioga
Author: Jules Bloomenthal
Keywords: tube, generalized cylinder, modeling, three-dimensional geometry, splines.
Commands: Tube
Abstract: This software permits the creation and modification of tubular structures.
DF file: UserProfileOps.df
Documentation: UserProfileOpsDoc.tioga
DF file: UsingDependencies.df
Created by: Michael Plass
Maintained by: Michael Plass <Plass.pa>
Documentation: UsingDependenciesDoc.tioga
Author: Michael Plass
Keywords: Dependencies, Lister, USING
Commands: UsingDependencies
Abstract: Command for generating a list of interface-item dependencies from a collection of BCDs.
DF file: VBounce.df
Created by: Russ Atkinson
Maintained by: Russ Atkinson <Atkinson.pa>
Documentation: VBounceDoc.tioga
Author: Russ Atkinson
Keywords: animation, demonstration, Viewers
Commands: VBounce
Abstract: VBounce is an animation demonstration that runs in Cedar on Dorados. It creates a viewer that has 32 bouncing boxes inside of it.
DF file: ViewersToIP.df
Created by: Eric Nickell
Maintained by: Eric Nickell <Nickell.pasa>
Documentation: ViewersToIPDoc.tioga
Author: Eric Nickell
Keywords: Viewer, Interpress, Print
Commands: ViewerToIP
Abstract: ViewersToIP creates an interpress master given a viewer. Thus, it is possible to print anything (well, almost) that can be displayed in a viewer.
DF file: ViewRec.df
Documentation: ViewRecIntroduction.Tioga, ViewRecDoc.Tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: User Interface, Viewer, Record
Commands: ViewRec, MJSContainers, TypeProps, VBug
Abstract: ViewRec is a tool for constructing pieces of user interfaces. It provides a combination of extended menus (the procedures can take arguments) and forms fill-in.
DF file: VisibleMouseClicks.df
Created by: Peter B. Kessler
Maintained by: Peter B. Kessler <PeterKessler.pa>
Documentation: VisibleMouseClicksDoc.tioga
Author: Peter B. Kessler
Keywords: mouse, clicks, cursor, teaching
Commands: VisibleMouseClicks
Abstract: Displays mouse button clicks in the cursor.
DF file: VoiceUtils.df
DF file: Walnut.df
Documentation: WalnutDoc.Tioga, WalnutInterfacesDoc.tioga
Commands: WalnutControl, Walnut, WalnutScavenge
Abstract: Walnut is a computer mail system interface that runs in Cedar. It provides facilities to send and retrieve mail (using the Grapevine mail transport system), and to display and classify previously retrieved messages. This document describes how to use Walnut; the document WalnutInterfacesDoc.tioga gives information about programmer access to a Walnut database.
DF file: WalnutKernel.df
Created by: Willie-Sue Orr
Maintained by: Willie-Sue Orr <Willie-Sue.pa>, Jim Donahue <Donahue.pa>
Documentation: WalnutKernelDoc.Tioga, WalnutConversion.tioga
Author: Willie-Sue Orr
Keywords: Walnut, database
Commands: WalnutKernel, CreateWalnutWorld
Abstract: WalnutKernel provides a database and log system for storing and classifying grapevine messages. It is responsible for maintaining certain invariants. WalnutKernel exports the WalnutOps interface, which provides programmer's access to a Walnut database; WalnutInterfacesDoc.tioga gives a complete description of WalnutOps and the other interfaces that Walnut provides.
DF file: WalnutQuery.df
Created by: Mike Spreitzer
Maintained by: Mike Spreitzer <Spreitzer.pa>
Documentation: WalnutQueryDoc.tioga
Author: Mike Spreitzer
Keywords: Walnut, Query, Message, Message Set, Text Search, Time Compare
Commands: WalnutQuery
Abstract: WalnutQuery provides an extremely simple way to query Walnut. It enumerates all the messages, and applies a Boolean test to each.
DF file: WalnutRegistry.df
Created by: Willie-Sue Orr
Maintained by: Willie-Sue Orr <Willie-Sue>
Author: Willie-Sue Orr
Keywords: Walnut
Commands: WalnutRegistry
Abstract: WalnutRegistry is a facility that allows programs to be notified when various interesting events occur in a Walnut database. The interface WalnutRegistry is the documentation.
DF file: WalnutRescue.df
Created by: Willie-Sue Orr
Maintained by: Willie-Sue Orr <Willie-Sue.pa>, Jim Donahue <Donahue.pa>
Documentation: WalnutRescueDoc.Tioga
Author: Willie-Sue Orr
Keywords: Walnut, recovery
Commands: WalnutRescue, ScanWalnutLog, FixWalnutLog, QuickFixWalnutLog
Abstract: WalnutRescue provides a number of facilities to be used to recover from problems with or changes to Walnut.
DF file: WalnutSend.df
Created by: Willie-Sue Orr
Maintained by: Willie-Sue Orr <Willie-Sue>
Documentation: WalnutSendDoc.tioga
Author: Willie-Sue Orr
Keywords: Grapevine
Commands: WalnutSend
Abstract: WalnutSend is a tool for sending messages using Grapevine. The interface WalnutSendOps also provides procedures for parsing, answering and forwarding messages.
