FILE: CoForkImpl.mesa Last Editor: Sturgis August 10, 1981 11:38 AM
Last Editor: Sturgis 26-Mar-82 14:30:18
Last Editor: Swinehart 7-Dec-81 13:09:57
Last Editor: Rovner December 16, 1983 2:10 pm
CoFork USING[],
PrincOps USING[ControlLink, FrameHandle, NullFrame, Port, StateVector],
PrincOpsUtils USING[GetReturnFrame, MyLocalFrame, SetReturnFrame];
CoForkImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS PrincOpsUtils EXPORTS CoFork =
BEGIN OPEN PrincOps, PrincOpsUtils;
nCoForks: LONG CARDINAL ← 0;
recentCoForkMeFrame: FrameHandle ← LOOPHOLE[0];
recentCallerFrame: FrameHandle ← LOOPHOLE[0];
recentConsumerFrame: FrameHandle ← LOOPHOLE[0];
NFramePointers: CARDINAL = 3;
FrameList: ARRAY [0..NFramePointers) OF UNSPECIFIED ← [@portA, @portB, @consumersFrame];
portA: PORT; -- this port is called by producer (sink) (put)
portB: PORT; -- this port is called by consumer (source) (get)
stopper: PROCEDURE = -- this procedure is called by the consumer to stop the producer
ehSatterthwaiteMemorialLocal0: INTEGER;
xNullRequest: StateVector;
IF FALSE THEN ehSatterthwaiteMemorialLocal0�
xNullRequest ← STATE;
nullRequest ← xNullRequest;
consumerHasRequestedTermination ← TRUE;
consumersFrame ← GetReturnFrame[];
SetReturnFrame[forkMeFrame]; -- now return to forkMe
forkMeFrame: FrameHandle ← MyLocalFrame[];
caller: FrameHandle ← GetReturnFrame[];
callersCaller: ControlLink ← caller.returnlink;
nullItem: StateVector;
nullRequest: StateVector;
throwAway: StateVector;
consumerHasRequestedTermination: BOOLEANFALSE;
consumersFrame: FrameHandle ← LOOPHOLE[0];
fakedNoParameterReturnState: StateVector;
some debug info;
nCoForks ← nCoForks + 1;
recentCoForkMeFrame ← forkMeFrame;
recentCallerFrame ← caller;
recentConsumerFrame ← LOOPHOLE[callersCaller];
cross link the ports, and set first words to 0
LOOPHOLE[portA, Port].dest ← LOOPHOLE[@portB];
LOOPHOLE[portA, Port].frame ← LOOPHOLE[0];
LOOPHOLE[portB, Port].dest ← LOOPHOLE[@portA];
LOOPHOLE[portB, Port].frame ← LOOPHOLE[0];
register our frame holding cells
RTOS.RegisterFrameChains[DESCRIPTOR[LOOPHOLE[@FrameList, POINTER TO ARRAY OF POINTER TO FrameHandle], NFramePointers]];
rig caller to return to our frame (for final termination of producer), and put a NullFrame in our return link so that signals will work correctly. NOTE: when converting to Cedar, must be sure that 1) never a loop in the return pointers, and 2) all frames are always pointed to. This may require hanging the caller off a port for a short period.
SetReturnFrame[NullFrame]; -- caller's frame is pointed to by "caller". set to nullFrame so that next line does not form a loop
caller.returnlink ← LOOPHOLE[forkMeFrame]; -- caller's caller is pointed to by "callersCaller".
now return to the caller through the source port and deliver the sink port
LOOPHOLE[portB, Port].frame ← LOOPHOLE[0, FrameHandle];
LOOPHOLE[portA, Port].frame ← caller;
nullItem ← STATE; -- caller calls us back (through the sink port) with the value of a null item
now fake a return to the caller of the caller (consumer), with the port and procedure that the consumer is expecting from the caller
throwAway ← STATE; -- if a producer returned, then we just received garbage return parameters
there are two ways to get here: the producer returned (and the consumer has not called the stopper), or the consumer called the stopper
IF consumerHasRequestedTermination THEN
BEGIN -- the consumer called the stopper, so we want to feed the final consumer item to the producer until the producer returns
rig the caller to return through the port
caller.returnlink ← LOOPHOLE[@portB]; -- preceeding value of caller.returnLink was forkMeFrame, which is now known by the process since we are running
WHILE LOOPHOLE[portA, Port].frame # LOOPHOLE[0, FrameHandle] DO
nullRequest.source.frame ← NullFrame;
nullRequest.dest.frame ← MyLocalFrame[];
TRANSFER WITH nullRequest; -- puts null request on stack
throwAway ← STATE;
now the producer has returned to us, so make final return to consumer with no return arguments
fakedNoParameterReturnState.instbyte ← 0;
fakedNoParameterReturnState.stkptr ← 0;
fakedNoParameterReturnState.dest.frame ← consumersFrame;
fakedNoParameterReturnState.source.frame ← NullFrame;
BEGIN -- the producer returned, so we want to feed the null item to the consumer until he calls the stopper
WHILE NOT consumerHasRequestedTermination DO
nullItem.source.frame ← NullFrame;
nullItem.dest.frame ← MyLocalFrame[];
TRANSFER WITH nullItem; -- puts null item on stack
LOOPHOLE[@portB, PROCEDURE][]; -- so that the return from stopper will not runinto a PortI
throwAway ← STATE;
now the consumer has called termination, so return to consumer with no result params
fakedNoParameterReturnState.instbyte ← 0;
fakedNoParameterReturnState.stkptr ← 0;
