1. Refresh with open Links doesn't refresh links. Subsequent operations like DeleteAll cause crash in HitTest while traversing list in ....SelectToken.... DeleteAll when links are open creates bum objects, bum selections, ... IN GENERAL, global operations like Refresh, DeleteAll, etc. DON'T WORK when links are open; i.e. during Modify or BackLink. Fix this. 8. Add Emergency Save proc DONE 2. Griffin.Bad has a bogus object in it which cannot be seen. REASON: any object which is created with straight sides and NOT outlined gets a tl equal to its br, and won't paint. StartShapeObject must be screwing up in this case. Find this. FIXED 3. Pieces of the initialization call UserMessage BEFORE a viewer is around. Must change these to use MessageWindow instead. In particular, GriffinStyleImpl.FontFromInternalFont uses GriffinUserMessage before initialization is complete, which fails. Use Messagewindow instead. Look for similar faults. DONE. 4. BackLink with stylewidth = 4 pts. and ~45 degree angle widths still leaves detritus. 5. DeleteAll deletes everything, including menus, without hiding them, so display and menu.visible are out of sync. Fix or don't delete menus. FIXED 7. Interpress button: GetFileName or whatever posts "Please Select ..." in message window. Not wanted in this case. 9. Fix up all ENTRY procs to ENABLE UNWIND. Justify why they are entry procs. DONE. 10. Speed up PlotObject, especially by fixing IsCull. DONE. 11. Add CTRL key functionality to Griffin operations: DONE. CTRL-Left: Move/Copy. "To" upstroke is gridded by InputImpl CTRL-Middle: Control Point. Turn OFF the grid, even if it is on. Allows plunking down curve CPs arbitrarily even when the grid is on. 12. Add "FRAME" object to runtime objects. Frame is unfilled box, may be moved. What about copying?? NO! Only one frame at a time. Frame is used by Interpress button to specify translation so that user can "frame" the picture to be printed. DONE. 13. Experiment with 4 quadrants IP file, followed by IPtoPD then print. Probably get the lower left corner or ???. DONE 14. Fix CLOSE routine to take at least 3 unique points, not the first three unique points. DONE 15. Much screwing around trying to get grid to refresh across viewer every time no matter where it is. This just doesn't work very well. Instead, implement "BLUE" click in Grid submenu to act like BLUE click in main menus. Revert to old grid painting code. DONE ���D��GriffinBugFixes.tioga Pier, November 11, 1985 3:53:57 pm PST Ê�Ô��˜�™Icode™&—™�šÏyš˜šKšÌ˜Ì—KšÐby˜Kš’žXž˜÷Kšž˜²KšW˜WKšž˜”Kšs˜sKšNž˜SKš7ž˜<š6ž˜;Kš<˜<Kš†˜†—Kšö˜öKšsž˜wKšž_˜_Kšž˜…—K˜�—�…—���� |�� ”��