DF file: WalnutSort.df
Documentation: WalnutSortDoc.tioga
Author: Eric Nickell, Dave Rumph
Keywords: Walnut, Mail (for review by the Index Grue)
Commands: WalnutSort
Abstract: WalnutSort is a facility which automatically selects message set buttons in the Walnut Control window, on the basis of the contents of the message.
DF file: Watcher.df
Created by: Hal Murray
Maintained by: Hal Murray <Murray.PA>
Documentation: WatcherDoc.tioga
Author: Hal Murray
Keywords: Watch, CPU, Disk, Ethernet
Commands: Watcher
Abstract: Yet another toy to Watch things
DF file: Waterlily.df
Created by: Karen Kolling
Maintained by: Dan Swinehart <Swinehart.pa>, Russ Atkinson <Atkinson.pa>
Documentation: WaterlilyDoc.tioga
Author: Dan Swinehart
Keywords: file comparison, source comparison, file merging
Commands: Waterlily, Cedarlily, Tigerlily, Mergelily
Abstract: Waterlily will compare two files and produce either a difference file or a merged version of the two files. The minimal documentation here is extracted from the help prompts provided by the three Waterlily commands.
DF file: Weave.df
Commands: Weave
DF file: Whiteboard.df
Documentation: WhiteboardDoc.tioga
Commands: Whiteboard, WBOpen, WBDump
DF file: WordCount.df
Documentation: WordCountDoc.tioga
Commands: WordCount
DF file: WorkingDirectory.df
Created by: Peter Kessler
Maintained by: Peter Kessler <PeterKessler>
Documentation: WorkingDirectoryDoc.tioga
Author: Peter Kessler
Keywords: CommandTool, working directory, directory stack, icon labels
Commands: WorkingDirectory
Abstract: This program manipulates the same data structures as the CommandTool that define the current working directory and stack of working directories of a command tool. The printing of the current working directory (e.g. in the label of an iconic CommandTool) has been shortened, and the directory stack can now be printed out and rolled.
DF file: XBus.df
Created by: Jim Gasbarro
Maintained by: Jim <Gasbarro.pa>
Documentation: XBusDoc.tioga
Author: Jim Gasbarro
Keywords: Multibus, Busmaster, DandeTiger
Abstract: This interface is a driver for the Busmaster card. It is connected via the XBus expansion port to a DandeTiger. Such a system allows direct control of Multibus peripherals from Cedar.
DF file: Yodel.df
Documentation: YodelDoc.tioga
Commands: Yodel
Abstract Yodel is a program that provides a Button-style interface to the remote user commands to the Alpine File Servers, Interim File Servers (IFS), and the workstation file system FS. It allows the user to list, delete, rename, and copy files, as well as changing the file and owner properties for files stored on Alpine File Servers. Yodel also supports some functions (i.e., list, delete, rename and copy) on FS and IFS files. Thus, an IFS file can be copied to an Alpine file via Yodel. There also is an administrator interface for doing such things as adding or removing users, and changing quotas.
Command Index
Abutters: Abutters
ActiveFiles: FSUtil
afs: FileCmds
AISCopy: AISCopy
AISShow: AISShow
AISToInterpress: InterpressTools
AlpineBackup: AlpineBackup
AlpineRestore: AlpineBackup
AlpineUser: AlpineUser
AlpineVerify: AlpineBackup
AMHacks: StatementInterpreter
AnnotateProperties: TiogaExecCommands
ApplyTRC: AISTools
ArchiveFileSet: FileCmds
ArchivistBTree: ArchivistBTree
ArtworkInterpress: InterpressTools
ArtworkRule: InterpressTools
Asserting: Asserting
AutoBackUp: AutoBackUp
AutoReclaimFreePages: ExamineStorage
BcdLister: Lister
BinaryConvert: BinaryConvert
BiScrollers: BiScrollers
BitTuneAIS: FontTune
BodyLister: Lister
BravoToTioga: BravoToTioga
BreakOnScreenChange: ScreenBreak
BreakOnScreenMatch: ScreenBreak
BreakTool: Celtics
BuildTRC: AISTools
CapsArrows: PasMesa
Cat: PipeFitting
Catalog: Catalog
CCTTool: ColorCorrection
Cedarlily: Waterlily
Celtics: Celtics
CheckPD: ImagerPD
ChessHack: ChessHack
CKViewer: CKViewer
Clear: ColorTrix
ClearScreenBreaks: ScreenBreak
ClipAIS: ImageFFT
CmAdd: ColorTrix