fakedNoParameterReturnState.dest.frame ← consumersFrame;
fakedNoParameterReturnState.source.frame ← NullFrame;
Deregister our frame holding cells
SetReturnFrame[consumersFrame]; -- so that when the cells are deregisterd, the consumer is still accessable
RTOS.UnregisterFrameChains[DESCRIPTOR[LOOPHOLE[@FrameList, POINTER TO ARRAY OF POINTER TO FrameHandle], NFramePointers]];
RETURN WITH fakedNoParameterReturnState;
Initial by: Sturgis, July 20, 1981 5:25 PM
remark: July 22, 1981 4:01 PM: first version of ForkMe works, in environment of tokenizer, and charSource. Tried it with chars running out first, and with requests for tokens stopping first. Had lots of trouble trying to fake Port calls using "Transfer With". Never got them to work, so I invented SetState, which I call to load the evaluation stack just before calling a port. Now I am going to modify the interface so that MakeTokenizer (for example) defines both a nullItem and a nullRequest.
July 22, 1981 4:49 PM: well, that didn't work, so modify back to old scheme. The problem is that ForkMe did not know how to define a null item, or any item, to return to the producer so that the producer could make a call defining said item.... Have to think about it a while.
July 23, 1981 1:57 PM: implementation code is edited into the file CoForkImpl.mesa
July 28, 1981 1:05 PM: add some debug info
RTE: July 28, 1981 4:11 PM: basic problem: CoForkMe called out through a port, and someone returned to him via an ordinary procedure return. Result is that the waiting PortI zeroed the first word of CoForkMes frame. Repaired this by arranging to fake a procedure call through the appropriate ports when needed.(2048)
August 5, 1981 10:43 AM: temp call it NewCoForkImpl, and remove the debugging statements
August 5, 1981 10:51 AM: change from a procedure to put a state on the stack to doing it directly.
August 7, 1981 10:23 AM: now call it CoForkImpl
August 10, 1981 11:41 AM: arrange for a null frame in CoForkMe's return link, so that signals will work correctly. NOTE: still need to worry about having frames always findable by Cedar allocator when converting to cedar. At present, never form a loop, but MakeProducer is "lost" for a while. Also during stopper??
16-Oct-81 10:24:20: Cedar version; collection during lost frame time? Life is hard.
1-Dec-81 15:01:32: change to allow registration of frame pointers so that all frames can always be found during garbage collection. Mechanism is to register with the Cedar Engine room a vector of pointers to cells that hold frame pointers. We choose to register all such cells in CoForkMe that hold such pointers and are not present just for debugging. This is a sufficient set of cells, otherwise CoForkMe could not work. (i.e. some dangling frame would never be used again. Two other issues must be addressed: 1) no loops in the frame pointers, and 2) no registered cell holds a pointer to a non existent cell. I believe there are no loops, after a discussion with Rovner and many pictures on the board. I Just examined the code and have made the appropriate changes to avoid pointers to non existent frames.
Error: 26-Mar-82 14:33:33: (caught by reading code) too many variables given to garbage collector, in particular, callersCaller will at times point to defunct frames (if the consumer returns several procedures before calling stopper`)
(long) remark: 26-Mar-82 14:31:50
There are 7 phases during which client code can run
phase 1: no cofork activity at all
phase 2: consumer has called appropriate makeProducer
phase 3: makeProducer has called CoForkMe, which has "returned" to makeProducer
phase 4: normal consumer running phase (first reached by first call of makeProducer on Put)
phase 5: normal producer running phase (first reached by first call to Get by consumer)
phase 6: producer has returned, consumer still active
phase 7: consumer has called stopper, producer still active
we now describe the variables known to the garbage collector, during each phase
there are of course many intermediate stages between these phases, however all steps between phases is code in CoForkMe and stopper.
process: makeProducer CoFork Null
portA: 0
portB: CoFork
consumersFrame: 0
phase4: normal consumer running phase
process: consumer
portA: producer . . . makeProducer CoFork Null
portB: 0
consumersFrame: 0
phase5: normal producer running phase
process: producer . . . makeProducer CoFork Null
portA: 0
portB: consumer
consumersFrame: 0
phase6: producer has returned, consumer still active
process: consumer
portA: CoFork Null
portB: 0
consumersFrame: 0
phase7: consumer has called stopper, producer still active
process: producer . . . makeProducer PortB
portA: 0
portB: CoFork Null
consumersFrame: consumer