CmBlend: ColorTrix
CmColor: ColorTrix
CmCompose: ColorTrix
CmCycle: ColorTrix
CmdAllFiles: FileCmds
CmdPerFile: FileCmds
CmEdit: ColorTrix
CmFlash: ColorTrix
CmGamma: ColorTrix
CmGauss: ColorTrix
CmInterp: ColorTrix
CmLoad: ColorTrix
CmMono: ColorTrix
CmNBits: ColorTrix
CmOnly: ColorTrix
CmPrint: ColorTrix
CmRamp: ColorTrix
CmRandom: ColorTrix
CmRipple: ColorTrix
CmRotate: ColorTrix
CmSave: ColorTrix
CmScale: ColorTrix
CmScramble: ColorTrix
CmShow: ColorTrix
CmSin: ColorTrix
CmSnake: ColorTrix
CmSpeckle: ColorTrix
CmTents: ColorTrix
CodeLister: Lister
CoFork: CoFork
ColorAISToInterpress: InterpressTools
ColorDisplay: ColorDisplay
ColorEdit: ColorEdit
ColorKal: IdleHacks
ColorTool: ColorTool
ColorTrixPackage: ColorTrix
ColumnLs: ColumnLs
CommanderPriority: CommanderPriority
CommandToolProcedures: CommandToolProcedures
ComputeVAM: FileUtil
ComputeWorkingSet: ComputeWorkingSet
Cookie: Cookie
CopyFromVersionMap: CopyFromVersionMap
CPreView1: PreView
CPreView2: PreView
CreateWalnutWorld: WalnutKernel
Cucumber: Cucumber
D2Intervals: Intervals
DeleteFileSet: FileCmds
DeleteOrphanPages: FileUtil
DemoOneCasaba: OneCasaba
DeskTops: DeskTops
dfs: FileCmds
Dir: DirectoryList
DoRollbackStuff: RollbackAndAnything
DoTiogaOps: TiogaExecCommands
Dunn: Dunn
DunnSnap: Dunn
DunnTool: Dunn
DunnView: Dunn
EchoTool: EchoTool
EncryptTool: EncryptTool
EQT: StatementInterpreter
exampleTool: EasyTool
ExecHacks: ExecHacks
ExportsLister: Lister
ExpungeOpens: ExpungeOpens
FastMouse: FastMouse
Ferret: Ferret
FFT: MathLib
FFTFilter: ImageFFT
FFTShow: ImageFFT
FGTLister: Lister
Fig: Fig
FileCmds: FileCmds
FilesLister: Lister
FileStreams: FSUtil
Finch: Finch
FindBadGuys: ExamineStorage
FindCyclicTypes: ExamineStorage
FindKeywords: FindKeywords
Finger: Finger
FingerTool: Finger
FixWalnutLog: WalnutRescue
FontBold: FontEdit
FontEdit: FontEdit
FontMerge: FontEdit
FontSlant: FontEdit
FontWidthsCopy: FontEdit
Football: Football
ForceClose: FSUtil
ForceReclaimFreePages: ExamineStorage
FortranToIp: FortranToIp
FreeMachines: Finger
FSEstablishInvariants: FSUtil
GenOneCasabaParser: OneCasaba
Geom2D: BiScrollers
GetFromRelease: GetFromRelease
GetMe: GetMe
GFtoPress: GFtoPress
GFType: GFType
GList: GList
GlobalFramesLister: Lister
GoodTimes: GoodTimes
GraphBrowsers: Graphs
Graphs: Graphs
Grep: Grep
GrepI: Grep
Grid: ColorTrix
Griffin: Griffin
GriffinToIP: GriffinToIP
HashTable: HashTable
HierarchicalDisplays: HierarchicalDisplays
Histograms: Histograms
HistoVAM: HistoVAM
Host: Finger
HostButton: HostButton
HostName: HostName
IconEditor: IconEditor
IniTeX: TeX
Install: Install
InstantaneousProcessWatcher: ProcessWatcher
InterpressArrows: InterpressTools
InterpressOverlay: InterpressTools
InterpressToAIS: InterpressTools
InterpressToJaM: InterpressTools
InterpressToPD: InterpressTools
InterpressToPress: InterpressTools
InterpressToTiogaArtwork: InterpressTools
Intervals: Intervals
IntHashTable: IntHashTable
IPPrint: IPPrint
IPToPD: InterpressTools
IPWrittenFromXerox: InterpressTools
IPXeroxFromWritten: InterpressTools
JaM: JaM
JamIDunn: JaMIDunn
JaMImager: JaMImager
JamMickeyMouse: MickeyMouse
KeyboardTioga: KeyboardTioga
Kipper: Kipper
Left: ColorTrix
lfs: FileCmds
ListArchives: ListArchives
ListFileSet: FileCmds
ListFontsInPressFile: PressFileUtilities
LoganBerry: LoganBerry
LoganBerryBrowser: LoganBerry
LRUChain: FSUtil
LRUFlush: FSUtil
LRUInfo: FSUtil
Ls: ColumnLs
Lum: ColorTrix
Magnifier: Magnifier
MakeCommandList: MakeDo
MakeDo: MakeDo
MakeEmpty: MakeDo
MakeExcuses: MakeDo
MakePrediction: MakeDo
MakeProducer: MakeDo
MakeRasterFont: FontEdit
MakeSuspicion: MakeDo
MakeTunedRasterFont: FontTune
MazeWar: MazeWar
MenuSystem: Tajo
Mergelily: Waterlily
MetaCedar: MetaCedar
MickeyMouse: MickeyMouse
Mirror: ColorTrix
Misp: Misp
MJSContainers: ViewRec
MonitorTool: MonitorTool
Negate: ColorTrix
NewCalc: NewCalc
NSCopy: NSCopy
OpenFiles: FSUtil
OpenIconDB: DBIcons
OpenToolDB: DBTools
OperatorPrecedenceParse: OperatorPrecedenceParse
Pal: ColorTrix
PasMesa: PasMesa
PeachPrint: PeachPrint
Peanut: Peanut
PeekMail: PeekMail
PGTape: TapeTool
PhoneNumberOf: PhoneList
Pie: ColorTrix
PigsInSpace: PigsInSpace
PolyHack: PolyHack
PolyKal: IdleHacks
PopUpCommand: PopUpCommand
PopUpMenu: PopUpMenu
PositionRange: PositionRange
PowerOff: PowerOff
PressBBox: PressFileUtilities
PressExtract: PressFileUtilities
PressImageExtract: PressFileUtilities
PressOverlay: PressFileUtilities
PressPages: PressFileUtilities
PressRescue: PressFileUtilities
PressScreen: TSetter
PressToInterpress: InterpressTools
PrettyPrint: PrettyPrint
PreView: PreView
Print: Print
PrintMB: PrintMB
PrintWindow: ColorTrix
Promptery: Promptery
Properties: Properties
PropertyLists: PropertyLists
PruneAnnotations: TiogaExecCommands
PupTool: PupTool
Pupwatch: Pupwatch
PVal: ColorTrix
QFind: QFind
QuickFixWalnutLog: WalnutRescue
QuickViewer: QuickViewer
Ramp: ColorTrix
ReadFrameBuffer: FrameBufferReader
ReadFrameBufferBottomUp: FrameBufferReader
ReadGSLImage: FrameBufferReader
ReadIndent: TiogaExecCommands
ReadLucasfilm: FrameBufferReader
ReadTiogaTipTables: TiogaExecCommands
RecoverFromCache: RecoverFromCache
RedBlackTreeExtras: RedBlackTreeExtras
Reflect: ColorTrix
Remember: Remember
RemoteCommand: RemoteCommand
RemoveSummonerPackage: Summoner
Renumber: TiogaRenumber
RenumberFigures: TiogaRenumber
RenumberFootnotes: TiogaRenumber
RenumberReferences: TiogaRenumber
Repeat: RepeatCommand
ResetWindow: ColorTrix
RetrieveFileSet: FileCmds
rfs: FileCmds
RIniTeX: TeX
RobotTool: RobotWar
RollbackAnd: RollbackAndAnything
RollbackAndAnything: RollbackAndAnything
RPCEchoTool: RPCEchoTool
RTBcdLister: Lister
Scanner: Scanner
ScanWalnutLog: WalnutRescue
SDtoSF: FontEdit
SendSinglePages: PressFileUtilities
SetPressPrintingMode: PressFileUtilities
SetWindow: ColorTrix
ShortBcdLister: Lister
ShowColor: Sweep
ShowHide: Sweep
ShowIP: ShowIP
ShowPD: ShowPD
ShowPosition: Tangle
ShowPress: PreView
ShowSweep: Sweep
ShowVAM: ShowVAM
ShowVM: ShowVAM
ShowWind: Sweep
Sil: Sil
SleepPeek: SleepPeek
Solidviews: Solidviews
SortedDefsLister: Lister
SortedSymbolLister: Lister
SortLabels: SortLabels
SpellingTool: SpellingTool
Spy: Spy
StartClient: Summoner
StatementInterpreter: StatementInterpreter
StippleEdit: FontEdit
STPServer: STPServer
StructuredStreams: StructuredStreams
StyleTool: StyleTool
SubDir: DirectoryList
SubmitSummonerPackage: Summoner
SummonerClient: Summoner
SummonerClientOff: Summoner
SummonerClientOn: Summoner
SummonerCluster: Summoner
SummonerDisableAutoIdle: Summoner
SummonerEnableAutoIdle: Summoner
SummonerInfo: Summoner
SummonerServerOff: Summoner
SummonerServerOn: Summoner
SymbolLister: Lister
TajoMenus: Tajo
TakeHeapStats: ExamineStorage
Tangle: Tangle
TapeTool: TapeTool
Tee: PipeFitting
Tempus: Tempus
TerminalEmulator: TerminalEmulator
TestControls: Controls
TestSubject: Kipper
TeX: TeX
TextReplace: TextReplace
Texture2D: Texture2D
ThreeC4: ThreeCasabaFour
ThreeDWorld: ThreeDWorld
Tigerlily: Waterlily
TiogaButtons: TiogaButtons
TiogaMesa: TiogaExecCommands
TiogaRenumber: TiogaRenumber
TiogaStreams: TiogaStreams
TiogaToInterpress: TiogaImager
TraceProcessWatcher: ProcessWatcher
Trans: Trans
TrickleChargeServer: TrickleChargeServer
TSetter: TSetter
Tube: Tube
TypePD: ImagerPD
TypeProps: ViewRec
UnboundLister: Lister
UnPal: ColorTrix
UnparserBuffer: StructuredStreams
Up: ColorTrix
UsingDependencies: UsingDependencies
UsingLister: Lister
ValidateHeap: ExamineStorage
VAMStats: FileUtil
VBounce: VBounce
VBug: ViewRec
ViewerToIP: ViewersToIP
ViewFontTuningParameters: FontTune
ViewRec: ViewRec
VisibleMouseClicks: VisibleMouseClicks
Walnut: Walnut
WalnutControl: Walnut
WalnutKernel: WalnutKernel
WalnutQuery: WalnutQuery
WalnutRegistry: WalnutRegistry
WalnutRescue: WalnutRescue
WalnutScavenge: Walnut
WalnutSend: WalnutSend
WalnutSort: WalnutSort
WalnutVoice: Finch
Watcher: Watcher
Waterlily: Waterlily
WBDump: Whiteboard
WBOpen: Whiteboard
Weave: Weave
Wedge: Texture2D
WhereIs: Finger
Whiteboard: Whiteboard
Who: Finger
WordCount: WordCount
WorkingDirectory: WorkingDirectory
WriteMesaPlain: TiogaExecCommands
WritePlain: TiogaExecCommands
Yodel: Yodel
Keyword Index
3-D: ThreeDWorld
3d: Geometry3d, Geometry3dApplied
abbreviation: Forms
ACFind: FindKeywords
Addage: Cookie
Address: HostName
AIS: AIS, AISCopy, AISShow, AISViewer, ColorCorrection, ColorEdit, FontTune, FrameBufferReader, ImageFFT, Scanner, Texture2D
AIS files: AISTools, TSetter
Align: Abutters
aligned characters: GFtoAC
allocations: Spy
alpha-channel: ImagerFunctionDevice
Alpine: AlpineBackup, AlpineServer, AlpineUser, FTP
animation: Dunn, MickeyMouse, VBounce
anti-alias: ImagerSmooth
antialiasing: ThreeDWorld
Archive: FileCmds
Archives: ListArchives
arguments.: Args
Arithmetic: BigCardinals
Assembler: RobotWar
atom: Asserting
Attachment: GetDWIM
backup: AlpineBackup, AutoBackUp
bark: Texture2D
BCD: GetMe
BigCardinals: Polynomials
BigRats: Polynomials
binary: BinaryConvert
Bind: MakeDo
bit-tuning: FontTune
Bitmap: FontEdit
Bold: FontEdit
Branch: KeyboardTioga
Bravo: BravoToTioga
Bringover: DFDependencies
Browse: Graphs
browsing: LoganBerry
btrees: LoganBerry
Busmaster: GPIB, XBus
Button: HierarchicalDisplays, KeyboardTioga
buttons: TiogaButtons
Byte: PositionRange
camera: Dunn
CardTable: CardTable
Caret: KeyboardTioga
catalog: Catalog
Cedar: Finch, GetDWIM, StatementInterpreter, TrickleChargeServer
Cedar Archives: ArchivistBTree
Cedar users: Finger
CedarChest: Forms
Character: KeyboardTioga, PositionRange, TerminalEmulator
Characters: TextReplace
check: SpellingTool
Checkpoint: RollbackAndAnything
chess: ChessHack
Child: Abutters
clicks: VisibleMouseClicks
clipping: Geometry3d, Geometry3dApplied
color: ColorCorrection, ColorTool, FrameBufferReader, IdleHacks, ImagerExtras
Color correction: ColorCorrection
color display: CKViewer, ColorDisplay, ColorTrix
Color Edit: ColorEdit
color map: ColorTrix
color spaces: ColorTool
color specification: ColorTool
columnation: ColumnLs
Command: CommandToolProcedures, Cookie, FileCmds, Install, MakeDo, RemoteCommand, RepeatCommand, RollbackAndAnything
Command File: ExecHacks, Install
Command Tool: CommandToolProcedures, Promptery
Commands: Args
CommandTool: PopUpCommand, RemoteCommand, WorkingDirectory
communications: Pupwatch
Compile: ExecHacks, MakeDo
Compiler: GetFromRelease, PascalRuntime, Tangle
compiler errors: GetFromRelease
CompilerCompiler: OneCasaba
computational geometry: Combiner
Compute Server: RemoteCommand, Summoner
Computer Algebra: Polynomials
concatentation of files: PipeFitting
Consistency: MakeDo
Constrain: Abutters
Container: Abutters
Controls: Controls
conversion: BinaryConvert, BravoToTioga
convert: TiogaExecCommands
convex decomposition: Combiner
Cookie: Cookie
copy: CopyFromVersionMap, ExecHacks, NSCopy
copying: AISCopy
CoRoutines: CoFork
CPU: Watcher
CPU priority: CommanderPriority
CPU usage: Spy
cubics: CubicSplinePackage
cursor: FastMouse, VisibleMouseClicks
curves: Geometry3d, Geometry3dApplied
Cyphers: EncryptTool
DAG: Graphs
DandeTiger: GPIB, XBus
Data: Histograms
Database: AlpineServer, Asserting, LoganBerry, WalnutKernel
databases: Finger
debugging: Celtics, DebuggingWorld, GmtDebug, PupDebug
delay: RepeatCommand
Delete: FileCmds, KeyboardTioga, RedBlackTreeExtras
demonstration: VBounce
Dependencies: DFDependencies, UsingDependencies
Dependency: MakeDo
Derive: MakeDo
DES algorithm: EncryptTool
design automation : Sil
device dependence: ImagerPD
device independence: ImagerExamples, ImagerPD
DF: Forms
DF File: DFDependencies, GetDWIM, MakeDo
DF files: GetFromRelease
DF-File: FileCmds
dials: Controls
Dicentra: DicentraRS232CAsync, Eikonix
dictionary: SpellingTool
DiGraph: Graphs
dir: DirectoryList
Directed: Graphs
directory: ColumnLs, DirectoryList, FileCmds, GetDWIM, PhoneList
directory stack: WorkingDirectory
Disk: DiskTool, Watcher
Display: HierarchicalDisplays, ImagerExamples, ImagerExtras
Display list: ImagerMemory
distributed computing: Summoner
Dither: ImagerExtras
DMT: IdleHacks
Do It: Cookie
document: Forms
documentation: Catalog
documents: TeX
DoIt: ExecHacks, PopUpCommand
Draw: HierarchicalDisplays
drops: Texture2D
Dunn: Dunn, JaMIDunn
DWIM: ExecHacks, GetDWIM
Echo: EchoTool, PupTool, RPCEchoTool
Edge: Graphs
Edit: FontEdit
Editor: KeyboardTioga, TiogaExecCommands
EditTool: TextReplace
Eikonix: Eikonix
emulate: TerminalEmulator
Encryption: EncryptTool, Fig
Enumeration: FileCmds
Ethernet: Watcher
Evaluate: Misp, PrettyPrint, StatementInterpreter
examples: ImagerExamples
ExecHacks: PopUpCommand
Execute: CommandToolProcedures
expression: PrettyPrint
Extras: RedBlackTreeExtras
Figures: TiogaImager, TiogaRenumber
File: Cucumber, FileCmds, GetDWIM, MakeDo
file comparison: Waterlily
file merging: Waterlily
File Package Utilities: FileUtil
File Server: AlpineServer, FTP, STPServer
File Server Disaster: RecoverFromCache
file transfer: STPServer
File Transfer Protocol (FTP): FTP
file translation: STPServer
filename: ColumnLs
files: DirectoryList, Ferret
Filing: NSCopy
film recorder: Dunn
filter: ImageFFT
find: ACFind, FindKeywords, TextReplace
Finger: Finger
flash: CKViewer
Font: FontEdit, FontTune, GFtoPress, ImagerExamples, ImagerPD
Font Metrics: PLtoTF
fonts: MF
football: Football
Footers: TiogaImager
Footnotes: TiogaImager, TiogaRenumber
form: Forms
format: PrettyPrint, StructuredStreams
formatter: TiogaExecCommands
formatting: TeX, TiogaButtons, TiogaImager
Fortune: Cookie
frame buffer: FrameBufferReader
frame buffer.: ColorTrix
FS: AutoBackUp, FSRope
FS cache: PigsInSpace, RecoverFromCache
FTP: AlpineServer
function: Asserting, CommandToolProcedures, TextReplace, Trc
funny stuff: IPPrint
game: Football, MazeWar, RobotWar
garbage collection: CircularGarbage
generalized cylinder: Tube
generic font: GFtoAC
Geometrical Sort: Intervals
geometry: Geometry3d, Geometry3dApplied
Get: GetDWIM
GF files: GFtoPress
glass: TerminalEmulator
GMT: GmtDebug
grammar: CedarSyntax
Grapevine: Peanut, WalnutSend
Graph: Graphs
Graphic: BiScrollers
graphics: AISTools, Histograms, ImagerExamples, ImagerPD, Sil, Solidviews
Graphics list: ImagerMemory
Griffin: GriffinToIP
GSL electron microscope: FrameBufferReader
hack: MetaCedar, NSCopy, PhoneList
hardware testing: CKViewer
Hash: HashTable, Intervals, IntHashTable
Hash Table: IntHashTable
Headaches: NSCopy
Headers: TiogaImager
heap storage: ExamineStorage
Hierarchy: HierarchicalDisplays
highlights: Pixels, ThreeDWorld
Histogram: Histograms
History: ExecHacks
Host Address: HostName
Host Name: HostName
hyphenation: TiogaExecCommands
I/O: BiScrollers
icon flavors: IconRegistry
icon labels: WorkingDirectory
icons: IconRegistry
Idle: IdleHacks
IFS: AlpineBackup, Ferret, FTP
Illustrator: Griffin, GriffinToIP, Sil
illustrators: ColorTool, MickeyMouse
image: AISTools, FrameBufferReader, ImagerExamples, ImagerPD, Sil
image synthesis: ThreeDWorld
Imager: AISShow, DebuggingWorld, ImagerExtras, ImagerFunctionDevice, ImagerMemory, ImagerPress, ImagerSmooth, ImagerToJaM, ImagerViewer, Interpress, InterpressTools, JaMIDunn, JaMImager, QuickViewer, TiogaImager
Implement: Install
IncludePress: PressFileUtilities
Index: PositionRange
Install: Install
INT: IntHashTable
Integer: IntHashTable
interaction.: Controls
Interactive: Misp, StatementInterpreter
interactive graphics: Griffin
Interactive Solid Modeling: Solidviews
Interchange: BravoToTioga
interface: Forms
Interfaces: GetDWIM, GetFromRelease
Interpress: FortranToIp, GriffinToIP, ImagerExamples, ImagerPD, Interpress, InterpressTools, IPPrint, MickeyMouse, TiogaImager, ViewersToIP
interpret: PrettyPrint
Interpreter: CommandToolProcedures, JaM, Misp, StatementInterpreter
IO: Cucumber, TiogaStreams
Italic: FontEdit
iterate: RepeatCommand
JaM: ImagerToJaM, JaM, JaMIDunn, JaMImager
JamImager: JaMIDunn
Kaleidoscope: IdleHacks
key: Asserting
Keyboard: KeyboardTioga
keyset: Knobs
keyword: ACFind, FindKeywords
knob: Knobs
Knuth: MF
language: CedarSyntax
Line: KeyboardTioga
lines: Geometry3d, Geometry3dApplied, Pixels
Link: Graphs
Lisp: GList, Misp
list: Asserting, ColumnLs, FileCmds, GList
Lister: UsingDependencies
Load: Install
Load File: Install
Logical Word: KeyboardTioga
logs: LoganBerry
Lookup: GetDWIM
LPT: FortranToIp
ls: ColumnLs
Lucasfilm: FrameBufferReader
Machine Address: HostName
Machine Name: HostName
machine profile: ColorDisplay
macro: MetaCedar
mail: Fig, Peanut
Mail (for review by the Index Grue): WalnutSort
Make: MakeDo
MakeDo: DFDependencies, GetFromRelease
Map: TextReplace
marble: Texture2D
Marshall: Kipper
Match: TextReplace
matching: RegularExpression
Math functions: Math
MathPackage: Math
matrices: Geometry3d, Geometry3dApplied
matting: Pixels
MazeWar: MazeWar
menu: PopUpMenu, Tajo
menus: TiogaButtons
Mesa: GetDWIM, TiogaExecCommands
Message: FileCmds, Forms, Peanut, WalnutQuery
Message Set: WalnutQuery
Metrics: FontEdit
Misp: Misp
misspell: SpellingTool
modeling: Tube
mouse: FastMouse, KeyboardTioga, VisibleMouseClicks
Multibus: XBus
Multiple precision: BigCardinals
Name: HostName
Navigate: Graphs
Neighbor: Graphs
Nest: HierarchicalDisplays, StructuredStreams
Network: Graphs, PupTool
nil data structures: RecursivelyNIL
Node: Graphs, KeyboardTioga
Object: StructuredStreams
Object-Oriented: Graphs
Obsolete: SirPress
OPEN: ExpungeOpens, GetDWIM
OpenFile: FSRope
Operator Precedence: OperatorPrecedenceParse
Order: MakeDo
Package: Install
page faults: Spy
Page Level Access: AlpineServer
Paint: HierarchicalDisplays
Parse: OperatorPrecedenceParse
ParserGenerator: OneCasaba
Parsing: OneCasaba
Pascal: PascalRuntime, Tangle
Pascal Mesa translation compiler : PasMesa
PasMesa: PascalRuntime, Tangle
pattern: ACFind, FileCmds, TextReplace
PD: ImagerPD
Peach Printing: PeachPrint
PendingDelete: KeyboardTioga
performance: Celtics, CircularGarbage
performance analysis: Spy
performance monitoring: Spy
Phone: PhoneList
Pickle: Kipper
Pickled Value: Cucumber
Pictures: AIS
pipelines: PipeFitting
pipes: PipeFitting
PixelMap: ImagerFunctionDevice, ImagerSmooth
pixels: Pixels
plain: TiogaExecCommands
planes: Geometry3d, Geometry3dApplied
Plot: Histograms
Point: KeyboardTioga
points: Geometry3d, Geometry3dApplied
Polygon Hacks: PolyHack
polygons: Combiner, Pixels
Polynomials: Polynomials
Pop-up: Tajo
popup: PopUpMenu
Ports: CoFork
Position: PositionRange
postpone: RepeatCommand
Press: GFtoPress, ImagerPress, SirPress
Press file: PressFileUtilities
Press files: TSetter
PressEdit: PressFileUtilities
PressScreen: TSetter
pretty: PrettyPrint
Pretty Print: StructuredStreams
prettyprint: ExpungeOpens
Print: CommandToolProcedures, IPPrint, PrettyPrint, ViewersToIP
print servers: TSetter
printing: ColorCorrection, ImagerExamples, ImagerPD, Interpress, InterpressTools, SirPress
Procedure: CommandToolProcedures
Process: ProcessWatcher
Process Server: Summoner
ProcessorID: PupTool
programming style: ExpungeOpens
Prompt: Promptery
Proms: PrintMB
proofread: SpellingTool
proofs: GFtoPress
properties: Properties, PropertyLists
property: Asserting
Property list: Asserting
Property Lists: PLtoTF
pseudo servers: TrickleChargeServer
Pup: EchoTool, PupDebug, PupTool, Pupwatch
Pup Address: HostName
Query: WalnutQuery
Quote: Cookie
Re-Hash: HashTable, IntHashTable
Read: Cucumber, TiogaStreams
Ready: ProcessWatcher
Record: ViewRec
recovery: WalnutRescue
RedBlackTree: RedBlackTreeExtras
Redo: ExecHacks
REF: RedBlackTreeExtras
references: TiogaRenumber
RefID: CardTable
RefTab: CardTable, HashTable, IntHashTable
registry: IconRegistry
regular expressions: RegularExpression
relation: Asserting
release: Forms
Reload: Ferret
Renaming: GetDWIM
renumber: TiogaRenumber
Replace: TextReplace
Replay: ImagerMemory
replicated directories: TrickleChargeServer
Rescue: Ferret
Response time: EchoTool, RPCEchoTool
Retrieve: FileCmds
Robot: RobotWar
rock: Texture2D
Rollback: RollbackAndAnything
Rope: FSRope, RedBlackTreeExtras, TextReplace
Routing: PupTool
RPC: AlpineServer, GPIB, RPCEchoTool
RS232: DicentraRS232CAsync
runtime support: PascalRuntime
Sampled Image: ColorEdit
Sampled Images: AIS, AISCopy, FontTune, TSetter
SampledBlack: FontEdit
Samples: ImagerExtras
Saying: Cookie
scaling: AISCopy
scan conversion: Pixels
Scanned Images: AIS
scanner: Scanner
scanning: Eikonix
Scatter Plot: Histograms
Screen: BiScrollers, Histograms, TerminalEmulator
Scroll: BiScrollers
search: ACFind, FindKeywords, TextReplace
searching: Grep
Security: EncryptTool
Select: KeyboardTioga
Sequence: MakeDo
Server: AlpineServer
Server Address: HostName
Server Name: HostName
Set: FileCmds
shading: Pixels, ThreeDWorld
Show: HierarchicalDisplays
simulate: TerminalEmulator
sliders: Controls, Knobs
SModel: DFDependencies, ExecHacks
smoke: Texture2D
Snippet: Cookie
software releases: Catalog
Solid Modeling: SolidModeler
source comparison: Waterlily
speed: FastMouse
spell: SpellingTool
Spice: FortranToIp
splines: CubicSplinePackage, Geometry3d, Geometry3dApplied
splines.: Tube
Spruce: ImagerPress
stack-based language: JaM
Starfield: IdleHacks
Stateless Enumerate: RedBlackTreeExtras
Statement: StatementInterpreter
stderr: CommandToolProcedures
stdin: CommandToolProcedures
stdout: CommandToolProcedures
Stipple: FontEdit
STP: STPServer
STREAM: CommandToolProcedures, Cucumber, FSRope, StructuredStreams, TiogaStreams
String: TextReplace
Structure: StructuredStreams
style: Forms
subdir: DirectoryList
subdirectory: DirectoryList
Substitute: TextReplace
Subword: KeyboardTioga
Summoner: RemoteCommand, Summoner
SymTab: HashTable, IntHashTable
syntax: CedarSyntax
syntax chart: SynChart
Synthesized voice: Finch
Tajo: Tajo
teaching: VisibleMouseClicks
tees: PipeFitting
Telephones: Finch
terminal: TerminalEmulator
TeX: PLtoTF, SynChart
TeX82: TeX
Text: TextReplace
Text Search: WalnutQuery
texture: Texture2D, ThreeDWorld
three-dimensional: Geometry3d, Geometry3dApplied
three-dimensional geometry: Tube
Three-Dimensional Graphics: SolidModeler
time: Tempus
Time Compare: WalnutQuery
time parser: Tempus
timing: Spy
Tioga: BravoToTioga, DebuggingWorld, EditorComforts, GetDWIM, KeyboardTioga, Peanut, PLtoTF, PositionRange, TiogaButtons, TiogaExecCommands, TiogaImager, TiogaRenumber, TiogaStreams
Tioga documents: TSetter
TiogaButtons: TiogaButtons
Tone Reproduction Curve: Trc
Transaction: AlpineServer
translation: PascalRuntime
translator: Tangle
transparency: ThreeDWorld
Traverse: Graphs
TRC: AISTools, ColorEdit, Trc
Tree: Graphs, HierarchicalDisplays
TSetter: TSetter
TTY: TerminalEmulator
tube: Tube
tuning: Spy
Two-Dimensional: BiScrollers
Type Generic: GList
typesetting: TeX, TiogaImager, TSetter
typographic rules: TSetter
Under-color removal: ColorCorrection
User Interface: BiScrollers, FastMouse, ViewRec
user interface techniques: TiogaButtons
user profile: AutoBackUp, ExecHacks
user-interface: Knobs, Tajo
USING: UsingDependencies
value: Asserting, Cucumber
VAM: FileUtil, HistoVAM, ShowVAM
vectors: Geometry3d, Geometry3dApplied
Verify: DFDependencies
VerifyDF: ExecHacks
version map: CopyFromVersionMap, FileCmds
version maps: GetFromRelease
Version Stamp: GetMe
Vertex: Graphs
Viewer: Abutters, BiScrollers, HierarchicalDisplays, Histograms, ViewersToIP, ViewRec
viewers: AISViewer, Controls, DebuggingWorld, DeskTops, QuickViewer, VBounce
virtual desktops: DeskTops
virtual terminal: DebuggingWorld, IdleHacks
Visible: HierarchicalDisplays, Histograms
VM: HistoVAM, ShowVAM
Voice Mail: Finch
Volume Allocation Map: HistoVAM, ShowVAM
walnut: Fig, FileCmds, WalnutKernel, WalnutQuery, WalnutRegistry, WalnutRescue, WalnutSort
Watch: Watcher
WEB: Tangle
whitespace: PrettyPrint, StructuredStreams
Widths: FontEdit
Window: HierarchicalDisplays
Word: KeyboardTioga, SpellingTool
working directory: WorkingDirectory
Working Set: ComputeWorkingSet
Write: Cucumber, TiogaStreams
XD: NSCopy
XDE: IPPrint